In vivo Brain Imaging platforms

These high-precision imaging techniques can be combined with behavioral tasks in an awake behaving mouse head-fixed using Mobile HomeCage (Neurotar), an air-lifted floating platform that resembles a home-cage familiar to laboratory mice.
Two-photon microscopy

Two-photon microscopy is a unique microscopic imaging technique that allows live imaging of fluorescent signals in the cortical regions of the brain (down to 850 µm from the surface of the cranial window) non-invasively, with a high temporal and spatial resolution. When applied to head-fixed mice moving on an air-lifted floating platform, two-photon microscopy can be used to study brain structure and signaling simultaneously with sensory stimulation and behavioral readouts.

Device: Femtonics Femto-Smart (head-fixed awake or anesthetized mice).

Wide-field Imaging

Multi-channel wide-field optical imaging can be used for cortex-wide fluorescent imaging of the brain in anaesthetised or awake, head-fixed mice.

Device: Neurotar Invigilo (head-fixed awake or anesthetized mice)

Fiber photometry

Fiber photometry allows imaging of population fluorescence signals from a brain region of interest, using implantable optical fibers. Recordings can be done from both deep and shallow brain structures with minimal tissue damage, on freely moving, head fixed or anaesthetized mice. 

Device: RWD R820 Tricolor Multichannel Fiber Photometry System (freely moving, head-fixed or anaesthetized mice)


Miniaturized head-mounted microscope allows imaging of fluorescent signals in deep brain structures with single cell resolution in freely behaving rodents. Integrated light stimulation can be used for simultaneous optogenetic manipulation of genetically defined neuronal populations. The system can be used to causally link neural activity within specific brain circuits to behavior.

Device: Inscopix nVoke (freely moving, head-fixed or anesthetized mice)

Functional ultrasound imaging

Functional ultrasound (fUS) imaging uses ultra-high sensitivity power Doppler sequences to detect hemodynamic events non-invasively, with high temporal and spatial resolution. fUS allows to image the whole brain activity levels and functional connectivity with high spatiotemporal resolution in anaesthetised or awake head-fixed mice.

Device: Iconeus One (awake head-fixed or anesthetized mice)

Intrinsic Optical Imaging

Intrinsic optical signal (IOS) imaging measures cortical reflectance change due to hemodynamic changes in the brain. IOS can be used to record neural activity indirectly and noninvasively, without expression of fluorescent reporters and is typically used to map the functional architecture of the cortex.

Device: IOS (anesthetized mice)