A collection of all abstracts can be found here.
Conference photos are available here.
The (optional) individual papers can be viewed by clicking the hyperlinked paper title in the programme below.
Chair: Juha Herkman (University of Helsinki)
Papers: Calvin Duggan (University of Amsterdam)
Reconfiguring Representation: A Material-Discursive Analysis of the Cancelled Brexit Vote
Vesa Heikkinen (University of Helsinki)
Politics as Change or Preservation – A case of Experts against Citizens?
Sara Garcia Santamaria (Universitat Ramon Llull)
Ricardo Lessa Filho (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco)
Posing with the People: Food Porn and the Far-Right in a Post-Truth Era
Chair: Mikko Salmela (University of Helsinki)
Papers: Sara Tafakori (London School of Economics and Political Science)
The affective and the popular: economic sanctions, Iran’s presidential election, and the emergence of the ‘compassionate state’
Olga A. Baysha (N. R. U. Higher School of Economics, Moscow)
“The Public Servant”: On the Role of Humor in the Populist Anti-Establishment Mobilization in the Ukraine of 2019.
Balázs Kiss (Hungarian Academy of Science)
Dramatic and Postdramatic: Strategies of Emotion Management
Chair: Johanna Sumiala (University of Helsinki)
Papers: Krisztián Szabados (Corvinus University of Budapest)
Populism and Anti-Science Politics: A New Analytical Framework
Tales Tomaz (Universität Salzburg)
Media monitoring from a post-foundational ontology
Joonas Koivukoski (University of Helsinki)
Verbal Humor in Populist Discourse – Jab Lines in Timo Soini’s Journey from Margin to Minister
Chair: Sara Garcia (Universitat Ramon Llull)
Papers: Maxim Alyukov (University of Tyumen/University of Helsinki)
TV and the Internet as Hybrid Media System: Cognitive Ecology and Russian TV Viewers’ Political Information Processing During Russia-Ukraine Conflict
Dolors Palau Sampio (Universy of Valencia)
The emergence of a populist radical right in Spain: Capitalising dissatisfaction and emotion in a polarised hybrid media context
Ilana Hartikainen (University of Helsinki)
Celebrity Populist Success in Hybrid Media Systems: The Czech Case
Chair: Mark Devenney (University of Brighton)
Papers: Matthias Lorenz (University of Vienna)
Spinoza’s Theory of Affect in recent debates on Populism and Political Subjectivity
Luis Gabriel Rojas (National Autonomous University of Mexico)
Ernesto Laclau’s populism: binding popular demands with ressentiment?
Tereza Capelos (University of Birmingham)
Mikko Salmela (University of Helsinki)
Ressentiment – A Complex Emotion or An Emotional Mechanism?
Chair: Pinar Uyan (Istanbul Bilgi University)
Papers: Aydin Atilgan (Near East University, Cyprus)
Conservative and Authoritarian Populism in Turkey: Populist Dual State of 21st Century
Niki Sopanen (University of Helsinki)
Crouching (paper) tiger, hidden (paper) dragon, and the clash of the conspiratorial turn? A post-foundational inquiry into foreign political conspiracy theory discourses in Sino-U.S. relations since the events of Tiananmen
Halil Gürhanlı (University of Helsinki)
Anti-Populism in Turkey: Centre-Periphery Model and Its Modernist Roots
Chair: Kinga Polynczuk-Alenius (University of Helsinki)
Papers: Ionut-Valentin Chiruta (University of Tartu)
Profiling populism rhetoric in Romania’s PSD-ALDE alliance: how populism and ‘mogulized’ media outlets polarize the society from 2015-2019
Beata Królicka (Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń)
Radosław Sojak (Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń)
External pluralism? Political parties’ access to radio and television in contemporary Poland (2015-2019)
Ruta Kazlauskaite (University of Helsinki)
Instrumentalization of Shame in Polish Right-Wing Media Coverage of the 2019 European Parliament Elections
Chair: Markku Jokisipilä (University of Turku)
Papers: Ana Lúcia Migowski (Justus Liebig University)
Memory and Discourse Theory: an analysis of contingent meanings regarding the Brazilian Military Dictatorship on Facebook
Jussi Pakkasvirta (University of Helsinki)
The re-shaping of Finnish Populism, 2010-2019
Maarit Pedak (University of Helsinki)
Risk communication in a populist era. Anti-vaccine -topic and the threat of measles epidemic in Finland
Chair: Niki Sopanen (University of Helsinki)
Papers: Tuomas Tervasmäki (Tampere University)
Inclusive communities through education: reaching beyond exclusive identification
Kristina Khutsishvili (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa)
Political Emotions and Identities: Possible Links of Narrative and Imagination
Lennart Soberon (Ghent University)
Untangling the strings of animosity: left-populism and agonistic politics in the American action film.
Restaurant Onda (Hämeentie 13 B, 00530 Helsinki)
Chair: Tuija Saresma (University of Jyväskylä)
Papers: Vered Porzycki (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Mind the Gap: Themes in Women's Representation in Parties’ Discourse in the European Parliament
Proma Ray Chaudhury (Dublin City University)
Populist Gender Discourse(s) in the Political Parties of Contemporary Bengal: A Study of the All India Trinamool Congress and the Bhartiya Janata Party.
Pille Ubakivi-Hadachi (Tallinn University)
Gendered meaning-making in populist politics – the case of Conservative People's Party of Estonia
Chair: Christopher Lizotte (University of Helsinki)
Papers: Tuula Vaarakallio (University of Jyväskylä)
Political polarisation and the Gilets jaunes movement in France
Vera da Cunha Pasqualin (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
The Street Carnival of São Paulo reflecting the polarised society in Brazil in 2019
Kees Terlouw (Utrecht University)
Legitimising identity discourses and metropolitan networks: urban competitiveness versus territorial protection
Hande Eslen-Ziya (University of Stavanger)
From anger to solidarity: The emotional echo-chamber of Gezi Park Protests
Chair: Emre Erdogan (Istanbul Bilgi University)
Papers: Olivier Jutel (University of Otago)
Post-Politics and Disavowal: Liberal Journalism’s Response to Trump
Pedro Ponte e Sousa (New University of Lisbon)
The use of emotions and the promotion of contentious foreign policy options: continuity and change in the case of Portugal
Tuğçe Erçetin (Istanbul Bilgi University)
Under a Fear-Driven Populism Scenario: "Us and Them"
Discussant: Spyros Sofos (Lund University)
Chair: Urpo Kovala (University of Jyväskylä)
Papers: Outi Hakola (University of Helsinki)
Political Parody and Populist Masculinity of Donald Trump in Saturday Night Live
Janne Salminen (University of Helsinki)
When Masculinity Becomes Toxic: The Clashing Masculinities of Mad Max: Fury Road
Juho Turpeinen (University of Helsinki)
Land and Populism: From the Tea Party to Trumpism
Chair: Laura Sibinescu (University of Helsinki)
Papers: Andre Krouwel (Free University in Amsterdam)
Ioan Hosu (Babes-Bolyai University Cluj)
Mihnea Stoica (Babes-Bolyai University Cluj)
Populist discourse on elite failure and blaming immigrants: How cultural, not economic issues drive political polarization in European democracies
Nino Gozalishvili (Central European University – CEU)
The National-Populist Mobilization of “Georgian March”: Facebook as a Platform for Legitimizing Anti-Immigrant Discourses and Polarization around the Notion of Europe
Iro Särkkä (University of Helsinki)
Chair: Dolors Palau Sampio (University of Valencia)
Papers: Burcu Sezer (Ankara University)
The Emotions of Islamic Populism in Turkey: An Examination on the magazine “Cins”
Andrzej Meler (Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń)
Beata Królicka (Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń)
Chair: Nicola Nymalm (Swedish Institute of International Affairs)
Papers: Marc-Antoine Rancourt (Laval University)
Is the Death Penalty Debate Really Dead? Contrasting Capital Punishment Support in Canada and the United States
Inna Sukhenko (University of Helsinki)
Emoting "atom for peace" in US nuclear fiction
Virpi Salojärvi (University of Helsinki)
The role of media in a “post-populist” dynamic: The case of Venezuela under Maduro’s regime
Chair: Tuire Liimatainen (University of Helsinki)
Papers: Tereza Capelos (University of Birmingham)
Jessica Small (University of Birmingham)
Mapping Emotion Walls: an analysis of leaders' anti-immigration narratives in the UK European Elections
Johanna Sumiala (University of Helsinki)
Anu A Harju (University of Helsinki)
Emilia Palonen (University of Helsinki)
#TurkuAttack - A Critical Analysis of Islamophobia as Populism in the Digital Public Space
Chair: Emmy Eklundh (King’s College London)
Papers: Maria Balea (University of Bucharest)
Defenders of democracy: Populist discourse and democracy in Italy and the United Kingdom
François Debras (University of Liege)
Identity democracy, radical democracy: how does right-wing populism use the notion of democracy in its speeches?
Mohsen Abbaszadeh Marzbali (University of Mazandaran, Iran)
Mohammad Radmard Soleymandarabi (University of Mazandaran, Iran)
Democracy, Development, and the Challenge of Populism (With a Focus on Contemporary Iran)
Commentary and discussion
Panel Session 7 with affiliated Helsinki Summer School courses’ participants presenting, 13:00-15:00
Chair: Ilana Hartikainen (University of Helsinki)
Papers: Zea Szebeni (University of Helsinki)
The functions and effects of fake news and their association with political polarization
Sophie Schmalenberger (Aarhus University)
Populism beyond the “Never again!”: The AfD as Memory Alternative for Germany
Jessica Adams (University of East London)
Participatory art, political participation, and left populism in the UK
Jiun-Chi Lin (KU Leuven/ National Sun Yat-sen University)
Comparing Online Right-wing and Left-wing Populist Communication: Analysing Facebook Contents of AfD’s and The Left’s Top Candidates in the 2017 Bundestagswahl
Panel Session 8 with affiliated Helsinki Summer School courses’ participants presenting, 15:30-17:00
Chair: Marina Vulovic (University of Helsinki)
Papers: Michael Cole (University of Tartu)
Alternative Truths: The Kerch Strait Incident and Martial Law in Russian Language News Headlines
Jaanika Erne (University of Tartu)
The Concept of Expression in Classical, Modern, and Postmodern Contexts
Otto Kyyrönen (Tampere University/ University of Jyväskylä)
Retracing Ideology: The Four Marxist Traditions
Chair: Marina Vulovic (University of Helsinki)
Papers: Michael Cole (University of Tartu)
Alternative Truths: The Kerch Strait Incident and Martial Law in Russian Language News Headlines
Jaanika Erne (University of Tartu)
The Concept of Expression in Classical, Modern, and Postmodern Contexts
Otto Kyyrönen (Tampere University/ University of Jyväskylä)
Retracing Ideology: The Four Marxist Traditions
Chair: Marina Vulovic (University of Helsinki)
Papers: Michael Cole (University of Tartu)
Alternative Truths: The Kerch Strait Incident and Martial Law in Russian Language News Headlines
Jaanika Erne (University of Tartu)
The Concept of Expression in Classical, Modern, and Postmodern Contexts
Otto Kyyrönen (Tampere University/ University of Jyväskylä)
Retracing Ideology: The Four Marxist Traditions
Chair: Marina Vulovic (University of Helsinki)
Papers: Michael Cole (University of Tartu)
Alternative Truths: The Kerch Strait Incident and Martial Law in Russian Language News Headlines
Jaanika Erne (University of Tartu)
The Concept of Expression in Classical, Modern, and Postmodern Contexts
Otto Kyyrönen (Tampere University/ University of Jyväskylä)
Retracing Ideology: The Four Marxist Traditions
Chair: Marina Vulovic (University of Helsinki)
Papers: Michael Cole (University of Tartu)
Alternative Truths: The Kerch Strait Incident and Martial Law in Russian Language News Headlines
Jaanika Erne (University of Tartu)
The Concept of Expression in Classical, Modern, and Postmodern Contexts
Otto Kyyrönen (Tampere University/ University of Jyväskylä)
Retracing Ideology: The Four Marxist Traditions
Chair: Marina Vulovic (University of Helsinki)
Papers: Michael Cole (University of Tartu)
Alternative Truths: The Kerch Strait Incident and Martial Law in Russian Language News Headlines
Jaanika Erne (University of Tartu)
The Concept of Expression in Classical, Modern, and Postmodern Contexts
Otto Kyyrönen (Tampere University/ University of Jyväskylä)
Retracing Ideology: The Four Marxist Traditions
Chair: Marina Vulovic (University of Helsinki)
Papers: Michael Cole (University of Tartu)
Alternative Truths: The Kerch Strait Incident and Martial Law in Russian Language News Headlines
Jaanika Erne (University of Tartu)
The Concept of Expression in Classical, Modern, and Postmodern Contexts
Otto Kyyrönen (Tampere University/ University of Jyväskylä)
Retracing Ideology: The Four Marxist Traditions
Chair: Marina Vulovic (University of Helsinki)
Papers: Michael Cole (University of Tartu)
Alternative Truths: The Kerch Strait Incident and Martial Law in Russian Language News Headlines
Jaanika Erne (University of Tartu)
The Concept of Expression in Classical, Modern, and Postmodern Contexts
Otto Kyyrönen (Tampere University/ University of Jyväskylä)
Retracing Ideology: The Four Marxist Traditions
Chair: Marina Vulovic (University of Helsinki)
Papers: Michael Cole (University of Tartu)
Alternative Truths: The Kerch Strait Incident and Martial Law in Russian Language News Headlines
Jaanika Erne (University of Tartu)
The Concept of Expression in Classical, Modern, and Postmodern Contexts
Otto Kyyrönen (Tampere University/ University of Jyväskylä)
Retracing Ideology: The Four Marxist Traditions
Chair: Marina Vulovic (University of Helsinki)
Papers: Michael Cole (University of Tartu)
Alternative Truths: The Kerch Strait Incident and Martial Law in Russian Language News Headlines
Jaanika Erne (University of Tartu)
The Concept of Expression in Classical, Modern, and Postmodern Contexts
Otto Kyyrönen (Tampere University/ University of Jyväskylä)
Retracing Ideology: The Four Marxist Traditions
Chair: Marina Vulovic (University of Helsinki)
Papers: Michael Cole (University of Tartu)
Alternative Truths: The Kerch Strait Incident and Martial Law in Russian Language News Headlines
Jaanika Erne (University of Tartu)
The Concept of Expression in Classical, Modern, and Postmodern Contexts
Otto Kyyrönen (Tampere University/ University of Jyväskylä)
Retracing Ideology: The Four Marxist Traditions
Chair: Marina Vulovic (University of Helsinki)
Papers: Michael Cole (University of Tartu)
Alternative Truths: The Kerch Strait Incident and Martial Law in Russian Language News Headlines
Jaanika Erne (University of Tartu)
The Concept of Expression in Classical, Modern, and Postmodern Contexts
Otto Kyyrönen (Tampere University/ University of Jyväskylä)
Retracing Ideology: The Four Marxist Traditions
Chair: Marina Vulovic (University of Helsinki)
Papers: Michael Cole (University of Tartu)
Alternative Truths: The Kerch Strait Incident and Martial Law in Russian Language News Headlines
Jaanika Erne (University of Tartu)
The Concept of Expression in Classical, Modern, and Postmodern Contexts
Otto Kyyrönen (Tampere University/ University of Jyväskylä)
Retracing Ideology: The Four Marxist Traditions
Chair: Marina Vulovic (University of Helsinki)
Papers: Michael Cole (University of Tartu)
Alternative Truths: The Kerch Strait Incident and Martial Law in Russian Language News Headlines
Jaanika Erne (University of Tartu)
The Concept of Expression in Classical, Modern, and Postmodern Contexts
Otto Kyyrönen (Tampere University/ University of Jyväskylä)
Retracing Ideology: The Four Marxist Traditions
Chair: Marina Vulovic (University of Helsinki)
Papers: Michael Cole (University of Tartu)
Alternative Truths: The Kerch Strait Incident and Martial Law in Russian Language News Headlines
Jaanika Erne (University of Tartu)
The Concept of Expression in Classical, Modern, and Postmodern Contexts
Otto Kyyrönen (Tampere University/ University of Jyväskylä)
Retracing Ideology: The Four Marxist Traditions
Chair: Marina Vulovic (University of Helsinki)
Papers: Michael Cole (University of Tartu)
Alternative Truths: The Kerch Strait Incident and Martial Law in Russian Language News Headlines
Jaanika Erne (University of Tartu)
The Concept of Expression in Classical, Modern, and Postmodern Contexts
Otto Kyyrönen (Tampere University/ University of Jyväskylä)
Retracing Ideology: The Four Marxist Traditions
Chair: Marina Vulovic (University of Helsinki)
Papers: Michael Cole (University of Tartu)
Alternative Truths: The Kerch Strait Incident and Martial Law in Russian Language News Headlines
Jaanika Erne (University of Tartu)
The Concept of Expression in Classical, Modern, and Postmodern Contexts
Otto Kyyrönen (Tampere University/ University of Jyväskylä)
Retracing Ideology: The Four Marxist Traditions
Chair: Marina Vulovic (University of Helsinki)
Papers: Michael Cole (University of Tartu)
Alternative Truths: The Kerch Strait Incident and Martial Law in Russian Language News Headlines
Jaanika Erne (University of Tartu)
The Concept of Expression in Classical, Modern, and Postmodern Contexts
Otto Kyyrönen (Tampere University/ University of Jyväskylä)
Retracing Ideology: The Four Marxist Traditions
Chair: Marina Vulovic (University of Helsinki)
Papers: Michael Cole (University of Tartu)
Alternative Truths: The Kerch Strait Incident and Martial Law in Russian Language News Headlines
Jaanika Erne (University of Tartu)
The Concept of Expression in Classical, Modern, and Postmodern Contexts
Otto Kyyrönen (Tampere University/ University of Jyväskylä)
Retracing Ideology: The Four Marxist Traditions
Chair: Marina Vulovic (University of Helsinki)
Papers: Michael Cole (University of Tartu)
Alternative Truths: The Kerch Strait Incident and Martial Law in Russian Language News Headlines
Jaanika Erne (University of Tartu)
The Concept of Expression in Classical, Modern, and Postmodern Contexts
Otto Kyyrönen (Tampere University/ University of Jyväskylä)
Retracing Ideology: The Four Marxist Traditions
Chair: Marina Vulovic (University of Helsinki)
Papers: Michael Cole (University of Tartu)
Alternative Truths: The Kerch Strait Incident and Martial Law in Russian Language News Headlines
Jaanika Erne (University of Tartu)
The Concept of Expression in Classical, Modern, and Postmodern Contexts
Otto Kyyrönen (Tampere University/ University of Jyväskylä)
Retracing Ideology: The Four Marxist Traditions
Chair: Marina Vulovic (University of Helsinki)
Papers: Michael Cole (University of Tartu)
Alternative Truths: The Kerch Strait Incident and Martial Law in Russian Language News Headlines
Jaanika Erne (University of Tartu)
The Concept of Expression in Classical, Modern, and Postmodern Contexts
Otto Kyyrönen (Tampere University/ University of Jyväskylä)
Retracing Ideology: The Four Marxist Traditions
Chair: Marina Vulovic (University of Helsinki)
Papers: Michael Cole (University of Tartu)
Alternative Truths: The Kerch Strait Incident and Martial Law in Russian Language News Headlines
Jaanika Erne (University of Tartu)
The Concept of Expression in Classical, Modern, and Postmodern Contexts
Otto Kyyrönen (Tampere University/ University of Jyväskylä)
Retracing Ideology: The Four Marxist Traditions
Chair: Marina Vulovic (University of Helsinki)
Papers: Michael Cole (University of Tartu)
Alternative Truths: The Kerch Strait Incident and Martial Law in Russian Language News Headlines
Jaanika Erne (University of Tartu)
The Concept of Expression in Classical, Modern, and Postmodern Contexts
Otto Kyyrönen (Tampere University/ University of Jyväskylä)
Retracing Ideology: The Four Marxist Traditions