
Physics Days - Fysiikan päivät 2019

Approved abstracts

Abstract page

See the all the accepted speeches and posters along with their abstracts on the abstract page. The page also shows the detailed timetable of each session. You can also download all the abstracts on your device: HTML / PDF (55 Mb)

Abstract network

Have you always wanted to know how far astrophysics is from quantum information? Or how closely your work really is related to your labmates or friends in some other field? Now the Physics Days Abstract Network is here to answer those questions with quantitative numbers.

The Abstract Network shows the relative distances between speech and poster topics based on their abstracts. Different colors tell the session or topic of the contribution.

It is easy to navigate in the interactive Abstract Network. Individual abstracts can be located either by moving the mouse over them, or by searching the presentares last name. After choosing a contribution, its most important connections will be highlighted and its information, including a link to the abstract from which the network has been created, will be shown in the left side bar.

The network sometimes takes a short while to load, so please be patient and wait a couple of seconds if nothing is showing.


Abstract submission schedule (ended)

  • Registration and submission of abstracts begins on November 30, 2018
  • Deadline for abstract submission: January 20, 2019 (Abstracts submitted after the deadline will not be considered).
  • Confirmation of accepted talks/posters by February 15, 2019

Please take note that you have to register to the conference separately.

Abstract submission instructions

When submitting an abstract, you need to submit the following details:

  • Type of proposed presentation, one of the following:
    • a speech (in parallel session)
    • a poster (in poster session)
    • preferentially a speech, alternatively a poster
  • Preferred session (see the session list below)
  • Name & email of responsible person (registration as participant of Physics Days mandatory)
  • Abstract title
  • Name and affiliation for each author
  • Abstract text*
  • Optional: one figure (and caption text)**

Please note that if your presentation is rejected, the abstract is not published in the Abstract Book.

You will be able to preview your abstact before finally submitting it.

* Abstract text can contain up to 5 000 characters. This may include plain text and basic LaTeX

commands. You can check the validity of used commands here: https://www.mathjax.org/#demo .

**Please do not include the figure as LaTeX command. The figure along with its caption will be

automatically included in the end of the document. Note: If you would like to include

multiple figures, you can combine them into one file yourself. Allowed file types are PNG, JPG, PDF,

SVG and GIF. Maximum file size is 1 MB.

Parallel Session titles:

  • Applied & Industrial Physics
  • Astrophysics and Space Physics
  • Energy, Environment and Climate
  • High Energy and Nuclear Physics
  • Interdisciplinary and Popular Physics (not arranged)
  • Mathematical and Statistical Physics of Complex Systems (not arranged)
  • Nanoscale Physics
  • New Methods for Experimental Research
  • Photonics & Optics
  • Physics Education & Outreach
  • Physics of Living Systems
  • Physics of Materials and Condensed Matter
  • Quantum Devices & Information
  • Scientific Computing, Machine Learning, Big Data: New Tools

Abstract submission form

Here is the link: http://physicsdays.helsinki.fi/myabstract . Please take note that you have to register to the conference separately.