DocShop Forestry Meeting 2024 registration — UniPID
Please find the recording here.
Download a PDF programme here
The Book of Abstracts has been published: download here (final version)
Keynote: Decolonizing research practices in forest and forest policy
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni, University Bayreuth, Germany
Room B.1
Akonwi Ayonghe, University of Helsinki, Finland
Daniela Kleinschmit, Freiburg University, Germany
Irmeli Mustalahti, University of Eastern Finland, Finland
Karen Nobre-Krull, Agroecologist, Brazil
Muhammad Alif K. Sahide, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
Moderator: Maria Brockhaus, University of Helsinki, Finland
The panelists will share their own backgrounds and experiences and understandings of decoloniality in forest policy and discuss together with the audience enabling and hindering conditions for implementation in education and research.
Lunch on your own terms
Some options below. Note that most of the places on campus do not take cash payment.
Sodexo cafeteria
Latokartanonkaari 9 A, Helsinki
Unicafe Viikuna
Agnes Sjöbergin katu 2
Kartano restaurant
Viikinkaari 8, 00790 Helsinki
1.1 Interactive Session: Decolonizing forest policy research
Moderator: Ana Tarazona, UniPID, Finland
Room A4
1.2a Forestry and forest policy in the EU , and the challenge of policy integration (1)
Moderator: Kaisa Korhonen-Kurki, Finish Environment Institute, Finland
Room B5
“Overlaps and tensions within actor networks and EU policies towards the implementation of the Biodiversity Strategy and the Nature Restoration Law”
Kaisa Korhonen-Kurki, University of Helsinki, Finland
“To be or not to be active in the EU non-legally binding policies? Comparing case studies from Slovakia and Finland”
Daniela Nousiainen, University of Eastern Finland, Finland
“EU countries' multilateral forest-climate governance interface: unveiling its architecture and exploring its effects on domestic climate policies”
Fredy David Polo Villanueva, Technical University Dresden, Germany
"The (Normative) Impact of EU Forest and Biodiversity Strategies on Member States"
Antonio Basilicata, University of Freiburg, Germany
1.3b Knowledge and science in a political forest
Moderator: Sabaheta Ramcilovik-Suominen, Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), Finland
Room B7
“What ‘counts’ in international forest policy research? A study on valuation practice and habitus in an interdisciplinary social science field generating forest-related knowledge, data and evidence”
Susanne Koch, Technical University of Munich, Germany
“Forest Genetic Resources and Forest Reproductive Material at the cross-section of multiple policy domains in Europe: Example of policy transposition in selected European countries”
Todora Rogelja, UNIPID
“Fostering Research and Innovation in the European Forest-Based Sector: The Co-Design Approach of the EUFORE Project”
Marko Lovric, Wageningen University, Netherlands
“Collaborative Governance Platforms: The Case of the Failure of the Estonian National Forest Programme”
Meelis Teder, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Estonia
2.2a Forest Anthropology in Europe
Moderators: Agata Konczal, Wageningen University, Netherlands & Jodie Asselin, University of Lethbridge, Canada
Room A2
“What is an old-growth forest? Assembling a socio-technological fix for saving the planet (and the economy)”
George Iordachescu, Wageningen University, Forest and Nature Conservation Policy (FNP), Netherlands
“The Discursive Context of Forest in Land Use Documents: An Irish Case Study”
Jodie Asselin, University of Lethbridge, UK
“Bringing hybrid woodland into being: Challenging ‘one or the other’ storylines through landowner visions of a diverse middle ground”
Maddy Pearson, Society and Environment Research Group, Forest Research, UK
“Restoring the forest or restoring the state? An anthropological exploration of forest restoration discourse”
Agata Konczal, Wageningen University, Netherlands
1.5 Forest land use, forest owners, and land conflicts
Moderator: Felicien Kengoum, University of Helsinki
Room B4
“Armed conflicts in World Heritage sites and conservation effort response: case of the Okapi Wildlife Reserve in Democratic Republic of Congo”
Dode Heim Myline Houehounha, ERAIFT/ULiege, Belgium
“Exploring the Linkages between Forest Damage Events and Psychological Ownership among Private Forest Owners”
Leonie Wagner, Technical University of Munich, Germany
“Ambiguity and forest-based bioeconomy: The case of forest fires in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania”
Ida Herdieckerhoff, University of Eastern Finland, Finland
“Forests, Climate, Rurality and Justice: Framing justice in the European scientific and political discourse on climate land use policy”
Daniel di Marzo, University of Freiburg, Germany
“Promoting climate policy integration in privately owned forests: What about policy acceptance?”
Samuli Pitzén, Finnish Environment Institute (Syke), Finland
1.2b Forestry and forest policy in the EU , and the challenge of policy integration
Moderator: Katarina Eckerberg, Umeå University, Sweden
Room B5
“Assessing the Alignment of Forestry Subsidies with Forest Bioeconomy Principles”
Radek Rinn, Czech University of Life Sciences, Czech Republic
“Coordination Efforts in Wildfire Policy Integration: A comparative Study of Spain and Germany within the EU”
Gabriela Huidobro, Technical University Dresden, Germany
"Securitization of Natural Resources for an Integrative Water-Food-Energy-Forest Nexus in the European context"
Alessandra Giolo, Södertörn University, Sweden
“International and Domestic Sources of Finnish Forest Policy”
Teemu Harrinkari, University of Helsinki, Finland
1.3a Knowledge and science in a political forest
Moderator: Ida Wallin, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden
Room B7
“Unearthing Biodiversity Data Gems: The Potential of Forest Biodiversity Indicators in the UNECE Region for Evidence-based Monitoring of Biodiversity in Climate Emergencies”
Stefanie Linser, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU), Austria
“Assessing the Emergence of the Bioeconomy Concept in the Mekong Region: A Comparative Study of Thailand, Vietnam, and Laos”
Radek Rinn, Czech University of Life Sciences, Czech Republic
“The Dynamics of Knowledge Transfer in Slovakia's National Forest Program: Insights from the RIU Model and Actor Power Analysis”
Jaroslav Salka, Technical University in Zvolen, Slovakia
“Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Gender equality and diversity in forest-related sectors (MOOC ForGEDI) as a Tool for Bridging the education – practice gap”
Stephen Wyatt, Université de Moncton, Canada
“Media Discourse on Forest Ecosystem Provision in Slovakia”
Zuzana Dobsinska, Technical University in Zvolen, Slovakia
1.4 Deforestation, trade & investment, and the governance of supply chains over time
Moderator: Lukas Giessen, Technical University Dresden, Germany
Room A4
“Combining value chain, value network and power methods for comprehensive value chain governance analyses”
Kendisha Soekardjo Hintz, Technical University Dresden, Germany
“Five Frontiers in global forest policy. Assessment and trends for the future”
Georg Winkel, Wageningen University, Netherlands
"Transformation to forestry transition on sustainable development"
Mi Sun Park, Seoul National University, South Korea
“Forest carbon payments: a multidisciplinary assessment of policy options for promoting carbon storage”
Aino Assmuth, Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), Finland
5.1 Intricacies of just forest-use transition: the political in social-ecological knowledge
Moderator: Teppo Hujala, University of Eastern Finland, Finland
Room B4
“Linguistic nudge effects on steering management preferences among Finnish forest owners and professionals”
Daniel Burgas, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
"Supply & demand of forest ecosystem services in Europe; distribution, determinants, and policy implications”
Marko Lovric, Wageningen University, Netherlands
“Why the EU needs to rethink its bioeconomy strategy if it is to contribute to globally-just and decolonial post-growth and post-carbon futures”
Sabaheta Ramcilovic-Suominen, Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), Finland
2.3 Interactive session: Coffee Salon Human-Forest-Relationships (HFR) – Potentials and Challenges for Future-oriented Forest Policy and Research
Jana Holz, University of Jena, Germany
Tuulikki Halla, University of Eastern Finland, Finland
Room A2
2.2b Forest Anthropology in Europe
Moderators: Agata Konczal, Wageningen University, Netherlands & Jodie Asselin,University of Lethbridge, UK
Room A4
“Managing forests for global mitigation or for their adaptation in the face of climate change? When French national policies don’t meet stakeholders aspirations”
Vanessa Cholez, AGROPARISTECH Nancy, France
“Same Same But Different: “The Forest Ranger” in a changing climate”
Ronja Mikoleit, Forest Research Institute Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany (FVA), Department of Societal Change, Germany
“Ontological conflict over forests in Inari/Aanaar: Sámi’s fight for preserving and renewing”
Anna Ott, Finnish Environment Institute (Syke), Finland
“Walking the Wire - Perceptions on place, policy, and land use among Swedish forest actors”
Hanna Ekström, Lund University, Sweden
“Making and unmaking sociomaterial relations and politics forests with trees in Central Kalimantan”
Anu Lounela, University of Helsinki, Finland
3.1 Forest interactions with water, natural hazards energy and the carbon cycle in the context of climate change – assessing the potential of policy (dis)integration
Moderator: Eva Lieberherr, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Room B7
“Exploring forest conflicts in the EU – what did we learn?”
Daniela Nousiainen, University of Eastern Finland, Finland
“Economic Valuation of Protective Forests and Political-Economic Factors in Alpine Regions – Insights from Austria”
Franz Sinabell, Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO), Vienna
“Placing Forest Carbon, Water and Energy Cycle Synergies at the Core of Nature-Based Solutions”
David Ellison, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
“The Forest-Water-Nexus: From Lack of Communication to Cross-sectoral Cooperation”
Tanja Granzow, University of Freiburg, Germany
“Policy (dis)integration of natural resource management in the Alptal: A case study of governance interplay”
Ladina Steinegger, ETH Zürich & Fredrik Pettersson, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
“Policy Integration, Drivers of Change and Contextual Factors: Evidence from the Swiss Canton of Grisons”
Nicole Hiltbrand, Natural Resource Policy, ETH Zürich presented by Eva Lieberherr
3.2 Diversifying forest futures
Moderators: Annukka Näyhä, Jyväskylä University School of Business and Economics, Finland & Tuulikki Halla, University of Eastern Finland, Finland
Room A2
“Changes in the forest-related EU policy from the 1990s to the 2020s”
Hanna Siiskonen, University of Eastern Finland, Finland
“Stakeholder views on the future of Finnish forests and their utilization: Implications for policymaking”
Venla Wallius, Jyväskylä University School of Business and Economics, Finland
“Futures literacy in forestry education”
Vilja Varho, Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), Finland
“Charting Future Perspectives for next generations of forest professionals in the Forest-Based Sector”
Natasa Lovric, University of Eastern Finland, Finland
“What could be the role of politicians and political decision-making in the corporate foresight practices of SMEs?”
Anu Laakkonen, University of Eastern Finland, Finland
3.3 Identifying challenges and ways forwards for the EU Deforestation Regulation
Moderators: Alizée Ville, University of Helsinki, Finland & Caroline Satorato Silva Franca, Chalmers University of Technology , Sweden
Room B5
“When absent numbers speak volumes: discrepancies in DRC’s timber trade data”
Alizée Ville, University of Helsinki, Finland
“The limits to timber traceability: mapping origins from a decade of implementation in Pará, Brazil”
Caroline Satorato Silva Franca, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
"Deforestation-free trade: ideal or illusion?"
Verina Ingram, Wageningen UR, Netherlands
"The FLEGT case of “External Europeanization” in Ghana and Cameroon"
Fafali Roy Ziga-Abortta, University of Freiburg, Germany
"Institutional and actors-oriented factors influencing transposition of the European timber legality requirements in selected Western Balkan countries: the need for capacity building"
Maja Radosavljevic, TESAF, University of Padua, Italy
Presented by Todora Rogelja, UNIPID
5.2 Introduction to the history of forest resources management in the Congo Basin
Moderator: Patrice Bigombe Logo, Institute of International Relations (IRIC), University of Yaounde II
Room B4
“The German Imperial Decree of June 15, 1896 and land dispossession in Cameroon”
Patrice Bigombe Logo, Institute of International Relations (IRIC), University of Yaounde II , Cameroon
"Colonial roots of forest inequalities in the forest resources management in the Congo Basin"
Patrice Bigombe Logo, Institute of International Relations (IRIC), University of Yaounde II , Cameroon
“The invention of natural world heritage in the forest territories of the Congo Basin”
Fernande Abanda Ngono, University of Quebec in Outaouais, Canada
“Foreign policy as an instrument of (re)production of inequalities : the case of FLEGT in the Congo Basin forest sector”
Sandrine Andong, Institute of International Relations (IRIC), University of Yaounde II, Cameroon
Please join us for the reception in the A Lobby !
Opening word: Ritva Toivonen, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry
Room B.2
Keynote title: EU Forest Strategy: ambitions, anxieties and policy implications
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Georg Winkel, Wageningen University and Research
Professor Dr Georg Winkel, Wageningen University & Research
Director, Forest Affairs, PhD Karoliina Niemi (Finnish Forest Industries)
Advisor Jussi Nikula (WWF)
Policy Officer Adrián Tistan (EU Commission, DG ENV)
Moderator: Prof. Dr Constance L. McDermott, Oriel College and the Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford
4.1 What can forest policy research learn from communication science?
Moderators: Alex Giurca, European Forest Institute & Lena Riemann, University of Freiburg, Germany
Room A2
“Legitimacy of EU forest-related policies in digital media discussions: linking theories and empirical findings”
Tapio Rantala, University of Helsinki, Finland
“Burn them all? – Analysis of the current forest bioenergy dispute”
Daniela Nousiainen, University of Eastern Finland, Finland
“Filling in the gaps: What forest policy research can learn from communication science”
Lena Riemann, University of Freiburg, germany
“Participation of the public needs evidence-based decisions: An analysis of the environmental and science communication about forest restoration of different forest stakeholders”
Sandra Liebal, Technical University Dresden, Germany
“Does social media play a ‘shadow’ role in making forest policy public? A case study on TikTok and Instagram”
Rina Tsubaki, European Forest Institute
4.2 Informational policy instruments for management and conservation of Nordic forests
Moderator: Villis Brukas, Swedish University of Agricultural Science, Sweden
Room B6
“Alternatives and openings for forest pluralism: a participatory approach to services and decision-making in Swedish forestry”
Elias Andersson, Swedish University of Agricultural Science, Sweden
“Informational policy instruments for forest water management: How canBlue - Green infrastructure catalyze changes in Swedish forestry?”
Luis Guillen, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden
“Negotiating landscape values between forest owners and planners”
Anna Karlsson, Swedish University of Agricultural Science, Sweden
“Canada’s messy experiments with multiple forest policy instruments”
Stephen Wyatt, Université de Moncton, Canada
“Who succeeds with a challenging customer group? - The impact of forest advisors’ values and attitudes on the outcomes of the advisory process”
Anne Matilainen, University of Helsinki, Finland
5.4a From EU decision-making to implementation
Moderators: Helga Puelzl, European Forest Institute & Georg Winkel, Wageningen University, Netherlands
Room B5
“Meeting the European Unions’ Forest strategy goals: a comparative European Assessment”
Mireia Pecurul-Botines, CTFC, Spain
““We need to give up something” - Readiness of Finland to adopt and accept the New EU Forest Strategy for 2030”
Niina Pietarinen, University of Helsinki, Finland
“Are the objectives of the European Union´s Forestry Strategy reflected in the policies of Slovakia and the Czech Republic?”
Lenka Marcineková, Technical University in Zvolen, Slovakia
“Politicization of the EU Forest Strategy at the Member State Level: Implications for forest management”
Oliver Truffer, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
“Forest policy responses to climate change: Advocacy coalitions, epistemic communities and the Implementation of the New EU Forest Strategy 2030 into the Polish forest policy”
Krzysztof Niedziałkowski, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Science, Poland
4.4a The intersection of discourses, finance and politics driving ‘development’ in forest frontiers
Moderator: Moira Moeliono, CIFOR, Indonesia
Room A6
“Impacts of EU policies on social-ecological dynamics in drylands of Senegal, Brazil and Spain - lessons for EU policy coherence for sustainable development”
Veronica Olofsson, Stockholm Resilience Center, Sweden
“Distal flows, distant benefits and local injustices: the financialisation of tree plantations in Sabah frontiers”
Grace Wong, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Kyoto, Japan; Stockholm Resilience Centre, University of Sweden, Sweden
“The Amazon frontier quandary: American gospels, Asian consumption, Brazilian people and European policies”
Mairon Bastos Lima, Stockholm Environment Institute, Sweden
“Flows of finance and diverging interests and discourses in frontier governance in Mai Ndombe, DR Congo”
Niak Sian Koh, Stockholm Resilience Centre, Sweden
4.5 Rethinking forest lands – abandoned, reallocated, and changing forest land use
Moderator: Pia Katila, Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), Finland
Room B4
“Following up with forest inheritors: A survival analysis of recently inherited and recently sold non-industrial forest land in the State of Washington, USA.”
Brian Danley, Uppsala University, Schweden
“Italian forest policies for associating forest sector’s actors: an urgent response to (forest) land abandonment processes”
Francesco Loreggian, University of Padova, Italy
“Forestry on abandoned agricultural land in Russia: future options.”
Denis Dobrynin, University of Eastern Finland, Finland
“Uncovering local stakeholders’ subjective views on forest, mining and tourism development in Leoben, Austria using Q-method Calansan”
Jerbelle Elomina, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Austria
"Clear the way - how opposition to clear-cutting through biodiversity inventorying shapes new imaginaries of the forest"
Martin Charlier, University of Lund, Schweden
Lunch on your own terms
Some options below. Note that most of the places on campus do not take cash payment.
Sodexo cafeteria
Latokartanonkaari 9 A, Helsinki
Unicafe Viikuna
Agnes Sjöbergin katu 2
Kartano restaurant
Viikinkaari 8, 00790 Helsinki
5.1 Interactive session: What are risk-mitigating future avenues for policy-making in Nordic forests?
Moderator: Ayonghe Akonwi Nebasifu, University of Helsinki, Finland
Room A2
4.4b The intersection of discourses, finance and politics driving ‘development’ in forest frontiers
Moderator: Laura German, University of Georgia, USA
Room A6
“Fatal attraction to win-win-win? Contestations in the media on Nature Conservation Agreement in Sabah”
Ayami Kan, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Kyoto, Japan
“How are governance and socioeconomic factors linked to forest transition dynamics at the local scale in the tropics? Empirical evidence from Ecuador, Philippines and Zambia”
Richard Fischer, Thünen Institute of Forestry, Hamburg, Germany
“Dynamism of hardwood production in rural Tanzania “
Jumpei Kobayashi, University of Kyoto, Japan
“Disputed energy transitions - a critical perspective of dislocation of local communities in wind energy projects"
Veronica Olofsson, Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University, Sweden
7.2 Collective action in forest governance
Moderator: Alif Sahide, Forest and Society Research Group, Indonesia
Room B4
“Discursive power: Leanings from the translocal owner of small-scale forest plantation in Tanzania”
Aristarik Maro, UDSM/CBE Tanzania, Tanzania
"Forms of collaborative approach to support integrated landscape approach"
Irmeli Mustalahti, University of Eastern Finland, Finland
“Linkages between forest and land-use planning at municipal level in Switzerland”
Evelyn Coleman Brantschen, University of Applied Sciences Bern, Switzerland
“Identifying influential factors and related development patterns in five governance innovations in European forests”
Stefan Sorge, University of Freiburg, Germany
"Governance arrangements of forest-based care initiatives: Insights from two EU-funded projects (Green4C and RESONATE)"
Davide Matteo Pettenella, University of Padua
5.3 Epistemic patterns and concepts: Facilitating critical analysis on gender in forestry
Stephanie Bethmann, FVA Freiburg, Germany
Room B6
“Quo Vadis forest gender research? A dialogue with Gender Studies”
Stephanie Bethmann, FVA Freiburg, Germany
Ronja Mikoleit, FVA Freiburg, Germany
Kristina Wirth, FVA Freiburg, Germany
“Taking care of the forest as a part of nature - conceptual thoughts and empirical
Ronja Schröder, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, Germany
Jana Holz, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Germany
Anna Saave, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany
“Doing Gender while doing nature?! The interconnection of nature and gender in forestry and its meaning for societal nature relations”
Christine Katz, Institut für diversity, nature, gender and sustainability, Lüneburg, Germany
“Gender and geography as inequality dimensions in forest research: insights from a multi-method study”
Susanne Koch, Technical University of Munich, Germany
“Gender and Leadership in a forest science network – Who is part of IUFRO?”
Elias Andersson, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden
“Profit over subsistence? The role of private corporations, the state and academia in embracing an ecofeminist forest concept as part of an agroecological transformation – The case of Sweden”
Miriam Knödler, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden
5.4b From EU decision-making to implementation
Moderators: Helga Puelzl, European Forest Institute & Georg Winkel, Wageningen University, Netherlands
Room B5
“Taxomania! Shaping forest policy through financial regulation”
Anna Begemann, Wageningen University, Netherlands
Presented by Georg Winkel, Wageningen University, Netherlands
“Coherence, consistency, and justice on the route to Paris: an examination of forest policy mixes toward the fulfilment of the Paris Agreement”
Auvikki de Boon, Umeå university, Sweden
“On Forest Potential, Political Footballs and the Dynamics of EU Forest-based Climate Policy Conflict”
David Ellison, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
“Analyzing the integration between the European Union's Agricultural and Rural Development Policy and Forest Policy – an historical institutionalist perspective”
Simon Fleckenstein, University of Freiburg, Germany
4.3 Women in forestry: a work perspective
Stephanie Bethmann, FVA Freiburg, Germany
Room A6
“Perceptions of Societal Transformations and Organisational Responses in the Austrian Forestry Sector: Gendered Impacts on the Workforce”
Barbara Öllerer, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
“The gendered organisation of forest work: continuity and change in division of labour in Swedish forestry”
Maria Johansson, Umeå University, Sweden
“Female professionals in forestry: status and empowerment in the Danube Region”
Kathrin Böhling, Bavarian State Institute of Forestry (LWF), Germany
“Women forest owners’ pathways towards active ownership”
Juulia Kuhlman, University of Helsinki, Finland
“Changing masculinities in Swedish forestry work organisations”
Kristina Johansson, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
2.1a Inequality and global politics influence in the Congo basin forestry sector
Moderator: Maria Brockhaus, UH & Patrice Bigombe Logo, IRIC (Cameroon)
Room B4
“Historical and contemporary roles of the legal frameworks on inequality in the Congo basin forest sector: the case of Democratic Republic of Congo”
Blaise-Pascal Ntirumenyerwa Mihigo, University of Kinshasa, DRC
“French colonial forestry regulation in Cameroon and the production of inequalities in forest management in Cameroon”
Sandrine Andong, Institute of International Relations (IRIC), University of Yaounde II, Cameroon
“Colonial legacies in the German and Cameroonian forest sector: An analysis of historical economic flows from 1892-2022”
Hannah Ehrlichmann, University of Helsinki, Finland
“Indigenous Representations in British Colonial Business Media, Cameroon”
Felicity Goldsmith, University of Helsinki, Finland
“It takes two to trade: who shapes flows of wood trade in the Congo basin, and how?”
Alizée Ville, University of Helsinki, Finland
6.1 Non-state Forest owners and land use in Eastern Europe
Moderator: Ekaterina Makrickiene, Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania
Room B6
“Restitution of forests and forest land to churches in Serbia –- Impacts on forest management in the Braničevska eparchy”
Ivana Živojinović, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
“Regulatory framework of private forest management: A comparative analysis of selected South-East European countries”
Mersudin Avdibegovic, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegowina
“Predicting with Property Right Index for Forestry: a new governance indicator ready to use?”
Richard Rimoli, Universitatea Stefan cel Mare Romania, Romania
“Recent changes in Lithuanian forest policy and their possible effect on private forest owners”
Ekaterina Makrickiene , Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania
“Knowledge transfer through power strategies: Slovenian forestry case about Living Labs”
Tabea Victoria Schäfers, Georg-August-University of Göttingen, Germany
6.3 Knowledge and practices in a political forest
Moderator: Maria Ojanen, University of Helsinki, Finland
Room B5
“Forestry aid –‘Finnish model’ meets developmentalism”
Juhani Koponen, University of Helsinki, Finland
“Conflicting interests in the standard setting process of the PEFC forest certification scheme in Finland”
Minna Pappila, Finnish Environment Institute, Finland
“The right tool for the job? Developing behavioural tools in advancing ash fertilization in Finnish private forests”
Marjo Maidell, University of Helsinki, Finland
“Seeds of Transformative Forestry? An Exploration of Innovative Business Models Supporting Fast-Growing Broadleaf Forestry Value Chains”
Derek Garfield, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden
6.4 Interactive session: Gender
Moderator: Ida Wallin, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden
Room A2
6.2 Leakage impacts of the EU’ s biodiversity and climate policies
Moderator: Maarit Kallio, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway
Room B5
“Assessment of Possible Production Leakage from Implementing the EU Biodiversity Strategy on Forest Product Markets”
Franziska Schier, Thünen Institute of Forestry, Germany
“Potential leakage of biodiversity risks under the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030”
Richard Fischer, Thünen Institute of Forestry, Germany
“Impact of the EU biodiversity strategy for 2030 on the EU forest bioeconomy”
Fulvio Di Fulvio, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Austria
“Leakage impacts of the EU’s climate and biodiversity policies on the global forest sector”
Meley Mekonen Rannestad, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway
2.1b Inequality and global politics influence in the Congo basin forestry sector and beyond
Moderator: Alexandra Rasoamanana, University of Göttingen
Room B4
Beliefs and Cooperation in REDD+ - Actors' Policy Network Structures in the DRC
Félicien Kengoum, University of Helsinki, Finland
“Industrial tree plantations in the Globalized Era: Uncovering actors, finances, and discourses”
Niina Pietarinen, University of Helsinki, Finland
“The struggle of conservation territories expansion in Central Africa: insight from DRC on the symbolic role of demarcation and power relations of actors”
Alexandra Rasoamanana, Georg-August-University of Göttingen, Germany
“Exploring Chinese Engagement in the Forest Sector of the Democratic Republic of the Congo”
Chenmei Li, University of Helsinki, Finland
“Performance of REDD+ - action-based results in reducing carbon emissions across diverse political landscapes: A Qualitative Comparative Analysis”
Elina Savolainen, University of Helsinki, Finland
7.5 Social milieus in forest policy research
Moderator: Peter Aurenhammer, Georg-August-University of Göttingen, Germany
Room B3
“On the relevancy of social milieus for forest policy research”.
Peter Aurenhammer, Georg-August-University of Göttingen, Germany
“Differences between private forest owner preferences across 10 social milieus in Germany”
Maximilian Glormann, Georg-August-University of Göttingen, Germany
“How feasible is effective mass communication about forestry issues? An analysis of effective communication among and across sinus milieus.”
Lena Riemann, University of Freiburg, Germany
“An analytical concept for addressing private forest owners, from different Sinus-milieus, applying local learning labs”
Patrick Strüber, Georg-August-University of Göttingen, Germany
“Exploring social learning networks for enhancing multi-use forestry and rural development in Sweden”
Jenny Friman,Uppsala University, Sweden
“Uncovering the Significance of Social Networks in Forestry Research: A Systematic Review”
Theresa Klara Loch, University of Freiburg, Germany
Ceremony of "Best abstract presentation award"
Final words: Key messages and outlook, insights, surprises and research gaps
Moderator: Maria Brockhaus
Lunch boxes will be provided for participants who have registered for the excursions.
Forest walk and sauna in Kuusijärvi parc
Bring a swimsuit, towels and flipflops/bath slippers
End of activity: our bus is scheduled to leave from Kuusijärvi at 16.00, in direction of Helsinki railway station, Kaivokatu 1, 00100 Helsinki.
Wood City architecture visit (waiting list)
End of activity: our walk is estimated to end by 16h, near Jätkäsaarenlaituri, 00220 Helsinki.
Tentative programme. Final programme provided in mid-March.
13th April, Saturday: traveling to Joensuu, train leaving at 10:14 arrival 14:51 (participant need to book their own tickets via VR). Participants need to book their one hotel, recommendation: Hotel Lietsu)
Evening programme will start at 18:00, meeting point at the café Market Hall. Dinner cost covered by the participants (around 20-30 Eur by person).
14th April, Sunday departure at 9:00 to Koli National Park, involves walking and visit to local village. Participant will cover their own bus tickets (e.g. Koli Ski Bus 20 Eur, lunch, tickets to Nature Park Center (all cost around 60-100 Eur).
15th April, Monday, proposal to visit/meet with different institution e.g. European Forest Institute (EFI), Finland Natural Resources Institute (LUKE), Business Joensuu
16th April, Tuesday Networking Day at University of Eastern Finland (UEF), meet with SOBIO network, ECCR network, WATER RC, School of Forestry and HIMA department. Lunch at 13:00 (covered by participants, around 10 Eur). 16:00 Networking event organised by Taru Peltola HIMA/Finnish Natural Resource Institute
Leaving back to Helsinki with late train on Tuesday or early train on Wednesday (the train tickets covered by participants).