We are very grateful to all the participants of the ICACS29-SHIM11 conference for making the work of the conferences the full success! Despite the difficulties related to the hybrid mode of the conferences, the spirit of the conferences and interest to the research topics were as high as ever! We thank all the invited speakers who gave impressive talks both in person and online, steering the work of conferences in the right direction. Special thanks go to the virtual participants who were with us through during the conferences asking interesting and valuable questions and actively participating in the poster sessions.
As the memorable token of the conference, please, download the conference photo of in-person participants here.
Some of memorable moments of our time in Helsinki during the first conference after the long COVID break can be found in the Gallery.
We are happy to announce that the ICACS30 and SHIM12 conferences will be jointly organized by the Australian National University (the chairperson Prof. Patrick Kluth) in November-December 2024. The exact dates will be announced later.
See you all in Canberra!
The organizers of the ICACS29-SHIM11