This summer school is for researchers working in fields relevant to ReNEW who wish to work with digital methods and material, or who are simply interested in exploring the possibilities for using digital tools in their research. The course is designed around practical, ‘hands on’ sessions designed to help participants work with their own material, while also helping them to explore the availability of digital data in the Nordic countries, in relation to (for example) national libraries, print media, official public records and the archived internet. The course is suitable for scholars working with older material that has been digitalised, or ‘born digital’ sources e.g. internet and social media.
Learning outcomes:
- Identify appropriate digital tools for analysis of digital material relevant to their research, and acquire the fundamental computational skills necessary to carry out analysis.
- Create digital datasets appropriate to their research and apply appropriate digital methods to analysis of this data.
- Assess digitalisation strategies and the availability of different types of digitalised material across the Nordic countries, in order to facilitate inter-Nordic studies.
- Reflect critically on the use of digital methods in the humanities, including awareness of potential problems, limitations and ethical issues.
- Build networks with other scholars in the broad field of Nordic digital humanities.
Credits: 5 ECTS.
Target group
No previous experience of digital humanities is required. Researchers with some experience who wish to develop their skills are also welcome. Participants should have identified a potential corpus of digital material they wish to work with.
Participants: Priority will be given to PhD students from ReNEW universities, but researchers at all levels are welcome to apply.
Maximum number: 20 participants.
The course is aimed at researchers in the humanities. We welcome social scientists working in relevant fields, but the course will not cover quantitative methods. Participants should be working on research relevant to ReNEW.
Application deadline is 11 April 2023. For registration go to: PhD courses in Denmark: Digital Methods for Nordic Humanities (ReNEW Summer School)
There is no registration fee. Participants will need to make their own travel arrangements. Acceptance of participants will be confirmed as soon as possible after the closing date.
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