Former members

The former members of Ecophysiology group
Anne Ojala

Ecosystem ecology, physical limnology

  • +358 (0)294120340
  • Lahti, Niemenkatu 73, room 150
  • ORCID: 
  • More information in research database TUHAT
Anni Vanhatalo

BVOC emissions, synthesis, storages, stem VOC's

My research focuses on volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from boreal forests. I'm especially interested on the emissions from woody plant parts such as living tree stems and how they vary temporally and spatially. I also study how VOC synthesis, storages and emissions are linked to each other and how they change during the annual cycle.

  • +358 (0)2 941 58106
  • Viikki, B building room 321
  • ORCID: 
  • More information in research database TUHAT
Anu Riikonen

Urban trees, soils and ecosystems, and urban ecosystem services

ORCID: 0000-0002-5762-6173

More information in research database TUHAT

Ali Ahi

Sub-canopy VOC emissions

I examined the effect of sub-canopy removal (undergrowth thinning) on the exchange of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) between the forest stand and the atmosphere. I also considered the impact of soil moisture, temperature, and photosynthetically active radiation on this relationship. Plant-released VOCs, in addition to their role in plant growth, reproduction, and defense, have important implications for the Earth’s atmosphere. Therefore, studying how sub-canopy removal affects plant VOCs emission is of practical and theoretical significance.  

email:  mohamadali.ahi[@]


Boris Ťupek

Ecosystem ecology, Carbon and Nitrogen budgets of forest - peatland ecotone, Tropospheric ozone

I am studying the effects of drought on CO2, CH4, and N2O dynamics along a boreal forest/mire ecotone. The ecotone is an ecological tension between habitats. In forest/mire transition, below-ground features of poorly drained peatlands overlap with the above-ground features of well drained forests.

Greenhouse gas dynamics of forest/mire transitions are poorly known, because of the relatively narrow extent between forests and peatlands. Although in the scale of boreal forest, the forest/mire transition covers large areas. For example in Finland the forest/mire transition covers approximately 3.1 Million ha, or 14 % of the total forest area.

  • +358 (0)45 1310 513
  • Viikki, B building room 441
  • ORCID: 
  • More information in research database TUHAT
Elisa Vainio

Greenhouse gas exchange, trees, soil, urban green areas, forests

Measurements of greenhouse gas (CH4, N2O, CO2) exchange of soil and trees. PhD on methane exchange of boreal forest and studied carbon sink in urban green areas.

Currently working at the Baltic Sea Action Group. I’ll be mostly working with carbon sequestration in agricultural soils, promoting soil science and expertize around it, and establishing and enhancing networks between the researchers, farmers and policy makers.


Heidi Aaltonen


Kajar Köster

Carbon dynamics in forest soils, with special interest in disturbed (fire, wind, reindeer grazing, etc.) areas

My current projects include measuring the short and long term effects of forest fires on the stability of carbon pools in boreal forests, estimating carbon turnover on disturbed forest areas and studying the carbon neutrality of reindeer management.

Kourosh Kabiri Koupaei

Forest Biomass and Carbon Sequestration, Forest ecosystem modelling

Man Hu

Forest modelling under climate change, remote sensing

My PhD was about process-based modelling on forest under climate change.

Mari Mäki

BVOC production and emissions from soil processes 

Morgane Merlin

I am currently working as a postdoc with Dr Yann Salmon on understanding the relationships between carbon and water in phloem transport. I am broadly interested in the relationships between tree establishment, growth and survival and water. I have worked extensively with sap flow data while pursuing my PhD in Canada, working on mine reclamation sites.


Pille Mänd

Water availability, water-use efficincy, leaf gas exchange, VOCs

My main interest concerns forests and how trees respond to changes in climate. I am interested in what are the mechanisms behind the responses of  trees to water availability and what kind of trade-off effects determine the water-use efficiency, nitrogen-use efficiency and carbon production. My current focus is on sink and source driven processes in plant physiology that affect leaf gas exchange, including volatile carbon and nitrogen compound emissions from leaves.

Ville Kasurinen

Energy exchange, dissolved organic carbon, DOC production, boreal forest

I am interested in how phenology affects the processes related to energy exchange and how ecosystems differ in this respect.

In addition I model the production of DOC (Dissolved Organic Carbon) and its transport into stream water in a boreal forest. In developing the model, I use data collected from intensively researched catchments in Finland and Sweden. I am also interested in the biogeochemical processes linked to the DOC cycle and have done reserach on the role of photochemistry in the breakdown of DOC transported by big rivers.