The Researchers' Night on Friday 27 September will unveil the secrets of science

Save the date, 27 Sept 2024, in your calendar now and sign up for the Night of the Scientists mailing list. You will receive notifications as the programme of the University of Helsinki is being finalised and when groups from daycare centres, schools, or student groups can start to sign up for workshops.

The Night of the Scientists is a Europe-wide science event making science and the work of researchers known to the general public. The happening on 27 Sept 2024 will include free and varied events for both children and adults.

Daytime events for children and young people in central Helsinki, Meilahti, Viikki, and Kumpula

During the day, the campus workshops will show children and young people what the researchers’ work and workspaces are like on the four campuses of the University of Helsinki.

Examples of the workshops: *Build a seismometer and jump an earthquake * Learn the secrets of cancer research * Chemical wonders * Microbes and the health of plants * Warning colours in animals * Laser scanning reveals the secrets of trees and forests * Significant and empowering places * How do we identify misleading information? Test your media literacy * Educational story animations * The journey of solar storms * Latest research with Bjurböle meteorites

There are workshops given in Finnish or English. Registration for the workshops will open up in late summer. 

Give us your email address, and we will send you notifications when the sign-up for daycare centre, school, or student groups open up.

Evening programme at the Observatory and Science Corner 

At 16-20 in the evening, anyone can attend the presentations of the wonderful world of science at the Observatory and the Science Corner at the researchers’ stalls. You could also delve into the secrets of the universe in the permanent exhibition at the Observatory.

Examples of the researchers’ stalls: A hundred years of seismic measurements in Finland * Physics-themed escape room * How are social media giants profiling us? * Test your media literacy – how are we manipulated with maps, images, and diagrams? * Patient-centred medicine and care * Microbes and plant health * Crafting and science – craft science!  * Which factors in our environment empower us? * Climate change, loss of biodiversity, and the forests of the future * Sustainability transformations in society * Latest research with Bjurböle meteorites 

The events at the Observatory and Science Corner and the exhibition at the Observatory are free and open for all, and there is no registration for them.

Address: Kopernikuksentie 1, Helsinki (Observatory) and Yliopistonkatu 4, Helsinki (Science Corner)

The Researchers' Night at the Helsinki University Museum Flame 

On Fri 27 September 2024 at 16-20, entrance to the exhibition centre of the Helsinki University Museum Flame will be free.

Have you seen the new exhibitions at Museum Flame? Welcome for a visit! The exhibition ‘Food for All’ lets you sink your teeth into a topic that concerns us all: how has science affected what we eat? Where does food come from? We have a rich offering of science history spiced with a pinch of humour. The exhibition challenges the viewer to consider our notions about food.

The permanent exhibition ‘Passion for knowledge’ tells you stories about the university and its people. In what kind of places is research carried out, and how have different disciplines affected the emergence and development of Finland?  

Address: Fabianinkatu 33, Helsinki.