University Services

University services include administration, HR services, teaching and learning services, facilities and properties, financial services, operations management, research services, communications and community relations and administrative services.

University Services assists the international University community so that it can focus on research, teaching, studying and public engagement. University Services provides services in a user-oriented and resource-efficient manner to support the completion of the University’s core duties. University Services is headed by the director of administration, and its seven sectors and the Operations Management unit are responsible for the operations.

Head of Administration

The director of administration, who supports the rector in the management of general University administration, is responsible for the efficient, economical and effective functioning of the University’s administrative operations.

HR services

HR Services supports the University’s teaching and research by offering services to the leadership, supervisors and staff. We work particularly with the following issues: 

  • Development of management and supervisory work 
  • Recruitment, talent acquisition and orientation 
  • Development of skills and career paths 
  • Development of the University organisation and the University’s operational culture 
  • Support for the occupational wellbeing of staff 
  • Employer–employee cooperation and development of the University as an employer 
  • HR systems and processes 

HR Services has a staff of approximately 120 people. We work in central University-level services, the on-site services of faculties and other units, and Payroll Services. 

In central services, we develop HR services and processes at the University level. Our on-site services consist of six teams supporting and partnering with units in HR matters. 

Our Payroll Services are responsible for the University’s payroll management as well as advice on the whole lifecycle of employment.   

Find out about open opportunities and employment policies at the University


Teach­ing and Learn­ing Services

We are a unit of roughly 300 professionals operating in five separate service entities. We are responsible for the University’s educational planning, student and career guidance, educational technology, admissions services, mobility services for students and staff, the Student Register, counselling psychologist services, academic administration and support for Swedish-language education. In addition, we are involved in preparing and coordinating strategic decision-making related to university education.

Teaching and Learning Services is headed by Director of Development Anu Haapala.

Heads responsible for educational planning and student guidance

Heads of academic affairs on the campuses:

The Strategic Services for Teaching unit is headed by Päivi Pakkanen.

The Head of Swedish Affairs is Harriet Lindeberg-Saapunki

Teaching and Learning Services

The unit is headed by Kati Kettunen.

Services for Digital Education and Continuous Learning

The unit is headed by Jaakko Kurhila.

Fin­an­cial services

The University of Helsinki’s Financial Services is responsible for the finances, funding and investments of the University of Helsinki, the University of Helsinki Funds, the University of Helsinki Group and the University of Helsinki Funds Group.

We are a sector consisting of eight service units and approximately 160 specialists. We are responsible for the University’s accounting, including project accounts, accounts payable and receivable, financial systems, investments, Group finances and legal services as well as financial services for the leadership and various taxation-related tasks.

We support the University leadership as well as unit and project leaders in financial decision-making relating to budgets, forecasts, reports, scenarios and other matters.

Financial Services is headed by Chief Financial Officer Marjo Berglund.

On-site services are headed by heads of fin­an­cial services

The spe­cial­ist pro­ject fund­ing team is headed by

Fin­an­cial services for the University lead­er­ship and pro­ject fund­ing team, heads of fin­an­cial services

Cent­ral­ised fin­an­cial services

Group fin­an­cial services

University of Helsinki finances


Facilities and properties

The University of Helsinki’s Facilities and Properties sector is responsible for the facilities and properties owned and used by the University of Helsinki Group and for duties associated with the ownership, development and management of properties as well as for facility and property services.

We support the University’s decision-making by preparing the University’s facilities programme, property development programme, investment plan and construction project plans.

We support the University’s operations and their development by ensuring that the University has appropriate, high-quality research facilities as well as working and learning environments. In addition, we ensure the accessibility of facilities and, in accordance with the facilities programme, provide facilities that promote concentration, interaction and inclusivity.

We guide, develop and coordinate the University’s facility security and overall security. We support the sustainability and responsibility goals outlined in the University’s strategic plan and develop on-campus ecological sustainability in the areas of circular economy, carbon neutrality and biodiversity. We foster the cultural and historical value of buildings and promote sustainable and high-quality architecture.

We also lease facilities in buildings owned by the University of Helsinki Group to external companies.

We provide facility and property services in cooperation with the University of Helsinki Property Services Ltd. Housing and accommodation services are provided by Unihome Ltd.

Director of properties and facilities is Marita Rovamo.

Op­er­a­tions Man­age­ment

The Operations Management sector is responsible for supporting strategic planning as well as for operations management, quality management and knowledge production.

We support the University leadership in decision-making and knowledge-based management, and coordinate the University’s regional activities.

The director of the Operations Management sector is Jussi Karvinen, director of planning.

Sup­port for Op­er­a­tions Man­age­ment and Qual­ity Man­age­ment

The unit is responsible for preparing, implementing and monitoring the University’s strategic planning and operations management process. Quality management encompasses quality-related documentation, process descriptions, the development of lean operations and the auditing of the University’s quality assurance system. We coordinate the work of the University’s Board and management group as well as the University’s structural development.

You can reach us by email at

In­sti­tu­tional Research and Analysis

The unit provides the following for knowledge production and knowledge-based management:

  • The University’s annual and interim reports as well as key figures for strategic management
  • Statistics on University operations
  • Analyses of academic rankings
  • Development of the University’s knowledge architecture and knowledge-based management
  • Response services for information requests

Matti Kajaste is the head of Institutional Research and Analysis. You can reach us by email at

Lahti University Cam­pus

The Coordination Unit of the Lahti University Campus sees to the joint communications, services and lobbying of the University of Helsinki, LUT University and Aalto University in the Lahti region. The purpose is to bring together individuals, stakeholders and organisations, and create cooperative networks. The Coordination Unit communicates information about the operations of the three universities and organises various events. The unit is also responsible for the coordination and operations of the Päijät-Häme LUMA Centre.

The secretary general of the Coordination Unit of the Lahti University Campus is Minna-Maija Salomaa.

Mikkeli University Con­sor­tium

The Coordination Unit of the Mikkeli University Consortium promotes cooperation between the University of Helsinki, LUT University and Aalto University in the Mikkeli University Consortium as well as their operating conditions, interaction and work with stakeholders in the region. The Coordination Unit is also responsible for organising joint events, training and communication, and developing science education.

The secretary general of the Mikkeli University Consortium is Matti Malinen.

Research Services

University of Helsinki Research Services provides customer-oriented services that support the research of a high international standard conducted at the University of Helsinki, its researcher education, preconditions for research, as well as the impact and applicability of research.

Our services are primarily targeted at researchers: We help researchers in obtaining research funding, assist them in project administration while the projects are ongoing, promote the application of research outcomes and business collaboration as well as provide assistance in preparing research agreements. We support laboratory activities by managing equipment maintenance and laboratory staff pools.

In addition, we also support the academic leadership in planning and decision-making related to research activities and their development.

Research Services is a unit composed of eight different service entities with a staff of approximately 140 specialists.

Ritva Dammert is the director of development at Research Services.

Research Fund­ing Services

Research Funding Services supports researchers, research groups, research consortia and University units in applying for external research funding and in contract negotiations.

We communicate funding opportunities, organise training, assist in the development of research plans as well as support and provide consultation together with the other teams and sectors of University Services throughout the application process. We also help at the launch stage of projects and in contract negotiations in cooperation with Legal Services.

The campus advisors of Research Funding Services support the management of faculties and other academic units in strategic planning related to research funding.

Jukka Reivinen is the head of Research Funding Services.

Pro­ject Co­ordin­a­tion Support

Project Coordination Support provides coordination support to high-profile research projects receiving external funding where funds can be allocated to administrative purposes.

Project coordinators can

  • Manage project reporting and other reports
  • Monitor project finances and assist in HR matters
  • Manage communications tasks and meeting arrangements
  • Assist in applying for new funding
  • Perform other duties related to project administration

Sami Ojanen is the head of Services for Project Coordination.

Laboratory Services

Laboratory Services supports the University’s laboratories in a centralised manner. Our services include

  • Laboratory equipment maintenance
  • Development of processes related to procurement, implementing competitive tendering processes and the preparation of framework agreements
  • Coordination of chemical and gas purchases, use of registers and the organisation of user training
  • Monitoring and administration of official permits
  • Coordination, development and operational support of laboratory staff pools
  • Provision of guidelines on laboratory quality

Pekka Joensuu is the head of  Laboratory Services.

Researcher Training Support

Researcher Training Support supports the operations of doctoral schools and doctoral programmes, as well as the implementation of doctoral education in faculties and the University’s strategic projects.

In cooperation with doctoral programmes, we prepare their curricula and teaching programmes. Together with doctoral schools, we develop and implement training in researcher skills, professional skills and research management. We provide expert services to develop and support the supervision of doctoral students.

We are responsible for supporting the management of doctoral schools and doctoral programmes as well as preparing funding decisions related to doctoral education at the University (e.g., duties of doctoral students and travel grants) and ensuring their implementation.

We coordinate and develop doctoral education services as a whole and provide services for doctoral students in collaboration with, among others, Teaching and Learning Services.

Erkki Raulo is the head of Services for Doctoral Education.

Research Man­age­ment Support

Research Management Support supports the University and unit leadership in the strategic leadership of research and in improving the preconditions for research. We perform duties related to research assessment, preparation and presentation and manage the implementation of related decisions.

Our unit is responsible for matters related to open and responsible science, research infrastructures and research ethics. We are also responsible for the coordination and monitoring of the University’s Centres of Excellence, Flagship Programmes, profile-building projects and the University’s own research grant applications.

Anssi Mälkki is the head of Research Management Support University-level services and Johanna Kolhinen is the head of on-site services on campuses.

International Affairs

The team supports the University leadership and promotes the University’s strategic objectives for international engagement by coordinating extensive development projects across unit boundaries, strategic partnerships and networks (incl. LERU and UNA Europa). We participate in the strategic development of international activities and the related production of information. We also organise the international visits of the University’s leadership.

Anna-Maria Salmi is the head of International Affairs.


At the University of Helsinki, commercialisation services are provided by Helsinki Innovation Services Ltd.

Com­mu­nic­a­tions and Com­munity Re­la­tions

University of Helsinki Communications and Community Relations supports the realisation of the University’s strategic plan and the impact of its operations through communications, marketing and community relations activities.

We are responsible for communications and marketing related to strategic projects, and we contribute to the strategic development of public engagement. We carry out communications, marketing and community relations activities with a diverse and innovative approach, supporting the University’s internal communications and offering communications services to internal and external target groups. We are also responsible for Think Corner operations.

Taina Kyllönen serves as Director of Communications and Community Relations.


Team for Communication on Current Affairs is responsible for current affairs content published on the University’s public website and social media, and on thematic content related to the strategic plan. The team is also responsible for the overall planning of content production and related collaborative projects at Thinkcorner.

Communications Manager Kati Toivanen leads the team.

University Communications team helps the media in all questions concerning the University. We convey information on research conducted at the University, help journalists find experts to interview and provide photographs for media use. In addition, we organise events and meetings.

Communications is also responsible for providing communications support for the University management and strategic projects and communications in emergencies.

Digital and Community Communications team of the University of Helsinki is responsible for the strategy of digital services, as well as their content production. Digital and Community Communications coordinates and develops the University’s internal and external online communications and community relations. The team is in charge of the website and the Flamma intranet and events calendar. The team's services also include analytics services for communications.

Communications Manager Oona Pirnes-Soininen leads the team. The team can be reached at

Suvi Saarinen serves as Head of Communications Unit.

Mar­ket­ing and Brand Man­age­ment

The Marketing and Brand Management unit is responsible for the University’s brand, visual image and image bank, its presentation materials, strategic and digital marketing campaigns and measures, as well as interest group surveys.

Think Corner, a meeting place offering the most interesting discussions in Helsinki for those interested in science, is part of the University’s marketing team.

Karoliina Haikonen serves as Head of the Marketing and Brand Management unit.

The marketing specialists can be reached at the service address

The customer service of Tiedekulma can be reached at the service address

Com­munity Re­la­tions

The Community Relations unit is responsible for developing the University’s alumni and stakeholder relations, fundraising and partnerships, collaboration with decision-makers and sustainability and responsibility issues. The unit is also responsible for developing the University’s corporate collaboration as part of the INNO-team. At the University level, the unit supports strategic planning pertaining to the University’s community relations.

Pia Dolivo serves as the director of the Community Relations Unit.

The Unit can be reached at or (Services for Business Collaboration)

Yliop­isto magazine

Yliopisto, a scientific magazine published by the University of Helsinki, is as diverse and contemplative as science itself. The prize-winning magazine comes out 10 times a year.

Marja Pemberton serves as Yliopisto’s editor-in-chief. The editorial office can also be reached at

Com­mu­nic­a­tions and mar­ket­ing services at cam­puses

All four campuses of the University have a dedicated communications and marketing services team responsible for communications and marketing, stakeholder collaboration as well as communications services for the faculties and members of the University community at the campus level. Ira Sirén serves as Head of Development.

Contact the campus teams:

The City Centre Campus team is headed by Ira Sirén. The City Centre Campus team can be reached by writing to the service address

The Kumpula Campus team is headed by Johanna Pellinen. The Kumpula Campus team can be reached by writing to the service address

The Meilahti Campus team is headed by Hannamaija Helander. The Meilahti Campus team can be reached by writing to the service address

The Viikki Campus team is headed by Irina Haltsonen. The Viikki Campus team can be reached by writing to the service address

Ad­min­is­trat­ive Services

Administrative Services is responsible for supporting decision-making and leadership at the University’s operational units as well as for other administrative services. Administrative Services employs close to 150 professionals, who assist staff in daily tasks and the arrangement of meetings, events and conferences, and support leaders with executive assistant services. We are responsible for the University’s records management and archives; the supervision of procurement; risk management and internal auditing; protocol and traditions; service development; and international affairs. The Helsinki University Museum operates under the auspices of Administrative Services.

The director of Administrative Services is Antti Savolainen.

Administrative Services is also responsible for the on-site services offered at campuses. The provision of support for decision-making and leadership at campuses is the responsibility of heads of development, who assist the academic leadership in developing the strategic plan and supporting operations, and of heads of administration and specialists.

City Centre Cam­pus services

Kum­pula Cam­pus services

Mei­l­ahti Cam­pus services

Viikki Cam­pus services

Re­cords Man­age­ment and Archives

The information and researcher services provided by Records Management and Archives are available to all members of the University community as well as external clients.

Records Management and Archives is in charge of the University’s document management as well as the maintenance of both the customer management system and the contract register. It also offers information services pertaining to registered documents and contracts. The unit supervises archiving and provides related advice.

Records Management and Archive is responsible for the organisation, storage and maintenance of the University’s historically and scientifically valuable documents as well as archive material for long-term storage. The Central Archive houses the archives of the University of Helsinki and its historical predecessors as well as other archives generated under the auspices of the University.

Open by appointment. Exceptions in opening hours
Street address: Main building, Yliopistonkatu 2
Mailing address: Registry and Archive Services, PO Box 3 (Fabianinkatu 33), 00014 University of Helsinki
Contact address:
Customer service phone numbers: 02941 22222 (Registry),  02941 22390 (Archives)

Fin­land’s Of­fi­cial Gov­ern­ment Dir­ect­ory

Finland's Official Government Directory includes basic information on approximately 40,000 government officials and public employees, and offers an up-to-date overview of government administration. The Directory also features diplomats and the bodies of the European Union. In addition, it also has an extensive list of degrees and academic titles as well as Finnish and international medals of honour.

Read the Government Directory online (Note: service is available only through certain IP addresses. Please contact or for more information.)


Chief Information Officer

The university's chief IT officer (CIO), responsible for all IT activities and also the head of the IT Center of the university Ilkka Siissalo.