Registration is closed
Registration time
Participation fees
- Social work students (Bachelor or Master level), members of the Finnish Society of Social Work Research, keynote speakers, commentators, and workshop leaders 0 €. Note! Members of the society are required to have paid the 2022 membership fee by 15.12.2022.
- Persons acting as experts by experience or peer workers in a social or welfare organization 0 € (quota of 20 places, for further information please contact
- Other participants 60 € per day, 100 € per two days
Registration for the Social Work Research Days
- You can register for the research days via the following link (open 9.1.-31.1.2023):
- When registering, please indicate your role (student, speaker, society member, etc.).
- The participation fee will be paid to the account of the Society of Social Work Research: FI1141080010308859, BIC code: ITELFIHH
- Please write in the message field: My name/STTP2023 and what the fee is for (e.g. participation in the research days, 1 day)
Cancellation policy
Registration is binding. Changes and cancellations must be notified in writing to the conference committee at:
Cancellations made before 4 February 2023 are free of charge.
Cancellations made before 11 February 2023 will be refunded 50% of the registration fee paid by the participant. No refunds will be made for cancellations received after 11.2.2023. If the registered person is unable to attend, the right to participate may be transferred to another person, in which case the change must be notified to
Other information
- You will receive more information on practical ways to participate via email as the event approaches.
- It is not possible to participate remotely.
- Information on data protection and personal data processing: -> “Events organized by the university”