Helsinki Random I, Helsinki Random II, Helsinki Cryo, Helsinki X-tal Factorial, Helsinki Synergy
The classic sparse matrix screen based on Jancaric and Kim (1991) and modified by Cudney et al (1994). Samples salts, polymers, organics and pH (see conditions).
A combined sparse matrix and incomplete factorial screens, samples pH 3.5 to 8.5, low ionic strength, high ionic strength and mixed polymer/salt conditions and halides for potential phasing (see conditions).
A cryoprotected screen where crystals can be directly frozen from their crystallisation solutions (see conditions).
Incomplete factorial screen adopted and modified from Johan Zeelen. Includes reagents and conditions different from other random screens we have (see conditions).
A screen searching for a synergy between mechanistically different precipitants, adapted from Majeed et al (2003). The original screen includes 64 conditions, rest of the block is duplicated as a 67% dilution of selected conditions (see conditions).