ReNEW-Nordic ESPAnet workshop for doctoral students and early career researchers

ESPAnet-ReNEW workshop on Social Citizenship, Democracy and Sustainability in the Nordic countries, 26-27 May 2022, University of Iceland

Ongoing changes during the aftermath of Covid-19 pandemic in the Nordic welfare states call for a new understanding of social citizenship and solidarity among citizens, communities, and societies, as well as social and citizens groups. The Nordic countries are faced with unprecedented structural transformations in the labour market under the fourth industrial revolution (digitalisation, robotisation, automatization) and stronger global interdependencies (immigration, transnational enterprises, off-shoring of production). In addition, the pandemic has created new labour market challenges.

Beyond Covid-19, demographic ageing and climate change have intensified discussions on how to bring about social justice in an ecologically and financially sustainable manner. New social movements have mobilised for recognition of their demands and a right to representation in the deliberation of welfare policies. Shifting balances in power between the EU, national, regional and local level of governance have changed how welfare policies are deliberated and implemented. However, the effects are asymmetrical in terms of who has benefitted from these changes and where these processes have increased social inequalities. Thus, it is important to investigate how the Nordic welfare states have been able to respond to the challenges outlined above and if their crisis management has taken social citizenship and

sustainability into account.

We welcome papers that address social policy issues with a focus on Nordic welfare states. Papers on all social policy topics are welcome, even if they do not directly connect to the main theme of the conference. Papers may either focus on a single country or adopt a comparative perspective. We are interested in papers applying qualitative and quantitative methods as well as more theoretical accounts.

Application Process and Important Deadlines

25th March: Applications deadline, comprising short CV and Abstract of the paper (up to 500 words). Early career researchers who have completed their doctoral degree are asked to state the date of their PhD defence.

10th April 2022: Applicants will be notified of whether their paper is accepted

15th May 2022: Deadline for submitting the full paper (5000-8000 words)

Submissions of abstracts and papers to Caroline de la Porte (, Guony Eydal

( and Anders Weis Christiansen (

Read the full call with more information on the aims, selection of participants, costs and program: ReNEW-Nordic ESPAnet workshop for doctoral students and early career researchers: Social Citizenship, Democracy and Sustainability in the Nordic countries