YDIREN kansainvälinen webinaari - 19. huhtikuuta klo 9.30-11.30, paikkana Zoom.
Ohjelma (pdf-tiedostona ja alla)
9.30: Opening and moderation
- Silvia Gaiani, Senior Researcher, University of Helsinki Ruralia Institute, Finland
- Rumy Narayan, Project Researcher, University of Vaasa, Finland
9.35: Sustainability in large Finnish companies
- Helena Kekki, Director at FIBS, Finland
9.55: Sustainable food systems: driving food waste prevention through technology and behavior change
- Steven Finn, Vice President at Leanpath and Professor at UPenn, USA
10.15: Building sustainable food systems with Smart Agriculture
- Hannu Haapala, Head of the Smart Bioeconomy research group at JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Finland
10.35: Building a sustainable and resilient food system with cellular agriculture
- Maija Itkonen, CEO & co-founder of Onego Bio, Finland
10.55: Consumer insights into promoting sustainable food consumption
- Harri Luomala, Research Professor in food consumption at School of Marketing and Communication, University of Vaasa, Finland
11.15-11.30: Discussion session
Ilmoittaudu tällä E-lomakkeella. Seminaari on maksuton.
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elintarvikeketjuissa" -hanke rahoitetaan REACT-EU-välineen määrärahoista osana Euroopan unionin COVID-19-pandemian johdosta toteuttamia toimia.