
Indigenous Studies organises a teaching module in English (15–30 ECTS), which is open for all students from any of the faculties of UH.

It is part of Master's Programme in Finnish and Finno-Ugrian languages and cultures, thematic studies of Master's Programme in Environmental Change and Global Sustainability (ECGS), Master's programme in Intercultural Encounters (ICE), and Doc­toral Pro­gramme in Polit­ical, So­ci­etal and Re­gional Change.

The Indigenous Studies module covers the following thematic, methodological, and theoretical competences: Introduction to World’s Indigenous peoples, Indigenous research methodologies and research ethics; Indigenous languages and education; biocultural diversity, Indigenous arts, and Indigenous histories and rights. The study units introduce to Indigenous philosophies, values, and concepts providing with new insights into onto-epistemologies, power relations, as well as historical and contemporary perspectives in Indigenous studies. Engaging with relational teaching methods, the students learn about Indigenous peoples’ knowledge-making processes, which draw from interactions and lived experiences and observations through many generations. The Indigenous Studies programme can inspire the students who plan their career in, for example, policy-making, environment and sustainability sector, education, social work, health care, law, economy, museums, and various areas of culture.

Module content:

Degree requirements for 15 credits:

  • IND-510 Indigenous peoples, epistemic and linguistic diversity
  • IND-511 Methodologies and research ethics in Indigenous Studies
  • IND-512 Indigenous biocultural conservation and well-being

Degree requirements for 30 credits additionally:

  • IND-513 Indigenous rights, history, and relations of power
  • IND-514 Indigenous arts and digital media
  • IND-515 Selected topics in Indigenous languages

Teaching 2024–2025

An independent studying and general examination are also possible in all study units.


Contact: pirjo.virtanen@helsinki.fi