How do historical dyeing practices inform modern sustainable dyeing solutions in the textile industry? Why is it important to seek sustainable solutions using and applying natural, bio-based dyeing techniques on a wider scale? What role does colour play in the lives of people and everyday societies? These are key questions that form the heart of Colour4CRAFTS project and will be discussed in the upcoming kick-off event.
The event will mark the official launch of Color4CRAFTS, an EU-Horizon funded consortium project. Under the director of Principal Investigator, Professor Riikka Räisänen, this innovative project seeks to develop sustainable solutions for textile industries and creative production by combining the cultural traditions of dyes and textiles, with the development of novel dyeing techniques and bio-based dyes using state-of-the-art technology. The event will introduce the project’s aim and objectives, its national and international impact, including how Colour4CRAFTS engages and impacts Finnish society and culture, as well as introducing the research teams involved. The event is open to everyone either in-person or via livestream.
(all times are in Eastern European Standard Time (EEST)/Helsinki Time)
16:30 - Drinks social with the team
17:00 - Welcome & opening remarks - Dr Dustin Neighbors
17:15 - What is Colour4CRAFTS? - Prof Riikka Räisänen
17:35 - Team 1 Presentation - Dr Krista Wright, Associate Prof Riina Rammo and Dr Liis Luhamaa
17:45 - Team 2 Presentation - Dr Peter Broadbent, Dr Muriel Rigout and Prof Chris Carr
17:55 - Team 3 Presentation - Prof Ana Nuutinen and Dr Laura Seppälä
18:05 - Panel discussion - Prof Riikka Räisänen, with Dr Krista Wright, Associate Prof Riina Rammo, Dr Liis Luhamaa, Dr Peter Broadbent, Dr Muriel Rigout, Prof Ana Nuutinen and Dr Laura Seppälä
18:35 - Audience Q&A - Prof Riikka Räisänen
18:50 - Closing Remarks - Dean Johanna Mäkelä, Faculty of Educational Sciences
19:00 - Program ends