ICON 2022 stands with Ukraine. As per the policy of University of Helsinki and Aalto University, researchers affiliated with Russian or Belarusian research institutes are not allowed to participate in ICON 2022. Researchers with primary affiliation in Ukrainian research institutes are provided free registration. Contact organizers for further information. See rules for symposium and poster presentations regarding the situation from Instructions tab. The conference will be onsite and we are hoping to provide an ICON experience as lively and interactive as it has always been. Given the ongoing pandemic, the talks will also be streamed. We will also organize a possibility to present parts of the symposium talks virtually and posters as short blitz talks, if necessary. Due to the limited resources were are not able to provide a full interactive virtual participation and the main emphasis will be on the live conference. Already paid registration fees and abstract submissions are valid also for the new dates. Registration and abstract submission for posters is open. We hope to see many of you soon!