Workshop: “Writing Tourism with”

Three-day ReNEW workshop "Writing Tourism with" takes place in Silkeborg, Denmark, 30 November-2 December, 2023.

Twenty researchers from the Nordic countries and abroad will meet from the 30th of November to the 2nd of December at the ReNEW writing workshop of “Writing Tourism With” in Silkeborg, Denmark. The writing workshop aims at strengthening the collaboration among Critical Tourism Studies scholars in the Nordic Countries; exploring multicultural dimensions of the study of tourism by enhancing collaborations across different generations and with recognized researchers from beyond the Nordic region; and sustain critical scholarship to help reimagine and create forms of tourism and hospitality that actively contribute to the flourishing and sustainable development of Nordic societies and our common planet.

“Writing Tourism With” focuses on the themes of relational ontologies and epistemologies and experimental academic writing in tourism studies. Relational ontologies and epistemologies challenge the idea of the autonomous ‘individual’ and invite us to rethink the world through relations and entanglements. To take seriously how tourism can contribute to flourishing communities and sustainable futures, demand us to move beyond past ideas of ‘progress’ into multiple stories, understandings and collaborations among human and non-human actors. Inspired by advances in poststructuralism, posthumanism, new materialism and decolonial and critical scholarship, relationality in tourism explores the multiple possibilities and implications of asking what tourism is possible when tourism is being, knowing and doing with? The experimental academic writing dimension of the workshop is grounded in the tradition of postdisciplinarity in tourism studies and inspired by new developments in writing differently in academia.



Ana María Munar, Associate Professor, and Claudia Eger, Associate Professor, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark; Amira Benali, Aalborg University, Denmark; Emily Höckert, Postdoctoral researcher, Senior Researcher, University of Lapland, Finland; Katrín Anna Lund, Professor, University of Iceland, Iceland; Elva Björg Einarsdottir, PhD student, University of Iceland, Iceland.