The First ReNEW Emerging Scholars Day in March

The first ReNEW Emerging Scholars Day will be held at Copenhagen Business School on 5 March 2019, preceding the 3rd Nordic Challenges Conference.
This multidisciplinary training day welcomes applications from PhD candidates and Post-docs, both affiliates of a ReNEW university and external academics working on Nordic topics.

The Emerging Scholars Day includes a key note lecture by professor Kazimierz Musiał on current trends in higher education, discussions on how to utilise the ReNEW framework in order to enhance academic excellence among young scholars, and poster sessions facilitating knowledge exchange.  

Participants are requested to present a  poster about their research at the  meeting. The poster will be exhibited  during the three days of the Nordic  Challenges Conference.  

For selected applicants,  participation in the Emerging  Scholars Day is included in the  fee to the main conference  (   

Participation still possible, please fill in the First ReNEW Emerging Scholars Day application form and return it to



10:00 Coffee, sandwiches, & registration 

10:30–11:00 Introduction to ReNEW and the research training work package Caroline de la Porte, Peter Stadius and Norbert Götz 

11:00–12:15 Poster presentations by seminar participants (I) 


13:30–14:45 Poster presentations by seminar participants (II) 

15:00–16:00 Keynote lecture:  Current Trends in Higher Education: Norden in a Global Perspective, professor Kazimierz Musiał (University of Gdansk) 

Coffee & cake 

16:30–17:00 Research dissemination and, Nicola Witcombe

17:00–17:45 Working groups:  How to contribute to and make use of ReNEW 

17:45–18:30 Joint discussion and appointment of representatives 

Dinner with ReNEW representatives



Kazimierz Musiał 


Kazimierz Musiał is Professor of Scandinavian Studies at the University of Gdańsk  in Poland. He is an experienced researcher holding degrees in Political Science (PhD from Humboldt University Berlin) and Sociology (habilitation degree from the Jagiellonian University in Cracow). His publications include studies of the Nordic welfare states, research on science policy in the Baltic Sea Region and on internationalisation of the Nordic university systems. Current research focuses on the role of epistemic communities and knowledge regimes in transforming the Nordic-Baltic area.

Apart from his appointment at the University of Gdańsk where he currently heads an Interdisciplinary Research Group for the Study of Nordic-Baltic Europe and the Arctic, he serves as Programme Director at the Norden Centrum Scientific Foundation in Warsaw. In 2015-2017 he worked as Research Leader at the Centre for Baltic and East European Studies at Södertörn University, Sweden.

In 2018, together with Tom Schumacher, he delivered an explorative study on Scientific Excellence: Joint Potentials in the Baltic Sea Region commissioned by the Baltic Science Network. Among his research output one also finds topical books like Uniwersytet na miarę swego czasu. Transformacja społeczna w dobie post­industrialnej a zmiany w szkolnictwie wyższym krajów nordyckich.[University in the frame of its times. Social transformation in the post-industrial age and changes in higher education in the Nordic countries.] published in Gdańsk in 2013, and Roots of the Scandinavian Model. Images of Progress in the Era of Moderni­sa­tion, published in Baden Baden in 2002.


Download Invitation to the First ReNEW Emerging Scholars Day