Social security, healhtcare and social welfare services and disabilty services are under reforms whilst automation and digitalisation are rapidly changing society. Groundings of the finnish welfare state are threatened in additional by global questions with ecological, financial and social carrying capacity.
Is the finnish welfware system capable of reforming itself in socially equal and sustainable way, or will society diverge to winners and losers, success and fatigue? In the future, is social policy based on means testing, insurances, activation or state of living? Will the questions of inequality and social welfare system safety nets be buried by ethos of economical growth and competitivness? Is it even possible to build an equal society during the era of inequality?
Organized by Social Policy Association and University of Helsinki, social policy conference will tackle most urgent societal questions outlined by top researchers in the manner.
Social policy conference 2020 will be arranged via remote access due to COVID-19 epidemic situation. More detailed information coming soon.
Registration for the event is open! Please register by 16.10.
Registrate here.
Participation fee of 130 EUR includes conference material.
Participation is free of charge for the members of the Social Policy Association in Finland and undergraduate students.
The participation and the dinner fee are paid when registering for the event. The payment is made with a credit card.
We are inviting abstracts of papers for work-group presentations in the Annual Social Policy Conference 2020. We welcome abstracts, which are related to the topics of the work-groups.
Please, submit the proposed abstract by 25th September 2020. The abstracts should be 200-250 words. We ask to send the abstracts directly to work-group coordinators.
In case your abstract doesn't fit directly to any work-group, you are free to send it to conference secretary (check e-mail below)
Those who have submitted abstracts will be informed about the selection via e-mail by 5th of October 2020. The information will also be updated on the web page.
For further information, contact
Conference secretary: Jaakko Muilu,
Conference participants are asked to make their own hotel reservations and pay for their own accommodation at the hotel. Quota reservations have been made to the nearby hotels listed below, but the availability of the limited number of rooms can only be guaranteed for a limited time.
Please check the deadlines and booking codes for reservations mentioned in each hotel info. These room prices are available only for bookings made directly with the hotel by email or by phone. All prices are per room and per night, including breakfast buffet and VAT.
Social Policy Conference 2020 is organized at the University of Helsinki
University of Helsinki is located next to a variety of transportation options. The tax drive from the airport takes circa 20-25 minutes. For those arriving by car, the best parking facilities are offered by the multistorey car parks nearby. However, we do recommend using public transport.
Venue will take place in Athena- (Siltavuorenpenger 3A) ja Aurora -halls (Siltavuorenpenger 10), Unioninkatu 35 and Metsätalo (Unioninkatu 40).
Further and more detailed information will be found in programme later on.
Thursday 22.10.
10:15 – 12:00 Registration
12:00 – 12:15 Opening words: Minna van Gerven, Helsingin yliopisto
Welcome greetings:
University of Helsinki:
Social Policy Association: Helena Hirvonen, Itä-Suomen yliopisto
12:15 – 13:15 Keynote 1: Giuliano Bonoli: New social risks in the digital age
13:15 – 13:30 Break
13:30 – 14:30 Keynote 2: Teppo Kröger: Social policy of equality and aging
14:30 – 15:00 Coffee break
15:00 – 16:30 Working groups 1. session
16:30 – 16:45 Break
16:45 – 18:00 Working groups 2. session
18:30 – 20:00 General meeting of Social Policy Association, Aurora hall 223 (Siltavuorenpenger 10)
20:30 – 00:00 Social evening of Social Policy Days
Friday 23.10.
09:30 – 11:00 Working groups 3. session
11:00 – 12:15 Lunch break (self-financed)
12:15 – 13:15 Keynote 3: Anne Waldschmidt: Changing Disability Policies in the Age of the UN CRPD: the Case of Germany
13:15 – 13:45 Coffee break
13:45 –14:30 Award for the best master’s thesis and Janus award
Invitation to Social Policy Days 2021, University of Turku
14:30 –14:40 Sosiaalijohto 60 years
14:40 –15:25 European Social Network (ESN) puheenjohtaja Alfonso Lara-Montero: Current situation and trends in European social policy
15:25 – 15:40 Break
15:40 –16:25 Heikki Hiilamo: Future of social security
16:25 –17:10 Olli Kangas: Long distance social policy in Finland
17:10 –17:25 Ending: Hisayo Katsui
Social policy conference 2020 will be arranged via remote access due to COVID-19 epidemic situation. More detailed information about the arrangements coming soon!
One is able to follow COVID-19 situation in University of Helsinki via link.
For further information, contact
Conference secretary: Jaakko Muilu,
head of arrangement board: Minna van Gerven,