Price list

Please read our pricing principles. A more detailed cost estimate will be provided after the basic examination. The prices include VAT. Please note that the fees below do not include an administrative fee.

The Veterinary Teaching Hospital observes a practice according to which the client pays for the service when collecting the patient with payment cards accepted by the Veterinary Teaching Hospital or with cash, or through the instalment scheme offered by Walley.

Small Animal Hospital price list

The comprehensive and current price list of the Small Animal Hospital is available at the clinic. We reserve the right to change the prices. In the case of certain procedures, drugs, equipment and anaesthesia are charged for separately.  Services of Small Animal Hospital 

Administrative fee at Small Animal Hospital


 €, include VAT 24 %

Weekdays at 8.00-16.00 (until 18.00 for patients with an appointment)  31
Weekdays at 16.00-22.00 and Saturdays at 8.00-16.00 39
Weekdays at 22.00-08.00 54
Saturdays at 16.00-24.00 54
Sundays and mid-week holidays at 00.00-24.00 54


Ex­tra charges to the pro­ced­ure fees dur­ing on-call hours at Small Animal Hospital



Weekdays at 16.00-22.00  + 50 %
Weekdays at 22.00-08.00  + 100 %
Saturdays at 8.00-16.00 + 50 %
Saturdays at16.00-24.00 +100 %
Sundays and mid-week holidays at 0.00-24.00 + 100 %


Basic procedure fees at Small Animal Hospital

BASIC PROCEDURES (drugs not in­cluded)

€, include VAT 24 %

An administrative fee will be added to the fees.

Basic appointment 30 min 113

Vaccinations; total price per visit, depending on the vaccinations

(trivalent vaccine for cats/dogs, tetravalent vaccine for cats/dogs, rabies vaccine)

93-114  including administrative fee
Issuance of a pet passport 45
Echinococcus medication 25
Microchip implantation for cats/dogs 70
Pregnancy ultrasonic scan 84
Writing out a prescription during the veterinarian's phone appointment (for example tick medication).

 An administrative fee wont´t be added.


Spe­cial ex­am­in­a­tions and pro­ced­ure fees at Small Animal Hospital


€, include VAT 24 %

An administrative fee will be added to the fees.

Orthopaedic examination/lameness examination (does not include sedation/imaging, etc.) 174
Basic neurological examination  175
Physiotherapy, 45 min 61
Physiotherapy, 60 min 72


Cas­tra­tion and ster­il­isa­tion fees at Small Animal Hospital


€, include VAT  24 %

An administrative fee will be added to the fees.

Castration rabbit 304 + drugs approx. 15-25
Castration cat 91 + drugs approx. 15-25 
Castration dog < 5 kg 263 + drugs approx. 25-35
Castration dog 5-15 kg 290 +  drugs approx. 35-45 
Castration dog 15-30 kg 318 +  drugs approx. 40-55 
Castration dog > 30 kg 345 + drugs approx. 50-60
Sterilisation rabbit 376 + drugs approx. 20-30
Sterilisation cat   168 + drugs approx. 45-55 
Sterilisation dog < 5 kg 423 +  drugs approx. 50-65 
Sterilisation dog  5-15 kg 424 + drugs approx. 60-75 
Sterilisation dog  15-30 kg 452 + drugs approx. 75-100 
Sterilisation dog  > 30 kg 508 + drugs approx. 80-100 
Sterilisation dog as endoscopic surgery 881 + drugs approx. 60-70

Sterilisations and castrations are not available in summertime (from the beginning of June till the middle of August).


Euthanasia fees at Small Animal Hospital


€, include VAT  24 %

An administrative fee will be added to the fees.

Euthanasia, depending on the weight of the animal 93 + drugs 10-40
Communal cremation, depending on the weight of the animal 107-203

Individual cremation, depending on the weight of the animal (cardboard urn included)

The price of individual cremation is affected by the urn selection.

from 150

Owners can donate their pets euthanised at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital for teaching and research purposes. In such cases, the Veterinary Teaching Hospital is responsible for the cremation or disposal of the euthanised animal. A fee for euthanasia and an administrative fee will be charged. Read more about euthanasia

Equine Hospital price list

The comprehensive and current price list is available at the clinic. As a rule, a cost estimate for a procedure can be given only after a basic examination. In the case of certain procedures, drugs, equipment and anesthesia are charged for separately. We reserve the right to change the prices. Services of Equine Hospital 


Base prices at Equine Hospital

BASE PRICES €, sis. alv  25,5 %
Administrative fee for patients arriving for a booked appointment 45
Administrative fee for on-call patients 89
Day stall 52
Care day 78
Care day mare + foal 104

Basic procedures at Equine hospital

Basic procedures €, include VAT 25,5 %
Castration (incl. blood sample, anesthesia, equipment and drugs) 850
Arthroscopy, 1-2 joints (incl. blood sample, anesthesia, equipment and drugs) 1350-1780
Gastroscopy (incl. basic examination) 270
Endoscopy of respiratory tract (incl. basic examination) 180
Mouth examination, incl. basic grinding if necessary from 110
Vaccination 50
Vaccination in conjunction with another procedure 30
Radiography: First two images 95
The following images 16 / pcs
Sand radiographs (incl. basic examination) 130
Osteochondrosis radiographs 16 images, incl. statement 300
Purchase inspection radiographs, limbs, 22-26 images, incl. statement 440
Purchase inspection radiographs incl. limbs, cervical spine and spine, max. 32 images 540
Magnetic research, 1 subject (incl. statement) 1150
Magnetic research, 2 subject (incl. statement) 1650
Euthanasia (incl. equipment and drugs) 350
+disposal options and fees:  
donation for teaching and research use, for now 0
disposal (100-800kg) (Honkajoki) 80-400
obduction (Faculty of Veterinary Medicin) and disposal depending on weight (Honkajoki) 130-450
individual cremation by an external company  

Physiotherapy at Equine Hospital

Physiotherapy €, incl. VAT 25,5 %
With lameness research 65-110
Appointment 60 min. 110 + administrative fee 45
Stable visit 100-250 + travel fees


Saari Clinic prices

The prices for farm visits comply for most part with the municipal veterinarian fees

The price list of the Saari Clinic applies to the treatment of hospital patients and small animals. The full price list is available at the clinic. Services of the Saari Clinic

Administrative fee at Saari Clinic


Weekdays at 8.00-16.00 26
Weekdays at 16.00 - 22.00 and Saturdays at 08.00 - 16.00 32
Weekdays  at 22.00 - 08.00 40
Saturdays at 16.00 - 24.00 40
Sundays and mid-week holidays at 00.00 - 24.00 40


Procedure fee increases at Saari Clinic


(the increase does not apply to medicine or material fees)

Weekdays at 16.00 - 22.00 50 
Weekdays at 22.00 - 08.00 100 
Saturdays at 08.00 - 16.00 50 
Saturdays at 16.00 - 24.00 100 
Sundays and mid-week holidays at 00.00 - 24.00 100