
Social work research days 2023

Seminar rooms: 

16.2. 16:00-18:00

Unioninkatu 34, Main building U3040 

17.2. 10:00-11:45

Unioninkatu 34, Main building U3040

Accessible entrance to the main building at Yliopistonkatu 2, from the construction site to the courtyard. Lift inside, room accessible.

Languages of working group: Finnish, English


Elisa Rainerma (

Linda Majander (

Anna-Leena Riitaoja

Ossi Laaksamo

The aim of this workshop is to provide a forum for presentations and discussions among various perspectives on ecosocial work and their meaning in diverse and changing contexts. What is the connection between social work and global social and environmental issues? What is expected from social work in dealing with wicked problems such as climate change, ecological problems, new pandemics, or incipient authoritarianism, and how can social work and social workers contribute to ecological, economic, social, and epistemic transformation/transition towards a more ecologically, economically, and socially sustainable society and the planet? It is important to discuss how can transdisciplinary perspectives and collaboration, including both academic disciplines and actors beyond academia, be fruitful for ecosocial work and for the sustainability aims. What benefit can be gained by bringing together various sectors, professional groups, and actors, such as employment services, rehabilitation, education, city planning, social enterprises, or NGOs? One adequate point is also the concept of just in the green transition, which has got a strong political and economic surge in the EU and the US. How different groups of people such as minorities, indigenous people or social welfare recipients and their rights and basic needs are met? The discussion of the position of social work to promote and safeguard justice and equality for all is needed. The underlying theme of diversity in social work will tie together different topics.

We welcome conceptual, empirical, and practical papers that deal with ecosocial work, sustainability transition/transformation, and related issues. The scope can be on practical approaches as well as on structural social work in a Finnish or Nordic or beyond. The language of the presentations can be Finnish or English. Accordingly, the workshop may be timed to include both a Finnish and an English language session.

Seminar rooms: 

16.2. 16:00-18:00

Fabianinkatu 26, Language centre sh.105 

Accessible entrance to the Language Centre at Fabianinkatu 28. Lift inside, room accessible.

Languages of working group: English, Finnish


Honglin Chen ( 

Heli Valokivi (

Coupled with the changing demographic in current society, there have been enormous changes in technological capability. Technology, already an integral component of everyday life, holds great promise for supporting the health and independence of the aging population. Gerotechnology is the application of technology to improve the lives of older adults.

Gerotechnology creates ever-expanding entrepreneurial opportunities to develop new products and services. Clearly, opportunities exist for products and services to help elders improve their quality of life. This also brings a challenge for social workers to utilize digital devices to facilitate service for older adults.

 "How to integrate global population aging and technology development to help address the growing demands for care facing many aging societies is both a challenge and an opportunity for innovation (Kleiman,2021)". But what's the core element to benefit older adults with all the fast developing technology? The working group would also like to discuss with you about the critical factor of gerontechology from a social work and humanity aspect. On the basis of the coming conference working group, it is also expected to generate interdisciplinary dialogues on the topic for organizing a special issue for the Asia parcific journal of social work and development.

Seminar rooms: 

17.2. 10:00-11:45

Unioninkatu 34, Main building U3041

Accessible entrance to the main building at Yliopistonkatu 2, from the construction site to the courtyard. Lift inside, room accessible.

Languages of working group: Finnish, Swedish, English


Tuuli Kurki (

Ona Needelman (

Nia Sullivan (

Racism and other forms of discrimination can have significant consequences on (mental) health of children and young people of colour as well as their families and communities at large. Racism also impacts on who gets to be heard and whose voices are legitimized in social work research and practice, and with what conditions. Whiteness as a power structure, in turn, produces, upholds, and reproduces racism, privileges and inequalities also within social work. This can be seen, for instance, in the lack of recognition on how racism and whiteness ‘work’ in encounters between white social workers and children, young people and families of colour as users of social services.

For this workshop, we welcome theoretical and empirical presentations that relate to the questions of (dismantling) racism and whiteness in social work with children and young people of colour. The contexts discussed in the presentations can be, but are not limited to, child welfare services, school social work, and mental health services, including substance abuse services. In relation to the overall theme of this year’s conference, presentations that challenge the concepts like diversity, cultural sensitivity and multiculturalism in social work research and practice are of particular interest. The idea of the workshop is to provide a space to discuss racism and whiteness in social work in a critical but supportive atmosphere and think collectively what antiracist social work with children and young people can and could be both in research and practice. (d)The language(s) of the workshop This workshop is multilingual, and presentations can be held in Finnish, Swedish or English.

Seminar rooms: 

16.2. 16:00-18:00

Vuorikatu 3, INEQ, Theological Faculty Conference Room 209

17.2. 10:00-11:45

Vuorikatu 3, INEQ, Theological Faculty Conference Room 209

The space is inaccessible. At the end of the corridor leading to the room there are about 5-6 stairs, with a wheelchair lift that is not in operation. Otherwise, the entrance to the building from Vuorikatu 3 or Fabianinkatu is accessible and the lift between floors is working.

Languages of working group: Finnish, Swedish, English


Camilla Granholm (

Eveliina Heino (,

Maria Jauhiainen (

Hanna Kara (,

Meri Kulmala (

Anni-Mari Lassila (

Camilla Nordberg (

Antero Olakivi (,

Being a non-native language speaker creates and reinforces vulnerability in a social service system already defined by different power hierarchies. Despite the fact that social work is essentially permeated by language, language divisions and multilingualism have not received much attention in social work research or practice. Rather than making the system linguistically more accessible, change has typically been expected from the service user. Meanwhile, it remains unexplored how linguistic inequality is linked to other social divides, such as ethnicity, class, gender, age, disability, and their intersections. The increasing digitalisation of public services has further accentuated such asymmetries. 

We kindly invite to the workshop both theoretical and empirical contributions that engage with issues related to linguistic justice and linguistic vulnerabilities in social work and in welfare services more broadly, including perspectives from service users, experts by experience, professionals, third sector organisations and/or the larger welfare service system. While the working group has a particular interest in the ways in which linguistic vulnerability intersects with other structural inequalities, we welcome contributions from a wide range of angles. 

Seminar rooms: 

16.2. 16:00-18:00

Unioninkatu 34, Main building U4078 

17.2. 10:00-11:45

Unioninkatu 34, Main building U4062 

Accessible entrance to the main building at Yliopistonkatu 2, from the construction site to the courtyard. Lift inside, rooms accessible.

Languages of working group: Finnish, Swedish, English


Maija Jäppinen (

Hanna Kara (

Camilla Nordberg (

Anna-Leena Riitaoja (

This working group deals with diversity in connection with migration and mobility. Migration is understood broadly: as immigration and emigration, and the reasons for migration and mobility may vary. We will discuss everyday encounters in social work, social work training and expertise, and the structures of the welfare state from the perspective of diversity. We welcome presentations that are theoretical/conceptual, methodological, empirical, or draw directly from social work practice or education. Presentations can deal with, for example, multilingualism, integration, family reunification, transnationality, questions of belonging and deservingness, power, participatory research methods, the researcher's position and ethical reflection. Presentations can be in Finnish, Swedish or English. The language of the conversation is decided together at the workshop.

Seminar rooms:

16.2. 16:00-18:00

Unioninkatu 34, Main building U3029 

17.2. 10:00-11:45

Unioninkatu 34, Main building U3029 

Accessible entrance to the main building at Yliopistonkatu 2, from the construction site to the courtyard. Lift inside, rooms accessible.

Languages of working group:  Finnish, English


Samuel Salovaara (

Inka Söderström (

Diversity of sexuality, gender and relationships is a subject that affects all people. However, societal norms restricting sexuality, gender and relationships marginalize people, families and communities who do not conform to these norms, with many different social consequences. These marginalized forms of sexuality, gender and relationships are often referred to as sexual, gender or relationship minorities, LGBTIQ+ minorities or queerness.

Solely the reality that approximately at least one in ten social work clients and social workers belong to a sexual and/or gender minority (including relationship minorities, the number is even higher), makes queerness an important issue in social work. Many LGBTIQ+ people in Finland face structural and direct discrimination, which impairs their mental and physical health and opportunities for participation. There has been some research on sexual, gender and relationship minorities in social work internationally, but in Finnish social work the research, teaching, and professional discussion on the topic has been very scarce. This undermines the readiness of Finnish social workers to work with queer people and to fulfil the human rights function of social work to support and empower vulnerable people. Without multifaceted research, it is impossible to identify and become aware of the social and professional processes that produce and maintain inequalities.

This workshop aims to increase the diversity of social work debates around queer and LGBTIQ+ issues, and to create a space for networking between researchers and other actors. We invite all interested researchers, students, professionals, NGOs and experts by experience to discuss together the possibilities of Finnish social work to work alongside queer clients to fulfill human rights and reduce discrimination. You can come to the workshop to present research results, ongoing research, thesis, or research ideas and research needs on LGBTIQ+ issues in social work. In order to strengthen the dialogue between the different actors, also presentations by experts by experience, professionals and representatives of NGOs are warmly welcome. You can also contribute to the workshop with a creative presentation, such as a performance. The workshop presentation can be in Finnish or English, and the discussion will take place in the language of the presentation.

To apply for the workshop, please send an abstract of up to 250 words to the workshop organizers by email, describing your presentation topic and how it relates to the issue of queerness in social work. In the abstract, please also indicate the format and language of your presentation.

Seminar rooms:

16.2. 16:00-18:00

Fabianinkatu 26, Language centre sh.319 

17.2. 10:00-11:45

Fabianinkatu 26, Language centre sh.319 

Accessible entrance to the Language Centre at Fabianinkatu 28. Lift inside, room accessible.

Languages of workshop: Finnish, Swedish, English


Maria Valtokari (

Elina Lindström (

Natalia Skogberg (

Workshop description only in Finnish. To read the description, please open the Finnish language version of the page.

Seminar rooms:

16.2. 16:00-18:00

Fabianinkatu 26, Language centre sh.307 

17.2. 10:00-11:45

Fabianinkatu 26, Language centre sh.307 

Accessible entrance to the Language Centre at Fabianinkatu 28. Lift inside, room accessible.

Languages of workshop: Finnish, English


Elina Aaltio (

Nanne Isokuortti (

Hanna Ristolainen (

Eeva Ekqvist (

Katja Kuusisto (

Workshop description only in Finnish. To read the description, please open the Finnish language version of the page.

Seminar rooms:

16.2. 16:00-18:00

Unioninkatu 34, Main building U4080 

17.2. 10:00-11:45

Unioninkatu 34, Main building U3043

Accessible entrance to the main building at Yliopistonkatu 2, from the construction site to the courtyard. Lift inside, rooms accessible.

Languages of workshop: Finnish, English


Minna Kivipelto (

Pekka Karjalainen (

Niina Rantamäki (

Mari Kattilakoski (

Workshop description only in Finnish. To read the description, please open the Finnish language version of the page.


16.2. 16:00-18:00

Fabianinkatu 26, Language centre sh.304 

17.2. 10:00-11:45

Fabianinkatu 26, Language centre sh.304 

Accessible entrance to the Language Centre at Fabianinkatu 28. Lift inside, room accessible.

Languages of workshop: Finnish, Swedish, English


Tuomo Kokkonen, yliopistotutkija

Sirpa Kannasoja, yliopistotutkija

Marja Hekkala, tutkija

Workshop description only in Finnish. To read the description, please open the Finnish language version of the page.

Seminar rooms:

16.2. 16:00-18:00

Fabianinkatu 26, Language centre sh.406 

Accessible entrance to the Language Centre at Fabianinkatu 28. Lift inside, room accessible.

Languages of workshop: Finnish, English


Maija Mänttäri-van der Kuip (

Mia Tammelin (

Workshop description only in Finnish. To read the description, please open the Finnish language version of the page.

Seminar rooms:

16.2. 16:00-18:00

Fabianinkatu 26, Language centre sh.405 

Accessible entrance to the Language Centre at Fabianinkatu 28. Lift inside, room accessible.

17.2. 10:00-11:45

Unioninkatu 34, Main building U4075

Accessible entrance to the main building at Yliopistonkatu 2, from the construction site to the courtyard. Lift inside, room accessible.

Languages of workshop: Finnish, Swedish, English


Viitasalo Katri (

Juvonen Tarja (

Pitkäjärvi Pauliina (

Workshop description only in Finnish. To read the description, please open the Finnish language version of the page.

Seminar rooms: 

16.2. 16:00-18:00

Unioninkatu 40 / Fabianinkatu 39, Metsätalo room 5 

Accessible entrance at Unioninkatu 40. Access to the room by lift to floor 3.

Languages of workshop: Finnish, English


Suvi Holmberg (

Henni Alava (

Workshop description only in Finnish. To read the description, please open the Finnish language version of the page.

Seminar rooms:

16.2. 16:00-18:00

Unioninkatu 34, Main building U4072 


Unioninkatu 34, Main building U3032 

Accessible entrance to the main building at Yliopistonkatu 2, from the construction site to the courtyard. Lift inside, in the front of the room U3032 there is a speaker's platform about 15 cm high.

Languages of workshop: Finnish, English


Johanna Hietamäki (

Marita Husso (

Anniina Kaittila (

Sisko Piippo (

Workshop description only in Finnish. To read the description, please open the Finnish language version of the page.

Seminar rooms: 

17.2. 10:00-11:45

Yliopistonkatu 3, Porthania P724 

The main entrance is accessible and there is a lift inside. There are doors on the way to the room that require assistance to open for accessibility. 

Language of workshop: Finnish


Kirsi Hokkila

Tanja Koskinen (

Workshop description only in Finnish. To read the description, please open the Finnish language version of the page.

Seminar rooms:

16.2. 16:00-18:00

Fabianinkatu 26, Language centre sh.203 

17.2. 10:00-11:45

Fabianinkatu 26, Language centre room 115 

Accessible entrance to the Language Centre at Fabianinkatu 28. Lift inside, room accessible.

Language of workshop: Finnish


Jari Lindh (

Mari Kivistö

Marjatta Martin  

Merja Tarvainen

Pilvikki Heinonen

Workshop description only in Finnish. To read the description, please open the Finnish language version of the page.

Seminar rooms:

16.2. 16:00-18:00 

Yliopistonkatu 3, Porthania P722 

The main entrance to Porthania is accessible and there is a lift inside. There are doors on the way to the room that require assistance to open for accessibility. 

17.2. 10:00-11:45

Unioninkatu 34, Main building U3039 

Accessible entrance to the main building at Yliopistonkatu 2, from the construction site to the courtyard. Lift inside, room accessible.

Language of workshop: Finnish


Suvi Raitakari (

Sirpa Saario (

Workshop description only in Finnish. To read the description, please open the Finnish language version of the page.

Seminar rooms:

16.2. 16:00-18:00

Unioninkatu 40 / Fabianinkatu 39, Metsätalo room 4 

Accessible entrance to Metsätalo at Unioninkatu 40. Access to the room by lift to floor 2B.

17.2. 10:00-11:45

Yliopistonkatu 3, Porthania P673 

The main entrance to Porthania is accessible and there is a lift inside. There are doors on the way to the room P673 that require assistance to open for accessibility. A 20 cm high speaker's platform at the front of the room.

Language of workshop: Finnish


Timo Harrikari (

Essi Julin (

Linda Määttä (

Workshop description only in Finnish. To read the description, please open the Finnish language version of the page.

Seminar rooms:

16.2. 16:00-18:00

Fabianinkatu 26, Language centre sh.206 

17.2. 10:00-11:45

Fabianinkatu 26, Language centre sh.206

Accessible entrance to the Language Centre at Fabianinkatu 28. Lift inside, room accessible.

Language of workshop: Finnish


Kaarina Mönkkönen (

Laura Yliruka (

Päivi Petrelius (

Workshop description only in Finnish. To read the description, please open the Finnish language version of the page.

Seminar rooms: 

16.2. 16:00-18:00

Yliopistonkatu 3, Porthania P674 

The main entrance is accessible and there is a lift inside. There are doors on the way to the room that require assistance to open for accessibility. A 20 cm high speaker's platform at the front of the room.

Live stream

Program: Publication seminar program in Finnish

Language of workshop: Finnish


Johanna Moilanen,

Mirja Satka,

Workshop description only in Finnish. To read the description, please open the Finnish language version of the page.