
The primary typeface of the University of Helsinki is Gotham Narrow. Gotham Narrow is a license font that needs to be installed to the user’s computer. Of the Gotham Narrow typeface, the University uses the fonts Light, Book, Medium, Bold and Black.

Alternative headline font is Arial. Georgia Regular is used for body text. Alternative fonts may be used when the primary fonts are not available due to limitations of the software environment or lack of license.
Typography styles

1. Header: Gotham Narrow Bold

line spacing: 80% of point size (skandinavian alphabets and other special signs, line spacing: 90% of point size), letter-spacing: -55 (optical)

2. Lead: Gotham Narrow Book

line spacing: 90% of point size, letter-spacing: -25 (optical) 

3. Subheading: Gotham Narrow Bold

line spacing: 90% of point size, letter-spacing: -55 (optical)

4. Body text: Georgia Regular

line spacing: 115% of point size 

5. Large numbers: Gotham Narrow Medium

line spacing: 85% of point size, letter-spacing: -55 (optical) 

6. Info text: Gotham Narrow Medium

line spacing: 110% of point size, letter-spacing: -55 (optical) 

Mutual proportions

Lead: 30% of header point size

Subheading: 20% of header point size

Body text: 15% of header point size

Online environment

In online environments, the Open Sans typeface must be used instead of the Gotham Narrow fonts. The Open Sans typeface is to be used both in headings and in body text. 

Website styles and the element library are available in the style guide on github.

Using typography in publications / example KÄÄNNÖS

Using Gotham Narrow and Georgia in the printed publication (yleisesite).

Using typography in marketing / example

Using Gotham Narrow in a digital banner for student marketing.

When the font is displayed as an image in digital marketing, primary fonts must be used.