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Scientific topics
- Interactions of Swift Heavy Ions with Gases, Liquids, Solids, and Plasmas
- electronic excitation, ionization, and charge transfer processes
- spectroscopy of electrons, photons, and recoil ions
- stopping powers and local energy deposition
- conversion of electronic excitation energy into atomic motion
- dynamics and relaxation of electronic excitations and atomic displacements
- Material Modifications
- mechanisms of track formation
- ultrafast timescale damage processes
- creation of point defects; defect clusters, and nanoparticles
- phase transitions and recrystallization
- sputtering and mixing
- materials response in extreme environments
- high-cycle thermo-mechanical stresses and material fatigue
- Chemical and Biological Radiation Effects
- beam-induced processes in organic and inorganic materials
- radiolytic yields
- radiobiology and tumor therapy with ion beams
- Applications
- structuring of materials
- ion-track based nanostructures
- heavy-ion micro- and nanotechnology
- effects of swift heavy ions on electronic devices
- geological, astrophysical and other applications based on high-energy accelerators