ExpREES Courses 2024–2025

ExpREES has a multidisciplinary curriculum with courses offered by several Finnish universities of our network. We offer a wide range of courses from which students may choose the most interesting and relevant courses for them to strengthen their own expertise in ExpREES area studies.

In addition to the coordination of optional courses offered by the universities of our nationwide network, the Aleksanteri Institute organises three compulsory courses: ExpREES Summer School (onsite), ExpREES Master's Thesis Seminar (onsite and online groups) and ExpREES Multimodal Course (onsite and Moodle). ExpREES also offers annual study trips abroad. ExpREES encourages its students to take part in student exchanges through their home universities' exchange programmes, and also offers possibilities to participate in courses and summer schools abroad.

Courses offered by the network are open to all ExpREES students. Please remember to enrol in courses in advance. Also please remember to register all your courses in Sisu. You can find instructions on how to register for courses and use Sisu here.

Use the online registration form to register for courses not organised by your home university or University of Helsinki. The deadlines for registration for the autumn periods are:

  • 20 August 2024
  • 21 September 2024
  • 29 October 2024

Deadlines for the spring periods are:

  • 19 December 2024
  • 28 January 2025
  • 25 February 2025
  • 8 April 2025

Fall 2024 - on­li­ne/​hy­brid cour­ses

Fall 2024 - on-site lec­tu­re cour­ses

Spring 2025 - on­li­ne/​hy­brid cour­ses

Fall 2025 - on-site lec­tu­re cour­ses

  • Aalto Yliopisto / Aalto University: Aalto
  • Helsingin yliopisto / University of Helsinki: HY / UH
  • Itä-Suomen yliopisto / University of Eastern Finland: ISY / UEF
  • Jyväskylän yliopisto / University of Jyväskylä: JY / JYU
  • Lapin yliopisto / University of Lapland: LY / UL
  • Lappeenrannan teknillinen yliopisto / Lappeenranta University of Technology: LUT
  • Oulun yliopisto / University of Oulu: OY / UO
  • Hanken Svenska handelshögskolan / Hanken School of Economics: SHH / Hanken
  • Tampereen yliopisto / University of Tampere: TAU
  • Turun yliopisto / University of Turku: TY / UTU
  • Vaasan yliopisto / Univesity of Vaasa: VY / UV
  • Åbo Akademi / Åbo Akademi University: ÅA