The 20th Biennial EARLI Conference was hosted by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the University of Macedonia, Greece. Participants were encouraged to present results and ideas on state-of-the-art research in learning and instruction, specifically around the topic "Education as a Hope in Uncertain Times"
The members of the research group presented the following studies at the EARLI 2023 conference:
Anttila, H., Tikkanen, L., & Pyhältö, K. PhD supervisors’ and supervisees’ perceptions on supervisory support.
Lokhtina, I., Cornér, S., Almlöv, C., Löfström, E., Pyhältö, K., Viberg, H., & Meesters, P. Academic mid and late career transitions and supervision. In invited symposium: Transitions in researcher education and careers.
Rönkkönen, S., Virtanen, V., McAlpine, L., Castelló, M., Pyhältö, K. & García-Morante, M. PhD holder transitions outside academia: The role of social support in (dis)engaging experiences.
Sundström, L., Tikkanen, L. & Pyhältö, K. Is there life after earning the PhD beyond the academia? Finnish PhD holders’ careers beyond academia.
Tikkanen, L., Anttila, H., & Pyhältö, K. How does supervision influence doctoral supervisor’s occupational wellbeing?
Toom, A., Tikkanen, L., Anttila, H., & Pyhältö, K. How does interdisciplinary doctoral experience matter?