University finances

One of the indicators used to measure the performance of Finnish universities is the number of degrees and publications. These figures are used to determine the amount of government funding allocated to each university. In addition to core funding, the University of Helsinki acquires external funding from a range of sources. With the funding it receives and acquires, the University carries out its core duties of research, teaching and public engagement.
Long-term and predictable funding provides stability
  • Our share of the funding awarded by the Ministry of Education and Culture to Finnish universities is 25%.
  • About 60% of operations are funded with core funding from the Ministry of Education and Culture.
  • More than €250 million in competitive research funding each year, of which the share of international funding is 24%.
  • The University’s investment assets have generated a return of 11.6% per year on average (2019–2022).
  • The return on donations is used to fund more than 100 endowed professorships.
Far-reaching financial and societal impact

Below are some examples of what we are doing with our funding.

Our diverse and high-quality educational offerings reach more than 90,000 people
  • Each year, we have roughly 31,000 degree students as well as some 59,000 students completing open university courses, continuing education and studies that supplement degrees.
  • Of our master’s and doctoral graduates, approximately 95% find employment and 85% are satisfied with their degrees in terms of their careers.

In Finland, we train, among others, the following:

  • 22% of early childhood education and class teachers
  • 22% of doctors and dentists
  • 46% of legal experts
  • 47% of bachelor’s and master’s degree holders in pharmacy
  • 100% of veterinarians
International top-level research
  • Our researchers produce more than 12,000 publications every year, of which approximately 73% are refereed and 43% the result of international cooperation.
  • We coordinate 11 of the 23 Centres of Excellence of the Research Council of Finland.
  • We are participating in seven of the 14 Research Council of Finland Flagships.
  • More than 30% of the funding awarded by the Academy of Finland goes to the University of Helsinki.
  • Roughly 50% of the EU project funding awarded to Finland by the European Research Council has been awarded to the University of Helsinki.
  • We have eight research stations and farms from Kilpisjärvi to Kenya.
  • There are 15 researchers from Finland on the Highly Cited Researchers list, more than half from the University of Helsinki.
A societal educator and driver of sustainable growth

Our researchers support law drafting and actively contribute to public discussion. The University of Helsinki receives roughly 24,000 international and 14,000 domestic media hits per year.

We invest in the commercialisation of research.

  • Every year, more than 100 invention disclosures are submitted at the University.
  • In total, we have roughly 50 patent families.
  • More than 25 research-based startups have been established at the University of Helsinki. This amounts to more than €400 million in value generated and more than 250 jobs created.
  • Our incubator operations have created some 65 businesses, while 140 volunteer mentors have supported roughly 400 teams in incubation. More than 700 individuals have gained entrepreneurial skills and competencies.
  • HUS Helsinki University Hospital produces one to two research-based clinical innovations every week. In 10 years, a total of more than 700 clinical innovations have been made.
  • The value of our business collaboration is close to €26 million (2023).

Special duties of the University of Helsinki

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