#ResearchMatters campaign highlights the impact and solutions of science

Before the parliamentary election in April 2019, the University of Helsinki wishes to communicate to all Finns why research and research-based teaching are needed. Universities also have a more generic role of edification. The University's #ResearchMatters (#Siksitiede in Finnish) campaign highlights the impact and solutions of science. The campaign material is available at helsinki.fi/researchmatters

Scope of Finnish ex­pert­ise must be in­creased 

The University of Helsinki has published its vision for the science and higher education policy needed for the next government term of 2019–2023 for universities to be able to continue engendering education and wellbeing. 

There is plenty of work to do, since improvement of the level of education among young age groups has stalled. Internationally speaking, such a phenomenon is exceptional.

“Finland has no other options but to found its future on top-level expertise,  which makes the task at hand considerable: whereas the current figure is 41%, no less than half of young adults must in the future complete a higher education degree. Institutions of higher education must also be more widely accessible to all in order to increase expertise among the entire population and the amount of high-quality digital teaching. Achieving these goals requires resources, making it necessary to increase investments in education and research.”

Science benefits society in a multitude of ways:

“To begin with, scientific knowledge directly generates innovations, as well as products and services with marketing potential, while society also benefits from new information on a more general level, for example, when developing the comprehensive school system or protecting the Baltic Sea. Without science our society stagnates,” states Niemelä.

The University of Helsinki’s vision for the next government:

  • Make Finland the world leader in knowledge
  • Promote the relocation of international students and researchers to Finland
  • Increase the use of research-based knowledge in decision-making
  • Make the necessary investments in research and higher education

The  ResearchMatters campaign website (in English)

University of Helsinki’s vision for the next government