Practical instructions of the Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences in the exceptional circumstances

This page has been updated on 24 January 2022.

This page contains the latest practical instructions for staff and students issued by the Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences in the exceptional circumstances caused by the coronavirus outbreak. We will update the page as needed.

Please note that the University’s general instructions will not be reposted on this page.

You can check the latest information on the University’s corona virus situation at the University of Helsinki web page.

Latest decisions by the University's crisis management team, 21 January 2022.

Dean's latest mes­sage to the per­son­nel

Will be updated when new content appears in 2022.

Work­ing at the Uni­versity’s premises dur­ing the corona virus situ­ation

See the latest information: Telecommuting, working at the University premises, working hours

Please adhere to the instructions regarding safe working during Covid-19 epidemic and reserve the working premises via online reservation calender.

Regarding the situation at the biological stations please contact Director Jouni Heiskanen.

In­struc­tions for su­per­i­ors/​​​team lead­ers

What to do in case you or your employee/student has contracted coronavirus of suspects it (requires a sign-in)

Teach­ing ar­range­ments


See University's instructions for students and teaching personnel as of 21 January 2022.

Contact: Helena Åström


Biological sta­tions

The capacity to accommodate people at the stations have been significantly reduced during the pandemic. Priority is on research and teaching. Other requests to use the stations will be handled case-by-case taking into account national and regional regulations. Always contact the office well before your planned arrival.

In case you suspect a coronavirus infection or you have fallen ill – how to proceed?

Please follow the guidelines given by the University during the exceptional circumstances: Falling ill, occupational health, coronavirus vaccinations, quarantine 

More information

Coronavirus situation at the University of Helsinki

Fac­ulty of Biological and En­viron­men­tal Sciences:

Dean Jaakko Kangasjärvi

Vice Dean of Resarch Minna Nyström

Vice Dean of Teaching Helena Åström

Vice Dean of Societal interaction Atte Korhola

Biological research stations, Director Jouni Heiskanen