It is part of Master's Programme in Finnish and Finno-Ugrian languages and cultures, thematic studies of Master's Programme in Environmental Change and Global Sustainability (ECGS), Master's programme in Intercultural Encounters (ICE), and Doctoral Programme in Political, Societal and Regional Change.
The Indigenous Studies module covers the following thematic, methodological, and theoretical competences: Introduction to World’s Indigenous peoples, Indigenous research methodologies and research ethics; Indigenous languages and education; biocultural diversity, Indigenous arts, and Indigenous histories and rights. The study units introduce to Indigenous philosophies, values, and concepts providing with new insights into onto-epistemologies, power relations, as well as historical and contemporary perspectives in Indigenous studies. Engaging with relational teaching methods, the students learn about Indigenous peoples’ knowledge-making processes, which draw from interactions and lived experiences and observations through many generations. The Indigenous Studies programme can inspire the students who plan their career in, for example, policy-making, environment and sustainability sector, education, social work, health care, law, economy, museums, and various areas of culture.
Degree requirements for 15 credits:
Degree requirements for 30 credits additionally:
An independent studying and general examination are also possible in all study units.