Call for abstracts has ended. Thank you for everyone who submitted their work!
(You can also download a PDF copy here)
This international conference will bring together researchers, decisionmakers, specialists and other stakeholders interested in planetary health, sustainability and wellbeing.
Action is urgently needed for improving the well-being of people and the planet, planetary health. Science-informed knowledge and tools are essential for achieving transformations and actions that are effective and socially-just in solving complex crises. This conference creates a transdisciplinary platform where participants can meet, share, and discuss new scientific findings and practical solutions. We will gather on 13-15th of February 2024 in Lahti, Finland.
We invite researchers, practitioners and alike to submit your abstracts (max. 300 words) no later than on 5th of November 2023.
The conference will focus on questions such as:
We welcome you to share your latest research results, findings, and solutions on these guiding questions within session themes below:
The onsite conference program will consist of keynote lectures, participatory discussions, talks and a poster session. A limited number of talks will be selected to each session that complement one another on topics and focus. Practice-focused presentations could address topics such as novel effective tools, metrics and/or practices alongside the guiding questions. Posters are encouraged and might be suggested by organisers as an alternative to a talk. While sending your abstract, please select your preferred session and mode of presentation (talk/poster), and your suggestions for questions to be discussed in the sessions.
Main organiser: Lahti University Campus
To proceed with the abstract submission, your agreement with the following statements is required:
Submission deadline was November 5, 2023.