ReNEW Early Career Paper Prize 2023 winners announced

ReNEW Early Career Paper Prize winners in social sciences and humanities were announced at the 6th Nordic Challenges Conference in Oslo 25 May 2023.

ReNEW Early Career Paper Prize winners in 2023 were announced at the 6th Nordic Challenges Conference in Oslo 25 May 2023. The prize recognizes outstanding early career papers in research about the Nordic region. Eligible candidates are PhD students or those who have completed a PhD within last three years and have presented their paper at a ReNEW event. 

The 2023 ReNEW Early Career Paper Prize in social sciences was awarded to Betina Slagnes from University of Oslo for the paper ‘Defending One’s Country in Public Service: A Conceptual Framework’. 

The 2023 ReNEW Early Career Paper Prize in humanities was awarded to Niri Ragnvold Johnsen from University of Adger for the article ‘Pan-Nationalisms across borders: Scandinavianism in the community of nations, 1830-1870’. It has been published as a chapter in Nordic Experiences in Pan-nationalisms. A Reappraisal and Comparison, 1840–1940, edited by Ruth Hemstad and Peter Stadius, avilable open access.

The jury consisted of professor Mary Hilson from Aarhus University and professor Kazimierz Musiał, University of Gdansk.

Congratulations to the winners!