Finnish Doctoral Program Network in Artificial Intelligence

Here you can find more information about the Finnish Doctoral Program Network in Artificial Intelligence (FCAI) and the list of potential supervisors in the pilot. If you're interested in applying for a position in the thematic field of the pilot, you should contact a possible supervisor from this list as soon as possible.
Application deadlines

Please note, If you are applying for a position in the FCAI Finnish Doctoral Program Network in Artificial Intelligence you need to submit your application also to the FCAI's own call and to University of Helsinki's call.

Read more about the pilot's application process from the link below. 

Finnish Doctoral Program Network in Artificial Intelligence is launched in 2024 to build a world-class PhD program with quality supervision, mobility, and multi-disciplinarity as integral parts. The program is a joint effort of 10 Finnish universities and will educate 100 new PhDs in artificial intelligence research. Finland’s Ministry of Education and Culture has granted 25.5 million EUR to support the program.

The positions are fully-funded for three years. NOTE! Candidates who apply to the positions at the University of Helsinki, will have to submit two parallel applications: 1) to the joint application form of the Finnish Doctoral Program Network in Artificial Intelligence and 2) to the recruitment system of the University of Helsinki. Please note that the application needs to be submitted to both of the recruitment systems to ensure a proper review. Please see question 10 here for details.

We are looking for prospective PhD students to work in the following research areas:

  • Fundamental AI
  • AI in Communications and Signal Processing
  • AI in Health
  • AI in Engineering
  • AI in Language and Speech Technology
  • AI in Society and Business

Successful candidates should have previous experience in machine learning, statistics, artificial intelligence, or in another relevant field, demonstrated by success in related studies and ideally also by some publication record. Other merits demonstrating suitability for a researcher position can also be considered. Candidates should hold (or expect to shortly receive) a Master’s degree in computer science, statistics, electrical engineering, mathematics, or in another relevant field.

The positions require the ability to work both independently and as part of a team in a highly collaborative and interdisciplinary environment. The primary working language in the joint program activities is English, so good written and oral command of English is required.

Sasu Tarkoma - AI in Communications and Signal Processing

Antti Laaksonen - AI in Communications and Signal Processing

Ilkka Arminen - AI in Communications and Signal Processing

Kjell Lemström - AI in Communications and Signal Processing

Mika Mäntylä - AI in Communications and Signal Processing

Antti Lajunen - AI in Engineering

Arkke Johannes Eskola - AI in Engineering

Benjamin Frandsen - AI in Engineering

Flyura Djurabekova - AI in Engineering

Hanna Vehkamäki - AI in Engineering

Jukka Nurminen - AI in Engineering

Kai Nordlund - AI in Engineering

Kostas Sarakinos - AI in Engineering

Mark Hindmarsh - AI in Engineering

Matti Rissanen - AI in Engineering

Nanna Myllys - AI in Engineering

Theo Kurten - AI in Engineering

Vivek Sharma - AI in Engineering

Aapo Hyvärinen - Fundamental AI

Antti Honkela - Fundamental AI

Arto Klami - Fundamental AI

Dorota Glowacka - Fundamental AI

Giulio Jacucci - Fundamental AI

Hannu Toivonen - Fundamental AI

Indre Zliobaite - Fundamental AI

Jarno Vanhatalo - Fundamental AI

Jouko Väänänen - Fundamental AI

Juha Kontinen - Fundamental AI

Jukka Corander - Fundamental AI

Jukka K. Nurminen - Fundamental AI

Kai Puolamäki - Fundamental AI

Keijo Heljanko - Fundamental AI

Laura Ruotsalainen - Fundamental AI

Luigi Acerbi - Fundamental AI

Martha Zaidan - Fundamental AI

Matti Järvisalo - Fundamental AI

Michael Mathioudakis - Fundamental AI

Mikko Koivisto - Fundamental AI

Nikolaj Tatti - Fundamental AI

Pan Hui - Fundamental AI

Petri Myllymäki - Fundamental AI

Petteri Nurmi - Fundamental AI

Samuli Siltanen - Fundamental AI

Sangita Kulathinal - Fundamental AI

Simon Puglisi - Fundamental AI

Teemu Roos - Fundamental AI

Tuukka Ruotsalo - Fundamental AI

Andrea Ganna - AI in Health

Andrew Erickson - AI in Health

Anne Juppo - AI in Health

Antti Rannikko - AI in Health

Ben Cowley - AI in Health

Esa Pitkänen - AI in Health

Helike Lõhelaid - AI in Health

Ilpo Vattulainen - AI in Health

Inkeri Lokki - AI in Health

Jing Tang - AI in Health

Lassi Paavolainen - AI in Health

Marco Savarese - AI in Health

Maria Kristina Vartiainen - AI in Health

Markku Partinen - AI in Health

Matti Pirinen - AI in Health

Mohieddin Jafari - AI in Health

Nelli Sjöblom - AI in Health

Nelson Totah - AI in Health

Nina Kaminen-Ahola - AI in Health

Oscar Brück - AI in Health

Ping Chen - AI in Health

Sampsa Vanhatalo - AI in Health

Samuli Ripatti - AI in Health

Satu Palva - AI in Health

Sergei Tarasov - AI in Health

Simo Vanni - AI in Health

Tero Aittokallio - AI in Health

Tomi Rantamäki - AI in Health

Tommi Vatanen - AI in Health

Tuomas Mirtti - AI in Health

Ville Mustonen - AI in Health

Ziaurrehman Tanoli - AI in Health

Jörg Tiedemann - AI in Language and Speech Technology

Martti Vainio - AI in Language and Speech Technology

Mathias Creutz - AI in Language and Speech Technology

Raili Hilden - AI in Language and Speech Technology

Aaro Tupasela - AI in Society and Business

Anna-Mari Wallenberg - AI in Society and Business

Daria Gritsenko - AI in Society and Business

Ida Koivisto - AI in Society and Business

Ilkka Arminen - AI in Society and Business

Jaana Hallamaa - AI in Society and Business

Jukka Mähönen - AI in Society and Business

Karoliina Snell - AI in Society and Business

Katri Havu - AI in Society and Business

Krista Lagus - AI in Society and Business

Linda Mannila - AI in Society and Business

Matti Nelimarkka - AI in Society and Business

Mikko Tolonen - AI in Society and Business

Minna Ruckenstein - AI in Society and Business

Minna van Gerven - AI in Society and Business

Paavo Pylkkänen - AI in Society and Business

Petri Ylikoski - AI in Society and Business

Päivi Korpisaari - AI in Society and Business

Raimo Lahti - AI in Society and Business

Riikka Koulu - AI in Society and Business

Risto Hotulainen - AI in Society and Business

Samuli Reijula - AI in Society and Business

Susanna Lindroos-Hovinheimo - AI in Society and Business

Taina Kalliokoski - AI in Society and Business

Taina Pihlajarinne - AI in Society and Business

Tero Erkkilä - AI in Society and Business