Research projects

The primary areas of interest of the research group are early career researchers’, particularly doctoral students’ learning and well-being, supervision and researcher communities. The group is specialized in conducting multimethod systemic research designs.
ECRID: Early Career Researcher Identity Development: Research within and beyond academia (2020-2024)

PI: Montserrat Castello, CO-PI Lynn McAlpine and CO-PI Kirsi Pyhältö. (56 870 e) Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación; “Proyectos de I+D+i» de los Programas Estatales de Generación de Conocimiento y Fortalecimiento Científico y Tecnológico del Sistema de I+D+i y de I+D+i Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad.

DSE-UH: Doctoral and Supervisory Experience at the University of Helsinki (2021-2022) 

Funded by the University of Helsinki. PI: Kirsi Pyhältö

RID-SSISS: Researcher Identity Development: Strengthening Science in Society Strategie (2018-2020)

Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. Project reference: 2017-1-ES01-KA203-038303. PI: Montserrat Castello, PI Lynn McAlpine PI Kirsi Pyhältö.

FINS-RIDSS: Researcher Identity Development in the Social Sciences (2015-2017) 

PI: Montserrat Castello, CO-PI Lynn McAlpine and CO-PI Kirsi Pyhältö.

DE-UO: Doctoral Experience at the University of Oulu (2016-2017)

Funded by University of Oulu. PI: Kirsi Pyhältö.

Reseacher Identity Education in Social Sciences (2014-2016)

Financed by RIESS PI: Montserrat Castello, University of Ramon Llull, Spain CO-PI: Kirsi Pyhältö, University of Oulu & Lynn McAlpine University of Oxford

Research based development of doctoral education in UniOGS (2015)

Pilot study; Financed by University of Oulu. PI: Kirsi Pyhältö

Doctoral students and principal investigators perceptions about doctoral education (2011-2012)

Financed by University of Helsinki; PI: Kirsi Pyhältö

Collective Intelligence: How shared ”trialogical” knowledge practices augment human cognitive capabilities (2008-2011)

Financed by Academy of Finland. PI: Kai Hakkarainen, University of Helsinki CO-PI: Kirsti Lonka & Kirsi Pyhältö, University of Helsinki