The submission system will open from 9 August 2021 and close on 22 October 2021 (23:59 Eastern European Time, UTC +2 hours). Attention to the extended deadline, no late submission will be accepted.
All submissions must include a title, an abstract and a paper/text. Submitters need to prepare their submissions according to the following word limits:
Title: 20 words or fewer
Abstract: 150 words or fewer
Extended abstract: 1000 words or fewer, including references. Paper must not contain any author identification. Any tables, figures of images should be added to the end of the document.
Submission will be removed from consideration if the above limits are exceeded.
Each participant can submit up to two proposals as the main contributor.
Submit your Single paper, Symposium contribution, Poster, Roundtable, Debate session, Workshop, Demonstration, Data session or Innovative session here (
For further guidance, please consult the Oxford Abstract instruction page.
(Symposium organizers! See below for how to create and submit your symposium).
A symposium submission consists of a summary, provided by the symposium organizer, and 3-4 contributions, provided by contributors individually. Each contribution and the summary must be submitted separately via the Oxford Abstracts system. All submissions (summary and each contribution) must adhere to the word limits above. In the summary, the organizer must indicate the chair and discussant of the symposium.
Instructions for organizers:
In order to submit a symposium, please follow these four-step instructions:
For further assistance for symposium organizers, please follow the Oxford Abstract instructions on how to create and submit your symposium here.
Instructions for symposium contributors:
In order to submit your contribution as as part of a symposium, please follow these three-step instructions:
For further assistance for symposium contributors, please follow the Oxford Abstract instructions on how to create and submit your symposium here.