ICACS scientific topics
SHIM scientific topics
Scientific programme includes a Lindhard lecture (LL - 35+5 min), invited (I – 25+5 min) and oral (O – 15+5 min) talks marked additionally by “p” (onsite, in person) and “v” (virtual) to indicate the presentation format. The list of poster presentations to be presented in poster sessions during both days can be downloaded here: Tuesday, 21 June (onsite) and Wednesday, 22 June (virtual)
Check what posters will be presented online.
The list of the breakout room compositions can be found here.
More detailed programme can be found here.
The poster format is the standard A0 (or the like) in the portrait orientation. The posters can be displayed from the start of the conference (20 June), but must be taken down not later than 23 June (Thursday).
The virtual poster session will be organized via zoom, using breakout room. To ensure that nobody is alone in a breakout room, we will place 4 poster presentations per one room.
Instructions for virtual posters
For your virtual poster, prepare a regular powerpoint presentation of 1-3 slides (3 slides are maximum). Prepare a story for about 3 min. Send the organizers one advertising slide of your poster. This slide should contain: title, list of authors and one graphical abstract that can catch attention of the participants. Note that we will place four advertising slides together (do not make the slide too busy!) to ensure that the correct location of your poster can be easily found. The most visited student’s poster will win the prize of the conference.