The inaugural lectures will be held at the Main Building of the University. They can also be viewed via the Unitube service or a Zoom webinar. Before each lecture, the dean or vice-dean of the relevant faculty will briefly introduce the professor.
Following the afternoon lectures, Professor of Plant Biodiversity Anna-Liisa Laine will give her inaugural lecture at the inauguration ceremony, beginning at 16.30 in the Great Hall of the University, under the heading ‘Biodiversiteetti muuttuvassa maailmassa’ (‘Biodiversity in a changing world’). The programme also features a speech by Chancellor Kaarle Hämeri, presentations of the new professors and musical performances. After the ceremony, the audience is invited to attend a reception held in the foyers of the Main Building.
For a detailed programme of the celebrations and the live stream links for the lecture rooms, please visit our website at The inaugural lectures will be held in the language of the topic indicated in the programme.
The new professors and their lecture topics:
Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences
- Susanna Fagerholm, Professor of Cell and Molecular Biology: Integrins in immunity - new roles for old players
- Pekka Katajisto, Professor of Biology of Aging: TBA
- Anna-Liisa Laine, Professor of Plant Biodiversity: Biodiversiteetti muuttuvassa maailmassa
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
- Janne Lundén, Professor of Risk Management in Food Safety: Elintarviketurvallisuusriskien hallinta yhteiskunnassa
Faculty of Arts
- Kristina Malmio, Professor of Scandinavian Literature: Hur hjälper litteraturen oss att orientera i världen?
- Anne Mäntynen, Professor of Non-fiction Studies: Tiedosta kirja. Tietokirja lajina ja toimintana
- Eeva Sippola, Professor of Ibero-American Languages and Cultures: Espanja maailmankielenä
- Johan Strang, Professor of Nordic Studies: Norden som argument - från Skandinavismen till Nato
- Saana Svärd, Professor of Ancient Near East Studies: New approaches to ancient Near Eastern studies
Faculty of Educational Sciences
- Sami Paavola, Professor of Digital Learning at Work: Työelämän ja oppimisen käytäntöjen muutos tutkimuksen haasteena
- Fritjof Sahlström, Professor of Pedagogy: Är alla med? Deltagande, skärmar och rättvisa i klassrumsinteraktion.
Faculty of Medicine
- Jaan-Olle Anderssoo, Professor of Translational Neuroscience: Dopamine in brain health and disease
- Antti Sakari Rannikko, Professor of Urology: Mies ja eturauhanen
Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry
- Ville-Petri Friman, Professor of Microbiology: Kasvien ja ihmisten mikrobit – miten tunnistaa mikroskooppiset ystävät ja viholliset?
- Annamari Laurén, Professor of Peatland Forestry: Suometsien hoito on rakettitiedettä
- Kristiina Mäkinen, Professor of Plant Pathology: Terveet kasvit ruokaturvan perustana
- Pekka Varmanen, Professor of Food Technology: Hyvät, pahat ja hyödylliset: mikrobit elintarvikkeiden tuotannossa
Faculty of Science
- Tareq Hussein, Professor of Atmospheric Science: The Quality of the Air That I Breath – can it be better or can I adapt!
- Matti Pirinen, Professor of Statistics (genomics): Tilastotiede ja genetiikan tutkimus
- Matti Putkonen, Professor of Atomic Layer Deposition and Etching: Nanomittakaavan materiaaleja käyttää jokainen
- Mikko Voutilainen, Professor of Experimental Particle Physics: TBA
- Susanne Wiedmer, Professor of Analytical Chemistry: Bioimiterande membraner som modeller för växelverkningsstudier
Faculty of Social Sciences
- Minna Ruckenstein, Professor of New Technologies and Society: Teknologian ihminen ja inhimillistetty teknologia
- Sakari Saaritsa, Professor of Social History: Miten historialliset kriisit vaikuttavat ihmisten hyvinvointiin?
- Inari Sakki, Professor of Social Psychology: Mielikuvien valta ja valjastaminen - yhteiskunnan ja politiikan sosiaalipsykologiaa
- Virpi Timonen, Professor of Social and Health Services Research and Leadership: Social scientific study of ageing and the life course: changing expectations
- Samuel White, Professor of Political History: What Does History Tell Us About Climate Change and Crisis?