Level 1 of the brand hierarchy is to be applied in all of the University’s own operations and communications. Level 1 also applies to internal communications of the University, including internal organisational units as well as the University’s fully-owned subsidiaries.
The University of Helsinki’s faculties and independent institutes have their own flame logos. Units/disciplines/departments under a faculty primarily use the faculty’s flame logo to identify themselves.
Permanent, official organizational units and University’s subsidiaries may use their own marketing logo together with the University’s flame logo when certain criteria are met. The need for a marketing logo is evaluated case by case by following criteria:
All communications are always signed with the University’s flame logo.
Marketing logo decisions are prepared and managed by Communications and Community Relations’ Brand and Marketing team. The marketing logo and other visual materials are produced together with the University’s official advertising partners.
Recurring university-level events, fixed-term projects and units, university-level products and research groups that need a text logo to support their communications. The text logos use the typography of the University’s visual identity; no additional graphic elements are used. University-level events or text logos may use the University’s official accent colour; as a rule the text logos are black.
All communications are always signed with the University’s flame logo.
Marketing logo decisions are prepared and managed by Communications and Community Relations’ Brand and Marketing team.
A permanent, strategic partnership between the University and an outside partner. Equal, strategic partners whose partnership needs a shared logo and identity. The strategic partnership is communicated either with a common logo that is used together with the partners’ own logos or a partnership logo that is used independently.
The common nominator for a partnership may be a shared theme, branch of science or a location. In strategic partnerships the University is identified with the university-level flame logo.
Cooperation projects in which the University is one of cooperation partners. All communications are signed with the cooperation partners’ own logos.
Organisations affiliated with the University with a fully independent identity distinct from the University due to the organisation’s national duties, commercial nature or the fact that they are operational or research units shared with the University and other organisations.
The University’s text only logo combined with Powered by text. The product ownership logo communicates University’s relationship to a product or service that is used within other organisations’ operational environments but where the product ownership of the product or service remains at the University of Helsinki.