Seminars and Workshops

To subscribe to the event announcement mailing list please contact Paolo Muratore-Ginanneschi.

Upcoming events:



Friday the 30th of August, 2024 at 13:15 in D122
Joerg Teschner (DESY, Hamburg)
"What is the Analytic Langlands Correspondence?" (Abstract)

Link to past events
Please go to the botton of the page for events since 2020

Journal Club:


Conferences and Workshops:

Thursday 25.05 mini-workshop in statistical physics (Recordings of the event)

Tuesday, the 20th of December, 2022: Stochastic Sauna '22


Summer school of mathematical physics:


For updates on other mathematical physics related seminars in the Kumpula campus please check:

Helsinki Institute of Physics seminar series

For updates on other seminars in the mathematics department please check:

Seminars this week

Past Seminars and Workshops

A complete record is available on the mathematical physics old wiki pages. Record of more recent events is now maintained on this server.