Speaker: Esko Keski-Vakkuri Title: Quantum information geometry of driven CFTs Abstract: For driven non-equilibrium quantum systems, dissipation can be quantified with trajectories in quantum information geometry with the Bogoliubov-Kubo-Mori (BKM) metric. The BKM metric is the quantum counterpart of the Fisher metric of classical information theory, and arises from relative entropy. We construct BKM geometry in CFTs driven by diffeomorphisms. The quantum statistical manifold is the space of Virasoro states generated from thermal equilibrium. As an application, we revisit periodically driven Floquet CFTs and their aperiodic generalizations. We also comment on the gravity dual interpretation of these processes. Mathematical keywords: diffeomorphisms on S^1, Euler-Arnold theory, integrable partial differential equations, information geometry, possibly also ergodic theory.