ReNEW mobility, workshop and open access funding granted

In ReNEW's fourth applications round funding was granted for 41 researchers for mobility, workshop and open access publishing.

The fourth round of applications for ReNEW ‘s mobility and workshop funding was closed in November 2019. This time we also had open access support available. Altogether 41 researchers were granted funding, 27 for mobility, 13 for workshops and one for open access.

The applications varied in terms of topics and purposes. Mobility funding was granted for both emerging and senior scholars for visits within the Hub, but also for visits to and from strategic partners or other in other universities relevant to ReNEW. The length of the visits varied from one week to six months. The funding covers travel and accommodation.

The funded seminars have different purposes ranging from exploring new ideas to developing ongoing research cooperation and writing of joint publications. The topics addressed include climate and environmental issues, identity formation, cultural studies, Nordic peace, religion, media, equality and discrimination, Nordic welfare, globalization, labour markets, immigration, populism, human rights and education.

View all funded mobility, workshops and open access publications here:

Granted mobility funding

Granted workshop funding

Granted open access support

More information on ReNEW mobility, workshop and open access funding here: Funding.