20th Nordic Migration Research conference and 17th ETMU Conference

20th Nordic Migration Research Conference & 17th ETMU Conference

The 20th Nordic Migration Research Conference and the 17th Society for the Study of Ethnic Relations and International Migration (ETMU) conference will be organized online in collaboration with the University of Helsinki, Finland, on January 11–14, 2021, under the theme of Colonial/Racial Histories, National Narratives and Transnational Migration. The conference aims to provide a multidisciplinary platform for discussions in which the colonial/racial past and present (coloniality) are seen as relevant for how diasporic communities, racialized minorities, and Indigenous Peoples are encountered and acted upon in the Nordic societies, as well as how these communities resist, question, resurgence, organize themselves and seek for alternative horizons beyond hierarchies.

See full conference theme

Due to the Covid-19 situation and global uncertainty it continuously causes, the University of Helsinki recommends digital events, and therefore the conference organizers have decided to organize the conference fully online. Read more here.

Key dates and dead­lines


The full conference programme will be published on January 7th, 2021.

A separate access guide to the programme will be sent to registered participants on January 7th, 2021. The links will be available on the access guide first day of the conference, Monday 11th, 2021.

FOR THOSE WHO WILL NOT PARTICIPATE IN THE FULL CONFERENCE PROGRAMME BUT ONLY WANT TO FOLLOW THE MAIN EVENTS, we are thrilled to offer access to some of the highlights of the 2021 conference,  including keynote speakers and the panel discussion, ”Arts as a way of decolonzing”. We kindly ask that you register through the google form in order to gain access to these featured events. We will contact those who register on Monday, January 11th via email providing the links to the events. Please fill out the form here! Note that this option doesn't concern participant who are attending the whole conference and have already registered.






+358 40 163 7417 (Merja Skaffari-Multala, Conference secretary)