The Nordic-Baltic ISCAR conference is a regional academic event held triennially by the members of the International Society of Cultural-historical Activity Research (ISCAR) community who currently reside in the Nordic and Baltic countries. In the spirit of ISCAR, the Nordic-Baltic regional conference offers a chance for scholars working in the broad field and tradition of cultural-historical activity theory, cultural psychology and other socio-cultural approaches to come together to share and discuss their work. In 2019, the Nordic-Baltic ISCAR conference was held in Trondheim, Norway sponsored by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. In 2016 Nordic ISCAR was held in Helsingør, Denmark having been organized by the University of Copenhagen.
The 2022 Nordic-Baltic ISCAR conference is being organized by the Faculty of Educational Sciences and the Faculty’s expert group Learning, Culture and Interventions (LECI). The Faculty is located in downtown Helsinki as part of the University of Helsinki center campus and the Minerva Plaza on Siltavuorenpenger will serve as the conference venue.
The conference will be a hybrid conference in which both online and in-person participation will be possible.