Linnavalli, T., Jylänki, P., Kainulainen, J., Tervaniemi, M., & Törmänen, M. The associations between mathematical skills, cognitive performance, and language background in elementary school children. A two-year follow-up study. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 2024.
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1108. Salakka, I., Pitkäniemi, A., Pentikäinen, E., Saari, P., Toiviainen, P., & Särkämö, T. Emotional and musical factors combined with song-specific age predict the subjective autobiographical saliency of music in older adults, Psychology of Music, 2024, 52. doi:10.1177/03057356231186961
1109. Vadinova, V., Sihvonen, A. J., Wee, F., Garden, K. L., Ziraldo, L., Roxbury, T., O'Brien, K., Copland, D., McMahon, K., & Brownsett, S. L. The volume and the distribution of premorbid white matter hyperintensities: Impact on post-stroke aphasia. Human brain mapping, 2024, 45, e26568. doi:10.1002/hbm.26568
1110. Martínez-Molina N., Escrichs A., Sanz-Perl Y., Sihvonen A.J., Särkämö T., Kringelbach M.L., Deco G. The evolution of whole-brain turbulent dynamics during recovery from traumatic brain injury. Network Neuroscience, 2024. doi:10.1162/netn_a_00346
1111. Brownsett, S. L., Carey, L. M., Copland, D., Walsh, A., & Sihvonen, A. J. Structural brain networks correlating with poststroke cognition. Human Brain Mapping, 2024, 45, e26665. doi:10.1002/hbm.26665
1112. Nie, P., Tillmann, B., Wang, C., & Tervaniemi, M. Impact of native language on musical working memory: A cross-cultural online study. Music Perception, 2024, 41, 262-274. doi:10.1525/mp.2024.41.4.262
1113. Tamminen, H., Kujala, T. & Peltola, M. S. Training non-native speech sounds results in long-lasting plastic changes – Hard-wiring new memory traces takes time. Lingua, 2024, 302, 103697. doi:10.1016/j.lingua.2024.103697
1114. Sihvonen, A. J., Ferguson, M. A., Chen, V., Soinila, S., Särkämö, T., & Joutsa, J. Focal brain lesions causing acquired amusia map to a common brain network. Journal of Neuroscience, 2024, e1922232024. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1922-23.2024
1115. Brownsett, S. L. E., Carey, L. M., Copland, D., Walsh, A., & Sihvonen, A. J. Structural brain networks correlating with poststroke cognition. Human Brain Mapping, 2024, 45. doi:10.1002/hbm.26665
1116. Jungewelter, S., Taskinen, H., Sallmén, M., Lindbohm, M. L., Airo, E., Remes, J., Huotilainen, M., & Jansson-Verkasalo, E. Maternal occupational noise exposure during pregnancy and children's early language acquisition. PLoS One. 2024, 19, e0301144. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0301144
1117. Navarrete-Arroyo, S., Virtala, P., Nie, P., Kailaheimo-Lönnqvist, L., Salonen, S. & Kujala, T. Infant mismatch responses to speech-sound changes predict language development in preschoolers at risk for dyslexia. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2024, 162, 248-261. doi:10.1016/j.clinph.2024.02.032
1118. Sihvonen, A. J.*, Pitkäniemi, A.*, Siponkoski, S-T., Kuusela, L., Martínez-Molina, N., Laitinen, S., Särkämö, E-R., Pekkola, J., Melkas, S., Schlaug, G., Sairanen, V., & Särkämö, T. Structural neuroplasticity effects of singing in chronic aphasia. eNeuro, 2024, 11. doi:10.1523/ENEURO.0408-23.2024
1119. Moisseinen, N., Ahveninen, L., Martínez-Molina, N., Sairanen, V., Melkas, S., Kleber, B., Sihvonen, A.J.*, & Särkämö, T.* Choir singing is associated with enhanced structural connectivity across the adult lifespan. Human Brain Mapping, 2024, 45, e26705. doi:10.1002/hbm.26705
1120. Holopainen, K., Sihvonen, A. J., Kauramäki, J., Särkämö, T., & Shulga, A. The effects of music combined to paired associative stimulation on motor-evoked potentials and alertness in spinal cord injury patients and healthy subjects. Scientific Reports, 2024, 14. doi:10.1038/s41598-024-60984-w
1121. Räihä, K., Katajavuori, N., Vehkalahti, K., Huotilainen, M., & Asikainen, H. University students’ stress and burnout risk: results of an ACT-based online-course using self-assessments and HRV-measurements. Current Psychology, 2024. doi:10.1007/s12144-024-05800-4
1122. Ylinen, S., Suppanen, E., Winkler, I., & Kujala, T. Establishing neural representation for new word forms in 12-month-old infants. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2024, 18, 1386207. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2024.1386207
1123. Paavilainen, P., & Ilola, M. Effects of attention on the processing of physical and abstract auditory regularities: An exploratory MMN study. Heliyon, 2024, 10, E33182. doi:10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e33182
1124. Balla, V. R., Kilencz, T., Szalóki, S., Dalos, V. D., Partanen, E., & Csifcsák, G. Motor dominance and movement-outcome congruency influence the electrophysiological correlates of sensory attenuation for self-induced visual stimuli. Journal of Psychophysiology, 2024, 200. doi:10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2024.112344
1125. Navarrete-Arroyo, S., Virtala, P., Laasonen, M. & Kujala, T. Infant neural speech encoding is associated with pre-reading skill development. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2024, 164, 100-110. doi:10.1016/j.clinph.2024.05.016
1126. Wang, C., Nie, P., Wang, P., Wang, Y., Zang, Y., & Zhang, Y. The therapeutic effect of transcranial magnetic stimulation on post-stroke aphasia and the optimal treatment parameters: A meta-analysis. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2024, 105, 1388-1398. doi:10.1016/j.apmr.2023.11.006
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1089. Simola, J., Silander, T., Harju, M., Lahti, O., Makkonen, E., Pätsi, L.-M. & Smallwood, J. Context independent reductions in external processing during self-generated episodic social cognition. Cortex, 2023, 159, 39-53. doi:10.1016/j.cortex.2022.11.010
1090. Siponkoski, S-T., Pitkäniemi, A., Laitinen, S., Särkämö, E-R., Pentikäinen, E., Eloranta, H., Tuomiranta, L., Melkas, S., Schlaug, G., Sihvonen, A.J., & Särkämö, T. Efficacy of a multicomponent singing intervention on communication and psychosocial functioning in chronic aphasia: A randomized controlled crossover trial. Brain Communications, 2023, 5, fcac337. doi:10.1093/braincomms/fcac337
1091. Saarikivi, K., Chan, T. M. V., Huotilainen, M., Tervaniemi, M., & Putkinen, V. Enhanced neural mechanisms of set shifting in musically trained adolescents and young adults: converging fMRI, EEG, and behavioral evidence. Cerebral Cortex, 2023, bhad034. doi:10.1093/cercor/bhad034
1092. Junttila, K., Smolander, A.-R., Karhila, R., Kurimo, M., & Ylinen, S. Non-game like training benefits spoken foreign-language processing in children with dyslexia. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2023, 17. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2023.1122886
1093. Puusepp, I., Linnavalli, T., Tammi, T., Huotilainen, M., Kujala, T., Laine, S., Kuusisto, E., & Tirri, K. Development of associations between elementary school students’ mindsets and attentional neural processing of feedback in an arithmetic task. Frontiers in Psychology, 2023, 14. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1155264
1094. Sihvonen, A. J., Vadinova V., Garden, K., Meinzer, M., Roxbury, T., O’Brien, K., Copland, D., McMahon, K., & Brownsett, S. Right hemispheric structural connectivity and poststroke language recovery. Human Brain Mapping, 2023, 44, 2897-2904. doi:10.1002/hbm.26252
1095. Vadinova, V., Sihvonen, A. J., Garden, K., Ziraldo, L., Roxbury, T., O’Brien, K., Copland, D., McMahon, K., & Brownsett, S. Early subacute white matter hyperintensities and recovery of language after stroke. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 2023, 37, 218-227. doi:10.1177/15459683231168384
1096. Virtala, P.*, Kujala, T.*, Partanen, E., Hämäläinen, J. A. & Winkler, I. Neural phoneme discrimination in variable speech in newborns – Associations with dyslexia risk and later language skills. Brain and Cognition, 2023, 168. doi:10.1016/j.bandc.2023.105974
1097. Tervaniemi, M. The neuroscience of music – Towards ecological validity. Trends in Neurosciences, 2023, 46, 355-364. doi:10.1016/j.tins.2023.03.001
1098. Kostilainen, K.*, Hugoson, P.*, Haavisto, A., Partanen, E., Mikkola, K., Huotilainen, M., Pakarinen, S., Furmark, C., Ådén, U., & Fellman, V. No impact of parental singing during the neonatal period on cognition in preterm-born children at 2–3 years. Acta Pediatrica, 2023, 112, 1471-1477. doi:10.1111/apa.16788
1099. Kujala, T., Partanen, E., Virtala, P., & Winkler, I. Prerequisites of language acquisition in the newborn brain. Trends in Neuroscience, 2023, 45, 726-737. doi:10.1016/j.tins.2023.05.011
1100. Virtala, P., Putkinen, V., Gallen, A., Thiede, A., Trainor, L. J., & Kujala, T. Beneficial effects of a music listening intervention on neural speech processing in 0–28-month-old children at risk for dyslexia. Developmental Science, 2023, e13426. doi:10.1111/desc.13426
1101. Pitkäniemi, A., Särkämö, T., Siponkoski, S. T., Brownsett, S. L. E., Copland, D. A., Sairanen, V., & Sihvonen, A. J. Hodological organization of spoken language production and singing in the human brain. Communications Biology, 2023, 6, 779. doi:10.1038/s42003-023-05152-y
1102. Wang, C., Flemming, K., Wang, Y., Putkinen, V., Tervaniemi, M., Lammert, J., Tao, S., & Joanisse, M.F. The effect of second language immersion and musical experiences on second language speech processing and general auditory processing. Journal of Neurolingistuics, 2023, 68. doi:10.1016/j.jneuroling.2023.101158
1103. Moisseinen, N., Särkämö, T., Kauramäki, J., Kleber, B., Sihvonen, A. J., & Martínez-Molina, N. Differential effects of ageing on the neural processing of speech and singing production. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 2023, 15. doi:10.3389/fnagi.2023.1236971
1104. Naamanka, E., Salakka, I., Parkkila, M., Hotti, J., & Poutiainen, E. Effectiveness of teleneuropsychological rehabilitation: Systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 2023. doi:10.1017/S1355617723000565
1105. Kauttonen, J., Paekivi, S., Kauramäki, J., & Tikka, P. Unraveling dyadic psycho-physiology of social presence between strangers during an audio drama-a signal-analysis approach. Frontiers in Psychology, 2023, 14. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1153968
1106. Partanen, E., Virtala, P., & Kostilainen, K. Prenatal and postnatal development of musical behaviors and their role in infancy. The Oxford Handbook of Early Childhood Learning and Development in Music, 2023, 166-185. doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190927523.013.10
1107. Jaatinen, J., Väntänen, J., Salmela, K., & Alho, K. Subjectively preferred octave size is resolved at the late stages of cerebral auditory processing. European Journal of Neurosciences, 2023, 58, 3686-3704. doi:
1055. Tervaniemi, M., Pousi, S., Seppälä, M., & Makkonen, T. Brain oscillation recordings of the audience in a live concert-like setting. Cognitive Processing, 2022, 23, 329-337. doi:10.1007/s10339-021-01072-z
1056. Sihvonen, A.J., Sammler, D., Ripollés, P., Leo, V., Rodríguez-Fornells, A., Soinila, S., & Särkämö, T. Right ventral stream damage underlies both post-stroke aprosodia and amusia. European Journal of Neurolology, 2022, 29, 873-882. doi:10.1111/ene.15148
1057. Tervaniemi, M., Putkinen, V., Nie, P., Wang, C., Du, B., Lu, J., Li, S., Cowley, B.U., Tammi, T., & Tao, S. Improved auditory function caused by music versus foreign language training at school age: Is there a difference? Cerebral Cortex, 2022, 32, 64-69. doi:10.1093/cercor/bhab194
1058. Martínez-Molina, N., Siponkoski, S-T., Pitkäniemi, A., Moisseinen, N., Kuusela, L., Pekkola, J., Laitinen, S., Särkämö, E-R., Melkas, S., Kleber, B., Schlaug, G., Sihvonen, A., & Särkämö, T. Neuroanatomical correlates of speech and singing production in chronic post-stroke aphasia. Brain Communications, 2022, 4, fcac001. doi:10.1093/braincomms/fcac001
1059. Nie, P., Wang, C., Rong, G., Du, B., Lu, J., Li, S., Putkinen, V., Tao, S., & Tervaniemi, M. Effects of music training on the auditory working memory of Chinese-speaking school-aged children: A longitudinal intervention study. Frontiers in Psychology, 2022, 12, 770425. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.770425
1060. Nakamura, T., Kita, Y., Fujimoto, J., Ayuzawa, K., & Ozawa, H. Oral support for patients with severe motor and intellectual disabilities. Pediatrics International, 2022, 64, e15028. doi:10.1111/ped.15028
1061. Partanen, E., Kivimäki, R., Huotilainen, M., Ylinen, S., & Tervaniemi, M. Musical perceptual skills, but not neural auditory processing, are associated with better reading ability in childhood. Neuropsychologia, 2022, 169, 108189. doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2022.108189
1062. Partanen, E., Mårtensson, G., Hugoson, P., Huotilainen, M., Fellman, V., & Åden, U. Auditory processing of the brain is enhanced by parental singing for preterm infants. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2022, 16, 772008. doi:10.3389/fnins.2022.772008
1063. Virtala, P., Putkinen, V., Kailaheimo-Lönnqvist, L., Thiede, A., Partanen, E., & Kujala, T. Maturation of neural auditory change detection from infancy to early childhood and its associations to familial dyslexia risk. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2022, 137, 159-176. doi:10.1016/j.clinph.2022.03.005
1064. Sihvonen, A.J., Soinila, S. & Särkämö, T. Post-stroke enriched auditory environment induces structural connectome plasticity: Secondary analysis from a randomized controlled trial. Brain Imaging and Behavior, 2022, 16, 1813-1822. doi:10.1007/s11682-022-00661-6
1065. Sihvonen, A.J., Siponkoski, S-T, Martínez-Molina, N., Laitinen, S., Holma, M., Ahlfors, M., Kuusela, L., Pekkola, J., Koskinen, S., & Särkämö, T. Neurological music therapy rebuilds structural connectome after traumatic brain injury: Secondary analysis from a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2022, 11, 2184. doi:10.3390/jcm11082184
1066. Martikainen, S. , Falcon, M. , Wikström, V. , Peltola, S., & Saarikivi, K. Perceptions of doctors’ empathy and patients’ subjective health status at an online clinic. Psychosomatic Medicine, 2022, 84, 513-521. doi:10.1097/PSY.0000000000001055.
1067. Junttila, K., Smolander, A-R., Karhila, R., Giannakopoulou, A., Uther, M., Kurimo, M., & Ylinen, S. Gaming enhances learning-induced plastic changes in the brain. Brain & Language, 2022, 230, 105124. doi:10.1016/j.bandl.2022.105124
1068. Pentikäinen, E., Kimppa, L., Makkonen, T., Putkonen, M., Pitkäniemi, A., Salakka, I., Paavilainen, P., Tervaniemi, M., & Särkämö, T. Benefits of choir singing on complex auditory encoding in the aging brain: An ERP study. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1514, 82-92. doi:10.1111/nyas.14789
1069. Partanen, E., Laari, S., Kantele, O., Kämppi, L. & Nybo, T. Associations between cognition and employment outcomes after epilepsy surgery. Epilepsy & Behaviour, 2022, 131, 108709. doi:10.1016/j.yebeh.2022.108709
1070. Virtanen, N., Tiippana, K., Tervaniemi, M., Poikonen, H., Anttila, E., & Kaseva, K. Exploring body consciousness of dancers, athletes, and lightly physically active adults. Scientific Reports, 2022, 12, 8353. doi:10.1038/s41598-022-11737-0
1071. Koskinen, S.M., Ahveninen, J., Kujala, T., Kaprio, J., O’Donnell, B.F., Osipova, D., Viken, R.J., Näätänen, R., & Rose. R.J. Association of lifetime major depressive disorder with enhanced attentional sensitivity measured with P3 response in young adult twins. Biological Psychology, 2022, 171, 108345. doi:10.1016/j.biopsycho.2022.108345
1072. Okumura, Y., Kita, Y., Kitamura, Y., & Oyama, H. Pre-elementary children with imperfect letter-name knowledge are at great risk of reading difficulty in first grade: One-year longitudinal study in Japanese Hiragana. Frontiers in Education, 2022, 7, 758098. doi:10.3389/feduc.2022.758098
1073. Ueda, R., Okada, T., Kita, Y., Ukezono, M., Takada, M., Ozawa, Y., Inoue, H., Shioda, M., Kono, Y., Kono, C., Nakamura, Y., Amemiya, K., Ito, A., Sugiura, N., Matsuoka, Y., Kaiga, C., Shiraki, Y., Kubota, M., & Ozawa, H. Quality of life of children with neurodevelopmental disorders and their parents during the COVID-19 pandemic: A 1-year follow-up study. Scientific Reports, 2022, 12, 4298. doi:10.1038/s41598-022-08273-2.
1074. Yamazaki, R., Inoue, Y., Matsuda, Y., Kodaka, F., Kitamura, Y., Kita, Y., Shigeta, M., & Kito, S. Laterality of prefrontal hemodynamic response measured by functional near-infrared spectroscopy before and after repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation: A potential biomarker of clinical outcome. Psychiatry Research, 2022, 310, 114444. doi:10.1016/j.psychres.2022.114444.
1075. Martínez-Molina, N., Siponkoski, ST., & Särkämö, T. Cognitive efficacy and neural mechanisms of music-based neurological rehabilitation in traumatic brain injury. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2022, 1515, 20-32. doi:10.1111/nyas.14800
1076. Suppanen, E., Winkler, I., Kujala, T., & Ylinen, S. More efficient formation of longer-term representations for word forms at birth can be linked to better language skills at 2 years. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 2022, 55, 101113. doi:10.1016/j.dcn.2022.101113
1077. Rankanen, M., Leinikka, M., Groth, C., Seitamaa-Hakkarainen, P., Mäkelä, M. & Huotilainen, M. Physiological measurements and emotional experiences of drawing and clay forming. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 2022, 79, 101899. doi:10.1016/j.aip.2022.101899
1078. Wikström, V., Saarikivi, K., Falcon, M., Makkonen, T., Martikainen, S., Putkinen, V., Cowley, B. U., & Tervaniemi, M. Inter-brain synchronization occurs without physical co-presence during cooperative online gaming. Neuropsychologia, 2022, 174, 108316. doi:10.1016/J.NEUROPSYCHOLOGIA.2022.108316
1079. Habibi, A., Kreutz, G., Russo, F., & Tervaniemi, M. Music-based interventions in community settings: Navigating the tension between rigor and ecological validity. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2022, 1518, 47-57. doi:10.1111/nyas.14908
1080. Torppa, R., Kuuluvainen, S., & Lipsanen, J. The development of cortical processing of speech differs between children with cochlear implants and normal hearing and changes with parental singing. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2022, 16, 976767. doi:10.3389/fnins.2022.976767
1081. Linnavalli, T., Lahti, O., Törmänen, M., Tervaniemi, M., & Cowley, B.U. Children’s inhibition skills are associated with their P3a latency - Results from an exploratory study. Behavioral and Brain Functions, 2022, 18. doi:10.1186/s12993-022-00202-7
1082. Bonetti, L., Carlomagno, F., Kliuchko, M., Gold, B. P., Palva, S., Haumann, N. T., Tervaniemi, M., Huotilainen, M., Vuust, P., & Brattico, E. Whole-brain computation of cognitive versus acoustic errors in music: A mismatch negativity study. Neuroimage: Reports, 2022, 2, 100145. doi:10.1016/j.ynirp.2022.100145
1083. Grau-Sánchez, J., Jamey, K., Paraskevopoulos, E., Dalla Bella, S., Gold, C., Schlaug, G., Belleville, S., Rodríguez-Fornells, A., Hackney, M.E., & Särkämö. T. Putting music to trial: Consensus on key methodological challenges investigating music-based rehabilitation. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2022, 1518, 12-24. doi:10.1111/nyas.14892
1084. Sihvonen, A. J., Pitkäniemi, A., Särkämö, T., Soinila, S. Isn't there room for music in chronic pain management? Journal of Pain, 2022, 23, 1143-1150. doi:10.1016/j.jpain.2022.01.003
1085. Särkämö, T. Singing the blues away: reduction of depression in dementia by recreational choir singing. Lancet Healthy Longevity, 2022, 3, 124-125. doi:10.1016/S2666-7568(22)00033-2
1086. Sihvonen, A. J., Pitkäniemi, A., Leo, V., Soinila, S., & Särkämö, T. Resting-state language network neuroplasticity in post-stroke music listening: A randomized controlled trial. European Journal of Neuroscience, 2021, 54, 7886-7898. doi:10.1111/ejn.15524
1087. Tervaniemi, M. Mismatch negativity-stimulation paradigms in past and in future. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2022, 16, 1025763. doi:10.3389/fnins.2022.1025763.
1088. Kaseva, K., Tervaniemi, M., Heikura, E., Kostilainen, K., Pöyhönen-Alho, M., Shoemaker, J. K., Petrella, R. J., Peltonen, J. E. Identifying personality characteristics and indicators of psychological wellbeing associated with attrition in the physical activity intervention: Randomized technology-supported trial. JMIR Formative Research, 2022, 6, e30285. doi:10.2196/30285.
1016. Tamminen, H., Kujala, T., Näätänen, R., & Peltola, M. S. Aging and non-native speech perception: A phonetic training study. Neuroscience Letters, 2021, 740, 135430. doi:10.1016/j.neulet.2020.135430
1017. Virtala, P., Partanen, E., Kujala, T. Impaired perception and neural processing of rules in developmental dyslexia. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 2021, 54, 452-465. doi:10.1177/0022219420988004
1018. Ueda, R., Iwasaki, M., Kita, Y., Takeichi, H., Saito, T., Nakagawa, E., Sugai, K., Okada, T. & Sasaki, M. Improvement of brain function after surgery in infants with posterior quadrant cortical dysplasia. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2021, 132, 332-337. doi:10.1016/j.clinph.2020.11.020
1019. Vaquero, L., Ramos-Escobar, N., Cucurell, D., François, C., Putkinen, V., Segura, E., Huotilainen, M., Penhune, V., Rodríguez-Fornells, A. Arcuate fasciculus architecture is associated with individual differences in pre-attentive detection of unpredicted music changes. NeuroImage, 2021, 229, 117759. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.117759
1020. Pentikäinen, E., Pitkäniemi, A., Siponkoski, ST., Jansson, M., Louhivuori, J., Johnson, J., Paajanen, T. & Särkämö, S. Beneficial effects of choir singing on cognition and well-being of older adults: Evidence from a cross-sectional study. PLOS ONE, 2021, 16, e0245666. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0245666
1021. Martinez-Molina, N., Siponkoski, S-T., Kuusela, L., Laitinen, S., Holma, M., Ahlfors, M., Jordan-Kilkki, P., Ala-Kauhaluoma, K., Melkas, S., Pekkola, J., Rodriguez-Fornells, A., Laine, M., Ylinen, A., Rantanen, P., Koskinen, S., Cowley, B., Särkamö, T. Resting-state network plasticity induced by music therapy after Traumatic Brain Injury. Neural Plasticity, 2021, 2021. doi:10.1155/2021/6682471
1022. Siponkoski, S-T., Koskinen, S., Laitinen, S., Holma, M., Ahlfors, M., Jordan-Kilkki, P., Ala-Kauhaluoma, K., Martinez-Molina, N., Melkas, S., Laine, M., Ylinen, A., Zasler, N., Rantanen, P., Lipsanen, J., Särkämö, T. Effects of neurological music therapy on behavioural and emotional recovery after traumatic brain injury: A randomized controlled cross-over trial. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 2021, 32, 1356-1388. doi:10.1080/09602011.2021.1890138
1023. Särkämö, T., Huttula, L., Leppelmeier, J., Molander, K., Forsbom, M-B., Säynevirta, K., Kullberg-Turtiainen, M., Turtiainen, P., Sarajuuri, J., Hokkanen, L., Rantanen, P., Koskinen, S. DARE to move: Feasibility study of a novel dance-based rehabilitation method in severe traumatic brain injury. Brain Injury, 2021, 35, 335-344. doi:10.1080/02699052.2021.1873420
1024. Martín-Luengo, B., Zinchenko, O., Dolgoarshinnaia, A., & Leminen, A. Retrospective confidence judgments: Meta-analysis of fMRI studies. Human Brain Mapping, 2021, 42, 3005-3022. doi:10.1002/hbm.25397
1025. Hiltunen, S., Karevaara, M., Virta, M., Makkonen, T., Kallio, S. & Paavilainen, P. No evidence for theta power as a marker of hypnotic state in highly hypnotizable subjects. Heliyon, 2021, 7, e06871. doi:10.1016/j.heliyon.2021.e06871
1026. Zora, H., Riad, T., Ylinen, S., & Csépe V. Phonological variations are compensated at the lexical level: Evidence from auditory neural activity. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 2021, 15, 195. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2021.622904
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1041. Kostilainen, K., Partanen, E., Mikkola, K., Wikström, V., Pakarinen, S., Fellman, V., & Huotilainen, M. Repeated parental singing during kangaroo care improved neural processing of speech sound changes in preterm infants at term age. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2021, 15, 686027. doi:10.3389/fnins.2021.686027
1042. Pakarinen, S., Lohilahti, J., Sokka, L., Korpela, J., Huotilainen, M., & Müller, K., Auditory deviance detection and involuntary attention allocation in occupational burnout - A follow-up study. European Journal of Neuroscience, 2021, 55, 2592-2611. doi:10.1111/ejn.15429
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1045. Sihvonen, A.J., Pitkäniemi, A., Leo, V., Soinila, S., & Särkämö, T. Resting state language network neuroplasticity in post-stroke music listening: A randomised controlled trial. European Journal of Neuroscience, 2021, 54, 7886–7898. doi:10.1111/ejn.15524
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929. Virtala, P., Huotilainen, M., Lilja, E., Ojala, J., & Tervaniemi, M. Distortion and Western music chord processing - An ERP study of musicians and nonmusicians. Music Perception, 2018, 35, 315-331. doi:10.1525/mp.2018.35.3.315
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941. Kostilainen, K., Wikström, V., Pakarinen, S., Videman, M., Karlsson, L., Keskinen, M., Scheinin, N.M., Karlsson, H. & Huotilainen, M. Healthy full-term infants’ brain responses to emotionally and linguistically relevant sounds using a multi-feature mismatch negativity (MMN) paradigm. Neuroscience letters, 2018, 670, 110-115. doi:10.1016/j.neulet.2018.01.039
942. Poikonen, H., Toiviainen, P., & Tervaniemi, M. Dance on Cortex: Enhanced Theta Synchrony in Experts when Watching a Dance Piece. European Journal of Neuroscience, 2018, 47, 433-445. doi:10.1111/ejn.13838
943. Linnavalli, T., Putkinen, V., Lipsanen, J., Huotilainen, M., & Tervaniemi, M. Music playschool enhances children’s linguistic skills. Scientific reports, 2018, 8, 8767. doi:10.1038/s41598-018-27126-5
944. Jylkkä, J., Lehtonen, M., Kuusakoski, A., Lindholm, F., Hut, S.C.A. & Laine, M. The role of general executive functions in receptive language switching and monitoring. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 2018, 21, 4, 839-855. doi:10.1017/S1366728917000384
945. Quarto, T., Paparella, I., De Tullio, D., Viscanti, G., Fazio, L., Taurisano, P., Romano, R., Rampino, A., Masellis, R., Popolizio, T. & Selvaggi, P. Familial Risk and a Genome-Wide Supported DRD2 Variant for Schizophrenia Predict Lateral Prefrontal-Amygdala Effective Connectivity During Emotion Processing. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 2018, 44, 4, 834–843. doi:10.1093/schbul/sbx128
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947. Leo V, Sihvonen AJ, Linnavalli T, Tervaniemi M, Laine M, Soinila S, Särkämö T. Sung melody enhances verbal learning and recall after stroke. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2018, 1423, 296–307. doi:10.1111/nyas.13624
948. Grau-Sánchez J, Ramos-Escobar N, Sierpowska J, Rueda N, Redón S, Rifà X, Veciana de las Heras M, Pedro J, Särkämö J, Duarte E, Rodríguez-Fornells A. Music-supported therapy in the rehabilitation of subacute stroke patients: A randomized controlled trial. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2018, 1423, 318–328. doi:10.1111/nyas.13590
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950. Virtala, P., & Partanen, E. Can very early music interventions promote at‐risk infants’ development?. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2018, 1423, 92–101. doi:10.1111/nyas.13646
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956. Särkämö T. Cognitive, emotional, and neural benefits of musical leisure activities in aging and neurological rehabilitation: A critical review. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 2018, 61, 6, 414-418. doi:10.1016/
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900. Leminen M., Virkkala J., Saure E., Paajanen T., Zee P., Santostasi G., Hublin C., Müller K., Porkka-Heiskanen T., Huotilainen M., & Paunio T. Enhanced memory consolidation via automatic sound stimulation during non-REM sleep. Sleep, 2017, 40(3), 1-10. doi:10.1093/sleep/zsx003
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902. Bosch, S., Krause, H., & Leminen, A. The time-course of morphosyntactic and lexical priming in late bilinguals: A study of German adjectives. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 2017, 20(3), 435-456. doi:10.1017/S1366728916000055
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913. Hut, S.C., & Leminen, A. Shaving bridges and tuning kitaraa: the effect of language switching on semantic processing. Frontiers in Psychology, 2017, 8, 1438. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01438
914. Sihvonen, A.J., Särkämö, T., Ripollés, P., Leo, V., Saunavaara, J., Parkkola, R., Rodríguez-Fornells, A. & Soinila, S. Functional neural changes associated with acquired amusia across different stages of recovery after stroke. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7, 11390. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-11841-6
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916. Niemitalo-Haapola, E., Haapala, S., Kujala, T., Raappana, A., Kujala, T., & Jansson-Verkasalo, E. Noise equally degrades central auditory processing in 2- and 4-year-old children. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 2017, 60(8), 2297-2309. doi:10.1044/2017_JSLHR-H-16-0267
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918. Grau-Sánchez J., Ramos N., Duarte E., Särkämö T., Rodríguez-Fornells A. Time course of motor gains induced by Music-Supported Therapy after stroke: An exploratory case study. Neuropsychology, 2017, 31(6), 624. doi:10.1037/neu0000355
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920. Hut, S.C.A., Helenius, P., Leminen, A., Mäkelä, J. P. & Lehtonen, M. Language control mechanisms differ for native languages: Neuromagnetic evidence from trilingual language switching. Neuropsychologia, 2017, 107, 108-120. doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2017.11.016
921. Sihvonen, A.J., Ripollés, P., Särkämö, T., Leo, V., Rodriquez-Fornells, A., Saunavaara, J., Parkkola, R. & Soinila, S. Tracting the neural basis of music: deficient structural connectivity underlying acquired amusia. Cortex, 2017, 97C, 255-273. doi:10.1016/j.cortex.2017.09.028
922. Karlsson, L., Tolvanen, M., Scheinin, N.M., Uusitupa, H.M., Korja, R., Ekholm, E., Tuulari, J.J., Pajulo, M., Huotilainen, M., Paunio, T. & Karlsson, H. Cohort Profile: The FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study (FinnBrain). International journal of epidemiology, 2017, dyx173. doi:10.1093/ije/dyx173
923. Sokka, L., Leinikka, M., Korpela, J., Henelius, A., Lukander, J., Pakarinen, S., Alho, K. & Huotilainen, M. Shifting of attentional set is inadequate in severe burnout: evidence from an event-related potential study. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 2017, 112, 70-79. doi:10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2016.12.004
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856. Poikonen, H., Alluri, V., Brattico, E., Lartillot, O., Tervaniemi, M., & Huotilainen, M. Event-related brain responses while listening to entire pieces of music. Neuroscience, 2016, 312, 58-73. doi:10.1016/j.neuroscience.2015.10.061
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866. Reinvall, O., Moisio, A. L., Lahti-Nuuttila, P., Voutilainen, A., Laasonen, M., & Kujala, T. Psychiatric symptoms in children and adolescents with higher functioning autism spectrum disorders on the Development and Well-Being Assessment. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 2016, 25, 47-57. doi:10.1016/j.rasd.2016.01.009
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886. Poikonen, H., Toiviainen, P., & Tervaniemi, M. Early auditory processing in musicians and dancers during a contemporary dance piece. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, 33056. doi:10.1038/srep33056
887. Tirri, K. & Kujala, T. Students’ mindsets for learning and their neural underpinnings. Psychology, 2016, 7(9), 1231. doi:10.4236/psych.2016.79125
888. Ylinen, S., Huuskonen, M., Mikkola, K., Saure, E., Sinkkonen, T., & Paavilainen, P. Predictive coding of phonological rules in auditory cortex: A mismatch negativity study. Brain & Language, 2016, 162, 72-80. doi:10.1016/j.bandl.2016.08.007
889. Bosseler, A., Teinonen, T., Tervaniemi, M., & Huotilainen, M. Infant directed speech enhances statistical learning in newborn infants: An ERP study. PLOS One, 2016, 11(9), e0162177. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0162177
890. Haumann, N. T., Parkkonen, L., Kliuchko, M., Vuust, P., & Brattico, E. Comparing the performance of popular MEG/EEG artifact correction methods in an evoked-response study. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2016, 3, 1-10. doi:10.1155/2016/7489108
891. Cowley, B., Filetti, M., Lukander, K., Torniainen, J., Henelius, A., Ahonen, L., Barral, O., Kosunen, I., Valtonen, T., Huotilainen, M., Ravaja, N., & Jacucci, G. The psychophysiology primer: a guide to methods and a broad review with a focus on human–computer interaction. Foundations and Trends® Human–Computer Interaction, 2016, 9(3-4), 151-308. doi:10.1561/1100000065
892. Mittag, M., Takegata, R., & Winkler, I. Transitional probabilities are prioritized over stimulus/pattern probabilities in auditory deviance detection: memory basis for predictive sound processing. Journal of Neuroscience, 2016, 36(37), 9572-9579. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1041-16.2016
893. Mansikka, H., Simola, P., Virtanen, K., Harris, D., & Oksama, L. Fighter pilots’ heart rate, heart rate variation and performance during instrument approaches. Ergonomics, 206, 59(10), 1344-1352. doi:10.1080/00140139.2015.1136699
894. Kliuchko, M., Heinonen-Guzejev, H., Vuust, P., Tervaniemi, M., & Brattico, E. A window into the brain mechanisms associated with noise sensitivity. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, 39236. doi:10.1038/srep39236
895. Sokka, L., Leinikka, M., Korpela, J., Henelius, A., Ahonen, L., Alain, C., Alho, K. & Huotilainen, M. Job burnout is associated with dysfunctions in brain mechanisms of voluntary and involuntary attention. Biological psychology, 2016, 117, 56-66. doi:10.1016/j.biopsycho.2016.02.010
823. Simola, J., Le Fevre, K., Torniainen, J., & Baccino, T. Affective processing in natural scene viewing: Valence and arousal interactions in eye-fixation-related potentials. Neuroimage, 2015, 106, 21-33. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2014.11.030
824. Barron-Linnankoski, S., Reinvall, O., Lahervuori, A., Voutilainen, A., Lahti-Nuuttila, P., & Korkman, M. Neurocognitive performance of children with higher functioning Autism Spectrum disorders on the NEPSY-II. Child Neuropsychology: A Journal on Normal and Abnormal Development in Childhood and Adolescence, 2015, 21(1), 55-77. doi:10.1080/09297049.2013.873781
825. Ylinen, S. & Kujala, T. Neuroscience illuminating the influence of auditory or phonological intervention on language-related deficits. Frontiers in Psychology, 2015, 6, 137. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00137
826. Petersen, B., Weed, E., Sandmann, P., Brattico, E., Hansen, M., Derdau, S., & Vuust, P. Brain responses to musical feature changes in adolescent cochlear implant users. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2015, 9, 7. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2015.00007
827. Pellikka, J., Helenius, P., Mäkelä, J. & Lehtonen, M. Context affects L1 but not L2 during bilingual word recognition: an MEG study. Brain and Language, 2015, 142, 8-17. doi:10.1016/j.bandl.2015.01.006
828. Simoens, V.L., Puttonen, S., & Tervaniemi, M. Are music performance anxiety and positive performance ‘boost’ extremes of the same continuum? Psychology of Music, 2015, 43(2), 171-187. doi:10.1177%2F0305735613499200
829. Reybrouck, M. & Brattico, E. Neuroplasticity beyond sounds: Neural adaptations following long-term musical aesthetic experiences. Brain Sciences, 2015, 5(1), 69-91. doi:10.3390/brainsci5010069
830. Papazacharias, A., Taurisano, P., Fazio, L., Gelao, B., Di Giorgio, A., Lo Bianco, L., Quarto, T., Mancini, M., Porcelli, A., Romano,R., Caforio, G., Todarello, O., Popolizio,T., Blasi, G. & Bertolino, A. Aversive emotional interference impacts behavior and prefronto-striatal activity during increasing attentional control. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 2015, 9, 97. doi:10.3389/fnbeh.2015.00097
831. Tamminen, H., Peltola, M., Kujala, T. & Näätänen, R. Phonetic training and non-native speech perception - new memory traces evolve in just three days as indexed by the mismatch negativity (MMN) and behavioural measures. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 2015, 97, 23-29. doi:10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2015.04.020
832. Putkinen, V., Tervaniemi, M., Saarikivi, K., & Huotilainen, M. Promises of formal and informal musical activities in advancing neurocognitive development throughout childhood. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2015, 1337, 153-162. doi:10.1111/nyas.12656
833. Sysoeva, O. V., Lange, E. B., Sorokin, A. B, & Campbell, T. From pre-attentive processes to durable representation: An ERP index of visual distraction. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 2015, 95(3), 310-321. doi:10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2014.12.007
834. Stothart, G., Kazanina, N., Näätänen, R., Haworth, J., & Tales, A. Early Visual Evoked Potentials and Mismatch Negativity in Alzheimer´s Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment. Journal of Alzheimer´s Disease, 2015, 44(2), 397-408. doi:10.3233/JAD-140930
835. Kimppa, L., Kujala, T., Leminen, A., Vainio, M., & Shtyrov, Y. Rapid and automatic speech-specific learning mechanism in human neocortex. Neuroimage, 2015, 118, 282-291. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2015.05.098
836. Ylinen, S., Nora, A., Leminen, A., Hakala, T., Huotilainen, M., Shtyrov, Y., Mäkelä, J.P., & Service, E. Two distinct auditory-motor circuits for monitoring speech production as revealed by rehearsal-elicited suppression of auditory cortex. Cerebral cortex, 2015, 25(6), 1576-1586. doi:10.1093/cercor/bht351
837. Näätänen, R., Shiga, T., Asano, S., & Yabe, H. Mismatch negativity (MMN) deficiency: A break-through biomarker in predicting psychosis onset. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 2015, 95(3), 338-344. doi:10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2014.12.012
838. Garza-Villareal, E.A., Jiang, Z., Vuust, P., Alcauter, S., Vase, L., Pasaye, E., Cavazos-Rodriguez, R., Brattico, E., Jensen, T.S., & Barrios, F.A. Music reduces pain and increases resting state fMRI BOLD signal amplitude in the left angular gyrus in fibromyalgia patients. Frontiers in Psychology, 2015, 6: 1051. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01051. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01051
839. Pallesen, K.J., Bailey, C.J., Brattico, E., Gjedde, A., Palva, J.M., & Palva, S. Experience drives synchronization: The phase and amplitude dynamics of neural oscillations to musical chords are differentially modulated by musical expertise. Plos ONE, 2015, 10(8):e0134211. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0134211
840. Haapala, S., Niemitalo-Haapola, E., Raappana, A., Kujala, T., Kujala, T. & Jansson-Verkasalo, E. Restricted consonant inventories of 2-year-old Finnish children with a history of recurrent acute otitis media. First Language, 2015, 35, 219-236. doi:10.1177/0142723715589695
841. Niemitalo-Haapola, E., Haapala, S., Jansson-Verkasalo, E., & Kujala T. Background noise degrades central auditory processing in toddlers. Ear and Hearing, 2015, 36(6), e342-e351. doi:10.1097/AUD.0000000000000192
842. Del’Guidice, T., Latapy, C., Rampino, A., Khlghatyan, J., Lemasson, M., Gelao, B., Quarto, T., Rizzo, G., Barbeau, A., Lamarre, C., Bertolino, A., Blasi, G., & Beaulieu, J.M. FXR1P is a GSK3β substrate regulating mood and emotion processing. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2015, 112(33), E4610-E4619. doi:10.1073/pnas.1506491112
843. Carlson, E., Saarikallio, S., Toiviainen, P., Bogert, B., Kliuchko, M., & Brattico, E. Maladaptive and adaptive emotion regulation through music: A behavioural and neuroimaging study of males and females. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2015, 9. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2015.00466
844. Kliuchko, M., Heinonen-Guzejev, M., Monacis, L., Gold, B., Heikkilä, P., Spinosa, V., Tervaniemi, M., & Brattico E. The association of noise sensitivity with music listening, training, and aptitude. Noise & Health, 2015, 17(78), 350. doi:10.4103/1463-1741.165065
845. Burunat, I., Brattico, E., Puoliväli, T., Ristaniemi, T., Sams, M., & Toiviainen, P. Action in perception: Prominent visuo-motor functional symmetry in musicians during music listening. PLOS One, 2015, 10(9), e0138238. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0138238
846. Ellison, D., Moisseinen, N., Fachner, J., & Brattico, E. Affective versus cognitive responses to musical chords: An ERP and behavioral study. Psychomusicology, 2015, 25(4), 423-434. doi:10.1037/pmu0000127
847. Alluri V., Brattico, E., Toiviainen, P., Burunat, I., Bogert, B., Numminen, J., & Kliuchko, M. Musical expertise modulates functional connectivity of limbic regions during continuous music listening. doi:10.1037/pmu0000124Psychomusicology, 2015, 25(4), 443-454
848. Seesjärvi, E., Särkämö, T., Vuoksimaa, E., Tervaniemi, M., Peretz, I., & Kaprio, J. The nature and nurture of melody: A twin study of musical pitch and rhythm perception. Behavior Genetics, 2015, 1-10. doi:10.1007/s10519-015-9774-y
849. Getzmann, S., & Näätänen, R. The mismatch negativity as a measure of auditory stream segregation in a simulated “cocktail-party” scenario: effect of age. Neurobiology of Aging, 2015, 36(11), 3029-3037. doi:10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2015.07.017
850. Matrone, C., & Brattico, E. The power of music on Alzheimer's disease and the need to understand the underlying molecular mechanisms. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease & Parkinsonism, 2015, 5(196). doi:10.4172/2161-0460.1000196
851. Kompus, K., Westerhausen, R., Craven, A. R., Kreegipuu, K., Põldver, N., Passow, S., Specht, K., Hugdahl, K., & Näätänen, R. Resting‐state glutamatergic neurotransmission is related to the peak latency of the auditory mismatch negativity (MMN) for duration deviants: An 1H‐MRS‐EEG study. Psychophysiology, 2015, 52(9), 1131-1139. doi:10.1111/psyp.12445
852. Uzal, M., Peltonen, T., Huotilainen, M., & Aaltonen, O. Degree of Perceived Accent in Finnish as a Second Language for Turkish Children Born in Finland. Language Learning, 2015, 65(3), 477-503. doi:10.1111/lang.12126
791. Leminen, A. & Clahsen, H. Brain potentials to inflected adjectives: Beyond storage and decomposition. Brain Research, 2014, 1543, 223-234. doi:10.1016/j.brainres.2013.10.038
792. Toiviainen, P., Alluri, V., Brattico, E., Wallentin, M. & Vuust, P. Capturing the musical brain with Lasso: dynamic decoding of musical features from fMRI data. Neuroimage, 2014, 88, 170‑180. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2013.11.017
793. Torppa, R., Faulkner, A., Huotilainen, M., Järvikivi, J., Lipsanen, J., Laasonen, M., & Vainio, M. The perception of prosody and associated auditory cues in early-implanted children: the role of auditory working memory and musical activities. International Journal of Audiology, 2014, 53(3), 182-191. doi:10.3109/14992027.2013.872302
794. Putkinen, V., Tervaniemi, M., Saarikivi, K., deVent, N., & Huotilainen, M. Investigating the effects of musical training on functional brain development with a novel melodic MMN paradigm. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 2014, 110, 8‑15. doi:10.1016/j.nlm.2014.01.007
795. Kuuluvainen, S., Nevalainen, P., Sorokin, A., Mittag, M., Partanen, E., Putkinen, V., Seppänen, M., Kähkönen, S., & Kujala T. The neural basis of sublexical speech and corresponding nonspeech processing: A combined EEG–MEG study. Brain and Language, 2014, 130, 19‑32. doi:10.1016/j.bandl.2014.01.008
796. Gelao B., Fazio L., Selvaggi P., Di Giorgio A., Taurisano P., Quarto T., Romano R., Porcelli A., Mancini M., Masellis R., Ursini G., De Simeis G., Caforio G., Ferranti L., Lo Bianco L., Rampino A., Todarello O., Popolizio T., Blasi G., & Bertolino A. DRD2 genotype predicts prefrontal activity during working memory after stimulation of D2 receptors with bromocriptine. Psychopharmacology, 2014, 1‑10. doi:10.1007/s00213-013-3398-9
797. Garza-Villareal E. A., Wilson A. D., Vase L, Brattico E, Barrios F.A., & Jensen T. S. Music reduces pain and increases functional mobility in fibromyalgia. Frontiers in Psychology - Psychology for Clinical Settings, 2014, 5, 90. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00090
798. Lehtonen, M., Harrer, G., Wande, E. & Laine, M. Testing the stem dominance hypothesis: meaning analysis of inflected words and prepositional phrases. PLOS One, 2014, 9, 3, e93136. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0093136
799. Vainio, L., Heimola, M., Heino, H., Iljin, I., Laamanen, P., Seesjärvi, E., & Paavilainen, P. Does gaze cueing produce automatic response activation: a lateralized readiness potential (LRP) study. Neuroscience Letters, 2014, 567, 1-5. doi:10.1016/j.neulet.2014.03.015
800. Särkämö, T., Ripollés, P., Vepsäläinen, H., Autti, A., Silvennoinen, H. M., Salli, E., Laitinen, S., Forsblom, A., Soinila, S. & Rodríguez-Fornells, A. Structural changes induced by daily music listening in the recovering brain after middle cerebral artery stroke: a voxel-based morphometry study. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2014, 8, 245. doi:10.1016/j.neulet.2014.03.015
801. Timm, L., Vuust, P., Brattico, E., Agrawal, D., Debener, S., Buechner, A., Dengler, R., & Witthfoth, M. Residual neural processing of musical sound features in adult cochlear implant users. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2014, 8, 181. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2014.00181
802. Di Giorgio, A., Smith, R. M., Fazio, L., D’Ambrosio, E., Gelao, B., Tomasicchio, A., Selvaggi, P., Taurisano, P., Quarto, T., Masellis, R., Rampino, A., Caforio, G., Popolizio, T., Blasi, G., Sadee, W., & Bertolino, A. DRD2/CHRNA5 interaction on prefrontal biology and physiology during working memory. PLOS One, 2014, 9, 5, e95997. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0095997
803. Taurisano, P., Romano, R., Mancini, M., Di Giorgio, A., Antonucci, L. A., Fazio, L., Rampino, A., Quarto, T., Gelao, B., Porcelli, A., Papazacharias, A., Ursini, G., Caforio, G., Masellis, R., Niccoli-Asabella, A., Todarello, O., Popolizio, T., Rubini, G., Blasi, G., & Bertolino, A. Prefronto-striatal physiology is associated with schizotypy and is modulated by a functional variant of DRD2. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 2014, 8, 235. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0095997
804. Grimaldi M, Sisinni B, Gili Fivela B, Invitto S, Resta D, Alku P, & Brattico E. Assimilation of L2 vowels to L1 phonemes governs L2 learning in adulthood - A behavioral and ERP study. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2014, 8, 279. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2014.00279
805. Vainio, L., Ala-Salomäki, H., Huovilainen, T., Nikkinen, H., Salo, M., Väliaho, J. & Paavilainen, P. Mug handle affordance and automatic response inhibition: Behavioural and electrophysiological evidence. Quartely Journal of Experimental Psychology, 2014, 67(9), 1697-1719. doi:10.1080/17470218.2013.868007
806. Burunat I., Alluri V., Toiviainen P., Numminen J.,& Brattico E. Dynamics of brain activity underlying working memory for music in a naturalistic condition. Cortex, 2014, 57, 254-269. doi:10.1016/j.cortex.2014.04.012
807. Tervaniemi, M., Huotilainen, M., & Brattico, E. Melodic multi-feature paradigm reveals auditory profiles in music-sound encoding. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2014, 8, 496. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2014.00496
808. Quarto, T., Blasi, G., Pallesen, K. J., Bertolino, A., & Brattico, E. Implicit processing of visual emotions is affected by sound-induced affective states and individual affective traits. PLOS One, 2014, 9(7), e103278. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0103278
809. Virtala, P., Huotilainen, M., Partanen, E., & Tervaniemi, M. Musicianship facilitates the processing of western music chords – an ERP and behavioral study. Neuropsychologia, 2014, 61, 247-258. doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2014.06.028
810. Pennala, R., Richardson, U., Ylinen, S., Lyytinen, H., & Martin, M. Computer game as a tool for training the identification of phonemic length. Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology, 2014, 39, 149-158. doi:10.3109/14015439.2013.810302
811. Hövel, H., Partanen, E., Huotilainen, M., Lindgren, M., Rosén, I., & Fellman, V. Auditory event-related potentials at preschool age in children born very preterm. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2014, 125(3), 449-456. doi:10.1016/j.clinph.2013.07.026
812. Torppa, R., Huotilainen, M., Leminen, M., Lipsanen, J., & Tervaniemi, M. Interplay between singing and cortical processing of music: A longitudinal study in children with cochlear implants. Frontiers in Psychology, 2014, 5, 1389. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2014.01389
813. Haapala, S., Niemitalo-Haapola, E., Raappana, A., Kujala, T., Suominen, K., Kujala, T. & Jansson-Verkasalo, E. Effects of recurrent otitis media on cortical speech-sound processing in 2-year-old children. Ear & Hearing, 2014, 35, e75-e83. doi:10.1097/AUD.0000000000000002
814. Jansson-Verkasalo, E., Eggers, K., Järvenpää, A., Suominen, K., Van den Bergh, B., De Nil, L. & Kujala, T. Atypical central auditory speech-sound discrimination in children who stutter, as indexed by the mismatch negativity. Journal of Fluency Disorders, 2014, 41, 1-11. doi:10.1016/j.jfludis.2014.07.001
815. Cowley, B., & Ravaja, N. Learning in Balance: Using Oscillatory EEG Biomarkers of Attention, Motivation and Vigilance to Interpret Game-Based Learning. Cogent Education, 2014, 1(1). doi:10.1080/2331186X.2014.962236
816. Taimi, L., Alku, P., Kujala, T., Näätänen, R., & Peltola M.S. The effect of production training to non-native speech sound perception and discrimination in school-aged children: An MMN and behavioural study. Linguistica Lettica, 2014, 22, 114-129.
817. Näätänen, R., Sussman, E.S., Salisbury, D., & Shafer, V. L. Mismatch negativity (MMN) as an index of cognitive dysfunction. Brain Topography, 2014, 27, 451-466. doi:10.1007/s10548-014-0374-6
818. Perez, V.B., Swerdlow, N.R., Näätänen, R, & Light, G.A. Using biomarkers to inform diagnosis, guide treatments and track response to interventions in psychotic illnesses. Biomarkers in Medicine, 2014, 8, 9-14. doi:10.2217/bmm.13.133
819. Astikainen, P., Mällo, T., Ruusuvirta, T., & Näätänen, R. Electrophysiological evidence for change detection in speech sound patterns by anesthesized rats. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2014, 8, 374. doi:10.3389/fnins.2014.00374
820. Astikainen, P., Ruusuvirta, T., & Näätänen, R. Rapid categorization of sound objects in anesthesized rats as indexed by the electrophysiological mismatch response. Psychophysiology, 2014, 51, 1195-1199. doi:10.1111/psyp.12284
821. Särkämö, T., Tervaniemi, M., Laitinen, S., Numminen, A., Kurki, M., Johnson, J. K., & Rantanen, P. Cognitive, Emotional, and Social Benefits of Regular Musical Activities in Early Dementia: Randomized Controlled Study. The Gerontologist, 2014, 54, 634-650. doi:10.1093/geront/gnt100
822. Sokka, L., Huotilainen, M., Leinikka, M., Korpela, J., Henelius, A., Alain, C., Müller, K. & Pakarinen, S. Alterations in attention capture to auditory emotional stimuli in job burnout: an event-related potential study. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 2014, 94(3), 427-436. doi:10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2014.11.001
741. Kujala, T., Lepistö, T., & Näätänen, R. The neural basis of aberrant speech and audition in autism spectrum disorders. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 2013, 37, 697-704. doi:10.1016/j.neubiorev.2013.01.006
742. Istók, E., Brattico, E., Jacobsen, T., Ritter, A., & Tervaniemi, M. Expressive timing facilitates the neural processing of phrase boundaries in music: Evidence from event-related potentials. PLoS One, 2013, 8, e55150. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0055150
743. Simoens, V. L., & Tervaniemi, M. Auditory short-term memory activation during score reading. PLOS One, 2013, 8, e53691. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0053691
744. Vainio, L., Alén, H., Hiltunen, S., Lehikoinen, K., Lindbäck, H., Patrikainen, A., & Paavilainen, P. Response inhibition triggered by the briefly viewed image of a hand: Behavioural and electrophysiological evidence. Neuropsychologia, 2013, 51, 493-499. doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2012.12.004
745. Leminen, A., Lehtonen, M., Leminen, M., Nevalainen, P., Mäkelä, J., & Kujala,T. The role of attention in processing morphologically complex spoken words: an EEG/MEG study. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2013, 6, 353. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2012.00353
746. Saarikallio, S., Nieminen, S., & Brattico, E. Affective reactions to musical stimuli reflect emotional use of music in everyday life. Musicae Scientiae, 2013, 17(1), 27-39. doi:10.1177/1029864912462381
747. Mittag, M., Thesleff, P., Laasonen, M. & Kujala, T. The neurophysiological basis of the integration of written and heard syllables in dyslexic adults. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2013, 124, 315-326. doi:10.1016/j.clinph.2012.08.003
748. Brattico, E. & Pearce, M. The neuroaesthetics of music. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity and the Arts, 2013, 7(1), 48-61. doi:10.1037/a0031624
749. Putkinen, V., Tervaniemi, M. & Huotilainen, M. Informal musical activities are linked to auditory discrimination and attention in 2-3-year-old children: an event-related potential study. European Journal of Neuroscience, 2013, 37, 654-661. doi:10.1111/ejn.12049
750. Tamminen, H., Peltola, M.S., Toivonen, H., Kujala, T., & Näätänen, R. Phonological processing differences in bilinguals and monolinguals. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 2013, 87, 8-12. doi:10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2012.10.003
751. Pakarinen, S., Teinonen, T., Shestakova, A., Soo Kwon, M., Kujala, T., Hämäläinen, H., Näätänen, R. & Huotilainen, M. Fast parametric evaluation of central speech-sound processing with mismatch negativity (MMN). International Journal of Psychophysiology, 2013, 87, 103-110. doi:10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2012.11.010
752. Giannakopoulou, A., Uther, M., & Ylinen, S. Enhanced plasticity in spoken language acquisition for child learners: evidence from phonetic training studies in child and adult learners of English. Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 2013, 29, 201-218. doi:10.1177/0265659012467473
753. Brattico, E., Bogert, B. & Jacobsen, T. Toward a neural chronometric framework for the aesthetic experience of music. Frontiers in Psychology, 2013. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00206
754. Niemitalo-Haapola, E., Lapinlampi, S., Kujala, T., Alku, P., Kujala, T., Suominen, K. & Jansson-Verkasalo, E. Linguistic multi-feature paradigm as an eligible measure of central auditory processing and novelty detection in 2-year-old children. Cognitive Neuroscience, 2013, 4, 99-106. doi:10.1080/17588928.2013.781146
755. Pakarinen, S., Teinonen, T., Shestakova, A., Soo Kwon, M., Kujala, T., Hämäläinen, H., Näätänen, R. & Huotilainen, M. Fast parametric evaluation of central speech-sound processing with mismatch negativity (MMN). International Journal of Psychophysiology, 2013, 87, 103-110. doi:10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2012.11.010
756. Partanen, E., Torppa, R., Pykäläinen, J., Kujala, T., & Huotilainen, M. Children’s brain responses to sound changes in pseudo words in a multifeature paradigm. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2013, 124, 1132–1138. doi:10.1016/j.clinph.2012.12.005
757. Gold, B.P., Frank, M.J., Bogert, B., & Brattico, E. Pleasurable music affects reinforcement learning according to the listener. Frontiers in Psychology, 2013, 4, 501. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00541
758. Lonka, E., Relander-Syrjänen, K., Johansson, R., Näätänen, R., Alho, K., & Kujala, T. The mismatch negativity (MMN) brain response to sound frequency changes in cochlear implant recipients: A follow-up study. Acta Oto-Laryngologica, 2013, 133, 853-857. doi:10.3109/00016489.2013.780293
759. Partanen, E., Pakarinen, S., Kujala, T., & Huotilainen, M. Infants' brain responses for speech sound changes in fast multifeature MMN paradigm. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2013, 124, 1578–1585. doi:10.1016/j.clinph.2013.02.014
760. Alluri, V., Toiviainen, P., Lund, T. R., Wallentin, M., Vuust, P., Nandi, A. K., Ristaniemi, T., & Brattico, E. From Vivaldi to Beatles and back: Predicting lateralized brain responses to music. Neuroimage, 2013, 83, 627-636. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2013.06.064
761. Simola, J., Torniainen, J., Moisala, M., Kivikangas, M., & Krause, C. M. Eye movement related brain responses to emotional scenes during free viewing. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 2013, 7, 41, 1-16. doi:10.3389/fnsys.2013.00041
762. Simola, J., Kivikangas, M., Kuisma, J., & Krause, C. M. Attention and Memory for Newspaper Advertisements: Effects of Ad–Editorial Congruency and Location. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 2013, 27, 4, 429-442. doi:10.1002/acp.2918
763. Simoens, V. & Tervaniemi, M. Musician-instrument relationship as a candidate index for professional well-being in musicians. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 2013, 7, 2, 171-180. doi:10.1037/a0030164
764. Saad, E. & Silvanto, J. How visual short-term memory maintenance modulates subsequent visual aftereffects. Psychological Science, 2013, 24, 5, 803-808. doi:10.1177/0956797612462140
765. Brattico, E., Tupala, T., Glerean, E., & Tervaniemi, M. Modulated neural processing of Western harmony in folk musicians. Psychophysiology, 2013, 50, 653-663. doi:10.1111/psyp.12049
766. Särkämö, T., Tervaniemi, M., & Huotilainen, M. Music Perception & Cognition: Development, Neural Basis and Rehabilitative Use of Music. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science (WIREs Cognitive Science), 2013, 4, 4, 441-451. doi:10.1002/wcs.1237
767. Paavilainen, P. The mismatch-negativity (MMN) component of the auditory event-related potential to violations of abstract regularities: A review. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 2013, 88, 2, 109-123. doi:10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2013.03.015
768. Virtala, P., Huotilainen, M., Partanen, E., Fellman, V., & Tervaniemi, M. Newborn infants’ auditory system is sensitive to Western music chord categories. Frontiers in Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience, 2013, 4, 462, 1-10. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00492
769. Hausen, M., Torppa, R., Salmela, V. R., Vainio, M. & Särkämö, T. Music and speech prosody: A common rhythm. Frontiers in Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience, 2013, 4, 566. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00566
770. Putkinen, V., Saarikivi, K. & Tervaniemi, M. Do informal musical activities shape auditory skill development in preschool-age children? Frontiers in Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience, 2013, 4, 572. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00572
771. Seppänen, M., Hämäläinen, J., Pesonen, A-K., & Tervaniemi, M. Passive sound exposure induces rapid perceptual learning in musicians: Event-related potential evidence. Biological Psychology, 2013, 94, 341-353. doi:10.1016/j.biopsycho.2013.07.004
772. Maidhof, C. Error monitoring in musicians. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2013, 7, 401. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2013.00401. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2013.00401
773. Kaipio, M.L., Cheour, M., Öhman, J., Salonen, O., & Näätänen, R. Mismatch negativity abnormality in traumatic brain injury without macroscopic lesions on conventional MRI. Neuroreport, 2013, 24, 8, 440-4. doi:10.1097/WNR.0b013e32836164b4
774. Reinvall, O., Voutilainen, A., Kujala, T., & Korkman, M. Neurocognitive functioning in adolescents with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 2013, 43(6), 1367-1379. doi:10.1007/s10803-012-1692-8
775. Kuldsepp, N., Kreegipuu, K., Raidvee, A., Näätänen, R., & Allik, J. Unattended and attended visual change detection of motion as indexed by event-related potentials and its behavioral correlates. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2013, 7, 476, 1-9. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2013.00476
776. Mittag, M., Alho, K., Takegata, R., Makkonen, T., & Kujala, T. Audiovisual attention boosts letter-speech sound integration. Psychophysiology, 2013, 50, 1034-1044. doi:10.1111/psyp.12085
777. Maidhof, C., Kästner, T., & Makkonen, T. Combining EEG, MIDI, and motion capture techniques for investigating musical performance. Behavior research methods, 2013, 1-11. doi:10.3758/s13428-013-0363-9
778. Partanen, E., Kujala, T., Näätänen, R., Liitola, A., Sambeth, A., & Huotilainen, M. Learning-induced neural plasticity of speech processing before birth. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2013, 110(37), 15145-15150.
779. Maidhof, C., Pitkäniemi, A., & Tervaniemi, M. Predictive error detection in pianists: a combined ERP and motion capture study. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 2013, 7. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2013.00587
780. Partanen, E., Kujala, T., Tervaniemi, M., & Huotilainen, M. Prenatal Music Exposure Induces Long-Term Neural Effects. PloS one, 2013, 8(10), e78946. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0078946
781. Light, G. A., & Näätänen, R. Mismatch negativity is a breakthrough biomarker for understanding and treating psychotic disorders. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2013, 110(38), 15175-15176. doi:10.1073/pnas.1313287110
782. Mittag, M., Inauri, K., Huovilainen, T., Leminen, M., Salo, E., Rinne, T., Kujala, T., & Alho, K. Attention effects on the processing of task-relevant and task-irrelevant speech sounds and letters. Frontiers in Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience, 2013, 7, 231. doi:10.3389/fnins.2013.00231
783. Stacho, L., Saarikallio, S., Van Zijl, A., Huotilainen, M., & Toiviainen, P. Perception of emotional content in musical performances by 3-7-year-old children. Musicae Scientiae, 2013, 17, 495-512. doi:10.1177/1029864913497617
784. Leminen, A., Leminen, M., Kujala, T. & Shtyrov, Y. Neural dynamics of inflectional and derivational morphology processing in the human brain. Cortex, 2013, 49(10), 2758-2771. doi:10.1016/j.cortex.2013.08.007
785. Hövel, H., Partanen, E., Huotilainen, M., Lindgren, M., Rosén, I., & Fellman, V. Auditory event-related potentials at preschool age in children born very preterm. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2013, 125(3), 449‑456. doi:10.1016/j.clinph.2013.07.026
786. Putkinen, V., Tervaniemi, M., Saarikivi, K., Ojala, P. & Huotilainen, M. Enhanced development of auditory change detection in musically trained school-aged children: A longitudinal event-related potential study. Developmental Science, 2013, 17(2), 282‑297. doi:10.1111/desc.12109
787. Haapala, S., Niemitalo-Haapola, E., Raappana, A., Kujala, T., Suominen, K., Kujala, T. & Jansson-Verkasalo, E. Effects of recurrent otitis media on cortical speech-sound processing in 2-year-old children. Ear & Hearing, 2013, 4(2), 99‑106. doi:10.1097/AUD.0000000000000002
788. Parsons, C. E., Young, K. S., Joensson, M.,Brattico, E., Hyam, J. A., Stein, A., Green, A. L., Aziz, T. Z., & Kringelbach, M. L. Ready for action: a role for the human midbrain in responding to infant vocalizations. Social, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 2013. doi:10.1093/scan/nst076
789. He, J., Guo, Y., Näätänen, R., Pakarinen, S., & Luo, Y. Effects of alcohol on auditory pre-attentive processing of four sound features: evidence from mismatch negativity. Psychopharmacology, 2013, 225, 3563-360. doi:10.1007/s00213-012-2816-8
790. Kreegipuu, K., Kuldkepp, N., Sibolt, O., Toom, M., Allik, J., & Näätänen, R. vMMN for schematic faces: automatic detection of change in emotional expression. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2013, 7, 714. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2013.00714
711. Teinonen, T. & Huotilainen, M. Implicit segmentation of a stream of syllables based on transitional probabilities: an MEG study. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 2012, 41, 71-82. doi:10.1007/s10936-011-9182-2
712. Näätänen, R., Kujala, T., Escera, C., Baldeweg, T., Kreegipuu, K., Carlson, S. & Ponton, C. The mismatch negativity (MMN) - a unique window to disturbed central auditory processing in aging and different clinical conditions. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2012, 123, 424-458. doi:10.1016/j.clinph.2011.09.020
713. Lovio, R., Halttunen, A., Lyytinen, H., Näätänen, R. & Kujala, T. Reading skill and neural processing accuracy improvement after a 3-hour intervention in preschoolers with difficulties in reading-related skills. Brain Research, 2012, 1448, 42-55. doi:10.1016/j.brainres.2012.01.071
714. Marie, C., Kujala, T. & Besson, M. Musical and linguistic expertise influence pre-attentive and attentive processing of non-speech sounds. Cortex, 2012, 48, 447-457. doi:10.1016/j.cortex.2010.11.006
715. Widmann, A., Schröger, E., Tervaniemi, M., Pakarinen, S. & Kujala, T. Mapping symbols to sounds: electrophysiological correlates of the impaired reading process in dyslexia. Frontiers in Language Sciences, 2012, 3, 1-12. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2012.00060
716. Seppänen, M., Pesonen, A-K. & Tervaniemi, M. Music training enhances the rapid plasticity of P3a/P3b event-related brain potentials for unattended and attended target sounds. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 2012, 74, 600-612. doi:10.3758/s13414-011-0257-9
717. Seppänen, M., Hämäläinen, J., Pesonen, A-K. & Tervaniemi, M. Music training enhances rapid plasticity of N1 and P2 source activation for unattended sounds. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2012, 6, 43. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2012.00043
718. Simoens, V., & Hébert, S. Cortisol suppression and hearing thresholds in tinnitus after low-dose dexamethasone challenge. BMC Ear, Nose & Throat Disorders, 2012, 26, 12, 4. doi:10.1186/1472-6815-12-4
720. Lehtonen, M., Hultén, A., Rodríguez-Fornells, A., Cunillera, T., Tuomainen, J. & Laine, M. Differences in word recognition between early bilinguals and monolinguals: Behavioral and ERP evidence. Neuropsychologia, 2012, 50, 1362-1371. doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2012.02.021
721. Lindström, R., Paavilainen, P., Kujala, T. & Tervaniemi, M. Processing of audiovisual associations in the human brain: dependency on expectations and rule complexity. Frontiers in Psychology, 2012, 3, 159. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2012.00159
722. Putkinen, V., Niinikuru, R., Tervaniemi, M., Lipsanen, J. & Huotilainen, M. Fast measurement of auditory event-related potential profiles in 2–3-year-olds. Developmental Neuropsychology, 2012, 37, 1, 51-75. doi:10.1080/87565641.2011.615873
723. Alluri, V., Toiviainen, P., Jääskeläinen, I.P., Glerean, E., Sams, M. & Brattico, E. Large-scale brain networks emerge from dynamic processing of musical timbre, key and rhythm. NeuroImage, 2012, 59, 4, 3677-3689. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2011.11.019
724. Garza Villarreal, E., Brattico, E., Vase, L., Østergaard, L. & Vuust, P. Superior analgesic effect of an active distraction versus pleasant unfamiliar sounds and music: the influence of emotion and cognitive style. PloS One, 2012, 7, 1, e29397. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0029397
725. Särkämö, T. & Soto, D. Music listening after stroke: Beneficial effects and potential neural mechanisms. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2012, 1252, 266-281. doi:10.1111/j.1749-6632.2011.06405.x
726. Soto, D., Llewelyn, D. & Silvanto, J. Distinct causal mechanisms of attentional guidance by working memory and repetition priming in early visual cortex. Journal of Neuroscience, 2012, 32, 10, 3447-3452. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.6243-11.2012
727. Vuust, P., Brattico, E., Seppänen, M., Näätänen, R., & Tervaniemi, M. The sound of music: Differentiating musicians using a fast, musical multi-feature mismatch negativity paradigm. Neuropsychologia, 2012, 50, 7, 1432-1443. doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2012.02.028
728. Peltola, M.S., Tamminen, H., Toivonen, H., Kujala, T. & Näätänen, R. Different kinds of bilinguals –different kinds of brains: the neural organization of two languages in one brain. Brain & Language, 2012, 121, 261-266. doi:10.1016/j.bandl.2012.03.007
729. Rämä, P., Relander-Syrjänen, K., Carlson, S., Salonen, O. & Kujala, T. Attention and semantic processing during speech: An fMRI study. Brain and Language, 2012, 122, 114-119. doi:10.1016/j.bandl.2012.04.018
730. Shtyrov, Y., Smith, M., Horner, A. J., Henson, R., Nathan, P. J., Bullmore, E. T., & Pulvermüller, F. Attention to language: Novel MEG paradigm for registering involuntary language processing in the brain. Neuropsychologia, 2012, 50(11), 2605-16. doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2012.07.012
731. Torppa, R., Salo, E., Makkonen, T., Loimo, H., Pykäläinen, J., Lipsanen, J., Faulkner, A. & Huotilainen, M. Cortical processing of musical sounds in children with cochlear implants. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2012, 123, 1966-1979. doi:10.1016/j.clinph.2012.03.008
732. Lindström, R., Lepistö, T., Makkonen, T. & Kujala, T. Processing of prosodic changes in natural speech stimuli in school-age children. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 2012, 86, 229-237. doi:10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2012.09.010
733. Virtala, P., Huotilainen, M., Putkinen, V., Makkonen, T. & Tervaniemi, M. Musical training facilitates the neural discrimination of major vs. minor chords in 13-year-old children. Psychophysiology, 2012, 49, 1125-1132. doi:10.1111/j.1469-8986.2012.01386.x
734. Nora, A., Hultén, A., Karvonen, L., Kim, J.-Y. K., Lehtonen, M., Yli-Kaitala, H., Service, E., & Salmelin, R. Long-term phonological learning begins at the level of word form. NeuroImage, 2012, 63 (2), 789-799. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2012.07.026
735. Vuust, P., Brattico, E., Seppänen, M., Näätänen, R, & Tervaniemi, M. Practiced musical style shapes auditory skills. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1252, 139-146. doi:10.1111/j.1749-6632.2011.06409.x
736. Tervaniemi, M., Tupala, T., & Brattico, E. Expertise in folk music alters the brain processing of Western harmony. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2012, 1252, 147-151. doi:10.1111/j.1749-6632.2011.06428.x
737. Nieminen. S., Istók, E., Brattico, E., & Tervaniemi, M. The development of the aesthetic experience of music: preference, emotions, and beauty. Musicae Scientiae, 2012, 16(3), 372-391. doi:10.1177/1029864912450454
738. Särkämö, T., Laitinen, S., Tervaniemi, M., Numminen, A., Kurki, M. & Rantanen, P. Music, emotion, and dementia: insight from neuroscientific and clinical research. Music and Medicine, 2012, 4(3), 153-162.
739. Altenmüller, E., Demorest, S. M., Fujioka, T., Halpern, A. R., Hannon, E. E., Loui, P., Majno, M., Oechslin, M. S., Osborne, N., Overy, K., Palmer, C., Peretz, I., Pfordresher, P. Q., Särkämö, T., Wan, C.Y., & Zatorre, R. J. The Neurosciences and Music IV: Learning and Memory: Introduction. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2012; 1252, 1–16. doi:10.1111/j.1749-6632.2012.06474.x
740. Brogaard, B., Vanni, S., & Silvanto, J. Seeing mathematics: Perceptual experience and brain activity in acquired synesthesia. Neurocase, iFirst, 1-10. doi:10.1080/13554794.2012.701646
684. Näätänen, R., Kujala, T. & Winkler, I. Auditory processing that leads to conscious perception: a unique window to central auditory processing opened by the mismatch negativity and related responses. Psychophysiology, 2011, 48, 4-22. doi:10.1111/j.1469-8986.2010.01114.x
685. Koskinen, S.M., Ahveninen, J., Kujala, T., Kaprio, J., O´Donnell, B.F., Osipova, D., Viken, R.J., Näätänen, R. & Rose, R. J. A longitudinal twin study of effects of adolescent alcohol abuse on the neurophysiology of attention and orienting. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 35, 2011, 1-12. doi:10.1111/j.1530-0277.2011.01470.x
686. Virtala, P., Berg, V., Kivioja, M., Purhonen, J., Salmenkivi, M., Paavilainen, P. & Tervaniemi, M. The preattentive processing of major vs. minor chords in the human brain: An event-related potential study. Neuroscience Letters, 2011, 487, 406-410. doi:10.1016/j.neulet.2010.10.066
687. Takegata, R., Heikkilä, R. & Näätänen, R. Sound energy and the magnitude of change: effects on mismatch negativity, NeuroReport, 2011, 22, 171-174. doi:10.1097/WNR.0b013e328343c3b
688. Shtyrov, Y., Kimppa, L., Pulvermüller, F. & Kujala, T. Event-related potentials reflecting the frequency of unattended spoken words: A neuronal index of connection strength in lexical memory circuits? NeuroImage, 2011, 55, 658-668. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2010.12.002
689. Leipälä J., Partanen E., Huotilainen M. & Fellman V. Perinatal cerebral insults alter auditory event-related potentials. Early Human Development, 2011, 87, 89-95. doi:10.1016/j.earlhumdev.2010.11.009
690. Mittag, M., Takegata, R. & Kujala, T. The effects of visual material and temporal synchrony on the processing of letters and speech sounds. Experimental Brain Research, 2011, 287-298. doi:10.1007/s00221-011-2686-z
691. Nieminen, S., Istók, E., Brattico, E., Tervaniemi, M., & Huotilainen, M. The development of aesthetic responses to music and their underlying neural and psychological mechanisms. Cortex, special issue, 2011, 47, 1138-1146. doi:10.1016/j.cortex.2011.05.008
692. Maidhof, C. & Koelsch, S. Effects of selective attention on syntax processing in music and language. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2011, 23, 2252-2267. doi:10.1162/jocn.2010.21542
693. Garza Villareal, E., Brattico, E., Leino, S., Østergaard, L., & Vuust, P. Distinct neural responses to chord violations: A multiple source analysis study. Brain Research, 2011, 1389, 103-114. doi:10.1016/j.brainres.2011.02.089
694. Vuust, P., Brattico, E., Glerean, E., Seppänen, M., Pakarinen, S., Tervaniemi, M. & Näätänen, R. New fast mismatch negativity paradigm for determining the neural prerequisites for musical ability. Cortex, 2011, 47, 1091-1098. doi:10.1016/j.cortex.2011.04.026
695. Korostenskaja, M., Padros, M., Kujala, T., Rose, D.F., Xiang, J., Horn, P. Wang, Y., Brown, D., Fujiwara, H. Kabbouche, M., Powers, S. & Hershey, A. Impaired auditory information processing during acute migraine: Magnetoencephalography study. The International Journal of Neuroscience, 2011, 121, 355-365. doi:10.3109/00207454.2011.560312
696. Huotilainen, M., Lovio, R., Kujala, T., Tommiska, V., Karma, K. & Fellman, V. Could audiovisual training be used to improve cognition in extremely low birth weight children? Acta Paediatrica, 2011, 100, 1489-1494. doi:10.1111/j.1651-2227.2011.02345.x
697. Paukkunen, A. K. O., Leminen, M. & Sepponen, R. The effect of measurement error on the test-retest reliability of repeated mismatch negativity measurements. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2011, 122, 2195-2202. doi:10.1016/j.clinph.2011.04.004
698. Lehtonen, M., Monahan, P. J. & Poeppel, D. Evidence for early morphological decomposition: combining masked priming with magnetoencephalography. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2011, 23, 3366-3379. doi:10.1162/jocn_a_00035
699. Erkkilä, J., Punkanen, M., Fachner, J., Ala-Ruona, E., Pöntiö, I., Tervaniemi, M., Vanhala, M. & Gold, C. Individual music therapy for depression: Randomised controlled trial. British Journal of Psychiatry, 2011, 199, 132-139. doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.110.085431
670. Partanen, E., Vainio, M., Kujala, T. & Huotilainen, M. Linguistic multi-feature MMN paradigm for extensive recording of auditory discrimination profiles. Psychophysiology, 2011, 48, 1372-1380. doi:10.1111/j.1469-8986.2011.01214.x
671. Leminen, A., Leminen, M., Lehtonen, M., Nevalainen, P., Ylinen, S., Kimppa, L., Sannemann, C., Mäkelä, J.P. & Kujala, T. Spatiotemporal dynamics of the processing of spoken inflected and derived words: a combined EEG and MEG study. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2011, 5, 1-14. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2011.00066
702. Pereira, C., Teixeira, J., Figueiredo, P., Xavier, J., Castro, S.L. & Brattico, E. Music and emotions in the brain: Familiarity matters. PlosOne, 2011, 6, e27241. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0027241
703. Shtyrov, Y. Fast mapping of novel word forms traced neurophysiologically. Frontiers in Psychology, 2011, 2, 1-9. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2011.00340
704. Milovanov, R. & Tervaniemi, M. The interplay between musical and linguistic aptitudes: a review. Frontiers in Psychology, 2011, 2, 321. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2011.00321
705. Näätänen, R., Kujala, T., Kreegipuu, K., Carlson, S., Escera, C., Baldeweg, T. & Ponton,
C. The mismatch negativity: An index of cognitive decline in neuropsychiatric and neurological diseases and in aging. Brain, 2011, 134, 3432-3450. doi:10.1093/brain/awr064
706. Simola, J., Kuisma, J., Öörni, A., Uusitalo, L. & Hyönä, J. The impact of salient advertisements on reading and attention on web pages. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 2011, 17, 174-190. doi:10.1037/a0024042
707. Näätänen, R. & Kujala, T. The mismatch negativity (MMN) and its magnetic equivalent (MMNm): an index of language impairment or more general cognitive decline in autism? Biological Psychiatry, 2011, 70, 212-213. doi:10.1016/j.biopsych.2011.05.024
708. Brattico, E., Alluri, V., Bogert, B., Jacobsen, T., Vartiainen, N., Nieminen, S. & Tervaniemi, M. A functional MRI study of happy and sad emotions in music with and without lyrics. Frontiers in Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience, 2011, 2, 308. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2011.00308
709. Teckenberg-Jansson, P., Huotilainen, M., Pölkki, T., Lipsanen, J.& Järvenpää, A.L. Rapid effects of neonatal music therapy combined with kangaroo care on prematurely-born infants. Nordic Journal of Music Therapy, 2011, 20(1), 22-42. doi:10.1080/08098131003768123
710. Tervaniemi, M., Sannemann, C., Salonen, J., Nöyränen, M., & Pihko, E. Importance of the left auditory areas in chord discrimination in music experts as evidenced by MEG. European Journal of Neuroscience, 2011, 34, 517-523. doi:10.1111/j.1460-9568.2011.07765.x
655. Huotilainen, M. Building blocks of fetal cognition: Language and emotion. Infant and Child Development, 2010, 19, 94-98. doi:10.1002/icd.658
656. Kwon, M. S., Huotilainen, M., Shestakova, A., Kujala, T., Näätänen, R. & Hämäläinen, H. No effects of mobile phone use on cortical auditory change-detection in children: an ERP study. Bioelectromagnetics, 2010, 31, 191-199. doi:10.1002/bem.20546
657. Milovanov, R., Pietilä, P., Tervaniemi, M. & Esquef, P. Foreign language pronunciation skills and musical aptitude: A study of Finnish adults with higher education. Learning and Individual Differences, 2010, 20, 56-60. doi:10.1016/j.lindif.2009.11.003
658. Ylinen, S., Uther, M., Latvala, A., Vepsäläinen, S., Iverson, P., Akahane-Yamada, R. & Näätänen, R. Training the brain to weight speech cues differently: a study of Finnish second-language users of English. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2010, 22, 1319-1332. doi:10.1162/jocn.2009.21272
659. Shtyrov, Y., Kujala, T. & Pulvermueller, F. Interactions between language systems: early automatic lexical processing? Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2010, 22, 1465-1478. doi:10.1162/jocn.2009.21292
660. Rämä, P., Relander-Syrjänen, K., Öhman, J., Laakso, A, Näätänen, R. & Kujala, T. Semantic information processing in comatose patients with intact temporal lobes as reflected by the N400 event-related potential. Neuroscience Letters, 2010, 474, 88-92. doi:10.1016/j.neulet.2010.03.012
661. Kujala, T. & Näätänen, R. The adaptive brain: A neurophysiological perspective. Progress in Neurobiology, 2010, 91, 55-67. doi:10.1016/j.pneurobio.2010.01.006
662. Kotilahti, K., Nissilä, I., Näsi, T., Lipiäinen, L., Noponen, T., Meriläinen, P., Huotilainen, M., & Fellman, V. Hemodynamic responses to speech and music in newborn infants. Human Brain Mapping, 2010, 31, 595-603. doi:10.1002/hbm.20890
663. Paukkunen, A.K.O., Leminen, M. & Sepponen, R. Development of a method to compensate for signal quality variations in repeated auditory event-related potential recordings. Frontiers in Neuroengineering, 2010, 3, 1-7. doi:10.3389/fneng.2010.00002
664. Sorokin, A., Alku, P. & Kujala, T. Change and novelty detection in speech and non-speech sound streams. Brain Research, 2010, 1327, 77-90. doi:10.1016/j.brainres.2010.02.052
665. Pakarinen, S., Huotilainen, M. & Näätänen, R. The mismatch negativity (MMN) with no standard stimulus. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2010, 121, 1043-1050. doi:10.1016/j.clinph.2010.02.009
666. Tikhonravov, D., Neuvonen, T., Pertovaara, A., Savioja, K., Ruusuvirta, T., Näätänen, R. & Carlson, S. Dose-related effects of memantine on a mismatch negativity-like response in anesthetized rats. Neuroscience, 2010, 167, 1175-1182. doi:10.1016/j.neuroscience.2010.03.014
667. Mikkola, K., Wetzel N., Leipälä J., Serenius-Sirve S., Schröger E., Huotilainen M. & Fellman, V. Behavioral and evoked potential measures of distraction in 5-year-old children born preterm. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 2010, 77, 8-12. doi:10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2010.03.009
668. Kujala, T., Kuuluvainen, S., Saalasti, S., Jansson-Verkasalo, E., von Wendt, L. & Lepistö, T. Speech-feature discrimination in children with Asperger syndrome as determined with the multi-feature mismatch negativity paradigm. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2010, 121, 1410-1419. doi:10.1016/j.clinph.2010.03.017
669. Särkämö, T., Pihko, E., Laitinen, S., Forsblom, A., Soinila, S., Mikkonen, M., Autti, T., Silvennoinen, H., Erkkilä, J., Laine, M., Peretz, I., Hietanen, M., & Tervaniemi, M. Music and speech listening enhance the recovery of early sensory processing after stroke. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2010, 22, 2716-2727. doi:10.1162/jocn.2009.21376
670. Pallesen, K.J., Brattico, E., Bailey, C.J., Korvenoja, A., Koivisto, J., Gjedde, A. & Carlson, S. Cognitive control in auditory working memory is enhanced in musicians. PLoSOne, 2010, 5,e11120. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0011120
671. Müller, M., Höfel, L., Brattico, E. & Jacobsen, T. Aesthetic judgments of music in experts and laymen – An ERP study. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 2010, 76, 40-51. doi:10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2010.02.002
672. Salmi, J., Pallesen, K.J., Neuvonen, T., Brattico, E., Korvenoja, A., Salonen, O., & Carlson, S. Cognitive and motor loops of the human cerebro-cerebellar system. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2010, 22, 2663-2676. doi:10.1162/jocn.2009.21382
673. Korostenskaja, M., Pardos, M., Fujiwara, H., Kujala, T., Horn, P., Rose, D., Byars, A., Brown, D., Hee Seo, J., Wang, Y., Vannest, J., Xiang, J., DeGrauw, T., Näätänen, R., Lee, K.H. Neuromagnetic evidence of impaired cortical auditory processing in pediatric intractable epilepsy. Epilepsy research, 2010, 92, 63-73. doi:10.1016/j.eplepsyres.2010.08.008
674. Jansson-Verkasalo E., Ruusuvirta T., Huotilainen M., Alku P., Kushnerenko E., Suominen K., Rytky S., Luotonen M., Kaukola T., Tolonen U. & Hallman M. Atypical perceptual narrowing in prematurely born infants is associated with compromised language acquisition at 2 years of age. BMC Neuroscience, 2010, 11, 88. doi:10.1186/1471-2202-11-88
675. Teckenberg-Jansson, P., Huotilainen, M., Pölkki, T., Lipsanen, J., & Järvenpää, A-L. Rapid effects of neonatal music therapy combined with kangaroo care on prematurely-born infants. Nordic Journal of Music Therapy, 2010, 20, 22-42. doi:10.1080/08098131003768123
676. Näätänen, R., Astikainen, P.S., Ruusuvirta, T., & Huotilainen, M. Automatic auditory intelligence: an expression of the sensory-cognitive core of cognitive processes. Brain Research Reviews, 2010, 64, 123-136. doi:10.1016/j.brainresrev.2010.03.001
677. Pesonen, A.K., Huotilainen, M., Heinonen, K., Komsi, N., Putkinen, V., Kivikoski, L. & Tervaniemi, M. Brain responses to surprising sounds are related to temperament and parent-child dyadic synchrony in young children. Developmental Psychobiology, 2010, 52, 513-523. doi:10.1002/dev.20454
678. Brattico, E., Jacobsen, T., De Baene, W., Glerean, E., & Tervaniemi, M. Cognitive vs. affective listening modes and judgments of music - An ERP study. Biological Psychology, 2010, 85, 393-409. doi:10.1016/j.biopsycho.2010.08.014
679. Forsblom, A., Särkämö, T., Laitinen, S. & Tervaniemi, M. Effect of music and audio book listening on stroke recovery: the view of the patient. Music and Medicine, 2010, 2, 229–234.
680. Lovio, R., Näätänen, R. & Kujala, T. Abnormal pattern of cortical speech feature discrimination in 6-year-old children at risk for dyslexia. Brain Research, 2010, 1335, 53-62. doi:10.1016/j.brainres.2010.03.097
681. Kuldkepp, N., Kreegipuu, K., Näätänen, R. & Allik, J. Detection of changes: visual mismatch negativity (vMMN) to moving stimuli. Perception, 2010, 39, 140-141.
682. Särkämö, T., Tervaniemi, M., Soinila, S., Autti, T., Silvennoinen, H. M., Laine, M., Hietanen, M., & Pihko, E. Auditory and cognitive deficits associated with acquired amusia after stroke: A magnetoencephalography and neuropsychological follow-up study. PLoS ONE, 2010, 5, e15157. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0015157
683. Leminen, A., Leminen, M. & Krause, C.M. Time-course of the neural processing of spoken derived words: an ERP study. Neuroreport, 2010, 21, 948-952. doi:10.1097/WNR.0b013e32833e4b90
620. Näätänen, R., & Kähkönen, S. Central auditory dysfunction in schizophrenia as revealed by the mismatch negativity (MMN) and its magnetic equivalent MMNm: a review. The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 2009, 12, 125-135. doi:10.1017/S1461145708009322
621. Relander, K., & Rämä, P. Separate neural processes for retrieval of voice identity and word content in working memory. Brain Research, 2009, 1252, 143-151. doi:10.1016/j.brainres.2008.11.050
622. Kwon, M.S., Kujala, T., Huotilainen, M., Shestakova, A., Näätänen, R., & Hämäläinen, H. Preattentive auditory information processing under exposure to the 902 MHz GSM mobile phone elecromagnetic field: a mismatch negativity (MMN) study. Bioelectromagnetics, 2009, 30, 241-248. doi:10.1002/bem.20470
623. Teinonen, T., Fellman, V., Näätänen, R., Alku, P., & Huotilainen, M. Statistical language learning in neonates revealed by event-related brain potentials. BMC Neuroscience, 2009, 10, 21. doi:10.1186/1471-2202-10-21
624. Peretz, I. , Brattico, E., Järvenpää, M., & Tervaniemi, M. The amusic brain: Out of tune but unaware. Brain, 2009, 132, 1277-1286. doi:10.1093/brain/awp055
625. Sambeth, A., Pakarinen, S., Ruohio, K., Fellman, V., van Zuijen, T.L. & Huotilainen, M. Change detection in newborns using a multiple deviant paradigm: a study using electroencephalography. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2009, 120, 530-538. doi:10.1016/j.clinph.2008.12.033
626. Lovio, R., Pakarinen, S., Huotilainen, M., Alku, P., Silvennoinen, S, Näätänen, R., & Kujala, T. Auditory discrimination profiles of speech sound changes in 6-year-old children as determined with the multi-feature MMN paradigm. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2009, 120, 916-921. doi:10.1016/j.clinph.2009.03.010
627. Leinonen, A., Grönholm, P., Järvenpää, M., Söderholm, C., Laine, M., & Krause, C.M. Neurocognitive processing of auditorily and visually presented inflected words and pseudowords: Evidence from a morphologically rich language. Brain Research, 2009, 1275, 54-66. doi:10.1016/j.brainres.2009.03.057
628. Kujala, T., & Brattico, E. Detrimental noise effects on brain's speech functions. Biological Psychology, 2009, 81, 135–143. doi:10.1016/j.biopsycho.2009.03.010
629. Huotilainen, M., Putkinen, V., & Tervaniemi, M. Brain research reveals automatic musical memory functions in children. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2009, 1169, 178–181. doi:10.1111/j.1749-6632.2009.04857.x
630. Karla, S., Ruusuvirta, T., & Wikgren, J. Affective modulation of conditioned eyeblinks. Biological Psychology, 2009, 82, 208-210. doi:10.1016/j.biopsycho.2009.06.008
631. Lepistö, T., Kuitunen, A., Sussman, E., Saalasti, S., Jansson-Verkasalo, E., Nieminen-von Wendt, T., & Kujala, T. Auditory stream segregation in children with Asperger syndrome. Biological Psychology, 2009, 82, 301-307. doi:10.1016/j.biopsycho.2009.09.004
632. Pakarinen, S., Lovio, R., Huotilainen, M., Alku, P., Näätänen, R., & Kujala, T. Fast multi-feature paradigm for recording several mismatch negativities (MMNs) to phonetic and acoustic changes in speech sounds. Biological Psychology, 2009, 82, 219-226. doi:10.1016/j.biopsycho.2009.07.008
633. Relander, K., Rämä, P., & Kujala, T. Word semantics is processed even without attentional effort. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2009, 21, 1511-1522. doi:10.1162/jocn.2009.21127
634. Toivonen, M., & Rämä, P. N400 during recognition of voice identity and vocal affect. Neuroreport, 2009, 20, 1245-1249. doi:10.1097/WNR.0b013e32832ff26f
635. Ylinen, S., Strelnikov, K., Huotilainen, M., & Näätänen, R. Effects of prosodic familiarity on the automatic processing of words in the human brain. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 2009, 73, 362-368. doi:10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2009.05.013
636. Milovanov, R., Huotilainen, M., Välimäki, V., Alku, P., Esquef, P.A.A., Tervaniemi, M. The role of musical aptitude and language skills in preattentive duration processing in school-aged children. Neuroscience Letters, 2009, 460, 161–165. doi:10.1016/j.neulet.2009.05.063
637. Tervaniemi, M., Kruck, S., De Baene, W., Schröger, E., Alter, K., & Friederici, A. Top-down modulation of auditory processing: Effects of sound context, musical expertise, and attentional focus. European Journal of Neuroscience, 2009, 30, 1636–1642. doi:10.1111/j.1460-9568.2009.06955.x
638. Forsblom, A., Laitinen, S., Särkämö, T., Tervaniemi, M. Therapeutic role of music listening in stroke rehabilitation. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2009, 1169, 426–430. doi:10.1111/j.1749-6632.2009.04776.x
639. Särkämö, T., Tervaniemi, M., Soinila, S., Autti, T., Silvennoinen, H.M., Laine, M., Hietanen, M. Amusia and cognitive deficits after stroke: is there a relationship? Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2009, 1169, 441–445. doi:10.1111/j.1749-6632.2009.04765.x
640. Särkämö, T., Tervaniemi, M., Soinila, S., Autti, T., Silvennoinen, H.M., Laine, M., Hietanen, M. Cognitive deficits associated with acquired amusia after stroke: a neuropsychological follow-up study. Neuropsychologia, 2009, 47, 2642–2651. doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2009.05.015
641. Brattico, E., Pallesen, K.J., Varyagina, O., Bailey, C., Anourova, I. , Järvepää, M., Eerola, T., & Tervaniemi, M. Neural discrimination of non-prototypical chords in music experts and laymen – An MEG study. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2009, 21, 2230–2244. doi:10.1162/jocn.2008.21144
642. Tervaniemi, M. Musicians – same or different? Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 2009, 1169, 151–156. doi:10.1111/j.1749-6632.2009.04591.x
643. Brattico, E., Brattico, P., & Jacobsen, T. The origins of the aesthetic enjoyment of music – A review of the literature. Musicae Scientiae, Special issue, 2009-2010, 15-31. doi:10.1177/1029864909013002031
644. Brattico, E., & Jacobsen, T. Subjective appraisal of music. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2009, 1169, 308-317. doi:10.1111/j.1749-6632.2009.04843.x
645. Pallesen, K.J., Brattico, E., Bailey, C.J., Korvenoja, A., & Gjedde, A. Cognitive and emotional modulation of brain default operation. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2009, 21, 1065-1080. doi:10.1162/jocn.2009.21086
646. Istók, E., Brattico, E., Jacobsen, T., Krohn, K., Müller, M., & Tervaniemi, M. Aesthetic responses to music: A questionnaire study. Musicae Scientiae, 2009, 13, 183-206. doi:10.1177/102986490901300201
647. Müller, M., Höfel, L., Brattico, E., Jacobsen, T. Electrophysiological correlates of aesthetic music processing: Comparing music experts with music laymen. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2009, 1169, 355-358. doi:10.1111/j.1749-6632.2009.04846.x
648. Takegata, R., Heikkilä, R., & Näätänen, R. Neural process underlying gap detection for spectrally rich and asymmetrical markers. Neuroreport, 2009, 20, 1120-1124. doi:10.1097/WNR.0b013e32832eb80e
649. Ruusuvirta, T., Huotilainen, M., Fellman, V., & Näätänen, R. Numerical discrimination in newborn infants as revealed by event-related potentials to tone sequences. European Journal of Neuroscience, 2009, 30, 1620-1624. doi:10.1111/j.1460-9568.2009.06938.x
650. Duncan, C.C., Barry, R.J., Connolly, J.F., Fischer, C., Michie, P.T., Näätänen, R., Polich, J., Reinvang, I., & Van Petten, C. Event-related potentials in clinical research: Guidelines for eliciting, recording, and quantifying mismatch negativity, P300, and N400. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2009, 120, 1883-1908. doi:10.1016/j.clinph.2009.07.045
651. Bachman, P., Kim, J., Yee, C. M., Therman, S., Manninen, M., Lönnqvist, J., Kaprio, J., Huttunen, M. O., Näätänen, R., & Cannon, T. D. Efficiency of working memory encoding in twins discordant for schizophrenia. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 2009, 174, 97-104. doi:10.1016/j.pscychresns.2009.04.010
652. Korostenskaja, M., Dapsys, K., Siurkute, A., Dudlauskaite, A., Pragaraviciene, A., Maciulis, V., & Kähkönen, S. The effect of quetiapine on auditory P300 response in patients with schizoaffective disorder: preliminary study. Annals of Clinical Psychiatry, 2009, 21, 49-50. doi:10.1016/S0924-9338(09)71364-1
653. Korostenskaja, M.,Pardos, M.,Kujala, T. M., Horn, P., Fujiwara, H., Brown, D., Alku, P., Wang, Y., Rose, D., Xiang, J., Byars, A., Degrauw, T., Naatanen, R. & Lee, K. H. Evidence of impaired auditory information processing in children with interactable epilepsy: MEG study. Epilepsia, 2009, 50, 181-182. doi:10.1016/j.eplepsyres.2010.08.008
654. Näätänen, R. Somatosensory mismatch negativity: a new clinical tool for developmental neurological research? Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 2009, 51, 930-931. doi:10.1111/j.1469-8749.2009.03386.x
597. Todd, J., Michie, P.T., Schall, U., Karayanidis, F., Yabe, H., & Näätänen, R. Deviant matters: duration, frequency, and intensity deviants reveal different patterns of mismatch negativity reduction in early and late schizophrenia. Biological Psychiatry , 2008, 63, 58-64. doi:10.1016/j.biopsych.2007.02.016
598. Lepistö, T., Kajander, M., Vanhala, R., Alku, P., Huotilainen, M., Näätänen, R., & Kujala, T. The perception of invariant speech features in children with autism. Biological Psychology , 2008, 77, 25-31. doi:10.1016/j.biopsycho.2007.08.010
599. Sambeth, A., Ruohio, K., Alku, P., Fellman, V., & Huotilainen, M. Sleeping newborns extract prosody from continuous speech. Clinical Neurophysiology , 2008, 119, 332-341. doi:10.1016/j.clinph.2007.09.144
600. Ruusuvirta, T., Wikgren, J., & Astikainen, P. Proactive interference in a two-tone pitch-comparison task without additional interfering tones. Psychological Research , 2008, 72, 74-78. doi:10.1007/s00426-006-0094-y
601. Milovanov, R., Huotilainen, M., Välimäki, V., Esquef, P.A.A., & Tervaniemi, M. Musical aptitude and second language pronounciation skills in school-aged children: neural and behavioral evidence. Brain Research , 2008, 1194, 81-89. doi:10.1016/j.brainres.2007.11.042
602. Särkämö, T., Tervaniemi, M., Laitinen, S., Forsblom, A., Soinila, S., Mikkonen, M., Autti, T., Silvennoinen, H.M., Erkkilä, J., Laine, M., Peretz, I. , & Hietanen, M. Music listening enhances cognitive recovery and mood after middle cerebral artery stroke. Brain, 2008, 131, 866-876. doi:10.1093/brain/awn013
603. Kirmse, U., Ylinen, S., Tervaniemi, M., Vainio, M., Schröger, E., & Jacobsen, T. Modulation of the mismatch negativity (MMN) to vowel duration changes in native speakers of Finnish and German as a result of language experience. International Journal of Psychophysiology . 2008, 67, 131-143. doi:10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2007.10.012
604. Huotilainen, M., Shestakova, A., & Hukki, J. Using magnetoencephalography in assessing auditory skills in infants and children. International Journal of Psychophysiology , 2008, 68, 123-129. doi:10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2007.12.007
605. Rämä, P. Domain-dependent activation during spatial and nonspatial auditory working memory. Cognitive Processing , 2008, 9, 29-34. doi:10.1007/s10339-007-0182-y
606. Tikhonravov, D., Neuvonen, T., Pertovaara, A., Savioja, K., Ruusuvirta, T., Näätänen, R., & Carlson, S. Effects of an NMDA receptor antagonist MK-801 on an MMN-like response recorded in anesthetized rats. Brain Research , 2008, 1203, 97-102. doi:10.1016/j.brainres.2008.02.006
607. Korostenskaja, M., Kicic, D., & Kähkönen, S. The effect of methylphenidate on auditory information processing in healthy volunteers: a combined EEG/MEG study. Psychopharmacology , 2008, 197, 475-486. doi:10.1007/s00213-007-1065-8
608. Pihko, E., Kujala, T., Mickos, A., Alku, P., Byring, R., & Korkman, M. Language impairment is reflected in auditory evoked fields. International Journal of Psychophysiology , 2008, 68, 161-169. doi:10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2007.10.016
609. Takegata, R., Tervaniemi, M., Alku, P., Ylinen, S., & Näätänen, R. Parameter-specific modulation of the mismatch negativity to duration decrement and increment: Evidence for asymmetric processes. Clinical Neurophysiology , 2008, 119, 1515-1523. doi:10.1016/j.clinph.2008.03.025
610. Saalasti, S., Lepistö, T., Toppila, E., Kujala, T., Laakso, M., Nieminen-von Wendt, T., von Wendt, L., & Jansson-Verkasalo, E. Language abilities of children with Asperger syndrome. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders , 2008, 38, 1574-1580. doi:10.1007/s10803-008-0540-3
611. Leinonen, A., Brattico, P., Järvenpää, M., & Krause, C.M. Event-related potential (ERP) responses to violations of inflectual and derivational rules of Finnish. Brain Research , 2008, 1218, 181-193. doi:10.1016/j.brainres.2008.04.049
612. Degerman, A., Rinne, T., Särkkä, A.-K., Salmi, J., & Alho, K. Selective attention to sound location or pitch studied with event-related brain potentials and magnetic fields. European Journal of Neuroscience , 2008, 27, 3329-3341. doi:10.1111/j.1460-9568.2008.06286.x
613. Kätsyri, J., Saalasti, S., Tiippana, K., von Wendt, L., & Sams, M. Impaired recognition of facial emotions from low spatial frequencies in Asperger syndrome. Neuropsychologia , 2008, 46, 1888-1897. doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2008.01.005
614. Teinonen, T., Aslin, R.N., Alku, P., & Csibra, G. Visual speech contributes to phonetic learning in 6-month-old infants. Cognition , 2008, 108, 850-855. doi:10.1016/j.cognition.2008.05.009
615. Kushnerenko, H., Teinonen, T., Volein, A., & Csibra, G. Electrophysiological evidence of illusory audiovisual speech percept in human infants. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , 2008, 105, 11442-11445. doi:10.1073/pnas.0804275105
616. Bachman, P., Kim, J., Yee, C.M., Therman, S., Manninen, M., Lönnqvist, J., Kaprio, J., Huttunen, M.O., Näätänen, R., & Cannon, T.D. Abnormally high EEG alpha synchrony during working memory maintenance in twins discordant for schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research , 2008, 103, 293-297. doi:10.1016/j.schres.2008.04.006
617. Ruusuvirta, T., Huotilainen, M., & Näätänen, R. Mismatch negativity reflects numbers of tones of specific frequencies in humans. Neuroscience Letters , 2008, 436, 138-140. doi:10.1016/j.neulet.2008.03.006
618. Näätänen, R. Mismatch negativity (MMN) as an index of central auditory system plasticity. International Journal of Audiology , 2008, 47, S16-S20. doi:10.1080/14992020802340116
619. Fingelkurts, A.A., Kähkönen, S., Fingelkurts, A.A., Kivisaari, R., Borisov, S., Puuskari, V., Jokela, O., & Autti, T. Reorganization of the composition of brain oscillations and their temporal characteristics during opioid withdrawal. Journal of Psychopharmacology , 2008, 22, 270-284. doi:10.1177/0269881108089810
550. Kujala, T., Tervaniemi, M., & Schröger, E. The mismatch negativity in cognitive and clinical neuroscience: heoretical and methodological considetrations. Biological Psychology, 2007, 74, 1-19.
551. Pakarinen, S., Takegata, R., Rinne, T., Huotilainen, M., & Näätänen, R. Measurement of extensive auditory discrimination profiles using mismatch negativity (MMN) of the auditory event-related potential (ERP). Clinical Neurophysiology, 2007, 118, 177-185.
552. Novitski, N., Huotilainen, M., Tervaniemi, M., Näätänen, R., & Fellman, V. Neonatal frequency discrimination in 250-4000 Hz frequency range: electrophysiological evidence. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2007, 118, 412-419.
553. Seppänen, M., Brattico, E., & Tervaniemi, M. Practice strategies in musicians modulate the neural processing and learning of sound-patterns. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 2007, 87, 236-247.
554. Simoens, V.L., Istók, E., Hyttinen, S., Hirvonen, A., Näätänen, R., & Tervaniemi, M. Psychosocial stress attenuates general sound processing and duration change detection. Psychophysiology, 2007, 44, 30-38.
555. Paavilainen, P., Arajärvi, P., & Takegata, R. Preattentive detection of nonsalient contingencies between auditory features. NeuroReport, 2007, 18, 159-163.
556. Lepistö, T., Nieminen-von Wendt, T. von Wendt, L., Näätänen, R., & Kujala, T. Auditory cortical change detection in adults with Asperger syndrome. Neuroscience Letters, 2007, 414, 136-140.
557. Pihko, E., Mickos, A., Kujala, T., Pihlgren, A., Westman, M., Alku, P., Byring, R., & Korkman, M. Group intervention changes brain activity in bilingual language-impaired children. Cerebral Cortex, 2007, 17, 849-858.
558. Kujala, T., Aho, E., Lepistö, T., Jansson-Verkasalo, E., Nieminen-von Wendt, T., von Wendt, L., & Näätänen, R. Atypical pattern of discriminating sound features in adults with Asperger syndrome as reflected by the mismatch negativity. Biological Psychology, 2007, 75, 109-114.
559. Korostenskaja, M., Nikulin, V.V., Kicic, D., Nikulina, A.V., & Kähkönen, S. Effects of NMDA receptor antagonist memantine on mismatch negativity. Brain Research Bulletin, 2007, 72, 275-283.
560. Schönwiesner, M., Novitski, N., Pakarinen, S., Carlson, S., Tervaniemi, M., & Näätänen, R. Heschl's gyrus, posterior superior temporal gyrus, and mid-ventrolateral prefrontal cortex have different roles in the detection of acoustic changes. Journal of Neurophysiology, 2007, 97, 2075-2082.
561. Leino, S., Brattico, E., Tervaniemi, M., & Vuust, P. Representation of harmony rules in the human brain: further evidence from event-related potentials. Brain Research, 2007, 1142, 169-177.
562. Kushnerenko, E., Winkler, I., Horváth, J., Näätänen, R., Pavlov, I. , Fellman, V., & Huotilainen, M. Processing acoustic change and novelty in newborn infants. European Journal of Neuroscience, 2007, 26, 265-274.
563. Salmi, J., Rinne, T., Degerman, A., & Alho, K. Orienting and maintenance of spatial attention in audition and vision: an event-related brain potential study. European Journal of Neuroscience, 2007, 25, 3725-3733.
564. Czigler, I., Weisz, J., & Winkler, I. Backward masking and visual mismatch negativity: Electrophysiological evidence for memory-based detection of deviant stimuli. Psychophysiology, 2007, 44, 610-619.
565. Campbell , T., Winkler, I. , & Kujala, T. N1 and the mismatch negativity are spatiotemporally distinct ERP components: Disruption of immediate memory by auditory distraction can be related to N1. Psychophysiology, 2007, 44, 530-540.
566. Mikkola, K., Kushnerenko, E., Partanen, E., Serenius-Sirve, S., Leipälä, J., Huotilainen, M., & Fellman, V. Auditory event-related potentials and cognitive function of preterm children at five years of age. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2007, 118, 1494-1502.
567. Ruusuvirta, T., Koivisto, K., Wikgren, J., & Astikainen, P. Processing of melodic contours in urethane-anesthetized rats. European Journal of Neuroscience, 2007, 26, 701-703.
568. Ruusuvirta, T., & Putkinen, V. Mismatch negativity for item rather than serial-order information in a 150-ms tone series that is not related as a melodic pattern. Neuroscience, 2007, 147, 968-973.
569. Ylinen, S., & Huotilainen, M. Is there a direct neural correlate for memory-trace formation in audition? NeuroReport, 2007, 18, 1281-1284.
570. Hämäläinen, H., Kujala, T., Kekoni, J., Hurskainen, H., Pirilä, J., Wikström, H., & Huotilainen, M. Effects of unilateral hippocampus-amygdala-partial temporal lobe resection on auditory EEG/MEG responses: a case study. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 2007, 48, 367-373.
571. Milovanov, R., Tervaniemi, M., Takio, F., Hämäläinen, H. Modification of dichotic listening (DL) performance by musico-linguistic abilities and age. Brain Research, 2007, 1156, 168-173.
572. Näätänen, R., Paavilainen, P., Rinne, T., & Alho, K. The mismatch negativity (MMN) in basic research of central auditory processing: a review. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2007, 118, 2544-2590.
573. Krohn, K., Brattico, E., Välimäki, V., & Tervaniemi, M. Neural correlates of the hierarchical scale pitch structure. Music Perception, 2007, 24, 281-296.
574. Komssi, S., Savolainen, P., Heiskala, J., & Kähkönen, S. Excitation threshold of the motor cortex estimated with TMS-EEG. NeuroReport, 2007, 18, 13-16.
575. Fingelkurts, A., Fingelkurts, A., Rytsälä, H., Suominen, K., Isometsä, E., & Kähkönen, S. Impaired functional connectivity at EEG alpha and theta frequency bands in major depression. Human Brain Mapping, 2007, 28, 247-261.
576. Ahveninen, J., Lin, F.H., Kivisaari, R., Autti, T., Stufflebaum, S., Hämäläinen, M., Belliveau, J.W., & Kähkönen, S. MRI constrained spectral imaging of benzodiazepine modulation of spontaneous neuromagnetic activity in human cortex. NeuroImage, 2007, 35, 577-582.
577. Kähkönen, S., Bondarenko, B., & Zvartau, E. Nitric oxide mediates cardiovascular symptoms in alcohol withdrawal. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 2007, 31, 761-765.
578. Fingelkurts, A.A., Kähkönen, S., Fingelkurts, A.A., Borisov, S., Kivisaari, K., & Autti, T. Composition of EEG oscillations and their temporal characteristics: Methadone treatment. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 2007, 64, 130-140.
579. Fingelkurts, A.A., Fingelkurts, A.A., Kivisaari, R., Autti, T., Borisov, S., Puuskari, V., Jokela, O., & Kähkönen, S. Opioid withdrawal results in an increased local and remote functional connectivity at EEG alpha and beta frequency bands. Neuroscience Research, 2007, 58, 40-49.
580. Litvak, V., Komssi, S., Scherg, M., Hoechstetter, K., Classen, J., Zaaroor, M., Pratt, H., & Kähkönen, S. Artifact correction and source analysis of early electroencephalographic responses evoked by transcranial magnetic stimulation over primary motor cortex. NeuroImage, 2007, 37, 56-70.
581. Kivisaari, R., Lehtinen, R., Autti, T., Puuskari, V., Jokela, O., Ahveninen, J., Rapeli, P., & Kähkönen, S. Impaired pre-attentive auditory processing in opioid dependence revealed by combined MEG and EEG. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 2007, 31, 1378-1386.
582. Kähkönen, S., Yamashita, H., Rytsälä, H., Suominen, K., Ahveninen, J., & Isometsä, E. Dysfunction in early auditory processing in major depression disorder revealed by combined MEG and EEG. Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, 2007, 32, 316-322.
583. Kähkönen, S., & Wilenius, J. Effects of alcohol on TMS-evoked N100 responses. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 2007, 166, 104-108.
584. Kähkönen, S., Bondarenko, B., Lipsanen, I. , & Zvartau, E.E. Cardiovascular effects of propanolol in patients with alcohol dependence during withdrawal. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 2007, 66, 225-230.
585. Sussman, E., Wong, R., Horváth, J., & Winkler, I. The development of the perceptual organization of sound by frequency separation in 5-11 year-old children. Hearing Research, 2007, 225, 117-127.
586. Horváth, J., Czigler, I., Winkler, I. , & Teder-Sälejärvi, W.A. The temporal window of integration in elderly and young adults. Neurobiology of Aging, 2007, 28, 964-975.
587. Sussman, E., Horváth, J., Winkler, I. , & Orr, M. The role of attention in the formation of auditory streams. Perception &Psychophysics, 2007, 69, 136-152.
588. Stefanics, G., Háden, G., Huotilainen, M., Balázs, L., Sziller, I., Beke, A., Fellman, V., & Winkler, I. Auditory temporal grouping in newborn infants. Psychophysiology, 2007, 44, 697-702.
589. Widmann, A., Gruber, T., Kujala, T., Tervaniemi, M., & Schröger, E. Binding symbols and sounds: evidence from event-related oscillatory gamma-band activity. Cerebral Cortex, 2007, 17, 2696-2702.
590. Korpilahti, P., Jansson-Verkasalo, E., Mattila, M.-L., Kuusikko, S., Suominen, K., Rytky, S., Pauls, D.L., & Moilanen, I. Processing of affective speech prosody is impaired in Asperger syndrome. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 2007, 37, 1539-1549.
591. Kujala, T. The role of early auditory discrimination deficits in language disorders. Journal of Psychophysiology, 2007, 21, 239-250.
592. Näätänen, R. The mismatch negativity where is the big fish. Journal of Psychophysiology, 2007, 21, 133-137.
593. Ruusuvirta, T., Huotilainen, M., & Näätänen, R. Preperceptual human number sense for sequential sounds, as revealed by mismatch negativity brain response. Cerebral Cortex, 2007, 17, 2777-2779.
594. Salmi, J., Rinne, T., Degerman, A., Salonen, O., & Alho, K. Orienting and maintenance of spatial attention in audition and vision: multimodal and modal-specific brain activations. Brain Structure and Function, 2007, 212, 181-194.
595. Winkler, I. Interpreting the mismatch negativity (MMN). Journal of Psychophysiology, 2007, 21, 147163.
596. Palva, S. & Palva, M. New vistas for alpha-frequency band oscillations.
Trends in Neuroscience, 2007, 30, 150–158.
511. Ylinen, S., Shestakova, A., Huotilainen, M., Alku, P., & Näätänen, R. Mismatch negativity (MMN) elicited by changes in phoneme lenght: A cross-linguistic study. Brain Research, 2006, 1072, 175-185.
512. Pekkola, J., Laasonen, M., Ojanen, V., Autti, T., Jääskeläinen, I.P., Kujala, T., & Sams, M. Perception of matching and conflicting audiovisual speech in dyslexic and fluent readers: An fMRI study at 3 T. Neuroimage, 2006, 29, 797-807.
513. Strelikov, K.N., Vorobyev, V.A., Chernigovskaya, T.V., & Medvedev, S.V. Prosodic clues to syntactic processing a PET and ERP study. Neuroimage, 2006, 29, 1127-1134.
514. Kujala, T., Lovio, R., Lepistö, T., Laasonen, M., & Näätänen, R. Evaluation of multi-attribute auditory discrimination in dyslexia with the mismatch negativity. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2006, 117, 885-893.
515. Sambeth, A., Huotilainen, M., Kushnerenko, E., Fellman, V., & Pihko, E. Newborns discriminate novel from harmonic sounds: A study using magnetoencephalography. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2006, 117, 496-503.
516. Alho, K., Vorobyev, V., Medvedev, S.V., Pakhomov, S.V., Starchenko, M.G., Tervaniemi, M., & Näätänen, R. Selective attention to human voice enhances brain activity bilaterally in the superior temporal sulcus. Brain Research, 2006, 1075, 142-150.
517. Tervaniemi, M., Jacobsen, T., Röttger, S., Kujala, T., Widmann, A., Vainio, M., Näätänen, R., & Schröger, E. Selective tuning of cortical sound-feature processing by language experience. European Journal of Neuroscience, 2006, 23, 2538-2541.
518. Uther, M., Kujala, A., Huotilainen, M., Shtyrov, Y., & Näätänen, R. Training in Morse code enhances involuntary attentional switching to acoustic frequency: Evidence from ERPs. Brain Research, 2006, 1073-1074, 417-424.
519. Oceák, A., Winkler, I., Sussman, E., & Alho, K. Loudness summation and the mismatch negativity event-related brain potential in humans. Psychophysiology, 2006, 43, 13-20.
520. Kähkönen, S. Responses to cardiocascular drugs during alcoholwithdrawal. Alcohol & Alcoholism, 2006, 41, 11-13.
521. Kähkönen, S. Magnetoencephalography (MEG): a noninvasive tool for studying cortical effects in psychopharmacology. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 2006, 9, 367-372.
522. Rapeli, P., Kivisaari, R., Autti, T., Kähkönen, S., Puuskari, V., Jokela, O., & Kalska, H. Cognitive function during early abstinence from opioid dependence: a comparison to age, gender, and verbal intelligence matched controls. BMC Psychiatry, 2006, 6:9, 1-10.
523. Winkler, I., van Zuijen, T.L., Sussman, E., Horváth, J., & Näätänen, R. Object representation in the human auditory system. European Journal of Neuroscience, 2006, 24, 625-634.
524. Tervaniemi, M. , Castaneda, A., Knoll, M., & Uther, M. Sound processing in amateur musicians and nonmusicians: event-relatedpotential and behavioral indices. NeuroReport, 2006, 17, 1225-1228.
525. Rinne, T., Särkkä, A., Degerman, A., Schröger, E., & Alho, K. Two separate mechanisms underlie auditory change detection and involuntary control of attention. Brain Research, 2006, 1077, 135-143.
526. Osipova, D., Takashima, A., Oostenveld, R., Fernández, G., Maris, E., & Jensen, O. Theta and gamma oscillations predict encoding and retrieval of declarative memory. The Journal of Neuroscience, 2006, 26, 7523-7531.
527. Czigler, I., Weisz, J., & Winkler, I. ERPs and deviance detection: Visual mismatch negativity repeated visual stimuli. Neuroscience Letters, 2006, 401, 178-182.
528. Wikgren, J., Lavond, D.G., Ruusuvirta, T., & Korhonen, T. Cooling of the cerebrellar interpositus nucleus abolishes somatosensory cortical learning-related activity in eyeblink conditioned rabbits. Behavioural Brain Research, 2006, 170, 94-98.
529. Sysoeva, O., Takegata, R., & Näätänen, R. Pre-attentive representation of sound duration in the human brain. Psychophysiology, 2006, 43, 272-276.
530. Novitski, N., Maess, B., & Tervaniemi, M. Frequency specific impairmant of automatic pitch change detection by fMRI acoustic noise: An MEG study. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 2006, 155, 149-159.
531. Komssi, S., & Kähkönen, S. The novelty value of the combined use of electroencephalography and transcranial magnetic stimulation for neuroscience research. Brain Research Reviews, 2006, 52, 183-192.
532. Korostenskaja, M., Dapsys, K., Siurkute, A., Maciulis, V., Ruksenas, O., & Kähkönen, S. Effects of risperidone on auditory information processing in neuroleptic-naive patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Acta neurobiologiae experimentalis, 2006, 66, 139-144.
533. Czigler, I., Winkler, I., Patóh, L., Várnagy, A., Weisz, J., & Balázs, L. Visual temporal window of integration as revealed by the mismatch negativity event related potential component to stimulus omissions. Brain Research, 2006, 1104, 129-140.
534. Lepistö, T., Silokallio, S., Nieminen-von Wendt, T. Alku, P., Näätänen, R., & Kujala, T. Auditory perception and attention as reflected by the brain event-related potentials in children with Asperger syndrome. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2006, 117, 2161-2171.
535. Fingelkurts, A., Fingelkurts, A., Kivisaari, R., Autti, T., Borisov, S., Puuskari, V., Jokela, O., & Kähkönen, S. Increased local and decreased remote functional connectivity at EEG alpha and beta frequency bands in opioid-dependent patients. Psychopharmacology, 2006, 188, 42-52.
536. Astikainen, P., Ruusuvirta, T., Wikgren, J., & Penttonen, M. Memory-based detection of rare sound feature combinations in anaesthetized rats. NeuroReport, 2006, 17, 1561-1564.
537. van Zuijen, T., Simoens, V.L., Paavilainen, P., Näätänen, R., & Tervaniemi, M. Implicit, intuitive, and explicit knowledge of abstract regularities in a sound sequence: an event-related brain potential study. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2006, 18, 1292-1303.
538. Fingelkurts, A., Fingelkurts, A., Kivisaari, R., Autti, T., Borisov, S., Puuskari, V., Jokela, O., & Kähkönen, S. Reorganization of the composition of brain oscillations and their temporal characteristics in opioid dependent patients. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry, 2006, 30, 1453-1465.
539. Kujala, T., Halmetoja, J., Näätänen, R., Alku, P., Lyytinen, H., & Sussman, E. Speech- and sound-segmentation in dyslexia: evidence for a multiple-level cortical impairment. European Journal of Neuroscience, 2006, 24, 2420-2427.
540. Tervaniemi, M., Szameitat, A.J., Kruck, S., Schröger, E., Alter, K., De Baene, W., & Friederici, A. From air oscillations to music and speech: fMRI evidence for fine-tuned neural networks in audition. Journal of Neuroscience, 2006, 26, 8647-8652.
541. Osipova, D., Pekkonen, E., & Ahveninen, J. Enhanced magnetic auditory steady-state response in early Alzheimer's disease. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2006, 117, 1990-1995.
542. Ahveninen, J., Jääskeläinen, I.P., Osipova, D., Huttunen, M.O., Ilmoniemi, R.J., Kaprio, J., Lönnqvist, J., M anninen, M., Pakarinen, S., Therman, S., Näätänen, R. & Cannon T.D. Inherited auditory-cortical dysfunction in twin pairs discordant for schizophrenia. Biological Psychiatry, 2006, 60, 612-620.
543. Campbell, T., Osipova, D., & Kähkönen, S. Finland's Galapagos: Founder effect, drift, and isolation in the inheritance of susceptibility alleles. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2006, 29, 409-410.
544. Osipova, D., Rantanen, K., Ahveninen, J., Ylikoski, R., Häppölä, O., Strandberg, T., & Pekkonen, E. Source estimation of spontaneous MEG oscillation in mild cognitive impairment. Neuroscience Letters, 2006, 405, 57-61.
545. Huotilainen, M. Magnetoencephalography of the newborn brain. Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, 2006, 11, 437-443.
546. Caclin, A., Brattico, E., Tervaniemi, M., Näätänen, R., Morlet, D., Giard, M.-H., & McAdams, S. Separate neural processing of timbre dimensions in auditory sensory memory. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2006, 18, 1959-1972.
547. Brattico, E., Tervaniemi, M., Näätänen, R., & Peretz, I. Musical scale properties are automatically processed in the auditory cortex. Brain Research, 2006, 1117, 162-174.
548. Nissilä, I., Hebden, J.C., Jennions, D., Heino, J., Schweiger, M., Kotilahti, K., Noponen, T., Gibson, A., Järvenpää, S., Lipiäinen, L., & Katila, T. Comparison between a time-domain and a frequency-domain system for optical tomography. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 2006, 11 (6), 17p.
549. Fingelkurts, A., Fingelkurts, A., Rytsälä, H., Suominen, K., Isometsä, E., & Kähkönen, S. Composition of brain oscillations in ongoing EEG during major depression disorder. Neuroscience Research, 2006, 56, 133-144.
454. Takegata, R., Roggia, S.M., & Winkler, I. Effects of temporal grouping on the memory representation of inter-tone relationships. Biological Psychology, 2005, 68, 41-60.
455. Rämä, P., & Courtney, S.M. Functional topography of working memory for face or voice identity. Neuroimage, 2005, 24, 224-234.
456. Kozou, H., Kujala, T., Shtyrov, Y., Toppila, E., Stark, J., Alku, P. & Näätänen, R. The effect of different noise types on the speech and non-speech elicited mismatch negativity. Hearing Research, 2005, 199, 31-39.
457. Brattico, E., Kujala, T., Tervaniemi, M., Alku, P., Ambrosi, L., & Monitillo, V. Long-term exposure to occupational noise alters the cortical organization of sound processing. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2005, 116, 190-203.
458. Nenonen, S., Shestakova, A., Huotilainen, M., & Näätänen, R. Speech-sound duration processing in a second language is specific to phonetic categories. Brain and Language, 2005, 92, 26-32.
459. Huotilainen, M., Kujala, A., Hotakainen, M., Parkkonen, L., Taulu, S., Simola, J., Nenonen, J., Karjalainen, M., & Näätänen, R. Short-term memory functions of the human fetus recorded with magnetoencephalography. NeuroReport, 2005, 16, 81-84.
460. Pihko, E., Kujala, T., Mickos, A., Antell, H., Alku, P., Byring, R., & Korkman, M. Magnetic fields evoked by speech sounds in pre-school children. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2005, 116, 112-119.
461. Astikainen, P., Ruusuvirta, T., & Korhonen, T. Longer storage of auditory than visual information in the rabbit brain: evidence from dorsal hippocampal lectrophysiology. Experimental Brain Research, 2005, 160, 189-193.
462. Gumenyuk, V., Korzyukov, O., Escera, C., Hämäläinen, M., Huotilainen, M., Häyrinen, T., Oksanen, H., Näätänen, R., von Wendt, L., & Alho, K. Electrophysiological evidence of enhanced distractibility in ADHD children. Neuroscience Letters, 2005, 374, 212-217.
463. Winkler, I. , & Cowan, N. From sensory memory to long term memory: Evidence from auditory memory reactivation studies. Experimental Psychology, 2005, 52, 3-20.
464. Tervaniemi, M., Just, V., Koelsch, S., Widman, A., & Schröger, E. Pitch discrimination accuracy in musicians vs nonmusicians: an event-related potential and behavioral study. Experimental Brain Research, 2005, 161, 1-10.
465. Vuust, P., Pallesen, K.J., Bailey, C., van Zuijen, T.L., Gjedde, A., Roepstorff, A., & Østergaard, L. To musicians, the message is in the meter: Pre-attentive neuronal responses to incongruent rhythm are left-lateralized in musicians. Neuroimage, 2005, 24, 560-564.
466. Campbell, T., Winkler, I. , & Kujala, T. Disruption of immediate memory and brain processes: an auditory ERP protocol. Brain Research Protocols, 2005, 14, 77-86.
467. Fingelkurts, A.A., Fingelkurts, A.A., & Kähkönen, S. New perspectives in pharmaco-electroencephalography. Neuropsychopharmachology and biological psychiatry, 2005, 29, 193-199.
468. Kähkönen, S., Marttinen-Rossi, E., & Yamashita, H. Alcohol impairs auditory processing of frequency changes and novel sounds: a combined MEG and EEG study. Psychopharmacology, 2005, 177, 366-372.
469. Kähkönen, S., Mäkinen, V., Jääskeläinen, I., Pennanen, S., Liesivuori, J., & Ahveninen, J. Serotonergic modulation of mismatch negativity. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 2005, 138, 61-74.
470. Fingelkurts, A.A., Fingelkurts, A.A., & Kähkönen, S. Functional connectivity in the brain - is it an elusive concept? Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 2005, 28(8), 827-836.
471. Näätänen, R., Jacobsen, T., & Winkler, I. Memory based or afferent processes in mismatch negativity (MMN): A review of the evidence. Psychophysiology, 2005, 42, 25-32.
472. Winkler, I. , Czigler, I. , Sussman, E., Horváth, J., & Balázs, L. Preattentive binding of auditory and visual stimulus features. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2005, 17, 320-339.
473. D'Arceuil, H.E., Hotakainen, M.P., Liu, C., Themelis, G., de Crespigny, A.J., & Franceschini, M.A. Near-infrared frequency-domain optical spectroscopy and magnetic resonance imaging: a combined approach to studying cerebral maturation in neonatal rabbits. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 2005, 10, 011011-1-9.
474. Lachmann, T., Berti, S., Kujala, T. & Schröger, E. Diagnostic subgroups of developmental dyslexia have different deficits in neural processing of tones and phonemes. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 2005, 56, 105-120.
475. Yamashita H., Okamoto Y., Morinobu S., Yamawaki S., & Kähkönen S. Visual emotional stimuli modulate auditory sensory gating studied by magnetic P50 suppression. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 2005, 255, 99-103.
476. Kujala, T., Palva, J.M., Salonen, O., Alku, P., Huotilainen, M., Järvinen, A. & Näätänen, R. The role of blind humans' visual cortex in auditory processing. Neuroscience Letters, 2005, 379, 127-131.
477. Heiskala, J., Nissilä, I. , Neuvonen, T., Järvenpää, S., & Somersalo, E. Modeling anisotropic light propagating in a realistic model of the human head. Applied Optics, 2005, 44, 2049-2057.
478. Nissilä, I. , Noponen, T., Kotilahti, K., Katila, T., Lipiäinen, L., Tarvainen, T., Schweiger, M., & Arridge, S. Instrumentation and calibration methods for the multichannel measurement of phase and amplitude in optical tomography. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2005, 76, 044302-1-10.
479. Pynnönen, P., Isometsä, E.T., Verkasalo, M.A., Kähkönen, S.A., Sipilä, I. , Savilahti, E., & Aalberg, V.A. Gluten-free diet may allevite depressive and behavioural symptoms in adolescents with coeliac disease: a prospective follow-up case-series study. BMC Psychiatry, 2005, 5, 14.
480. Korostenskaja, M., Dapsys, K., Siurkute, A., Maciulis, V., Ruksenas, O., & Kähkönen, S. Effects of olanzapine on auditory P300 and mismatch negativity (MMN) in schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 2005, 29, 543-548.
481. Kähkönen, S., Komssi, S., Wilenius, J., & Ilmoniemi, R.J. Prefrontal transcranial magnetic stimulation produces intensity-dependent EEG responses in humans. Neuroimage, 2005, 24, 955-960.
482. Rinne, T., Degerman, A., & Alho, K. Superior temporal and inferior frontal cortices are activated by infrequent sound duration decrements: An fMRI study. Neuroimage, 2005, 26, 66-72.
483. van Zuijen, T.L., Sussman, E., Winkler, I. , Näätänen, R., & Tervaniemi, M. Auditory organization of sound sequences by a temporal or numerical regularity a mismatch negativity study comparing musicians and non-musicians. Cognitive Brain Research, 2005, 23, 270-276.
484. Palva, S., Linkenkaer-Hansen, K., Näätänen, R., & Palva, J.M. Early neural correlates of conscious somatosensory perception. The Journal of Neuroscience, 2005, 25, 5248-5258.
485. Palva, M., Palva, S., & Kaila, K. Phase synchrony among neural oscillations in the human cortex. The Journal of Neuroscience, 2005, 25, 3962-3972.
486. Nikulin, V.V., Nikulina, A.V., Yamashita, H., Marttinen-Rossi, E., & Kähkönen, S. Effects of alcohol on spontaneous neuronal oscillations: A combined magnetoencephalography and electroencehalography study. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry, 2005, 29, 687-693.
487. Kujala, T., Lepistö, T., Nieminen-von Wendt, T., Näätänen, P., & Näätänen, R. Neurophysiologial evidence for cortical discrimination impairment of prosody in Asperger syndrome. Neuroscience Letters, 2005, 383, 260-265.
488. Kotilahti, K., Nissilä, I. , Huotilainen, M., Mäkelä, R., Gavrielides, N., Noponen, T., Björkman, P., Fellman, V., & Katila, T. Bilateral hemodynamic responses to auditory stimulation in newborn infants. NeuroReport, 2005, 16, 1373-1377.
489. Palolahti, M., Leino, S., Jokela, M., Kopra, K., & Paavilainen, P. Event-related potentials suggest early interaction between syntax and semantics during on-line sentence comprehension. Neuroscience Letters, 2005, 384, 222-227.
490. Sittiprapaporn, W., Tervaniemi, M., Chindaduangratn, C., & Kotchabhakdi, N. Preattentive discrimination of cross-category and within-category change in consonant-vowel syllable. NeuroReport, 2005, 16, 1513-1518.
491. Jansson-Verkasalo, E., Kujala, T., Jussila, K., Mattila, M.L., Moilanen, I. , Näätänen, R., Suominen, K., & Korpilahti, P. Similarities in the phenotype of the auditory neural substrate in children with Asperger syndrome and their parents. European Journal of Neuroscience, 2005, 22, 986-990.
492. Takegata, R., Brattico, E., Tervaniemi, M., Varyagina, O., Näätänen, R., & Winkler, I. Preattentive representation of feature conjunctions for simultaneous, spatially distributed auditory objects. Cognitive Brain Research, 2005, 25, 169-179.
493. Winkler, I. , Takegata, R., & Sussman, E. Event-related brain potentials reveal multiple stages in the perceptual organization of sound. Cognitive Brain Research, 2005, 25, 291-299.
494. Pekkonen, E., Jääskeläinen, I.P:, Kaakkola, S., & Ahveninen, J. Cholinergic modulation of preattentive auditory processing in aging. Neuroimage, 2005, 27, 387-392.
495. Linkenkaer-Hansen, K., Monto, S., Rytsälä, H., Suominen, K., Isometsä, E., & Kähkönen, S. Breakdown of long-range temporal correlations in theta oscillations in patients with major depressive disorder. The Journal of Neuroscience, 2005, 25, 10131-10137.
496. Carral, V., Huotilainen, M., Ruusuvirta, T., Fellman, V., Näätänen, R., & Escera, C. A kind of auditory 'primitive intelligence' already present at birth. European Journal of Neuroscience, 2005, 21, 3201-3204.
497. Tervaniemi, M., Kallio, J., Sinkkonen, J., Virtanen, J., Ilmoniemi, R.J., Salonen, O., & Näätänen, R. Test-retest stability of the magnetic mismatch response (MMNm). Clinical Neurophysiology, 2005, 116, 1897-1905.
498. Ylinen, S. , Huotilainen, M., & Näätänen, R. Phoneme quality and quantity are processed independently in the human brain. NeuroReport, 2005, 16, 1857-1860.
499. Peretz, I. , Brattico, E., & Tervaniemi, M. Abnormalelectrical brain responses to pitch congential amusia. Annals of Neurology, 2005, 58, 478-482.
500. Draganova, R., Eswaran, H., Murphy, P., Huotilainen, M., Lowery, C., & Preissl, H. Sound frequency change detection in fetuses and newborns, a magnetoencephalographic study. Neuroimage, 2005, 28, 354-361.
501. Kähkönen, S., Komssi, S., Wilenius, J., & Ilmoniemi, R.J. Prefrontal TMS
produces smaller EEG responses than motor-cortex TMS. Psychopharmacology, 2005, 181, 16-20.
502. Ylinen, S., Shestakova, A., Alku, P., & Huotilainen, M. The perception of phonological quantity based on durational cues by native speakers, second-language users and nonspeakers of Finnish. Language and Speech, 2005, 48, 313-338.
503. Rapeli, P., Kivisaari, R., Kähkönen, S., Puuskari, V., Autti, T., & Kalska, H. Do individuals with former amphetamine dependence have cognitive deficits? Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 2005, 59, 293-297.
504. Salmi, J., Huotilainen, M., Pakarinen, S., Siren, T., Alho, K., & Aronen, E.T. Does sleep quality affect involuntary attention switching system? Neuroscience Letters, 2005, 390, 150-155.
505. Lepistö, T., Kujala, T., Vanhala, R., Alku, P., Huotilainen, M., & Näätänen, R. The discrimination of and orienting to speech and non-speech sounds in children with autism. Brain Research, 2005, 1066, 147-157.
506. Osipova, D., Ahveninen, J., Jensen, O., Ylikoski, A., & Pekkonen, E. Altered generation of spontaneous oscillation in Alzheimer's disease. Neuroimage, 2005, 27, 835-841.
507. Huotilainen, M. Magnetoencephalography in studies of infants and children. International Review of Neurobiology, 2005, 68, 25-50.
508. Kähkönen, S. MEG and TMS combined with EEG for mapping alcohol effects. Alcohol, 2005, 37, 129-133.
509. Kähkönen, S. Effects of alcohol on cortical excitability and connectivity studied by combined transcranial magnetic stimulation and electroencephalography. Sociedad Iberoamericana de Información Científica (SIIC), 2005, 8-9.
510. Pallesen, K.J., Brattico, E., Bailey, C., Korvenoja, A., Koivisto, J., Gjedde, A., & Carlson, S. Emotion processing of major, minor and dissonant chords: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2005, 1060, 450-453.
410. Kähkönen, S., & Bondarenko, B.B. L-type Ca2+ channels mediate cardiovascular symptoms of alcohol withdrawal in humans. Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry, 2004, 28, 45-48.
411. Näätänen, R., Pakarinen, S., Rinne, T., & Takegata, R. The mismatch negativity (MMN) - towards the optimal paradigm. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2004, 115, 140-144.
412. Jansson- Verkasalo, E., Korpilahti, P., Jäntti, V., Valkama, M., Vainionpää, L., Alku, P., Suominen, K., & Näätänen, R. Neurophysiologic correlates of deficient phonological representations and object naming in prematurely born children. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2004, 115, 179-187.
413. Ruusuvirta, T., & Huotilainen, M. The human brain processes repeated auditory feature conjunctions of low sequential probability. Neuroscience Letters, 2004, 355, 97-100.
414. Linkenkaer-Hansen, K., Nikulin, V., Palva, J.M., Kaila, K., & Ilmoniemi, R. Stimulus-induced change in long-range temporal correlations and scaling behaviour of sensorimotor oscillations. European Journal of Neuroscience, 2004, 19, 203-211.
415. Pulvermüller, F., Shtyrov, Y., Kujala, T., & Näätänen, R. Word-specific cortical acticvity as revealed by the mismatch negativity (MMN). Psychophysiology, 2004, 41, 106-112.
416. Pekkonen, E., Osipova, D., & Laaksovirta, H. Magnetoencephalographic evidence of abnormal auditory processing in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis with bulbar signs. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2004, 115, 309-315.
417. Gumenyuk, V., Korzyukov, O., Alho, K., & Escera, C., & Näätänen R. Effects of auditory distraction on electrophysiological brain activity and performance in children aged 8-13 years. Psychophysiology, 2004, 41, 30-36.
418. Ceponiene, R., Lepistö, T., Soininen, M., Aronen, E., Alku, P. & Näätänen, R. Event-related potentials associated with sound discrimination versus novelty detection in children. Psychophysiology, 2004, 41, 130-141.
419. Bliss, I., Kujala, T. & Hämäläinen, H. Comparison of blind and sighted participants' performance in a letter recognition working memory task. Cognitive Brain Research, 2004, 18, 273-277.
420. Komssi, S., Kähkönen, S. & Ilmoniemi, R.J. The effect of stimulus intensity on brain responses evoked by transcranial magnetic stimulation. Human Brain Mapping, 2004, 21, 154-164.
421. Lepistö, T., Soininen, M., Ceponiene, R., Almqvist, F., Näätänen, R., & Aronen, E. Auditory event-related potential indices of increased distractibility in children with major depression. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2004, 115, 620-627
422. Fingelkurts, A.A., Fingelkurts, A.A., Kivisaari, R., Pekkonen, E., Ilmoniemi, R.J., & Kähkönen, S. The interplay of lorazepam-induced brain oscillations: microstructural electromagnetic study. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2004, 115, 674-690.
423. Kähkönen, S., Wilenius, J., Komssi, S., & Ilmoniemi, R.J. Distinct differences in cortical reactivity of motor and prefrontal cortices to magnetic stimulation. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2004, 115, 583-588.
424. van Zuijen, T., Sussman, E., Winkler, I. , Näätänen, R., & Tervaniemi, M. Grouping of sequential sounds - an event-related potential study comparing musicians and non-musicians. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience , 2004, 16, 331-338.
425. Sussman, E., Kujala, T., Halmetoja, J., Lyytinen, H., Alku, P., & Näätänen, R. Automatic and controlled processing of acoustic and phonetic contrasts. Hearing Research, 2004, 190, 128-140.
426. Lonka, E., Lehtokoski, A., Kujala, T., Johansson, R., Rimmanen, S., Alho, K., & Näätänen, R. The mismatch negativity (MMN) brain response as an index of speech perception recovery in cochlear-implant recipients. Audiology and Neuro-otology, 2004, 9, 160-162.
427. Fingelkurts, A.A., Fingelkurts, A.A., Kivisaari, R., Pekkonen, E., Ilmoniemi, R.J., & Kähkönen, S. Enhancement of GABA-related signalling is associated with increase of functional connectivity in human cortex. Human Brain Mapping, 2004, 22, 27-39.
428. Winkler, I. , & Cowan, N. From sensory memory to long-term memory: Evidence from memory reactivation studies. Experimental Psychology, 2004, 51, 1-17.
429. Vorobiev, V.A., Alho, K., Medvedev, S.V., Pakhomov, S.V., Roudas, M.S., Rutkovskaya, J.M., Tervaniemi, M., van Zuijen, T.L., & Näätänen, R. Linguistic processing in visual and modality-nonspecific brain areas: PET recordings during selective attention. Cognitive Brain Research, 2004, 20, 309-322.
430. Näätänen, R., Syssoeva, O., & Takegata, R. Automatic time perception in the human brain for intervals ranging from milliseconds to seconds. Psychophysiology, 2004, 41, 660-663.
431. Kähkönen, S., & Ilmoniemi, R.J. Transcranial magnetic stimulation. Applications for neuropsychopharmacology. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 2004, 18, 257-261.
432. Fingelkurts, A.A., Fingelkurts, A.A., Kivisaari, R., Pekkonen, E., Ilmoniemi, R.I., & Kähkönen, S. Local and remote functional connectivity of neocortex under the inhibition influence. Neuroimage, 2004, 22, 1390-1460
433. Rämä, P., Poremba, A., Sala, J.B., Yee, L., Malloy, M., Mishkin, M., & Courtney, S.M. Dissociable functional cortical topographies for working memory maintenance of voice identity and location. Cerebral Cortex, 2004, 14, 768-780.
434. Tervaniemi, M., & Brattico, E. From sounds to music: towards understanding the neural basis of musical sound perception. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 2004, 11, 9-27.
435. Takegata, R., Nakagawa, S., Tonoike, M., & Näätänen, R. Hemispheric processing of duration changes in speech and non-speech sounds. NeuroReport, 2004, 15, 1683-1686.
436. De Baene, W., Vandierendonck, A., Leman, M., Widmann, A., & Tervaniemi, M. Roughness perception in sounds: Behavioral and ERP evidence. Biological Psychology, 2004, 67, 319-330.
437. Ilvonen, T., Kujala, T., Kozou, H., Kiesiläinen, A., Salonen, O., Alku, P., & Näätänen, R. The processing of speech and non-speech sounds in aphasic patients as reflected by the mismatch negativity (MMN). Neuroscience Letters, 2004, 366, 235-240.
438. Kujala, A. Alho, K., Service, E., Ilmoniemi, R.J., & Connolly, J.F. Activation in the anterior left auditory cortex associated with phonological analysis of speech input: localization of the phonological mismatch negativity response with MEG. Cognitive Brain Research, 2004, 21, 106-113.
439. Widmann A., Kujala T., Tervaniemi M., Schröger E. From symbols to sounds: visual symbolic information activates sound representations. Psychophysiology, 2004, 41, 709-715.
440. Kujala, A., Huotilainen, M., Hotakainen, M., Lennes, M., Parkkonen, L., Fellman, V., & Näätänen, R. Speech-sound discrimination in neonates as measured with MEG. NeuroReport, 2004, 15, 2089-2092.
441. Novitski, N., Tervaniemi, M., Huotilainen, M., & Näätänen, R. Frequency discrimination at different frequency levels as indexed by electrophysiological and behavioral measures. Cognitive Brain Research, 2004, 20, 26-36.
442. Astikainen, P., Ruusuvirta, T., Wikgren, J., & Korhonen, T. The human brain processes visual changes that are not cued by attended auditory stimulation. Neuroscience Letters, 2004, 368, 231-234.
443. Kujala, T., Shtyrov, Y., Winkler, I., Saher, M., Tervaniemi, M., Sallinen, M., Alho, K., Teder-Sälejärvi, W., Reinikainen, K., & Näätänen, R. Detrimental effects of long-term noise exposure on the central auditory processing. Psychophysiology, 2004, 41, 875-881.
444. Pertovaara, A., Linnankoski, I. , Artchakov, D., Rämä, P., & Carlson, S. A potential aphrodisiac for female macaques. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior, 2004, 79, 137-141.
445. Kähkönen, S. The mechanisms of cardiovascular dysregulation during alcohol withdrawal. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 2004, 28, 937-941.
446. Horváth, J., & Winkler, I. How the human auditory system treats repetition amongst change. Neuroscience Letters, 2004, 368, 157-161.
447. Ruusuvirta, T., & Huotilainen, M. The fast detection of rare auditory feature conjunctions in the human brain as recealed by cortical gamma-band electroencephalogram. Neuroscience, 2004, 130, 91-94.
448. Linenkaer-Hansen, K., Nikulin, V.V., Palva, S., Ilmoniemi, R.J., & Palva, J.M. Pre-stimulus oscillations enhance psychophysical performance in humans. The Journal of Neuroscience, 2004, 10186-10190.
449. Ruusuvirta, T., Huotilainen, M., Fellman, V., & Näätänen, R. Newborn human brain identifies repeated auditory feature conjunctions of low sequential probability. European Journal of Neuroscience, 2004, 20, 2819-2821.
450. Fellman, V., Kushnerenko, E., Mikkola, K., Ceponiene, R., Leipälä, J., & Näätänen, R. Atypical auditory event-related potentials in preterm infants - a possible sign of cognitive dysfunction? Pediatric Research, 2004, 56, 291-297.
355. Sala, J.B., Rämä, P., & Courtney, S.M, Functional topography of a distributed neural system for spatial and nonspatial information maintenance in working memory. Neuropsychologia, 2003, 41, 341-356.
356. Polo, M.D., Escera. C., Yago, E., Alho, K., Gual, A. & Grau, C. Electrophysiological evidence of abnormal activation of the cerbral network of involuntary attention in alcoholism. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2003, 114, 134-146.
357. Jansson-Verkasalo, E., Ceponiene, R., Kielinen, M., Suominen, K., Linna, S.-L., Moilanen, I, & Näätänen, R. Deficient auditory processing in children with Asperger Syndrome, as indexed by event-related potentials. Neuroscience Letters, 2003, 338, 197-200.
358. Kähkönen, S., Wilenius, J., Nikulin, V.V., Ollikainen, M., & Ilmoniemi, R.J. Alcohol reduces prefrontal cortical excitability in humans. A combined TMS and EEG study. Neuropsychopharmacology, 2003, 28, 747-754.
359. Ahveninen, J., Jääskeläinen, I.P., Pennanen, S., Liesivuori, J., Ilmoniemi, R.J., & Kähkönen, S. Auditory selective attention modulated by tryptophan depletion in humans. Neuroscience Letters, 2003, 340, 181-184.
360. Winkler, I., Sussman, E., Tervaniemi, M., Ritter, W., Horváth, M., & Näätänen, R. Preattentive auditory context effects. Cognitive Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience, 2003, 3, 57-77.
361. Winkler, I. Modeling the modeling. American Journal of Psychology, 2003, 116, 336-341.
362. Kujala, T., Belitz, S., Tervaniemi, M., & Näätänen, R. Auditory sensory memory disorder in dyslexic adults as indexed by the mismatch negativity. European Journal of Neuroscience, 2003, 17, 1323-1327.
363. Ceponiene R, Lepistö T, Alku P, Aro H, & Näätänen R. Event-related potential indices of auditory vowel processing in 3-year-old children. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2003, 114, 652-661.
364. Ceponiene, R., Lepistö, T., Shestakova, A., Vanhala, R., Näätänen, R., & Yaguchi, K. Speech sound-selective auditory impairment in infantile autism: can perceive but will not attend. Proceedings of the National Academy of Siences, 2003, 100, 5567-5572.
365. Yago, E., Escera, C., Alho, K., Giard, M-H. & Serra-Grabulosa, J.M. Spatiotermporal dynamics of the auditory novelty-P3 event-related brain potential. Cognitive Brain Research, 2003, 16, 383-390.
366. Nenonen, S., Shestakova, A., Huotilainen, M., & Näätänen, R. Linguistic relevance of duration within the native language determines the accuracy of speech-sound duration processing. Cognitive Brain Research, 2003, 16, 492-495.
367. Paavilainen, P., Degerman, A., Takegata, R., & Winkler, I. Spectral and temporal stimulus characteristics in the processing of abstract auditory features, NeuroReport, 2003, 14, 715-715.
368. Savela, J., Kujala, T., Tuomainen, J., Ek, M., Aaltonen, O., & Näätänen, R. The mismatch negativity and reaction time as indices of the perceptual distance between the corresponding vowels of two related languages. Cognitive Brain Research, 2003, 16, 250-256.
369. Näätänen, R. Mismatch negativity: clinical research and possible applications. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 2003, 48, 179-188.
370. Pallesen, K.J., Brattico, E., & Carlson, S. Emotional connotations of major and minor musical chords in musically untrained listeners. Brain and Cognition, 2003, 51, 188-190.
371. Wikgren, J., Ruusuvirta, T., & Korhonen, T. Activity in the rabbit somatosensory cortex reflects the active procedural memory trace of a classically conditioned eyeblink response. Neuroscience Letters, 2003, 341, 119-122.
372. Sussman, E., Winkler, I., & Wang, W.J. MMN and attention: Competition for deviance detection. Psychophysiology, 2003, 40, 430-435.
373. Sussman, E., Sheridan, K., Kreuzer, J., & Winkler, I. Representation of the standard: Stimulus context effects on the process generating the mismatch negativity component of event-related brain potentials. Psychophysiology, 2003, 40, 465-471.
374. Takegata, R., Roggia, S., & Näätänen, R. A paradigm to measure mismatch negativity responses to phonetic and acoustic changes in parallel. Audiology & Neuro-Otology, 2003, 8, 234-241.
375. Ilvonen, T-M., Kujala, T., Kiesiläinen, A., Salonen, O., Kozou, H., Pekkonen, E., Roine, R.O., Kaste, M., & Näätänen, R. Auditory discrimination after left hemisphere stroke: an MMN follow-up study. Stroke, 2003, 34, 1746-1753.
376. Jansson-Verkasalo, E., Ceponiene, R., Valkama, M., Vainionpää, L., Laitakari, K., Alku, P., Suominen, K., & Näätänen, R. Deficient speech-sound processing, as shown by the electrophysiologic brain mismatch negativity response, and naming ability in prematurely born children. Neuroscience Letters, 2003, 348, 5-8.
377. Alho, K, Vorobiev, V.A., Medvedev, S. V., Pakhomov, S.V., Roudas, M.S., Tervaniemi, M., van Zuijen, T. & Näätänen, R. Hemispheric lateralization of cerebral blood-flow changes during selective listening to dichotically presented continuous speech. Cognitive Brain Research, 2003, 17, 201-211.
378. Shestakova, A., Huotilainen, M., Ceponiene, R., & Cheour, M. Event-related potentials associated with second language learning in children. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2003, 114, 1507-1512.
379. Kähkönen, S. Alcohol withdrawal changes cardiovascular responses to propranolol challenge. Neuropsychobiology, 2003, 47, 192-197.
380. Gumenyuk, V., Korzyukov, O., Alho, K., Winkler, I., Paavilainen, P., & Näätänen, R. Electric brain responses indicate preattentive processing of abstract acoustic regularities in children. NeuroReport, 2003, 14, 1411-1415.
381. Paavilainen, P., Mikkonen, M., Kilpeläinen, M., Lehtinen, R., Saarela, M., & Tapola, L. Evidence for the different additivity of the temporal and frontal generators of the mismatch negativity: a human auditory event-related potential study. Neuroscience Letters, 2003, 349, 79-82.
382. Huttunen, J., Kähkönen, S., Kaakkola, S., Ahveninen, J., & Pekkonen, E. Effects of an acute D2-dopaminergic blockade on the somatosensory cortical responses in healthy humans: evidence from evoked magnetic fields. NeuroReport, 2003, 14, 1609-1612.
383. Nikulin, VV., Kicis, D., Kähkönen, S., & Ilmoniemi, RJ. Modulation of electroencephalographic responses to transcranial magnetic stimulation: evidence for changes in cortical excitability related to movement. European Journal of Neuroscience, 2003, 18, 1206-1212.
384. Osipova, D., Ahveninen, J., Kaakkola, S., Jääskeläinen, I.P., Huttunen, J., & Pekkonen, E. Effects of scopolamine on MEG spectral power and coherence in elderly subjects. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2003, 114, 1902-1907.
385. Tervaniemi, M., Huotilainen, M., Brattico, E., Reinikainen, K., Ilmoniemi, R.J., & Alho, K. Event-related potentials to expectancy violation in musical context. Musicae Scientiae, 2003, 7, 241-261.
386. Winkler, I., Kushnerenko, E., Horváth, J., Ceponiene, R., Fellman, V., Huotilainen, M. Näätänen, R., & Sussman, E. Newborn infants can organize the auditory world. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2003, 100, 11812-11815.
387. Kujala, A., Huotilainen, M., Uther, M., Shtyrov, Y., Monto, S., Ilmoniemi, RJ., & Näätänen, R. Plastic cortical changes induced by learning to communicate with non-speech sounds, NeuroReport, 2003, 14, 1683-1687.
388. Winkler, I., Kujala, T., Alku, P. & Näätänen, R. Language context and phonetic change detection. Cognitive Brain Research, 2003, 17, 833-844.
389. Uther, M., Jansen D.H.J., Huotilainen, M., Ilmoniemi, R., & Näätänen, R. Mismatch negativity indexes auditory temporal resolution: evidence from event-related potential (ERP) and event-related field (ERF) recordings. Cognitive Brain Research, 2003, 17, 685-691.
390. Huotilainen, M., Kujala, A., Hotakainen, M., Shestakova, A., Kushnerenko, E., Parkkonen, L., Fellman, V., & Näätänen, R. Auditory magnetic responses of healthy newborns. NeuroReport, 2003, 14, 1871-1875.
391. Novitski, N., Anourova, I., Martinkauppi, S., Aronen, H., Näätänen, R., & Carlson, S. Effects of noise from functional magnetic resonance imaging on auditory event-related potentials in working memory task. Neuroimage, 2003, 20, 1320-1328.
392. Kähkönen, S., & Zvartau, EE. Altered cardiovascular responses to nitrosorbide in alcohol withdrawal. Neuropsychobiology, 2003, 48, 124-130.
393. Kähkönen, S., Ahveninen, J., Jääskeläinen, IP., Pennanen, S., Liesivuori, J., & Nikulin, VV. Acute tryptophan depletion does not change somatosensory evoked magnetic fields. Psychopharmacology, 2003, 170, 332-333.
394. Winkler, I., Teder-Sälejärvi, W.A., Horváth, J., Näätänen, R., & Sussman, E. Human auditory cortex tracks task-irrelevant sound sources. NeuroReport, 2003, 14, 2053-2056.
395. Tervaniemi, M., & Hugdahl, K. Lateralization of auditory-cortex functions. Brain Research Reviews, 2003, 43, 231-246.
396. Shtyrov, Y., Pulvermüller, F., Näätänen, R., & Ilmoniemi, R.J. Grammar processing outside the focus of attention: an MEG study. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2003, 15, 1195-1206.
397. Brattico, E., Tervaniemi, M., & Picton, T.W. Effects of brief discrimination-training on the human auditory N1 wave. NeuroReport, 2003, 14, 2489-2492.
398. Brattico, E., Jacobsen, T., De Baene, W., Nakai, N., & Tervaniemi, M. Electrical brain responses to descriptive versus evaluative judgments of music. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2003, 999, 155-157.
399. Brattico, E., Tervaniemi, M., Valimaki, V., Van Zuijen, T., & Peretz, I. Cortical correlates of acquired deafness to dissonance. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2003, 999, 158-160.
400. De Baene, W., Vandierendonck, A., Leman, M., Widmann, A., & Tervaniemi, M. Exploration of roughness by means of the mismatch negativity paradigm. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2003, 999, 170-172.
401. Sittiprapaporn, W., Chindaduangratn, C., Tervaniemi, M., Kotchabhakdi, N. Pre-attentive processing of lexical tone perception by the human brain as indexed by the mismatch negativity (MMN). Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2003, 999, 199-203.
402. Ruusuvirta, R., Huotilainen, M., Fellman, V., & Näätänen, R. The newborn human brain binds sound features together. NeuroReport, 2003, 14, 2117-2119.
403. Tervaniemi, M., & Huotilainen, M. The promises of change-related brain potentials in cognitive neuroscience of Music. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2003, 999, 29-39.
404. Campbell, T., Winkler, I., Kujala, T., & Näätänen, R. The N1 hypothesis and irrelevant sound: evidence from token set size effects. Cognitive Brain Research, 2003, 18, 39-47.
405. Räikkönen, K., Birkás, E., Horváth, J., Gervai, J., & Winkler, I. Test-retest reliability of auditory ERP components in healthy 6-years-old children. NeuroReport, 2003, 14, 2121-2125.
406. Sussman, E., Winkler, I., & Schröger, E. Top-down control over involuntary attention-switching in the auditory modality. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 2003, 10, 630-637.
407. Peltola, M., Kujala, T., Tuomainen, J., Ek, M., Aaltonen, O., & Näätänen, R. Native and foreign vowel discrimination as indexed by the mismatch negativity (MMN) response. Neuroscience Letters, 2003, 352, 25-28.
408. Korzyukov, O., Winkler, I., Gumenyuk, V., & Alho, K. Processing abstract auditory features in the human auditory cotex. Neuroimage, 2003, 20, 2245-2258.
320. Brattico, E., Näätänen, R., & Tervaniemi, M. Context effects on pitch perception in musicians and non-musicians: Evidence from ERP recordings. Music Perception, 2002, 19, 199-222.
321. Cheour, M., Ceponiene, R., Leppänen, P., Rinne, T., Alho, K., Lehtokoski, A., Kujala, T., Renlund, M., Fellman, V., & Näätänen, R. Auditory sensory memory trace decays rapidly in newborns. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 2002, 43, 33-39.
322. Opitz, B., Rinne, T., Mecklinger, A. Yves con Cramon, D., & Schröger, E. Differential contribution of frontal and temporal cortices to auditory change detection: fMRI and ERP results. Neuroimage, 2002, 15, 167-174.
323. Näätänen, R., & Rinne, T. Electric brain response to sound repetition in humans: an index of long-term-memory-trace formation? Neuroscience Letters, 2002, 318, 49-51.
324. Ahveninen, J., Jääskeläinen, IP., Kaakkola, S., Tiitinen, H., & Pekkonen, E. Aging and cholinergic modulation of the transient magnetic 40-Hz audiroty response. Neuroimage, 2002, 15, 153-158.
325. Ceponiene, R., Yaguchi, K., Shestakova, A., Alku, P., Suominen, K., Näätänen, R. Sound complexity and "speechness" effects on pre-attentive auditory discrimination in children. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 2002, 43, 199-211.
326. Shestakova, A., Ceponiene, R., Huotilainen, M., & Yaguchi, K. Involuntary attention in children as a function of stimulus source location: evidence from event-related potentials. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2002, 113, 162-168.
327. Cheour, M., Martynova, O., Näätänen, R., Erkkola, R., Sillanpää, M., Kero, P. Raz, A., Kaipio, M.-L., Hiltunen, J., Aaltonen, O., Savela, J., & Hämäläinen. H. Speech sounds learned by sleeping newborns. Nature, 2002, 415, 599-600.
328. Kushnerenko, E., Ceponiene, R, Balan, P., Fellman, V., Huotilainen, M., & Näätänen, R. Maturation of auditory event-related potentials during the 1st year of life. NeuroReport, 2002, 13, 47-51.
329. Ceponiene, R., Kushnerenko, E., Fellman, V., Renlund, M., Suominen, K., & Näätänen, R. Event-related potential features indexing central auditory discrimination by newborns. Cognitive Brain Research, 2002, 13, 101-113.
330. Pekkonen, E., Hirvonen, J., Ahveninen, J., Kähkönen, S., Kaakkola, S., Huttunen, J., & Jääskeläinen, I.P. Memory-based comparison process not attenuated by haloperiodol: A combined MEG and EEG study. NeuroReport, 2002, 13, 177-181.
331. Palva, S., Palva, J.M., Shtyrov, Y., Kujala, T. Ilmoniemi, R., Kaila, K., & Näätänen, R. Distinct gamma-band evoked responses to speech and non-speech sounds in humans. Journal of Neuroscience Rapid Communication, 2002, 20, RC211:1-5.
332. Sussman, E., Winkler, I., Huotilainen, M., Ritter, W., & Näätänen, R. Top-down effects on stimulus-driven auditory organization. Cognitive Brain Research, 2002, 13, 393-405.
333. Ceponiene, R., Rinne, T., & Näätänen, R. Maturation of cortical sound processing as indexed by event-related potentials. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2002, 113, 870-882.
334. Winkler, I., Korzyukov, O., Gumenyuk, V., Cowan, N., Linkenkaer- Hansen, K., Ilmoniemi, R.J., Alho, K., & Näätänen, R. Temporary and longer term retention of acoustic information. Psychophysiology, 2002, 39, 530-534.
335. Ceponiene, R., Haapanen, M-L., Ranta, R., Näätänen, R., & Hukki. J. Auditory sensory impairment in children with oral clefts as indexed by event-related potentials. A review. The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery , 2002, 13, 554-566.
336. Cheour, M., Shestakova, A., Alku, P., Ceponiene, R., & Näätänen, R. Mismatch negativity (MMN) shows that 3-6-years-old children can learn to discriminate non-native speech sounds within two months. Neuroscience Letters, 2002, 325, 187-190.
337. Balan, P., Kushnerenko, E., Sahlin, P., Huotilainen, M., Näätänen, R., & Hukki, J. Auditory ERPs reveal brain dysfunction in infants with plagiocephaly. The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, 2002, 13, 520-525.
338. Ahveninen, J., Kähkönen, S., Pennanen, S., Liesivuori, J., Ilmoniemi, R.J., & Jääskeläinen, I.P. Tryptophan depletion effects on EEG and MEG responses suggest serotonergic modulation of auditory involuntary attention in humans. Neuroimage, 2002, 16, 1052-1061.
339. Ruusuvirta, T., & Hämäläinen, H. Human event-related potentials to higher-order acoustic spatial changes. Journal of Psychophysiology, 2002, 16, 114-118.
340. Shestakova, A., Brattico, E., Huotilainen, M., Galunov, V., Soloviev, A., Sams, M., Ilmoniemi, R.J., & Näätänen, R. Abstract phoneme representations in the left temporal cortex: magnetic mismatch negativity study. NeuroReport, 2002, 13, 1813-1816.
341. Brattico, E., Winkler, I., Näätänen, R., Paavilainen, P., & Tervaniemi, M. Simultaneous storage of two complex temporal sound patterns in auditory sensory memory. NeuroReport, 2002, 13, 1747-1751.
342. Kushnerenko, E., Ceponiene, R., Balan, P., Fellman, V., & Näätänen, R. Maturation of the auditory change detection response in infants: a longitudinal ERP study. NeuroReport, 2002, 13, 1843-1848.
343. Ruusuvirta, T., Astikainen, P., & Wikgren, J. Proactive interference of dirrerently ordered tone sequences with the accuracy and speed of two-tone frequency comparisons. Music Perception, 2002, 19, 551-563.
344. Kujala, A., Alho, K., Valle, S., Sivonen, P., Ilmoniemi, R.J., Alku, P., & Näätänen, R. Context modulates the processing of speech sounds in the right auditory cortex of human subjects. Neuroscience Letters, 2002, 331, 91-94.
345. Kähkönen, S., Ahveninen, J., Pennanen, S., Liesivuori, J., Ilmoniemi, R.J., & Jääskeläinen, I.P. Serotonin modulates early cortical auditory processing in healthy subjects. Evidence from MEG with tryptophan depletion. Neuropsychopharmacology, 2002, 27, 862-868.
346. Sussman, E., Winkler, I., Kreuzer, J., Saher, M., Näätänen, R., & Ritter, W. Temporal integration: intentional sound discrmination does not modulate stimulus-driven processes in auditory event synthesis. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2002, 113, 1909-1920.
347. Kähkönen, S., Jääskeläinen, I.P., Pennanen, S., Liesivuori, J., & Ahveninen, J. Acute trytophan depletion decreases intensity dependence of auditory evoked magnetic N1/P2 dipole source activity. Psychopharmacology, 2002, 164, 221-227.
348. Kähkönen, S., Ahveninen, J., Pekkonen, E., Kaakkola, S., Huttunen, J., Ilmoniemi, R.J., & Jääskeläinen, I.P. Dopamine modulates involuntary attention shifting and reorienting. An electromagnetic study. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2002, 113, 1894-1902.
349. Kähkönen, S., & Ahveninen, J. Combination of magneto- and electroencephalography in studies of monoamine modulation on attention. Methods and Findings of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology, 2002, 24, 27-34.
350. Kähkönen, S. Trichotillomania in schizophrenic patients. CNS Spectrums, 2002, 7, 751-752.
351. Czigler, I., Balázs, L., & Winkler, I. Memory-based detection of task-irrelevant visual changes. Psychophysiology, 2002, 39, 869-873.
352. Wikgren, J., Korhonen, T., & Ruusuvirta, T. Reflex facilitation during eyeblink conditioning and subsequent interpolitus necleus inactivation in rabbit (Oroctolagus cuniculus). Behavioral Neuroscience, 2002, 116, 1052-1058.
353. Cheour, M., Kushnerenko, E., Ceponiene, R., Fellman, V., & Näätänen, R. Electric brain responses obtained from newborn infants to changes in duration in complex harmonic tones. Developmental Neuropsyhology, 2002, 22, 471-480.
354. Pekkonen, E., Katila, H., Ahveninen, J., Karhu, J., & Huotilainen, M., & Tiihonen, J. Impaired temporal lobe processing of preattentive auditory discrimination in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 2002, 28, 467-474.
270. Sussman, E., Ceponiene, R., Shestakova, A., Näätänen, R., & Winkler, I. Auditory stream segregation processes operate similarly in school-aged children as adults. Hearing Research, 2001, 153, 108-114.
271. Näätänen, R. The perception of speech sounds by the human brain as reflected by the mismatch negativity (MMN) and its magnetic equivalent MMNm. Psychophysiology, 2001, 38, 1-21.
272. Takegata, R., Paavilainen, P., Näätänen, R. & Winkler, I . Preattentive processing of spectral, temporal and structural characteristics of acoustic regularities: A mismatch negativity study. Psychophysiology, 2001, 38, 92-98.
273. Connolly, J.F., Service, E., D'Arcy, R.C.N., Kujala, A., & Alho, K. Phonological aspects of word recognition as revealed by high-resolution spatio-temporal brain mapping. NeuroReport, 2001, 12, 237-243.
274. Cheour, M., Korpilahti, P., Martynova, O., & Lang, A. Mismatch negativity (MMN) and late discriminative negativity (LDN) in investigating speech perception and learning in children and infants. Invited Review. Audiology & Neuro-Otology, 2001, 6, 2-11.
275. Paavilainen, P., Simola, J., Jaramillo, M. Näätänen, R. & Winkler, I. Preattentive extraction of abstract feature conjunctions from auditory stimulation as reflected by the mismatch negativity (MMN). Psychophysiology, 2001, 38, 359-365.
276. Takegata, R., Huotilainen, M., Rinne, T., Näätänen, R., & Winkler, I. Changes in acoustic features and their conjunctions are processed by separate neuronal populations. NeuroReport, 2001, 12, 525-529.
277. Näätänen, R., Tervaniemi, M., Sussman, E., Paavilainen, P., & Winkler, I. "Primitive intelligence" in the auditory cortex. Trends in Neurosciences, 2001, 24, 283-288.
278. Paavilainen, P., Valppu, S., & Näätänen, R. The additivity of the mismatch negativity (MMN): 1+12 but 1+1+1<3? Neuroscience Letters, 2001, 301, 179-182.
279. Yabe, H., Winkler, I., Czigler, I., Koyama, S., Kakigi, R., Sutoh, T., Hiruma, T., & Kaneko, S. Organizing sound sequences in the human brain: The interplay of auditory streaming and temporal integration. Brain Research, 2001, 897, 222-227.
280. Winkler, I., Schröger, E., & Cowan, N. The role of large-scale perceptual organization in the mismatch negativity event-related brain potential. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2001, 13 ,59-71.
281. Alku, P., Sivonen, P., Palomäki, K., & Tiitinen, H. The periodic structure of vowel sounds is reflected in human electromagnetic brain response. Neuroscience Letters, 2001, 298, 25-28.
282. Kaipio, M.-L., Novitski, N., Tervaniemi, M., Alho, K., Öhman, J. Salonen, O., & Näätänen, R. Fast vigilance decrement in closed head injury patients as reflected by the mismatch negativity (MMN). NeuroReport, 2001, 12, 1517-1522.
283. Koelsch, S., Gunter, T.C., Schröger, E., Tervaniemi, M., Sammler, D., & Friederici, A.D. Differentiating ERAN and MMN: An ERP-study. NeuroReport, 2001, 12, 1385-1389.
284. Pekkonen E, Jääskeläinen IP, Erkinjuntti T, Hietanen M, Huotilainen M, Ilmoniemi RJ, & Näätänen R. Preserved Stimulus Deviance Detection in Alzheimers Disease. NeuroReport, 2001, 12, 1649-1652.
285. Takegata, R., Syssoeva, O., Winkler, I., Paavilainen, P.,& Näätänen, R. Common neural mechanisms for processing onset-to-onset intervals and silent gaps in sound sequence. NeuroReport, 2001, 12, 1783-1787.
286. Pekkonen E, Hirvonen J, Jääskeläinen IP, Kaakkola S, & Huttunen J. Auditory sensory memory and the cholinergic system: Implication for Alzheimer's disease. Neuroimage, 2001, 14, 376-382.
287. Kushnerenko, E., Cheour, M., Ceponiene, R., Fellman, V., Renlund, M., Soininen, K., Alku P., Koskinen, M., Sainio, K., & Näätänen , R. Central auditory processing of durational changes in complex speech patterns by newborns: An event-related brain potential study . Developmental Neuropsychology, 2001, 19, 83-97.
288. Kähkönen, S., Kesäniemi, M., Nikouline, V.V., Karhu, J., Ollikainen, M., Holi, M., & Ilmoniemi, RJ. Ethanol modulates cortical activity: Direct evidence with combined TMS and EEG. Neuroimage, 2001, 14, 322-328.
289. Ilvonen, T.-M., Kujala, T., Tervaniemi, M., Salonen, O., Näätänen, R., & Pekkonen, E. The processing of sound duration after left hemisphre stroke: Event-related potential and behavioral evidence. Psychophysiology, 2001, 38, 622-628.
290. Novitski, N., Alho, K., Korzyukov, O., Carlson, S., Martinkauppi, S., Escera. C., Rinne, T., Aronen, H.J., & Näätänen, R. Effects of acoustic gradient noise from functional magnetic resonance imaging on auditory processing as reflected by event-related brain potentials. Neuroimage, 2001, 14, 244-251.
291. Huttunen, J., Jääskeläinen, I.P., Hirvonen, J., Kaakkola, S., Ilmoniemi, R.J., & Pekkonen, E. Scopolamine reduces the P35m and P60m deflections of the human somatosensory evoked magnetic fields. NeuroReport, 2001, 12, 619-623.
292. Titova, N., & Näätänen, R. Preattentive voice discrimination by the human brain as indexed by the mismatch negativity (MMN). Neuroscience Letters, 2001, 308, 63-65.
293. Kujala, T., Kallio, J., Tervaniemi, M. & Näätänen, R. The mismatch negativity as an index of temporal processing in audition. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2001, 112, 1712-1719.
294. Pulvermüller, F., Kujala, T., Shryrov, Y., Simola, Tiitinen, H., J., Alku, P., Alho, K., Martinkauppi, S., Ilmoniemi, R.J., & Näätänen, R. Memory traces for words as revealed by the mismatch negativity. Neuroimage, 2001, 14, 607-616.
295. Yabe, H., Koyama S., Kakigi, S., Gunji, A., Tervaniemi, M., Sato, Y., & Kaneko, S. Automatic discriminative sensitivity inside temporal window of sensory memory as a function of time. Cognitive Brain Research, 2001, 12, 39-48.
296. Pihko, E., Mäkinen, V., Nikouline, V.V., Mäkelä, A.M., & Ilmoniemi, R.J. Visual attention to words of native versus later acquired languages: a magnetoencephalographic study in humans. Neuroscience Letters, 2001, 310, 33-36.
297. Horváth, J., Czigler, I., Sussman, E., & Winkler, I. Simultaneously active pre-attentive representations of local and global rules for sound sequences in the human brain. Cognitive Brain Research, 2001, 12, 131-144.
298. Kujala, T., Karma, K., Ceponiene, R., Belitz, S., Turkkila, P., Tervaniemi, M., & Näätänen, R. Plastic neural changes and reading improvement caused by audio-visual training in reading-impaired children. Proceedings of the National Academy of Siences, 2001, 98, 10509-10514.
299. Rinne, T., Antila, S., & Winkler, I. MMN is unaffected by top-down predictive information. NeuroReport, 2001, 12, 2209-2213.
300. Liasis, A., Towell, A., Alho, K. & Boyd S. Intracranial identification of an electric frontal-cortex response to auditory stimulus change: a case study. Cognitive Brain Research, 2001, 11, 227-233.
301. Kähkönen, S., Ahveninen, J., Pekkonen, E., Kaakkola, S., Huttunen, J., Peltonen, T., Ilmoniemi, RJ., & Jääskeläinen, IP. No evidence for dependence of early cortical auditory processing on dopamine D 2 receptor modulation: a whole-head magnetoencephalographic study. Psychiatry Research, 2001, 107, 117-123.
302. Kähkönen, S., Ahveninen, J., Jääskeläinen, IP., Kaakkola, S., Näätänen, E., Huttunen, J., & Pekkonen, E. Effects of haloperidol on selective attention: A combined whole-head MEG and high-resolution EEG study. Neurospychopharmacology, 2001, 25, 498-504.
303. Kähkönen, S., Holi, M., Wilenius, J., Karhu, J., Nikouline, V.V., Bailey, C., & Ilmoniemi RJ. The functional connectivity of the prefrontal cortex studied by combinedTMS with EEG. Biomedizinische Technik, 2001, 46, 257-259.
304. Yago, E., Escera, C., Alho, K., & Giard, M-H. Cerebral mechanisms underlying orienting of attention towards auditory frequency changes. NeuroReport, 2001, 12, 2583-2587.
305. Tervaniemi, M., Rytkönen, M., Schröger, E., Ilmoniemi, R.J., & Näätänen, R. Superior formation of cortical memory traces for melodic patterns in musicians. Learning & Memory, 2001, 8, 295-300.
306. Kujala, T. Brain science: a more direct way of understanding our senses. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2001, 24, 224.
307. Kujala, T. & Näätänen, R. The mismatch negativity in evaluating central auditory dysfunctions in dyslexia. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 2001, 25(6), 535-543.
308. Bailey, C.J., Karhu, J., & Ilmoniemi, R.J. Transcranial magnetic stimulation as a tool for cognitive studies. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 2001, 42, 297-306.
309. Jaramillo, M., Ilvonen, T., Kujala, T., Alku, P. Tervaniemi, M., & Alho, K. Are different kinds of acoustic features processed differently for speech and non-speech sounds. Cognitive Brain Research, 2001, 12, 459-466.
310. Sussman, E., & Winkler, I. Dynamic sensory updating in the auditory system. Cognitive Brain Research, 2001, 12, 431-439.
311. Ruusuvirta, T. ERP and EOG responses elicited by deviant tones when presented with and without standard tones to reading subjets. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 2001, 42, 279-286.
312. Gumenyuk, V., Korzyukov, O., Alho, K., Escera, C., Schröger, E., Ilmoniemi, R.J., & Näätänen, R. Brain activity index of distractibility in normal school-age children. Neuroscience Letters, 2001, 314, 147-150.
313. Escera, C., Yago, E., & Alho, K. Electrical responses reveal the temporal dynamics of brain events during involuntary attention switching. European Journal of Neuroscience, 2001, 14, 877-883.
314. Anourova, I., Nikouline, V.V., Ilmoniemi, R.J., Hotta, J., Aronen, H.J., & Carlson, S. Evidence for dissociation of spatial and nonspatial auditory information processing. Neuroimage, 2001, 14, 1268-1277.
315. Ceponiene, R., Shestakova, A., Balan P., Alku, P., Yiaguchi, K., & Näätänen, R. Children's auditory event-related potentials index sound complexity and "speechness". International Journal of Neuroscience, 2001, 109, 245-260.
316. Kushnerenko, E., Ceponiene, R., Fellman, V., Huotilainen, M., & Winkler, I. Event-related potential correlates of sound duration: similar pattern from birth to adulthood. NeuroReport, 2001, 12, 3777-3781.
317. Huotilainen, M., Kujala, A., & Alku, P. Long-term memory traces facilitate short-term memory trace formation in audition. Neuroscience Letters, 2001, 310, 133-136.
318. Tervaniemi, M. Musical sound processing in the human brain: Evidence from electric and magnetic recordings. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2001, 930, 259-272.
319. Rämä, P., Martinkauppi, S., Linnankoski, I., Koivisto, J., Aronen, H.J., & Carlson, S. Working memory of identification of emotional vocal expressions: an fMRI study. Neuroimage, 2001, 1090-1101.
234. Cheour, M., Leppänen, P., & Kraus, N. Mismatch negativity (MMN) as a tool for investigating auditory discrimination and sensory memory in infants and children. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 2000, 111, 4-16.
235. Kujala, T., Alho, K., & Näätänen, R. Cross-modal reorganization of human cortical functions. Trends in Neurosciences, 2000, 3, 115-120.
236. Hirvonen, J., Jääskeläinen, I.P., Näätänen, R. & Sillanaukee, P. Adenosine A 1/A 2a receptors mediate suppression of mismatch negativity by ethanol in humans. Neuroscience Letters, 2000, 278, 57-60.
237. Jääskeläinen, I.P., Hirvonen, J., Saher, M., Pekkonen, E., Sillanaukee, P., Näätänen, R., & Tiitinen, H. Dose-dependent suppression by ethanol of transient auditory 40 Hz-response. Psychopharmalogy, 2000, 148, 132-135.
238. Tervaniemi, M., Ilvonen, T., Sinkkonen, J., Kujala, A., Alho, K., Huotilainen, M., & Näätänen, R. Harmonic partials facilitate pitch discrimination in humans: Electrophysiological and behavioral evidence. Neuroscience Letters, 2000, 279, 29-32.
239. Kujala, T., Myllyviita, K., Tervaniemi, M., Alho, K., Kallio, J., & Näätänen, R. Basic auditory dysfunction in dyslexia as demonstrated by brain-activity measurements. Psychophysiology, 2000, 37, 262-266.
240. Kropotov, J.D., Alho, K., Näätänen, R., Ponomarev, V.A., Kropotova, O.V., Anichkov, A.D., & Nechaev, V.B. Human auditory-cortex mechanisms of preattentive sound discrimination. Neuroscience Letters, 2000, 280, 87-90.
241. Ceponiene, R., Hukki, J., Cheour, M., Haapanen, M-L., Koskinen, M., Alho, K., & Näätänen, R. Dysfunction of the auditory cortex persists in infants with certain cleft types. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 2000, 42, 258-265.
242. Shtyrov, Y., Kujala, T., Lyytinen, H., Kujala, J., Ilmoniemi. R.J., & Näätänen, R. Lateralization of speech processing in the brain as indicated by the mismatch negativity and dichotic listening. Brain and Cognition, 2000, 43, 392-398.
243. Ahveninen, J., Jääskeläinen, I.P., Pekkonen, E., Hallberg, A., Hietanen, M., Näätänen, R., & Sillanaukee, P. Global field power of auditory N1 correlates with impaired verbel-memory performance in human alcoholics. Neuroscience Letters, 2000, 285, 131-134.
244. Näätänen, R. SPR Award 1999: For distinguished contribution to psychology: Steven Hillyard. Psychophysiology, 2000, 37, 269-274.
245. Näätänen, R., & Escera, C. Mismatch negativity (MMN): clinical and other applications. Audiology and Neuro-Otology, 2000, 5, 105-110.
246. Kraus, N., & Cheour, M. Speech-sound representation in the brain: studies using mismatch negativity. Audiology and Neuro-Otology, 2000, 5, 140-150.
247. Escera, C., Alho, K., Schröger, E., & Winkler, I. Involuntary attention and distractibility as evaluated with event-related brain potentials. Audiology and Neuro-Otology, 2000, 5, 151-166.
248. Pekkonen, E. Mismatch negativity in aging and in Alzheimer´s and Parkinson´s diseases. Audiology & Neuro-Otology, 2000, 5, 216-224.
249. Sinkkonen, J., & Tervaniemi, M. Towards optimal recording and analysis of the mismatch negativity. Audiology and Neuro-Otology, 2000, 5, 235-246.
250. Näätänen, R. Mismatch negativity (MMN): perspectives for application. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 2000, 37, 3-10.
251. Palomäki, K., Alku, P., Mäkinen, V., May, P. & Tiitinen, H. Sound localization in the human brain: neuromagnetic observations. NeuroReport , 2000, 11, 1535-1538.
252. Tervaniemi, M., Medvedev, S.V., Alho, K., Pakhomov, S.V., Roudas, M.S., van Zuijen, T.L., & Näätänen, R. Lateralized automatic auditory processing of phonetic versus musical information: a PET study. Human Brain Mapping, 2000, 10, 74-79.
253. Rinne, T., Alho, K., Ilmoniemi, R.J., Virtanen, J., & Näätänen, R. Separate time behaviors of the temporal and frontal MMN sources. Neuroimage, 2000, 12, 14-19.
254. Rämä, P., Paavilainen, L., Anourova, I., Alho, K., Reinikainen, K., Sipilä, S., & Carlson, S. Modulation of slow brain potentials by working memory load in spatial and nonspatial auditory tasks. Neuropsychologia, 2000, 38, 913-922.
255. Kaipio, M-L., Cheour, M., Ceponiene, R., Öhman, J., Alku, P. & Näätänen, R. Increased distractibility in closed head injury as revealed by event-related potentials. NeuroReport, 2000, 11, 1463-1468.
256. Ahveninen J., Kähkönen S., Tiitinen, H., Pekkonen E., Huttunen, J., Kaakkola S. , Ilmoniemi R.J., & Jääskeläinen I.P. Suppression of transient 40-Hz auditory response by haloperidol suggests modulation of human selective attention by dopamine D2 receptors. Neuroscience Letters, 2000, 292, 29-32.
257. Jaramillo, M., Paavilainen, P., & Näätänen, R. Mismatch negativity (MMN) and behavioral discrimination in humans as a function of the magnitude of change in sound duration. Neuroscience Letters, 2000, 290, 101-104.
258. Martinkauppi, S., Rämä, P., Korvenoja, A., Aronen, H.J., & Carlson, S. Working memory of auditory localization. Cerebral cortex, 2000, 10, 889-898.
259. Tervaniemi M, Schröger E, Saher M, Näätänen, R. Effects of spectral complexity and sound duration in complex-sound pitch processing in humans - a mismatch negativity study. Neuroscience Letters, 2000, 290, 66-70.
260. Kähkönen, S., Kaartinen, M., & Juhela, P. Permanent pacing-aid to carry out long-term lithium therapy in manic patient with symptomatic bradycardia. Pharmacopsychiatry, 2000, 33, 157.
261. Kähkönen, S., & Bondarenko, B.B. Cardiovascular changes in alcohol withdrawal. German Journal of Psychiatry, 2000, 3, 1-6.
262. Shtyrov, Y., Kujala, T., Lyytinen, H., Ilmoniemi, R.J., & Näätänen, R. Auditory-cortex evoked magnetic fields and lateralization of speech processing. NeuroReport, 2000, 11, 2893-2896.
263. Koyama, S., Gunji, A., Yabe, H., Oiwa, S., Akahane-Yamada, R., Kakigi, R., & Näätänen, R. Hemispheric lateralization in an analysis of speech sounds Left hemisphere dominance replicated in Japanese subjects. Cognitive Brain Research, 2000, 10, 119-124.
264. Ahveninen, J., Escera, C., Polo, M.D., Grau, C., & Jääskeläinen, I.P. Acute and chronic effects of alcohol on pre-attentive auditory processing as reflected by mismatch negativity. Audiology and Neuro-Otology, 2000, 5, 303-311.
265. Shtyrov, J., Kujala, T., Palva, S., Ilmoniemi, R.J., & Näätänen, R. Discrimination of speech and complex non-speech sounds of different temporal structure in the left and right cerebral hemispheres. Neuroimage, 2000, 12, 657-663.
266. Ahveninen, J., Jääskeläinen, I.P., Pekkonen, E., Hallberg, A., Hietanen, M., Näätänen, R., Schröger, E., & Sillanaukee, P. Increased distractibility by task-irrelevant sound changes in abstinent alcoholics. Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research, 2000, 24, 1850-1854.
267. Brattico, E., & Sassanelli, F. Perception and musical preferences in Wishart's work. Journal of New Music Research, 2000, 29, 107-119.
268. Wikström, H., Roine, R.O., Aronen, H.J., Salonen, O., Sinkkonen, J., Ilmoniemi, R.J., & Huttunen, J. Specific changes in somatorsensory evoked magnetic fields during recovery from sensorimotor stroke. Annals of Neurology, 2000, 47, 353-360.
269. Ruohonen, J., Ollikainen, M., Nikouline, V., Virtanen, J., & Ilmoniemi, R.J. Coil design for real and sham transcranial magnetic stimulation. Biomedical Engineering, 2000, 47, 145-148.
191. Jääskeläinen, I.P., Schröger, E., & Näätänen, R. Electrophysiological indices of acute effects of ethanol on involuntary attention shifting. Psychopharmacology, 1999, 141, 16-21.
192. Alho, K., Medvedev, S., Pakhomov, S.V., Roudas, M.S., Tervaniemi, M., Reinikainen, K., Zeffiro, T., & Näätänen, R. Selective tuning of the left and right auditory cortices during spatially directed attention. Cognitive Brain Research, 1999, 7, 335-341.
193. Jääskeläinen, I.P., Varonen, R., Näätänen, R., & Pekkonen, E. Decay of cortical pre-attentive sound discrimination in middle-age. NeuroReport, 1999, 10, 123-126.
194. Jääskeläinen, I.P., Hirvonen, J., Huttunen, J., Kaakkola, S., & Pekkonen, E. Scopolamine enhances middle-latency auditory-evoked magnetic fields. Neuroscience Letters, 1999, 259, 41-44 .
195. Winkler, I., Lehtokoski, A., Alku, P., Vainio, M., Czigler, I., Csépe, V., Aaltonen, O., Raimo, I., Alho, K., Lang, H., Iivonen, A., & Näätänen, R. Pre-attentive detection of vowel contrasts utilizes both phonetic and auditory memory representations. Cognitive Brain Research, 1999, 7, 357-369.
196. Tervaniemi, M., Kujala, A., Alho, K., Virtanen, J., Ilmoniemi, R.J., & Näätänen, R. Functional specialization of the human auditory cortex in processing phonetic and musical sounds: A magnetoencephalographic (MEG) study. Neuroimage, 1999, 9, 330-336.
197. Cheour, M., Ceponiene, R., Hukki, J., Haapanen, M-L., Näätänen, R., & Alho, K. Brain dysfunction in neonates with cleft palate revealed by the mismatch negativity (MMN). Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 1999, 110, 324-328.
198. Rinne, T., Alho, K., Alku, P., Holi, M., Sinkkonen, J., Virtanen, J., Bertrand, O., & Näätänen, R. Analysis of speech sounds is left-hemisphere predominant at 100-150 ms after sound onset. NeuroReport, 1999, 10, 1113-1117.
199. Aronen, H.J., Korvenoja, A., Martinkauppi, S., Perkiö, J., Karonen, J., & Carlson, S. Clinical applications of functional magnetic resonance imaging. International Journal of Bioelectromagnetism, 1999, 1, 23-34.
200. Koelsch, S., Schröger, E., & Tervaniemi, M. Superior attentive and pre-attentive auditory processing in musicians. NeuroReport, 1999, 10, 1309-1313.
201. Jääskeläinen, I.P., Hautamäki, M., Näätänen, R., & Ilmoniemi, R.J. Temporal span of auditory sensory memory and mismatch negativity: revisited. NeuroReport, 1999, 10, 1305-1308.
202. Paavilainen, P., Jaramillo, M., Näätänen, R. & Winkler, I. Neuronal populations in the human brain extracting invariant relationships from acoustic variance. Neuroscience Letters, 1999, 265, 179-182.
203. Tiitinen, H., Virtanen, J., Ilmoniemi, R., Kamppuri, J., Ollikainen M., Ruohonen, J., & Näätänen, R. Separation of contamination caused by coil click from responses elicited by transcranial magnetic stimulation. Clinical Neurophysiology, 1999, 110, 982-985.
204. Ceponiene, R., Service, E., Kurjenluoma, S., Cheour, M., & Näätänen, R. Children´s performance on pseudoword repetition depends on auditory trace quality: Evidence from event-related potentials. Developmental Psychology, 1999, 35, 709-720.
205. Ahveninen, J., Jääskeläinen, I.P., Pekkonen, E., Hallberg, A., Hietanen, M., Näätänen, R., & Sillanaukee, P. Post-withdrawal changes in middle-latency auditory evoked potentials in abstinent human alcoholics. Neuroscience Letters, 1999, 268, 57-60.
206. Jääskeläinen, I.P., Hirvonen, J., Saher, M., Pekkonen, E., Sillanaukee, P., Näätänen, R., & Tiitinen, H. Benzodiazepine temazepam suppresses the transient auditory 40-Hz response amplitude in humans. Neuroscience Letters, 1999, 268, 105-107.
207. Alku, P., Tiitinen, H., & Näätänen, R. A method for generating natural-sounding speech stimuli for cognitive brain research. Clinical Neurophysiology, 1999, 110, 1329-1333.
208. Tervaniemi, M., Lehtokoski, A., Sinkkonen, J., Virtanen, J., Ilmoniemi, R.J., & Näätänen, R. Test-retest reliability of mismatch negativity for duration, frequency, and intensity changes. Clinical Neurophysiology, 1999, 110, 1388-1393.
209. Takegata, R., Paavilainen, P., Näätänen, R., & Winkler, I. Independent processing of changes in auditory single features and feature conjunctions in humans as indexed by the mismatch negativity (MMN). Neuroscience Letters, 1999, 266, 109-112.
210. Vuontela, V., Rämä, P., Raninen, A., Aronen, H.J., & Carlson, S. Selective interference reveals dissociation between memory for location and colour. NeuroReport, 1999, 10, 2235-2239.
211. Shtyrov, Y., Kujala, T., Ilmoniemi, R.J., & Näätänen, R. Noise affects speech-signal processing differently in the cerebral hemispheres. NeuroReport, 1999, 10, 2189-2192.
212. Winkler, I., Kujala, T., Tiitinen, H., Sivonen, P., Alku, P., Lehtokoski, A., Czigler, I., Csépe, V., Ilmoniemi, R.J., & Näätänen, R. Brain responses reveal the learning of foreign language phonemes. Psychophysiology, 1999, 36, 638-642.
213. Kaipio, M-L., Alho, K., Winkler, I., Escera, C., Surma-aho, O., & Näätänen, R. Event-related brain potentials reveal covert distractibility in closed head injuries. NeuroReport , 1999, 10, 2125-2129.
214. Sussman, E., Winkler, I., Ritter, W., Alho, K., & Näätänen, R. Temporal integration of auditory stimulus deviance as reflected by the mismatch negativity. Neuroscience Letters, 1999, 264, 161-164.
215. Virtanen, J., Ruohonen, J., Näätänen, R., & Ilmoniemi, R.J. Instrumentation for the measurement of electric brain responses to transcranial magnetic stimulation. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 1999, 37, 322-326.
216. Pekkonen, E., Huotilainen, M., Katila, H., Karhu, J., Näätänen, R., & Tiihonen, J. Parallel auditory processing is altered in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 1999, 25, 601-607.
217. Tervaniemi, M., Radil, T., Radilova, J., Kujala, T., & Näätänen, R. Pre-attentive discriminability of sound order as a function of tone duration and interstimulus interval: a mismatch negativity study. Audiology & Neuro-Otology, 1999, 4, 303-310.
218. Ahveninen, J., Jääskeläinen, I.P., Pekkonen, E., Hallberg, A., Hietanen, M., Mäkelä, R., Näätänen, R., & Sillanaukee, P. Supression of mismatch negativity by backward masking predicts impaired working-memory performance in alcoholics. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 1999, 23, 1507-1514.
219. Korvenoja, A., Huttunen, J., Salli, E., Pohjonen, H., Martinkauppi, S., Palva, J.M., Lauronen, L., Virtanen, J., Ilmoniemi, R.J., & Aronen, H. Activation of multiple cortical areas in response to somatosensory stimulation: a model based on combined magnetoencephalographic and functional magnetic resonance imaging. Human Brain Mapping, 1999, 8, 13-27.
220. Pekkonen, E., Jääskeläinen, I.P., Hietanen, M., Huotilainen, M., Näätänen, R., Ilmoniemi, R.J., & Erkinjuntti, T. Impaired preconscious auditory processing and cognitive function in Alzheimer's disease. Clinical Neurophysiology, 1999, 110, 1942-1947.
221. Ceponiene, R., Hukki, J., Cheour, M., Haapanen, M-L., Ranta, R., & Näätänen, R. Cortical auditory dysfunction in children with oral clefts: relation with cleft type. Clinical Neurophysiology, 1999, 110, 1921-1926.
222. Jaramillo, M., Alku, P., & Paavilainen, P. An event-related potential (ERP) study of duration changes in speech and non-speech sounds. NeuroReport, 1999, 10, 3301-3305.
223. Tiitinen, H., Sivonen, P., Alku, P., Virtanen, J., & Näätänen, R. Electromagnetic recordings reveal latency differences in speech and tone processing in humans. Cognitive Brain Research, 1999, 8, 355-363.
224. Rinne, T., Gratton, G., Fabiani, M., Cowan, N., Maclin, E., Stinard, A., Sinkkonen, J., Alho, K., & Näätänen, R. Scalp-recorded optical signals make sound processing in the auditory cortex visible. Neuroimage, 1999, 10, 620-624.
225. Anourova, I., Rämä, P., Alho, K., Koivusalo, S., Kalmari, J., & Carlson, S. Selective interference reveals dissociation between auditory memory for location and pitch. NeuroReport, 1999, 10, 3543-3547.
226. Näätänen, R., & Winkler, I. The concept of auditory stimulus representation in cognitive neuroscience. Psychological Bulletin, 1999, 6, 826-859.
227. Korzyukov, O., Alho, K., Kujala, A., Gumenyuk, V., Ilmoniemi, R.I., Virtanen, J., Kropotov, J., & Näätänen, R. Electromagnetic responses of the human auditory cortex generated by sensory-memory based processing of tone frequency changes. Neuroscience Letters, 1999, 276. 169-172.
228. Tervaniemi, M., & van Zuijen, T. Methodologies of brain research in cognitive musicology. Journal of New Music Research, 1999, 28, 200-208.
229. Tervaniemi, M. Pre-attentive processing of musical information in the human brain. Journal of New Music Research, 1999, 28, 237-245.
230. Ahveninen, J., Tiitinen, H., Hirvonen, J., Pekkonen, E., Huttunen, J., Kaakkola, S., & Jääskeläinen, I. Scopolamine augments transient auditory 40-Hz magnetic response in humans. Neuroscience Letters, 1999, 277, 115-118.
231. Pihko, E., Leppänen, P.H.T., Eklund, K.M., Cheour, M., Guttorm, T.K., & Lyytinen, H. Cortical responses of infants with a without a genetic risk for dyslexia; I. Age effects. NeuroReport, 1999, 10, 901-905.
232. Ahlfors, S.P., Simpson, G.V., Dale, A.M., Belliveau, J.W., Liu, A.K., Korvenoja, A., Virtanen, J., Huotilainen, M., Tootell, R.B., Aronen, H.J., & Ilmoniemi R.J. Spatiotemporal activity of a cortical network for processing visual motion revealed by MEG and fMRI. Journal of Neurophysiology, 1999, 82, 2545-2555.
233. Sillanaukee, P., Pönniö, M., & Jääskeläinen, I.P. Occurrence of sialic acids in healthy humans and different disorders - focussing on clinical utility. European Journal of Clinical Investigation, 1999, 29, 413-425.
167. Jääskeläinen, I.P., Hirvonen, J., Kujala, T., Alho, K., Eriksson, C. F. P., Lehtokoski, A., Pekkonen, E., Sinclair, J. D., Yabe, H., Näätänen, R., & Sillanaukee, P. Effects of naltrexone and ethanol on auditory event-related brain potentials. Alcohol, 1998, 15, 105-111.
168. Alexandrov, Y.I., Sams, M., Lavikainen, J., Reinikainen, K., & Näätänen R. Different effects of alcohol on the cortical processing of foreign and native language. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 1998, 28, 1-10.
169. Alho, K., Winkler, I., Escera, C., Huotilainen, M., Virtanen, J., Jääskeläinen, I.P., Pekkonen, E., & Ilmoniemi, R.J. Processing of novel sounds and frequency changes in the human auditory cortex: Magnetoencephalographic recordings. Psychophysiology, 1998, 35, 211-224.
170. Winkler, I., Czigler, I., Jaramillo, M., Paavilainen, P., & Näätänen, R. Temporal constraints of auditory event synthesis: evidence from ERPs. NeuroReport , 1998, 9, 495-499.
171. Winkler, I., Tervaniemi, M., Schröger, E., Wolff, C., & Näätänen, R. Preattentive processing of auditory spatial information in humans. Neuroscience Letters, 1998, 242, 49-52.
172. Joutsiniemi, S.-L., Ilvonen, T., Sinkkonen, J., Huotilainen, M., Tervaniemi, M., Lehtokoski, A., Rinne, T., & Näätänen, R. The mismatch negativity for duration decrement of auditory stimuli in healthy subjects. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 1998, 108, 154-159.
173. Virtanen, J., Ahveninen, J., Ilmoniemi, R.J., Näätänen, R., & Pekkonen, E. Replicability of MEG and EEG measures of the auditory N1/N1m-response. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 1998, 108, 291-298
174. Tiihonen, J., Katila, H., Pekkonen, E., Jääskeläinen, I.P. , Huotilainen, M., Aronen, H.J., Ilmoniemi, R.J., Räsänen, P., Virtanen, J., Salli, E., & Karhu, J. Reversal of cerebral asymmetry in schizophrenia measured with magnetoencephalography. Schizophrenia Research, 1998, 30, 209-219.
175. Cheour, M., Alho, K., Ceponiene, R., Reinikainen, K., Sainio, K., Aaltonen, O., & Näätänen, R. Maturation of mismatch negativity in infants. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 1998, 29, 217-226.
176. Huotilainen, M., Winkler, I., Alho, K., Virtanen, J., Escera, C., Ilmoniemi, R.J., Jääskeläinen, I.P., Pekkonen, E., & Näätänen, R. Combined mapping of human auditory EEG and MEG responses. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 1998, 108, 370-379.
177. Paavilainen P., Jaramillo, M., & Näätänen, R. Binaural information can converge in abstract memory traces. Psychophysiology, 1998, 35, 483-487.
178. Yabe, H., Tervaniemi, M., Sinkkonen, J., Huotilainen, M., Ilmoniemi, R.J., & Näätänen, R. T emporal window of integration of auditory information in the human brain. Psychophysiology, 1998, 35, 615-619.
179. Cheour, M., Ceponiene, R., Lehtokoski, A., Luuk, A., Allik, J., Alho, K., & Näätänen, R. Development of language-specific phoneme representations in the infant brain. Nature Neuroscience, 1998, 1, 351-353.
180. Ceponiene, R., Cheour, M., & Näätänen, R. Interstimulus interval and auditory event-related potentials in children: evidence for multiple generators. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 1998, 108, 345-354.
181. Pekkonen, E., Ahveninen, J., Jääskeläinen, I.P., Seppä, K., Näätänen, R., & Sillanaukee, P. Selective acceleration of auditory processing in chronic alcoholics. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 1998, 22, 605-609.
182. Lehtokoski, A., Kujala, T., Näätänen, R., & Alho, K. Enhanced brain activity preceding voluntary movement in early blind humans. Neuroscience Letters, 1998, 253, 1-4.
183. Shtyrov, Y, Kujala, T., Ahveninen, J., Tervaniemi, M., Alku, P., Ilmoniemi, R.J., & Näätänen, R. Background acoustic noise and the hemispheric lateralization of speech processing in the human brain: magnetic mismatch negativity study. Neuroscience Letters, 1998, 251, 141-144.
184. Stenberg, J.H., Jääskeläinen, I.P., & Röyks, R. The effect of symptom self-management training on re-hospitalization for chronic schizophrenia. International Review of Psychiatry, 1998, 10, 58-61.
185. Cheour, M., Haapanen, M-L., Ceponiene, R., Hukki, J., Ranta, S., & Näätänen, R. Mismatch negativity (MMN) as an index of auditory sensory memory deficit in cleft-palate and catch-syndrome children. NeuroReport, 1998, 9, 2709-2712.
186. Escera, C., Alho, K., Winkler, I., & Näätänen, R. Neural mechanisms of involuntary attention to acoustic novelty and change. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 1998, 10, 590-604.
187. Pekkonen, R., Ahveninen, J., Virtanen, J., & Teräväinen, H. Parkinson´s disease selectively impairs preattentive auditory processing: an MEG study. NeuroReport, 1998, 9, 2949-2952.
188. Alho, K., Connolly, J.F., Cheour, M., Lehtokoski, A., Huotilainen, M., Virtanen, J., Aulanko, R ., & Ilmoniemi, R.J. Hemispheric lateralization in preattentive processing of speech sounds. Neuroscience Letters, 1998, 258, 9-12.
189. Toiviainen, P., Tervaniemi, M., Louhivuori, J., Saher, M., Huotilainen, M., & Näätänen, R. Timbre similarity: convergence of neural, behavioral, and computational approaches. Music Perception, 1998 ,16, 223-241.
190. Winkler, I., & Czigler, I. Mismatch negativity: deviance detection or the maintenance of the standard. NeuroReport, 1998 ,9, 3809-3813.
145. Näätänen, R., Lehtokoski, A., Lennes, M., Cheour, M., Huotilainen, M., Iivonen, A., Vainio, M., Alku, P., Ilmoniemi, R.J., Luuk, A., Allik, J., Sinkkonen, J., & Alho, K. Language-specific phoneme representations revealed by electric and magnetic brain responses. Nature , 1997, 385, 432-434.
146. Lavikainen, J., Tiitinen, H., May, P., & Näätänen, R. Binaural interaction in the human brain can be non-invasively accessed with long-latency event-related potentials. Neuroscience Letters, 1997, 222, 37-40.
147. Kujala, T. Alho, K., Huotilainen, M., Ilmoniemi, R.J., Lehtokoski, A., Leinonen, A., Rinne, T., Salonen O., Sinkkonen, J., Standertskjöld-Nordenstam, C.-G. & Näätänen, R. Electrophysiological evidence for cross-modal plasticity in humans with early- and late-onset blindness. Psychophysiology, 1997, 34, 213-216.
148. Näätänen, R. & Alho, K. Higher-order processes in auditory change detection. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 1997, 1, 44-45.
149. Tervaniemi, M., Ilvonen, T., Karma, K., Alho, K., & Näätänen, R. The musical brain: Brain waves reveal the neurophysiological basis of musicality. Neuroscience Letters, 1997, 226, 1-4.
150. Cheour-Luhtanen, M., Alho, K., Sainio, K., Reinikainen, K., Renlund, M., Aaltonen, O., Eerola, O., & Näätänen, R. The mismatch negativity to changes in speech sounds at the age of three months. Developmental Neuropsychology, 1997, 13, 167-174.
151. Yabe, H., Tervaniemi, M., Reinikainen, K., & Näätänen, R. Temporal window of integration revealed by MMN to sound omission. NeuroReport, 1997, 8, 1971-1974.
152. Alho, K., & Cheour-Luhtanen, M. Auditory discrimination in infants as revealed by the mismatch negativity of the event-related brain potential. Developmental Neuropsychology, 1997, 13, 157-165.
153. Tervaniemi, M., Schröger, E., & Näätänen, R. Pre-attentive processing of spectrally complex sounds with asynchronous onsets: an ERP study. Neuroscience Letters, 1997, 227, 197-200.
154. Kujala, T., Lehtokoski, A., Alho, K., Kekoni, J., & Näätänen, R. Faster reaction times in the blind than sighted in a bimodal divided-attention task. Acta Psychologica, 1997, 96, 75-82.
155. Tiitinen, H, May, P., & Näätänen, R. The transient 40-Hz response, mismatch negativity, and attentional processes in humans. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 1997, 21, 751-771.
156. Cheour, M., Haapanen, M.-L., Hukki, J., Ceponiene, R., Kurjenluoma, S., Alho, K., Tervaniemi, M., Ranta, R., & Näätänen, R. The first neurophysiological evidence for cognitive brain dysfunctions in CATCH children. NeuroReport, 1997, 8, 1785-1787.
157. Tervaniemi, M., Winkler, I., & Näätänen, R. Pre-attentive categorization of sounds by timbre as revealed by event-related potentials. NeuroReport, 1997, 8, 2571-2574.
158. Virtanen, J., Parkkonen, L., Ilmoniemi, R., Pekkonen, E., & Näätänen, R. Biopotential amplifier for simultaneous operation with biomagnetic instruments. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 1997, 35, 402-408.
159. Näätänen, R. & Alho, K. Mismatch negativity (MMN) - the measure for central sound representation accuracy. Audiology Neuro-Otology, 1997, 2, 341-353.
160. Winkler, I., Tervaniemi, M., & Näätänen, R. Two separate codes for missing-fundamental pitch in the human auditory cortex. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 1997, 102, 1072-1082.
161. Kekoni, J., Hämäläinen, H., Saarinen, M., Gröhn, J., Reinikainen, K., Lehtokoski, A., & Näätänen, R. Rate effect and mismatch responses in the somatosensory system: ERP-recordings in humans. Biological Psychology, 1997, 46, 125-142.
162. Alho K. & Sinervo N. Preattentive processing of complex sounds in the human brain. Neuroscience Letters, 1997, 233, 33-36.
163. Alho, K., Escera, C., Diaz, R., Yago, E., & Serra J.M. Effects of involuntary auditory attention on visual task performance and brain activity. NeuroReport, 1997, 8, 3233-3237.
164. Ilmoniemi, R.J., Virtanen, J., Ruohonen, J., Karhu, J., Aronen, H.J., Näätänen, R., & Katila, T. Neuronal responses to magnetic stimulation reveal cortical reactivity and connectivity. NeuroReport, 1997, 8, 3537-3540.
165. Rämä, P., Kesseli, K., Reinikainen, K., Kekoni, J., Hämäläinen, H., & Carlson, S. Visuospatial mnemonic load modulates event-related slow potentials. NeuroReport, 1997, 8, 871-876.
166. Ruohonen, J., Virtanen, J., & Ilmoniemi, R.J. Coil optimization for magnetic brain stimulation. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 1997, 25, 840-849.
128. Pekkonen, E., Rinne, T., Reinikainen, K., Kujala, T., Alho, K., & Näätänen, R. Aging effects on auditory processing: an event-related potential study. Experimental Aging Research, 1996, 22, 171-184.
129. Jääskeläinen, I. P., Alho, K., Escera, C., Winkler, I., Sillanaukee, P., & Näätänen, R. Effects of ethanol and auditory distraction on forced choice reaction time. Alcohol, 1996, 13, 2, 153-156.
130. Kekoni, J., Hämäläinen, H., McCloud, V., Reinikainen, K., & Näätänen, R. Is the somatosensory N250 related to deviance discrimination or conscious target detection? Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 1996, 100, 115-125.
131. Jääskeläinen, I.P., Pekkonen, E., Hirvonen, J., Sillanaukee, P., & Näätänen, R. Mismatch negativity subcomponents and ethyl alcohol. Biological Psychology, 1996, 43, 13-25.
132. Cheour-Luhtanen, M., Alho, K., Sainio, K., Rinne, T., Reinikainen, K., Pohjavuori, M., Aaltonen, O., Eerola, O., & Näätänen, R. The ontogenetically earliest discriminative response of the human brain. Psychophysiology, 1996, 33, 478-481.
133. Alho, K., Tervaniemi, M., Huotilainen, M., Lavikainen, J., Tiitinen, H., Ilmoniemi, R.J., Knuutila, J., & Näätänen, R. Processing of complex sounds in the human auditory cortex as revealed by magnetic brain responses. Psychophysiology, 1996, 33, 369-375.
134. Jääskeläinen, I.P., Näätänen, R., & Sillanaukee, P. Effect of acute ethanol on auditory and visual event-related potentials: A review and reinterpretation. Biological Psychiatry, 1996, 40, 284-291.
135. Schröger, E., Tervaniemi, M., Wolff, C., & Näätänen, R. Preattentive periodicity detection in auditory patterns as governed by time and intensity information. Cognitive Brain Research, 1996, 4, 145-148 .
136. Pekkonen, E., Huotilainen, M., Virtanen, J., Näätänen, R., Ilmoniemi, R.J., & Erkinjuntti, T. Alzheimer´s disease affects parallel processing between the auditory cortices. NeuroReport, 1996, 7, 1363-1368.
137. Winkler, I., Cowan, N., Csépe, V., Czigler, I., & Näätänen, R. Interactions between transient and long-term auditory memory as reflected by the mismatch negativity. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 1996, 8, 403-415.
138. Wikström, H., Huttunen, J., Korvenoja, A., Virtanen, J., Salonen, O., Aronen, H., & Ilmoniemi, R. Effects of interstimulus interval on somatosensory evoked magnetic fields (SEFs): a hypothesis concerning SEF generation at the primary sensorimotor cortex. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 1996, 100, 479-485.
139. Ross, J., Tervaniemi, M., & Näätänen, R. Neural mechanisms of the octave illusion: electrophysiological evidence for central origin. NeuroReport, 1996, 8, 303-306.
140. Sinkkonen, J., Kaski, S., Huotilainen, M., Ilmoniemi, R.J., Näätänen, R., & Kaila, K. Optimal resource allocation for novelty detection in human auditory memory. NeuroReport, 1996, 7, 2479-2482.
141. Virtanen, J., Rinne, T., Ilmoniemi, R.J., & Näätänen, R. MEG-compatible multichannel EEG electrode array. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 1996, 99, 568-570.
142. Näätänen, R. Electrophysiology of mind. Event-related brain potentials and cognition. Ed. by M. D. Rugg & M. G.H. Coles. Trends in Neurosciences, book reviews, 1996, 19, 6, 252-253.
143. Winkler, I., Karmos, G., & Näätänen, R. Adaptive modeling of the unattended acoustic environment reflected in the mismatch negativity event-related potential. Cognitive Brain Research, 1996, 239-252 .
144. Czigler, I. & Winkler, I. Preattentive auditory change detection relies on unitary sensory memory representations. NeuroReport, 1996, 7, 2413-2417.
Medvedev, S. V., Pakhomov, S. V., Rudas, M. S., Alho, K., Tervaniemi, M., Reinikainen, K., & Näätänen, R. Choosing quiet wakefulness as a reference state for psychological tests. Human Physiology, 1996, 22(1), 1-6.
99. Alho, K., Huotilainen, M., & Näätänen, R. Are memory traces for simple and complex sounds located in different regions of auditory cortex? - Recent MEG studies. Electroencephalography and clinical Neurophysiology,. 1995, 44, 197-203
100. Näätänen, R., & Alho, K. Mismatch negativity to change in complex spectrotemporal sound patterns: a new way to study neural learning in the human brain. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 1995, 44, 179-184
101. Näätänen, R. & Alho, K. Mismatch negativity - a unique measure of sensory processing in audition. International Journal of Neuroscience, 1995, 80, 317-337.
102. Lavikainen, J., Huotilainen, M., Ilmoniemi, R.J., Simola, J.T., & Näätänen, R. Pitch change of a continous tone activates two distinct processes in human auditory cortex: a study with whole-head magnetometer. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 1995, 96, 93-96.
103. Sinkkonen, J., Tiitinen, H., & Näätänen, R. Gabor filters: an informative way for analysing event-related brain activity. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 1995, 56, 99-104.
104. Alho, K. Cerebral generators of mismatch negativity (MMN) and its magnetic counterpart (MMNm) elicited by sound changes. Ear and Hearing, 1995, 16, 38-51.
105. Näätänen, R. The mismatch negativity - a powerful tool for cognitive neuroscience. Ear and Hearing, 1995, 16, 6-18.
106. Cheour-Luhtanen, M., Alho, K., Kujala, T., Sainio, K., Reinikainen, K., Renlund, M., Aaltonen, O., Eerola, O., & Näätänen, R. Mismatch negativity indicates vowel discrimination in newborns. Hearing Research, 1995, 82, 53-58.
107. Kujala, T., Huotilainen, M., Sinkkonen, J., Ahonen, A.I., Alho, K., Hämäläinen, M.S., Ilmoniemi, R.J., Kajola, M., Knuutila, J.E.T., Lavikainen, J., Salonen, O., Simola, J., Standertskjöld-Nordenstam, C-G., Tiitinen, H., Tissari, S.O., & Näätänen, R. Visual cortex activation in blind humans during sound discrimination. Neuroscience Letters, 1995, 183, 143-146.
108. Giard, M.H., Lavikainen, J., Reinikainen, K., Perrin, F., Bertrand, O., Thévenet, M., Pernier, J., & Näätänen, R. Separate representation of stimulus frequency, intensity and duration in auditory sensory memory: An event-related potential and dipole-model analysis. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 1995, 7, 133-143.
109. Winkler, I., & Schröger E. Neural representation for the temporal structure of sound patterns. NeuroReport, 1995, 6, 690-694.
110. Huotilainen, M., Tiitinen, H., Lavikainen, J., Ilmoniemi, R, J., Pekkonen, E., Sinkkonen, J., Laine, P., & Näätänen, R. Sustained fields of tones and glides reflect tonotopy of the auditory cortex. NeuroReport, 1995, 6, 841-844.
111. Winkler, I. & Näätänen, R. The effects of auditory backward masking on event-related brain potentials. In: Karmos, G., Molnar, M., Csépe, V., Czigler, I., & Desmedt, J.E. (Eds) Perspectives of Event-Related Potentials Research. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 1995, 44, 185-190.
112. Kujala, T., Alho, K., Kekoni, J., Hämäläinen, H., Reinikainen, K., Salonen, O., Standertskjöld-Nordenstam, C.-G., & Näätänen, R. Auditory and somatosensory event-related brain potentials in early blind humans. Experimental Brain Research, 1995, 104, 519-526.
113. Kropotov, J.D., Näätänen, R., Sevostianov, A.V., Alho, K., Reinikainen, K., & Kropotova, O.V. Mismatch negativity to auditory stimulus change recorded directly from the human temporal cortex. Psychophysiology, 1995, 32, 418-422.
114. Pekkonen, E., Jousmäki, V., Reinikainen, K., & Partanen, J. Automatic auditory discrimination is impaired in Parkinson's disease. Electroencephalography and clinical Neurophysiology, 1995, 95, 47-52.
115. Lavikainen, J., Huotilainen, M., Pekkonen, E., Ilmoniemi, R. J., & Näätänen, R. Auditory stimuli do activate the parietal cortex. NeuroReport, 1995, 6, 1712-1714.
116. May, P., Sinkkonen, J., & Tiitinen, H. Dipole problems. NeuroReport, 1995, 6, 1712-1714.
117. Pekkonen, E., Huotilainen, M., Virtanen, J., Sinkkonen, J., Rinne, T., Ilmoniemi, R., & Näätänen, R. Age-related functional differences between auditory cortices: a whole-head MEG-study. NeuroReport, 1995, 6, 1803-1806.
118. Tesche, C.D., Uusitalo, M.A., Ilmoniemi, R.J., Huotilainen, M., Kajola, M., & Salonen, O. Signal Space Projections of MEG data characterize both distributed and well-localized neuronal sources. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 1995, 3, 189-201.
119. Jääskeläinen, I.P., Lehtokoski, A., Alho, K., Kujala, T., Pekkonen, E., Sinclair, J.D., Näätänen, R., & Sillanaukee. P. Low dose of ethanol suppresses mismatch negativity of auditory event-related potentials. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 1995, 19, 607-610.
120. Paavilainen, P., Saarinen, J., Tervaniemi, M., & Näätänen, R. Mismatch negativity to changes in abstract sound features during dichotic listening. Journal of Psychophysiology, 1995, 9, 243-249.
121. Pekkonen, E., Rinne, T., & Näätänen, R. Variability and replicability of the mismatch negativity. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 1995, 96, 546-555.
122. Jääskeläinen, I.P., Pekkonen, E., Alho, K., Sinclair, J.D., Sillanaukee, P., & Näätänen, R. Dose related effect of alcohol on mismatch negativity and reaction time performance. Alcohol, 1995, 12, 491-495.
123. Winkler, I., Tervaniemi, M., Huotilainen, M., Ilmoniemi, R., Ahonen, A., Salonen, O., Standertskjöld-Nordenstam, C-G., & Näätänen, R. From objective to subjective: sound representation in the human auditory cortex. NeuroReport, 1995, 6, 17, 2317-2320.
124. Schröger, E. & Winkler, I. Presentation rate and magnitude of stimulus deviance effects on human pre-attentive change detection. Neuroscience Letters, 1995, 193, 185-188.
125. Schröger, E., Tervaniemi, M., & Näätänen, R. Time course of loudness in tone patterns is automatically represented by the human brain. Neuroscience Letters, 1995, 202, 117-120.
126. Näätänen, R., & Alho, K. Generators of electrical and magnetic mismatch responses in humans. Brain Topography, 1995, 7, 4, 315-320.
127. Korvenoja, A., Wikström, H., Huttunen, J., Virtanen, J., Laine, P, Aronen, H.J., Seppäläinen, A.-M., & Ilmoniemi, R.J. Activation of ipsilateral primary sensorimotor cortex by median nerve stimulation. NeuroReport, 1995, 6, 2589-2593.
83. Woods, D.L., Alho, K., & Algazi, A. Stages of auditory feature conjunction: An event-related brain potential study. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 1994, 20, 81-94.
84. Schröger, E., Paavilainen, P., & Näätänen, R. Mismatch negativity to changes in a continuous tone with regular varying freguencies. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 1994, 92, 140-147.
85. Teder, W., & Näätänen, R. Event-related potentials demonstrate a narrow focus of auditory spatial attention. NeuroReport, 1994, 5, 709-711.
86. Tervaniemi, M., Maury, S., & Näätänen, R. Neural representations of abstract stimulus features in the human brain as reflected by the mismatch negativity. NeuroReport, 1994, 5, 844-846.
87. Näätänen, R., Ilmoniemi, R.J., & Alho K. Magnetoencephalography in studies of human cognitive brain function. Trends in Neuroscience, 1994, 17, 389-395.
88. Alho, K., Teder, W., Lavikainen, J., & Näätänen, R. Strongly focused attention and auditory event-related potentials. Biological Psychology, 1994, 38, 73-90.
89. Alho, K., Woods, D.L., & Algazi, A. Processing of auditory stimuli during auditory and visual attention as revealed by event-related potentials. Psychophysiology, 1994, 31, 469-479.
90. May, P., Tiitinen, H., Sinkkonen, J., & Näätänen, R. Long-term stimulation attenuates the transient 40-Hz response. NeuroReport, 1994, 5, 1918-1920.
91. Tiitinen, H., May, P., Reinikainen, K., & Näätänen, R. Attentive novelty detection in humans is governed by pre-attentive sensory memory. Nature, 1994, 370, 90-92.
92. Alho, K., Woods, D.L., Algazi, A., Knight, R.T., & Näätänen, R. Lesions of frontal cortex diminish the auditory mismatch negativity. Electroencephalography & Clinical Neurophysiology, 1994, 91, 353-362.
93. Tervaniemi, M., Saarinen, J., Paavilainen, P., Danilova, N., & Näätänen, R. Temporal integration of auditory information in sensory memory as reflected by the mismatch negativity. Biological Psychology, 1994, 38, 157-167.
94. Pekkonen, E., Jousimäki, V., Könönen, M., Reinikainen, K., & Partanen, J. Auditory sensory memory impairment in Alzheimer's disease: an event-related potential study. NeuroReport, 1994, 5, 2537-2540.
95. Tiitinen, H., Sinkkonen, J., May, P., & Näätänen, R. The auditory transient 40-Hz response is insensitive to changes in stimulus features. Neuroreport, 1994, 6, 190-192.
96. Lavikainen, J., Huotilainen, M., Pekkonen, E., Ilmoniemi, R.J., & Näätänen, R. Auditory stimuli activate parietal brain regions: A whole-head MEG study. NeuroReport, 1994, 6, 182-184.
97. Winkler, I., & Näätänen, R. The effects of auditory backward masking on event-related brain potentials. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 1994, 44, 185-189.
98. Teder, W. An analog optical link in surface mount technology (SMT) for multichannel biomedical data acquisition. Behavioral Research Instrumentation & Computers, 1994, 26, 416-420.
66. Teder, W., Alho, K., Reinikainen, K., & Näätänen, R. Interstimulus interval and the selective-attention effect of auditory ERPs: "N1 enhancement" vs. processing negativity. Psychophysiology, 1993, 30, 71-81.
67. Tervaniemi, M., Alho, K., Paavilainen, P., Sams, M., & Näätänen, R. Absolute pitch and event-related brain potentials. Music Perception, 1993, 10, 305-316.
68. Alho, K., Huotilainen, M., Tiitinen, H., Ilmoniemi, R. Knuutila, J., & Näätänen, R. Memory-related processing of complex sound patterns in human auditory cortex: an MEG study. NeuroReport, 1993, 4, 391-394.
69. Näätänen, R., Paavilainen, P., Tiitinen, H., Jiang, D., & Alho, K. Attention and mismatch negativity. Psychophysiology , 1993, 30, 436-450.
70. Cowan, N., Winkler, I., Teder, W., & Näätänen, R. Memory prerequisites of the mismatch negativity in the auditory event-related potential (ERP). Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human perception and Performance, 1993, 19, 909-921.
71. Paavilainen, P., Jiang, D., Lavikainen, J., & Näätänen, R. Stimulus duration and the sensory memory trace: An event-related potential study. Biological Psychology, 1993, 35, 139-152.
72. Tiitinen, H., Alho, K., Huotilainen, M., Ilmoniemi, R.J., Simola, J., & Näätänen, R. Tonotopic auditory cortex and the magnetoencephalographic (MEG) equivalent of the mismatch negativity. Psychophysiology, 1993, 30, 537-540.
73. Winkler, I., Reinikainen, K., & Näätänen, R. Event-related brain potentials reflect echoic memory in humans. Perception and Psychophysics, 1993, 53, 443-449.
74. Alho, K., Kujala, T. , Paavilainen, P., Summala, H., & Näätänen R. Auditory processing in the visual brain areas of the early blind: Evidence from event-related potentials. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 1993, 86, 418-427.
75. Tiitinen, H., Sinkkonen, J., Reinikainen, K., Alho, K., Lavikainen, J., & Näätänen, R. Selective attention enhances the auditory 40-Hz transient response in humans. Nature, 1993, 364, 59-60.
76. Näätänen, R., Schröger, E., Karakas, S., Tervaniemi, M., & Paavilainen, P. Development of a memory trace for a complex sound in the human brain. NeuroReport, 1993, 4, 503-506.
77. Huotilainen, M., Ilmoniemi, R., Lavikainen, J., Tiitinen, H., Alho, K., Sinkkonen, J., Knuutila, J., & Näätänen, R. Interaction between representations of different features of auditory sensory memory. NeuroReport, 1993, 4, 1279-1281.
78. Woods, D.L., Alho, K., & Algazi, A. Intermodal selective attention: Evidence for processing in tonotopic auditory fields. Psychophysiology, 1993, 30, 287-295.
79. Aulanko, R., Hari, R., Lounasmaa, O.V., Näätänen, R., & Sams, M. Phonetic invariance in the human auditory cortex. NeuroReport, 1993, 4, 1356-1358.
80. Näätänen, R., Jiang, D., Lavikainen, J., Reinikainen, K., & Paavilainen, P. Event-related potentials reveal a memory trace for temporal features. NeuroReport, 1993, 5, 310-312.
81. Paavilainen, P. Tiitinen, H., Alho, K., & Näätänen, R. Mismatch negativity to slight pitch changes outside strong attentional focus. Biological Psychology, 1993, 37, 23-41.
82. Teder, W., Kujala, T., & Näätänen, R. Selection of speech messages in free-field listening. NeuroReport, 1993, 5, 307-309.
54. Woods, D.L., Alho, K., & Algazi, A. Intermodal selective attention I: Effects on event-related potentials to lateralized auditory and visual stimuli. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 1992, 82, 341-355.
55. Alho, K., Woods, D.L., Algazi, A., & Näätänen, R. Intermodal selective attention II: Effects of attentional load on processing auditory and visual stimuli in central space. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 1992, 82, 356-368.
56. Alho, K. Selective attention in auditory processing as reflected by event-related brain potentials. Psychophysiology, 1992, 29, 247-263.
57. Kujala, T., Alho, K., Paavilainen, P., Summala, H., & Näätänen, R. Neural plasticity in processing of sound location by the early blind: An event-related potential study. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 1992, 84, 469-472.
58. Winkler, I., & Näätänen, R. Event-related potentials in auditory backward recognition masking: A new way to study the neurophysiological basis of sensory memory in humans. Neuroscience Letters, 1992, 140, 239-242.
59. Winkler, I., Paavilainen, P., & Näätänen, R. Can echoic memory store two traces simultaneously? A study of event-related brain potentials. Psychophysiology, 1992, 29, 337-349.
60. Näätänen, R., Teder, W., Alho, K., & Lavikainen, J. Auditory attention and selective input modulation: A topographical ERP study. NeuroReport, 1992, 3, 493-496.
61. Ritter, W., Paavilainen, P., Lavikainen, J., Reinikainen, K., Alho, K., Sams, M., & Näätänen, R. Event-related potentials to repetition and change of auditory stimuli. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 1992, 83, 306-321.
62. Lyytinen, H., Blomberg, A.-P., & Näätänen, R. Event-related potentials and autonomic responses to a change in unattended auditory stimuli. Psychophysiology, 1992, 29, 523-534.
63. Schröger, E., Näätänen, R., & Paavilainen, P. Event-related potentials reveal how non-attended complex sound patterns are represented by the human brain. Neuroscience Letters, 1992, 146, 183-186.
64. Aaltonen, O., Paavilainen, P., Sams, M., & Näätänen, R. Event-related brain potentials and discrimination of steady-state vowels within and between phoneme categories: A preliminary study. Scandinavian Journal of Logopedics and Phoniatrics, 1992, 17, 107-112.
65. Saarinen, J., Paavilainen, P., Schröger, E., Tervaniemi, M., & Näätänen, R. Representation of abstract stimulus attributes in human brain. NeuroReport, 1992, 3, 1149-1151.
46. Woods, D.L., Alho, K., & Algazi, A. Event-related brain potential signs of feature processing during auditory selective attention. NeuroReport, 1991, 2, 189-192.
47. Sams, M., & Näätänen, R. Neuromagnetic responses of the human auditory cortex to short frequency glides. Neuroscience Letters, 1991, 121, 43-46.
48. Paavilainen, P., Alho, K., Reinikainen, K., Sams, M., & Näätänen, R. Right-hemisphere dominance of different mismatch negativities. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 1991, 78, 466-479.
49. Sams, M., Kaukoranta, E., Hämäläinen, M., & Näätänen, R. Cortical activity elicited by changes in auditory stimuli: Different sources for the magnetic N100m and mismatch responses. Psychophysiology, 1991, 28, 21-29.
50. Näätänen, R. Mismatch negativity (MMN) outside strong attentional focus: A commentary on Woldorff et al. Psychophysiology, 1991, 28, 478-484.
51. Näätänen, R. Mismatch and processing negativities in auditory stimulus processing and selection. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 1991, 14, 761-768.
52. Näätänen, R. & Teder, W. Attention effects on the auditory event-related potential. Acta Otolaryngologica, 1991, 491, 161-167.
53. Näätänen, R. Mismatch negativity and the trace of sensory memory. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 1991, 387-393.
38. Hämäläinen, H., Kekoni, J., Sams, M., Reinikainen, K. & Näätänen, R. Human somatosensory evoked potentials to mechanical pulses and vibration: Contributions of SI and SII somatosensory cortices to P50 and P100 components. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 1990, 75, 13-21.
39. Alho, K., Sainio, K., Sajaniemi, N., Reinikainen, K. & Näätänen, R. Event-related brain potential of human newborns to pitch change of an acoustic stimulus. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 1990, 77, 151-155.
40. Alho, K., Lavikainen, J., Reinikainen, K., Sams, M. & Näätänen, R. Event-related potentials in selective listening to frequent and rare stimuli. Psychophysiology, 1990, 27, 73-86.
41. Näätänen, R. The role of attention in auditory information processing as revealed by event-related potentials and other brain measures of cognitive function. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 1990, 13, 201-288.
42. Winkler, I., Paavilainen, P., Alho, K., Reinikainen, K., Sams, M. & Näätänen, R. The effect of small variation of the frequent auditory stimulus on the event-related brain potential to the infrequent stimulus. Psychophysiology, 1990, 27, 228-235.
43. Nyman, G., Alho, K., Laurinen, P., Paavilainen, P., Radil, T., Reinikainen, K., Sams, M. & Näätänen, R. Mismatch negativity (MMN) for sequences of auditory and visual stimuli: Evidence for a mechanism specific to the auditory modality. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 1990, 77, 436-444.
44. Sams, M., Aulanko, R., Aaltonen, O. & Näätänen, R. Event-related potentials to infrequent changes in synthesized phonetic stimuli. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 1990, 2, 344-357.
45. Winkler, I., Radilova, j., & Näätänen, R. Intertone interval and ERP to infrequent auditory stimulus pairs. Activitas Nervosa Superior, 1990, 32, 138-140.
37. Alho, K., Sams, M., Paavilainen, P., Reinikainen, K., & Näätänen, R. Event-related brain potentials reflecting processing of relevant and irrelevant stimuli during selective listening. Psychophysiology, 1989, 26, 514-528.
36. Näätänen, R., Paavilainen, P., & Reinikainen, K. Do event-related potentials to infrequent decrements in duration of auditory stimuli demonstrate a memory trace in man? Neuroscience Letters, 1989, 107, 347-352.
35. Kaukoranta, E., Sams, M., Hari, R., Hämäläinen, M., & Näätänen, R. Reactions of human auditory cortex to changes in tone duration. Hearing Research, 1989, 41, 15-22.
34. Paavilainen, P., Karlsson, M-L., Reinikainen K., & Näätänen, R. Mismatch negativity to change in the spatial location of an auditory stimulus. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 1989, 73, 129-141.
33. Näätänen, R., Paavilainen P., Alho, K., Reinikainen, K., & Sams, M. Do event-related potentials reveal the mechanism of auditory sensory memory in the human brain? Neuroscience Letters, 1989, 98, 217-221.
32. Näätänen, R. Implications of ERP data for psychological theories of attention. Biological Psychology, 1988, 26, 117-163.
31. Hämäläinen, H., Sams, M., Pertovaara, A., Carlson, S., Reinikainen, K., & Näätänen, R. Different functional roles of SI and SII somatosensory cortices as reflected by evoked potentials and multiple-unit responses to mechanical stimulation in awake monkey. Neuroscience Research Communications, 1988, 2, 143-150.
30. Näätänen, R., Sams, M., Alho, K., Paavilainen, P., Reinikainen, K., & Sokolov, E.N. Frequency and location specificity of the human vertex N1 wave. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 1988, 69, 523-531.
29. Paavilainen, P., Cammann, R., Alho, K., Reinikainen, K., Sams, M. & Näätänen, R. Event-related potentials to pitch change in an auditory stimulus sequence during sleep. In: R. Johnson, J.W. Rohrbaugh & R. Parasuraman (Eds.) Current Trends in Event-Related Brain Potential Research. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 1987, 246-255.
28. Näätänen, R., Paavilainen, P., Alho, K., Reinikainen, K. & Sams, M. The mismatch negativity to intensity changes in an auditory stimulus sequence. In: R. Johnson, J.W. Rohrbaugh & R. Parasuraman (Eds.) Current Trends in Event-Related Brain Potential Research. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 1987, 125-131.
27. Lyytinen, H. & Näätänen, R. Autonomic and ERP responses to deviant stimuli: Analysis of covariation. In: R. Johnson, J.W. Rohrbaugh & R. Parasuraman (Eds.) Current Trends in Event-Related Brain Potential Research. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 1987, 108-117.
26. Alho, K., Töttölä, K., Reinikainen, K., Sams, M. & Näätänen, R. Brain mechanism of selective listening reflected by event-related potentials. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 1987, 68, 458-470.
25. Alho, K., Donauer, N., Paavilainen, P., Reinikainen, K., Sams, M. & Näätänen, R. Stimulus selection during auditory spatial attention as expressed by event-related potentials. Biological Psychology, 1987, 24, 153-162.
24. Loveless, N.E., Simpson, M., & Näätänen R. Frontal negative and parietal positive components of the slow wave dissociated. Psychophysiology, 1987, 24, 340-345.
23. Mäntysalo, S. & Näätänen, R. The duration of a neuronal trace of an auditory stimulus as indicated by event-related potentials. Biological Psychology, 1987, 24, 183-195.
22. Näätänen, R. & Picton, T. The N1 wave of the human electric and magnetic response to sound: A review and an analysis of component structure. Psychophysiology, 1987, 24, 375-425.
21. Näätänen, R., & Summala, H. One's advantage and perceptual Errors: A demonstration of motivational bias. The Journal of Psychology, 1986, 120, 225-228.
20. Näätänen, R. The neural-specificity theory of visual selective attention evaluated. A commentary on Harter and Aine. Biological Psychology, 1986, 23, 281-295.
19. Näätänen, R., Sams, M., & Alho, K. The mismatch negativity: The ERP sign of a cerebral mismatch process. In: C.W. McCallum, R. Zappoli & F. Denoth (Eds.) Cerebral Psychophysiology. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 1986, 38, 172-178.
18. Näätänen, R. N2 and automatic vs. controlled processes: A classification of N2 kinds of ERP components. In: C.W. McCallum, R. Zappoli & F. Denoth (Eds.) Cerebral Psychophysiology. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 1986, 169-171.
17. Näätänen, R. Processing of the unattended message during selective dichotic listening. Comment Article. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 1986, 9, 43-44.
16. Alho, K., Paavilainen, P., Reinikainen, K., Sams, M., & Näätänen, R. Separability of different negative components of the event-related brain potential associated with auditory stimulus processing. Psychophysiology, 1986, 23, 613-624.
15. Alho, K., Sams, M., Paavilainen, P., & Näätänen, R. Small pitch separation and the selective-attention effect on the ERP. Psychophysiology, 1986, 23, 189-197.
14. Näätänen, R. Unconscious initiation of movements and brain physiology. Comment Article. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 1985, 8, 549.
13. Sams, M., Paavilainen, P., Alho, K., & Näätänen, R. Auditory frequency discrimination and event-related potentials. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 1985, 62, 437-448.
12. Sams, M., Hämäläinen, M., Antervo, A., Kaukoranta, E., Reinikainen, K., & Hari, R. Cerebral neuromagnetic responses evoked by short auditory stimuli. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 1985, 61, 254-266.
11. Summala, H., Näätänen, R., & Väisänen, M. Deviant speeds are dangerous? Who use them? Le Travail Humain, 1984, 47, 177-182.
10. Hari, R., Hämäläinen, M., Ilmoniemi, R., Kaukoranta, E., Reinikainen, K., Salminen, J., Alho, K., Näätänen, R., & Sams, M. Responses of the primary auditory cortex to pitch changes in a sequence of tone pips: neuromagnetic recordings in man. Neuroscience Letters, 1984, 50, 127-132.
9. Sams, M., Alho, K., & Näätänen, R. Short-term habituation and dishabituation of the mismatch negativity of the ERP. Psychophysiology, 1984, 21, 434-441.
8. Sams, M., Alho, K., & Näätänen, R. Sequential effects on the ERP in discriminating two stimuli. Biological Psychology, 1983, 17, 41-58.
7. Näätänen, R., & Summala, H. Progress of technology and traffic accidents. Journal of Occupational Accidents, 1982, 4, 145-156.
6. Näätänen, R. Processing negativity: An evoked-potential reflection of selective attention. Psychological Bulletin, 1982 , 92, 605-640.
5. Näätänen, R., Simpson, M., & Loveless, N.E. Stimulus deviance and evoked potentials. Biological Psychology, 1982, 14, 53-98.
4. Näätänen, R., Gaillard, A.W.K., & Varey, C.A. Early attention effect on evoked potential as a function of interstimulus interval. Biological Psychology, 1981, 13, 173-187. doi:10.1016/0301-0511(81)90034-X
3. Niemi, P. & Näätänen, R. Foreperiod and simple reaction time. Psychological Bulletin, 1981, 89, 133-162. doi:10.1037/0033-2909.89.1.133
2. Gaillard, A.W.K. & Näätänen, R. Some baseline effects on the CNV. Biological Psychology, 1980, 10, 31-39. doi:10.1016/0301-0511(80)90005-8
1. Näätänen, R., Porkka, R., Merisalo, A., & Ahtola, S. Location vs. frequency of pure tones as a basis for fast discrimination. Acta Psychologica, 1980, 44, 31-40. doi:10.1016/0001-6918(80)90073-6
1. Seppänen, M. & Järvelä, I. Musikaalisuus aivotutkimusten valossa. [Musicality in the light of neurocognitive studies - Review] Psykologia, 2007, 5, 350-363. urn:URN:NBN:fi:ELE-1422356
2. Seppänen, M. & Tervaniemi, M. Muusikkouden jälkiä aivoissa. Musiikki, 2008, 3-4/2008, 192–203. (Brain indices of musical expertise). urn:URN:NBN:fi:ELE-1538243
3. Peltokallio, L & Kujala, T. Vauvojen ja pienten lasten ravisteluvammat. Psykologia, 2009, 5-6, 352-363. urn:URN:NBN:fi:ELE-1490224
4. Tervaniemi, M. Miksi musiikki liikuttaa? Duodecim, 2009, 125, 2579–2582. (Music makes us move – why?)
5. Torppa, R., & Huotilainen, M. Musiikki kuulovikaisen lapsen kuntoutuksessa. Puhe ja kieli, 2010, 30, 137–155.
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