Visiting Fellows 2009-2010

Visiting Fellows 2009-2010

Visiting Fellows 2009-2010

Tchalakov, Ivan

"The Entrepreneurship in Socialist and Early Transition Economies"

Fellowship period: April 1 – June 30, 2010

Ivan Tchalakov is Associate Professor at University of Plovdiv, Department of Sociology and senior research fellow at Technology Studies Group at Institute of Sociology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. He is working in the fields of Sociology of Knowledge, Sociology of Sciences and Technologies and Economics of Technical Change. Between 1993-1997 he has carried out an ethnographic study of holographic laboratory (CLOSPI) at BAS, where he developed the notion of heterogeneous micro-community, constituted on the relationships of passivity and responsibility between human and nonhuman actors. Currently he is elaborating these ideas, studying the Byzantine contributions to the Aristotle’s theory of action and its relevance for understanding scientific and engineering practice. Since the mid-1990s he has also extensively studied the transformation of the research and innovation systems in post-socialist countries. He is working in the filed of historical sociology of socialism and focuses on science and technology development in South-Eastern Europe after WW II.

In 1999 Tchalakov received The Award of Bulgarian National Fund for Scientific Research for the book "Making a Hologram: A book about Light, about Scientists and their world”, Marin Drinov Academic Publishers, Sofia, Bulgaria. Between 1999 and 2003 he was elected as president of Bulgarian Sociological Association.

Personal website

Email: tchalakov [at]

Trubina, Elena

“Post-Soviet Urban Mobilities: Charting the Differences”

Fellowship period: January 1 – February 28, 2010

Elena Trubina is Professor of Philosophy and Social Theory at the Ural State University. Her publications include Rasskazannoye Ya (The Narrated Self) (2000) which explores the relations between the post-Soviet subjectivities and the fundamental themes of the 20 century philosophy, such as authenticity,  action and creativity, ideology, social and political change, and history and memory. She worked as a member of a few international research teams on the issues of the post-Soviet space, diversity after the Soviet Union, changes in the value systems, and trauma. She co-edited the collection of essays devoted to the social dimensions of trauma Travma: Punkty (Trauma: Points)(2009). She is currently working on the interface between various mapping practices, mobility, art and the post-Soviet space.

Email: eletru [at]

Vázquez Linan, Miguel

“Political use of history for constructing a "sole" identity in present-day Russia: an approach to History of Communication and Propaganda"

Fellowship period: April 1 – June 30, 2010

Miguel Vázquez is a Lecturer in Social History of Communication at the Department of Journalism I (University of Seville, Spain) and Head of the “Eurasia Observatory”. Dr. Vázquez has a PhD in Information Science from the Complutense University of Madrid (Department of History of Social Communication). His research areas include Soviet and Post-Soviet Propaganda History (especially War Propaganda) and Russian Media System. Over recent years, his research work has been keyed to the study of the political use of history in Putin’s Russia, as well as the analysis of the “campaign” (and the discourse accompanying it) orchestrated with the aim of disseminating the version of history promoted by the Kremlin. Vazquez's English-language publications include “History as a Propaganda Tool in Putin’s Russia” (Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 2010) and “Putin's Propaganda Legacy” (Post-Soviet Affairs, 2009).


Email: mvazquez [at]

Zdravomyslova, Elena

“Arrangements of Care over the Elderly Family Members in the Russian Urban Middle Class Households: Gender Perspective”

Fellowship period: November 1 – December 31, 2009

Elena Zdravomyslova is Professor at the European University at St. Petersburg and co-coordinator of  Gender Studies Program. Her research and teaching fields include: gender studies, women’s movements, qualitative research methods. Her recent publications include:

2009. Co-editor and author of Health and Trust: gender perspective in reproductive healthcare

2008.Co-editor and author of: Novyi byt: in contemporary Russia: gender studies of the everyday life. SPb EUSPb

2007. Co-editor and author of: ‘Russian Gender order: Sociological Perspective’. SPb EUSPb (in Russian)

2007. Soldiers’ Mothers Fighting the Military Patriarchy In: I.Lenz, Ch.Ullrich and B.Fersch (eds.) Gender Orders Unbound? Barbara Budrich Publishers, Oplanden&Farmington Hills. Pp.207-228

2007. Anna Rotkirch, Anna Temkina, and Elena Zdravomyslova

Who Helps the Degraded Housewife?: Comments on Vladimir Putin's Demographic Speech // European Journal of Women's Studies, # 14: 349-357.

Zhuravlev, Sergey

“Post-Soviet Reforms and the Impact of the “Soviet Heritage”: The Russian Giant Avto VAZ in the Times of Transformation From the late 1980s to 2008”

Fellowship period: May 1 – June 30, 2010

Sergei Zhuravlev is a Leading Researcher at the Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow. He has graduated from the Moscow State Institute for History and Archives (1984) and received Ph.D. in Russian History from the Russian State University for the Humanities (1989), and Doktor nauk degree from the Institute of Russian History, RAS (1999). His major field is Soviet and post-Soviet history.

Zhuravlev has co-edited volumes of documents on everyday life under Stalin, including Stalinism as a Way of Life (Yale University Press, 2000), and authored monographs, including a history of Maxim Gorky historical initiatives of the 1930s, Fenomen “Istorii fabrik i zavodov” (Moscow, 1997); of a major Soviet automobile factory, AVTOVAZ mezhdu proshlym i budushchim, 1966-2005 (Moscow, 2006); and concerning foreign workers in the Moscow electro-technical plant Elektrozavod in the 1920-30s, “Malen’kie liudi”  i” bol'shaya istoriya” (Moscow, 2000), “Ich bitte um Arbeit in der Sowjetunion”(Ch. Links Verlag, Berlin, 2003). Currently he is concluding a manuscript on the history of Soviet fashion industry.

e-mail svzhuravlev [at]