Abstract submission

Call for abstracts is now CLOSED - Thank you for all the submitted abstracts!

Short lecture 

  • Each presenter will have 12 minutes to do their presentation and 3 minutes for discussion
  • As the schedule of presentation sessions is tight, it is of utmost importance that all presenters are ready and in time for their presentations. Please be respectful of your fellow presenters and their allocated time by staying within the time allowed.
  • The introduction of each presenter will be kept brief and will be done by the session chair 
  • The PowerPoint slides for presentation should be in 16:9 aspect ratio. Videos/audio/graphical material must be embedded in the slides


  • Size: 70 cm width x 100 cm length; portrait oriented
  • All posters will be exhibited in the Biomedicum lobby hall throughout the whole conference
  • Poster sessions are scheduled on June 14 (16.30-18.00) and June 15 (15.15-16.30). The presenter should be by the poster in one allocated session (Poster Session 1 or 2). More information will be received by email
  • Each presenter will be provided with a poster stand and pushpins. The stands will be labelled with the preassigned ID -number. You will receive your ID-number by email
  • Presenters are responsible for mounting and dismounting their posters

3-min Flash Poster

  • Prepare a poster as per instructions above
  • In addition, the presenter will have 3 minutes to share the research question(s), a brief overview of the data/methods and key findings in the form of slides. The presentation will take place in the main auditorium
  • Slides for presentation should be in 16:9 aspect ratio. Videos/audio/graphical material must be embedded in the slides
  • Make sure you clearly announce the poster ID during the flash poster talk. If attendees 

    want details, they will ask you during the poster session in the exhibition area. ‘Questions and Answers’ time right after the flash poster talk will not be provided
  • As the schedule of flash poster sessions is tight, it is of utmost importance that all presenters are ready and in time for their presentations. Please be respectful of your fellow presenters and their allocated time by staying within the time allowed


In case you have not yet registered, we kindly ask you to submit your registration via the registration link: https://onlinepayments.it.helsinki.fi/product/nordic-natural-products-conference-2023/. The registration to the conference is open until 1st of June. Acceptance of the abstracts remains pending until the presenting author has registered at the conference. All abstracts with no registered authors will be removed from the conference final program. If you already know that you will not be able to present the submitted work during the NNPC2023, please withdraw your abstract at your earliest convenience by writing to nnpc2023@helsinki.fi


Submission of abstracts is now CLOSED, and we will send out notifications of acceptance or rejection of the abstract to the submitting authors by 15 May 2023


General conditions 

To proceed with the abstract submission, your agreement with the following statements is required:  

  • The presenting author must register as an active participant at the conference.
  • The NNPC2023 Organizing Committee reserves the right to exclude any abstract that is not followed by a participant registration by latest 1 June 2023.
  • In case the presenting author is unable to attend the Conference, a substitute presenter may take the presenting author’s place. The new presenter must be listed as co-author on the abstract and must be registered for the Conference by latest 1 June 2023.
  • Abstracts must be approved by all authors before submission.
  • If accepted for poster presentation, the presenting author agrees to present the poster according to the poster guidelines that will be communicated by email. If accepted for oral presentation, the presenting author agrees to present the abstract during the scheduled time/date and upload all presentation files according to presentation guidelines that will be communicated by email.
  • The presenting author will keep NNPC2023 Organizing Committee informed of any changes to the contact information provided. 

 Abstract preparation 

  • Abstracts submission opens on 15 January 2023 and must be received no later than 1 May 2023.
  • Abstracts must be written in English.
  • Abstracts are limited to one A4 page and can include figures (See more in Abstract Template).
  • All abbreviations must be defined in first use.
  • Presenter Name and Contact Details — Enter the name of the person who will present the abstract. All correspondence concerning the abstract will be sent to the presenter contact.
  • Format preferred — Check the box to indicate your preference of either oral or poster format. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to make the final determination of presentation format. You are not guaranteed to receive your preferred format.
  • Category — The categories are used by the Organizing Committee to arrange the sessions. Check the box that best describes the category for which the abstract is most suited. 

Reviewing and notification 

  • The NNPC2023 Organizing Committee will review the abstract.
  • Notification of acceptance or rejection of the abstract will be sent to the submitting authors by 15 May 2023.
  • It is the responsibility of all investigators that all studies are performed with respect to national and international legislation, and ethical guidelines with regards to humans and animals. The NNPC2023 Organizing Committee reserves the right to reject any submitted abstract that is believed to violate these principles.
  • Please check that your email address is correct as it will be used for contacting you after the review process.
  • To receive a confirmation email after you have submitted your abstract, please add nnpc2023@helsinki.fi to your address book.
  • For all enquiries regarding abstracts and registration, please contact the NNPC2023 Organizing Committee at nnpc2023@helsinki.fi 
  • Russian attendees: NNPC2023 Organizing Committee follow the guidelines https://www.helsinki.fi/en/news/war-ukraine for Russian participants. Affiliation field must be completed as ”Independent Researcher.”