
Registration fees for online conference attendance:
  • Regular price; presenters, session chairs ------------------------------------------------------------------100€
  • Presenters who are ETMU-members*, PhD/MA students, unemployed ------------------------ 60€
  • Participants without own presentation, "listeners" ----------------------------------------------------- 30€

The conference key-notes and the panel discussion ”Arts as way of decolonizing” are openly accessible and free of charge for all registered participants.

We also want to enable participation in the conference workshops for those participants who do not have the financial means to pay the conference participation fee. If you are currently without funding for your research, unemployed or for other reasons not able to pay, but are still interested in participating in the conference, there will be a possibility to apply for a sponsorship in connection with the registration. The quota for free participation is however limited.

The pre-registration will be mandatory for all due to limited number of participants.

Registration is open 26 October to 4 December 2020. Please register here.

  • Registration fee for regular and discounted presenters includes 50€ of NMR membership fee.
  • Kindly note that NMR membership fee enables publishing of the open-access peer-reviewed journal Nordic Journal of Migration Research, maintenance of the necessary infrastructure for NMR activities and organizing of the NMR conferences even in the future.
  • *If you are not a member of The Finnish Society for the Study of Ethnic Relation and International Migration (ETMU) yet, you can apply for membership upon registration and by paying the 30€ annual membership fee (20€ for students). If you already are a ETMU member, please make sure to pay your membership fee before the conference registration. If you are not sure if you have paid your fee or have another question about ETMU membership, please contact ETMU’s membership coordinator Ilkhom Khalimzoda (ilkhom.i.khalimzoda[at] More about ETMU-membership and payments here.