This system allows recordings of local field potentials (LFP) and multi-unit activity, to study for example network oscillations, synchronization and/or neural responses evoked by experimental event. Single unit activity (firing patterns of individual neurons) can be resolved after offline spike sorting. Recordings can be performed in anaesthetized or head-fixed mice using Mobile HomeCage. Optogenetics, pharmacological treatments and simple behavioral tasks can be combined.
Device : NeuroNexus Smartbox, with maximum of 256 channels from four silicon probes.
This setup supports high-resolution electrophysiological recordings in awake head-fixed mice running on a treadmill. Recordings are done using Neuropixel probes each allowing recordings from 384 cites. Simultaneous recordings with two 256-channel ECoGs can be combined for human-rodent translational research. Recordings can be combined with a visual task.
Device Neuropixels 1.0 with PXIe acquisition module