Wednesday the 24th of May, 2023 at 14:15 in C124
Giovanna Marcelli (Aalborg University)
"Adiabatic evolution of low-temperature many-body quantum systems" (Abstract)
Wednesday the 26th of April, 2023 at 14:15 in C124
Mateusz B. Majka (Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh)
"Coupling, ergodicity and propagation of chaos for McKean-Vlasov SDEs with Lévy noise" (Abstract)
Wednesday the 1st of March, 2023 at 14:15 in C124
Petri Laarne (University of Helsinki)
"Almost sure solution of nonlinear wave equation: from donut to plane" (Abstract)
Wednesday the 15th of March, 2023 at 14:15 in C124
Esko Keski-Vakkuri (University of Helsinki)
"Quantum information geometry of driven CFTs" (Abstract)
Wednesday the 21st of December, 2022 at 14:15 in C124
Dmitry Chelkak, University of Michigan & ENS Paris
"S-embeddings of planar graphs carrying the Ising model" (Abstract)
Tuesday 8th November to Friday 11th of November on-site (Exactum)
Zaher Hani (University of Michigan), and Yu Deng (University of Southern California)
"FiRST intensive course: The mathematical theory of wave turbulence"
more info from CoE FiRST web-page
Monday 17th October to Friday 21st October at 14-16
Ellen Powell (Durham University)
Crash course: "Introduction to the Gaussian free field" (more info)
Event organized by CoE FiRST
Wednesday, 26.10 at 14:15 on-site (Exactum C124)
Ellen Powell (Durham University)
"Conformal welding, SLE, and critical Liouville quantum gravity" (Abstract, Slides)
Wednesday, 12.10 at 14:15 on-site (Exactum C124)
Pawel Duch, (Poznan University)
"Solving singular stochastic PDEs using renormalization group flow equation" (Abstract)
Wednesday, 05.10 at 14:15 on-site (Exactum C124)
David Adame Carillo, (Aalto University)
"Double-dimers and lattice symplectic fermions" (Abstract)
Wednesday, 28.09 at 14:15 on-site (Exactum C124)
Mo Dick Wong, (Durham University)
"Tail universality of critical Gaussian multiplicative chaos" (Abstract)
Wednesday, 14.09 at 14:15 on-site (Exactum C124)
Shinji Koshida, (Aalto University)
"Quantum group dual of the generic Virasoro vertex operator algebra" (Abstract)
Thursday 25.05 in Pieni Sali Micronova Aalto (joint event with PICO group at Aalto University): mini-workshop in statistical physics (Recordings of the event)
11:00 Angelo Vulpiani (University of Rome 1 "La Sapienza")
"Equilibrium and thermalization in integrable systems: the case of Toda model and harmonic systems" (Abstract)
12:15 Luca Gammaitoni (University of Perugia)
"Fundamental energy dissipation limits in ICT devices" (Abstract)
Tuesday, the 20th of December, 2022: Stochastic Sauna '22