
Schedule for the EUGenDem Final Conference 'European Politics, Equality, and Democracy'

25 May 2023, Thursday

9.00-10.30 (Language Center Festive Hall): Opening of the Conference and the first keynote session: Challenges to European democracy and integration

  • Chair: Johanna Kantola (University of Helsinki)
  • Natasha Wunsch (University of Fribourg): “European integration in the shadow of democratic backsliding” 
  • Elżbieta Korolczuk (Södertörn University & University of Warsaw): “Right-wing populism and (anti)gender politics in Europe”


10.30-11.00 Coffee break


11.00-12.30 Plenary panel 1 (Language Center Festive Hall): Critical perspectives on the informal in parliamentary politics

  • Chair: Johanna Kantola (University of Helsinki)
  • Jennifer Piscopo (Occidental College): “Gender and Informal Networks: Lessons from Women’s Strategies for Power and Change in the Americas”
  • Georgina Waylen (University of Manchester): "Analysing Legislatures using a Feminist institutionalist lens: what insights can the European Parliament offer?"
  • Laura Landorff (Lund University): “Intergroups in the European Parliament: Exclusive Arenas for Informal Civil Society Deliberation?”


12.30-13.30 Lunch

13.30 - 15.00 Parallel panels

15.00-15.30 Coffee break


15.30- 17.00 Plenary panel 2 (Language Center Festive Hall): Governance and knowledge for equality and democracy 

  • Chair: Barbara Gaweda (University of Helsinki)
  • Ben Crum (VU Amsterdam): “Democratizing Economic Governance in the European Union”
  • Stefanie Wöhl (University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna): “Gendered International Political Economy Perspectives on Economic Governance in the European Union – Taking Social Reproduction serious”
  • Paul Copeland (Queen Mary University of London): ​​“A step-change in EU anti-poverty policy? Evaluating recent developments”
  • Anna Elomäki (Tampere University): “Transformative or ambiguous actor? Where does the European Parliament stand in terms of EU socio-economic governance”


17-18.30 Parallel panels


19.00-21.30 Conference reception Banquet room, Unioninkatu 33



26 May 2023, Friday

9.30-11 Second keynote session (Language Center Festive Hall): European Parliament in turbulent times

  • Chair: Anna Elomäki (Tampere University)
  • Nathalie Brack (UL Brussels): “The challenge of the Populist Radical Right in the European Parliament”
  • Johanna Kantola (University of Helsinki): “Gender, power, and democracy in European Parliament's political groups”


11-11.30 Coffee break


11.30-13 Plenary panel 3 (Language Center Festive Hall): Parliamentary and legislative ethnography: Gender, democracy, and practice

  • Chair: Petra Ahrens (Tampere University)
  • Nadia Brown (Georgetown University): “Doing Ethnographic Research as a Black Woman on Black Women Political Elites”
  • Jonathan Chibois (Laboratory of Political Anthropology, EHESS, CNRS): "Doing fieldwork in centres of power: the case of deliberative assemblies" 
  • Cherry Miller (University of Glasgow): “From Westminster to Brussels: Putting the ‘Parliament’ in Parliamentary Ethnography”
  • Sandrine Roginsky (Catholic University Louvain): “A decade of ethnography of the European Parliament: an evolution in the forms of legitimacy construction?”

13-14 Lunch


14 - 15.30 Plenary panel 4 (Language Center Festive Hall): Equality policies in the European Union

  • Chair: Valentine Berthet (University of Helsinki)
  • Iyiola Solanke (University of Leeds): “Protection from Intersectional Discrimination in EU Law - time for effective action?”
  • Petra Ahrens (Tampere University): “Gender mainstreaming in the EU policy framework and strategies in the European Parliament”
  • Amandine Le Bellec (Sciences Po Paris): “Shifting equality policies from the margins. The Common European Asylum System and the making of LGBTI rights in the EU''
  • Serena D’Agostino (VU Brussels): “Intersectionality Mainstreaming in EU Equality Policies: Reflections on the Promises and Perils of a Novel Approach”


15.30-16 Coffee break

16-17.30 Parallel panels