Eligible applicants are researchers at all stages of their careers, including PhD students and affiliated researchers, working in these above-mentioned universities. Mobility grants are available for research stays in the ReNEW partner universities, in ReNEW’s strategic international partners, and where relevant, in other universities or departments that are engaged in research relevant to ReNEW. The grants are awarded on a competitive basis for a research that ties directly with the themes of ReNEW:
- Nordic cooperation and region-building;
- Democracy, governance and law;
- Public policy, gender equality and labour markets;
- Imagining Norden - branding and Nordic reputation;
- Multiculturalism and globalization;
- Nordic culture, education and media.
Dead-line for applications 15 November 2019.
Check the Call for applications for more information on the terms and how to apply.
Submit your application here:
Apply for RENEW Early Career Mobility Funding
Apply for RENEW Senior Researcher Mobility Funding
Apply for RENEW Workshop Funding
Apply for RENEW Open Access Funding