Incarceration and immobility can have a profound impact on individuals, families, and communities. For those who are incarcerated, the experience can be traumatic and isolating, leading to mental health issues, social stigma, and a decreased likelihood of successful reintegration into society. Similarly, those who are immobilized due to restrictive immigration policies or exploitative labour practices may experience social isolation, loss of income and job security, and a decreased sense of agency and self-determination.
Rather than a strict focus on physical borders as legal institutions, this workshop offers a unique vantage point from which to analyse current transformations in society. The importance of analysing such transformations concerns common perceptions of the “bordering” perspective, which is embedded in what James Scott (2015) calls "the everyday construction of borders" through geo-political changes, media representations, political discourses and institutional practices.
The Nordic countries have often been praised for their progressive social policies and justice systems. However, despite these advancements, issues related to incarceration, detention, and exploitation still persist in the region. This workshop aims to provide a platform for researchers to discuss and critically examine various forms of incarceration and immobility in the Nordic countries.
The two-day workshop is planned as a roundtable discussion. The event will bring together researchers at all stages of their careers, including PhD students. We expect a multidisciplinary and methodologically curious audience. The most important prerequisite for participation is an open mind towards, and discussion across, methodological and disciplinary boundaries. We look at ways of tapping the potential of academic research!
Abstracts up to 300 words, accompanied by a short CV, should be submitted in English by 15 April to Dr Larisa Kangaspuro A notification of acceptance will be forwarded by 3 May.
There is no participation fee. We will provide selected meals for all participants. In addition, there are a few travel grants available. Please include your interest in a travel grant in the submission email.
The workshop is funded by NordForsk through ReNEW.
The organising committee:
Dr Larisa Kangaspuro, Centre for Nordic Studies, University of Helsinki
Dr Lizaveta Dubinka-Hushcha, Department of International Economics, Government and Business, Copenhagen Business School
Dr Sherzod Eraliev, Sociology of Law Department, Lund University